Ordinance 81-90OEDII~ANCE NO. al - 90 AN ORDINANCE ANE. NDING ORDINANCE 79-32 TEE COtfPREI~ENS IVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY A~fENDIN(3 TIfK LAN~ USE ELEI'fENT t~3RK STUDY AREA NAP J~2 FRON AGRICULTURAL TO RE= SIDENTIAL LO~ DENSITY (0-2 UNITS PER GROSS ACER) ON TEE FOLLOVING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: A PORTION OF SECTION 20~ TO~SIIIP &8 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST HaRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ]2REIN; ANI} PEOVIDIN0 AN KFFECTIVK DATE. M~RKA$, Villiam R. Vines representing Nanchester lnvestmeflto lac., and Quail Creek Development, petitioned the Board of County Commas= alonera to change the Land Us~ Classification of the herein described real property; NOV, ~REFORK, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION The Land Uae Classification of the herein described property is changed from Agricultural to Residential Low Density (0-2 units per ~ross acre) the Vork Study Area Nap ~2 as described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby anended ac~ordin~lyt Connencin~ st the southwest corner o[ Section 20, Township G8 ~outh, Range ~6 East, Collier ~u~ty, ~loridal thencc ~lon~ the south line of said Section 20, North B9~-09'o18' East 100Oo01 feetl thence along the east line of the vest 1000,O0 ~eet of said Sec- tion 20, North l~-OS~-&?' Vest lO0,OO to the north line of the Collier County Drsinale Rlghtoof-~ay ss recorded in Deed Book 43, pare 167, Collier Co~ty Public Records f~r the POINT OF BEGINNING of the parcel herein described; thence continuing along the east line of the vest lO00.OO feet of said Section 20, North l*-08*-&?" Vest 5214,69 feet ta the no,th line of said Section 201 t~ence along the north line of said Section 20, North 89'-05'-08' East 16&7.$9 feet to tho north ~ corner of said Section 20; thence continuin~ alone the north line of said Section 20, North 89~-05~-08" East 60.00 feet; thence alon[ the east line of the west ~0.00 feet of the east ~ o~ said Jection ~0, South le-0&*-O2' East 3&47.14 feet; thence South 88~-$S'=S8" Vest 60.00 feet to a point on the southeasterly riiht-of-vay line of Valewood Drive according to the plat of Quail Cree Unit Dna as recorded in Plat Book 13, pa~e~19 throush 26, Collier County Public Records, ~ollie~c~ Cc~tnty, Floridsl ,~ c~ thence alone tbs southeasterly right=of-way line ~f sal~ Valevood Drive, southwesterly &79.91 feet alone thm a~ of a circular cu~w ~oncave to thw northwest~ havins a r~lus o~ 605.00 feet, ~btended by a chord which bear~ Soutk. 36''25~'50' ~est ~67.~2 feetl ~ ~ the~cu continuing alone the southeasterly risht-of-wny~ine o~ said Valewood ~rive, 5ou~b ~9'-O~*-F" ~e~ ~17.91 feet~thenc~ ~ continuint alon~ the southeasterly right-of-way line ~f nai~ Valewood Drive~ southwesterly 663.A5 feet ~lon~ thl arc of a circular cu~ concave to the southenst~ havin[ · radius o{ 870.00 feet, subtended by a chord which hears South 37e-lB'-31" ~ent 647.49 feetl thence leaving said 8outheasterly rl[ht-of-way line~ ~Orth lTe-lO'-&4' ~est ~1.~9 feet to · point ~fl the florthvelterly right-of-way line of said Vilewood Drivel thence leaving said northwesterly risht=of-vay line of Vale~od Drive~ North 57'-37'-11" West 491,~5 feetl thence South 1e-08'-47" East 937.S& feet to t~e no~th ~lne o£ ee~d Collier County Dreine~a Wilht-of-Vay{ thence elonw the north line of aaid Collier County Drainage Rilht'of-Way South 890'09'-18" Welt 95.00 feet to the Point of Belinnin{; EXCEPTING therefrom the Valevood Drive Public Right-of-Way eccordinl to said recorded Plat of quell Creek Unit Onet (Plot Book 13, piss 19 through 26); bein~ · part of Section 20, Tovnahip 48 Southt Nen~e 26 East, Collier County, Florida{ subject to ealemonta and restrictions of record{ containinI 154.64 ecrel more or leas. r~ Commencin8 at the southvelt corner of Section 20, Tovnlhip 48 South. Nanle 26 £aat, Collier County, ~lorida{ thence aXon~ the .outh Xlne of laid Section 20, North S9°-09'-11" £alt 1000.01 feet; thence elons the salt line of the vest lO00.O0 feet of slid Sec- tion 20, North 1°-08'-47'' West 100.00 feet to the north line of the Collier County Drainage Right-of-Way et recorded in Deed Book 43, pale 26?, Collier County Public Recordl{ thence alonl said north line of the Collier County Drainage Risht-of-Way North halt 95.00 feet for the POINT OF BEGIN~qlNO of the parcel herein described; thence North lc'OS"&7" Welt 937.56 feet; thence South S?e-3?'-II'' East &91.55 feet to the Westerly Nlsht-of-Wly line of Valewood Drive accordin~ to the plat of Quail Creek Unit One as recorded in Plat Book 13~ pales through 26, Collier County Public Eecorda, Collier County, Tlorida; thence South 87e-10'-44" halt 61.39 feet to a point of curve- turn on the easterly r~ht-of-vay l~ne of laid Valewood Drive; thence alonl the easterly righ~-of-vly line of acid Valevood Drive, northeasterly 663.&5 feet elna8 the &re of · circular curve concave to the iouthealt, hlvtnl a radius of 870.00 feet, subtende~ by a chord which bears North 37e-18'-31'' East 64~.49 fee~l thence contlnulnR itonl the southeasterly right-of-ray line of laid Vatevood Drive, North 59e'09~'~8' talk 4&7.92 feet; ,: thence co~t~nulnq a~ong the southeasterly right-of-wly line of ~'~laid ~alevood Drive, Northrssterly, 479.9! feet along the arc ,~ of a ~c~rcul~r curve concave to the no rthwelt, having a radius ~ of 605.00 feet, subtended by a chord ~h£ch bears North 36e-25'-~0't East ~67.~2 feet to a point on the north and south ~ line of said Section 20{ thence North 88e-$$'-$8'' East 60.00 feet to the east line of the vest 60.00 feet of the East ~ of said Section 20~ thence &long the east line of the veil 60.00 feet of the east ._ ~ of slid Section 20, South le-04'-02" East 1769.59 feet more ~ or leal to the north line of laid Collier County Niiht-of-Way; thence along the north line of ~eid Collier County DreSsage Rl{ht-of-Vay, South 89'o09'-18'' Welt 60.00 feet to the north and south ~ line of laid Section 20; thence continuing along the north llJe of said Collier County Drainage Right-of-Way, South 89'-09'-18" Volt 1545.31 feet to tho POINT OF BEGINNING{ ~XCSPTIN~ therefrom the V~l~vood Drive ~ublic RiehL-of-Way · ccordinl to s~ld recorded Pl~t of ~ll Creek Unit Onet ~ook 13, pales 19 t~rou~h 26){ $outh~ boils I part of the sovLh ~ of Section 20, Township &8 Pqnge 26 hint, Collier County, Florida{ subject to ealements and reatrictions of record{ containin8 3g,?O acres more or loll. I£CTXO~ ?~Or Thio Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that it bis been received by the Office or the Secretary of State, PASSED A~D DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Co~milsioners of Collier County, Floridm, this ~ day o~ __D?.p_~rn~_, 1981. COUNTY OF COLLIER BOARD OF COU~I'Y COHHISSIO~RS COLLIER COUld'Ye .FLORIDA I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts In and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing ts a true original of~ ORDINANCE NO. 81-90 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular SesJion December 15, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this lSth day of December, 1981. WILL?AM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of County Co,~nisaioners . . This ordinance filed with the SecPeta~y of State's ~^' "°}':."..,"~ Office the 22nd day of DecembeP. 1981 and of that ftltn~ received this 29th day of December, TC/aa/ll&-I PI~naIn8 Dep~rt~n% 11/1~/~I