Ordinance 81-87t~ C~P~I~NSI~ PL~ FOR CO~LIER CO~ FLORIDA'BY ~INO ~ ~ USE ELE~ D~$I~J (0-~ ~ITS PER ~OSS AC~) TO ~SI- DECRIAL" ~DI~ D~NSITY (0-6.22 ~ITS OROSS AC~) ON ~ FOLLO~I~ DESCRIBED PROP- ER~ A PORTION OF SECTION 15~ TO. SHIP SO~ ~GE 2~ EAST~ HO~ P~TICU~LY DESCRIBED ~INI ~ PROVIDI.NO ~ EFFECTI~ DA~. Ifl~REAS, Daniel E, Conley, reprosentins ~'aisperinz Pines, Inc., and Glass Oorhsm, Inc,, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to cheese the Land Use Classification of the herein described res! prop- e.rty; ~OV, ~REFORE, BE IT OP. DAI~rED by the Board o~ County Co~issioners of Collier County~ Florid~ SECTIO~ ~: ~o Land Ua~ Classific~io~ of the herein described property is chan~ed from Residential Low-Nedi~ Density (O-i units per Iross acre) to sidential ~edi~ Density (0-6.22 units per arose acre) ~.d the ~ork $~udy Area Nap ~2 as described tn Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordinilyl rn P~L "B' u A parcel of land lytnI within Section 15, To. ship A8 South, o R.nae 25 E.tst~ Collier County~ Florida~ b~l~l ~or~ psrtic~arly described .s follows: Fro. th~ Southwest corner oS slid $ectio. lt, beer ~ 89'-~8~-37 alone the Souzh line of ..id Section~ · distance of 15.36 feet to the East of U.S. Ill thenc~ N le-O0~-30" V~ ~lon[ said E~s~ lin~ ~00.03 fe~t to p~r~ll~l with ~nd 200.00 f~et North.fly fros th~ s~id South lin~ S~c~ion thenc~ N 89'-~8'-37" E~ ~loa~ said p~r~ll~l liae~ 600.09 fe~ to lin~ p~r~ll~l wl~h ~nd 600.00 f~t E~sterly froe the Eas~ line of U.S. ~1~ and th~ Point of B~linninl; theac~ continue N 89e-58'-3~'' E, ~lon~ s~ld p~rall~l 2066.92 fe~t ~o th~ E~s~ line of · 100~ vlg~ Florid~ Power and Lliht ~as~n~ (O.B. 30~ PI. 27)i thence ~ 0*-53~-00*' V, ~lon~ s~ld E~st line, 1S3~.57 feet, to th~ Sooth line cf the North 280 feet o~ the South ~ ot the ~orth ~ ~f ISl{ Sectionl ~C. I: C~*-5~' '31~ ~. tlong lal~ South line, 139.97 feet ',o thJ East lin~ of Royal Cove Subdivision (PB. 8, PI. 13) ii prcs~ntly thence X 89'-51'-16" V, alonl the South line of said Royal Covo Subdtvision~ 1930.34 feet to I line pnrnllel with and &O0,O0 feet Easterly fr~ the tast lin~ of U,S. thence S le'o0'-30" [, aloes laid parallel line 1537.25 feet te the Point ~f ~ellnnina. .:, 0t3 Coati,nibS 72.~ acros~ more or loll. PAECEL A perco~ of land 1yin8 vithin Section 15t Township &8, South, Rinse 25 East, Collier .County, Florida, bain~ more specifically described es follower From the Southwest corner of said Section aloog the South line of said Sect~on,.e distance of 2536.83 feet to the South ~ corner of said Section; thence continue alon8 said South line, S 89'o59'-18'' E, I~S.10 feet to the East line of a 100' wide Florida Power sad Lisht easement (D.B. 30, P. 27) end the Point of thence continue S 89a-59'-18'' E, along said South line, 703.82 feet to the East line of the 130' wide Seaboard ' Coastline Ra~lrosd~ t~ence N 5e~9''13'' V, along said East line, 691.83 feet tO tt~e poitt~ o~curvat~ro of & c~rcular c~rve concave to the East a~d hav~('a, radius of 22,85~.3 feet[ ~ence ~ortherly, along the arc and said East line, through a central'ingle of 2~-37~-S1" a distance of ~0G9 35 feet to the ,Mouth l~ne of the ~orth 2~0 feet of the South .of Section [~cnce ~ 89e=$~'-31" ~ alon~ said South line, $72.9& feet to ,[~he said Kant line of the 100' wide Florida Power and Light easement[ thence S 0'o$2'-00'' £, along said East line, I~3~,68 feet to the Point of Containin8 ~$,~3 acres, more or less, S£CTION T~O: This Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that it has been received By the Office of the Secretary of State, PA~SKD A~D DULLY ADOPTED by the Board of County Co~issioners of Collier County, Florida, this 15th day of ~, 1981. ~OAED OF COUNTY CO~ISSIO~RS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~: ': Plan'~'~nj Dc~artment ~ This ordinance fi]ed with the Secretary of State's Office the 22nd day of December, 1981 and acknowledgement of that ft}ing received this 2gth day of December, b'TAT~ 01~ I~LORIDA COLLIER I, WlLLTA~4 3. R~LN, Clerk o£ Courts in And £or tho l~entleth .ludl~ta! Circuit, Collier Cowry, Florida, do hereby certifX that tho forgoing is a t~o ortgina~ o~: O~lN~C~ N~. 81-87 which was adopted' by tho Board of County ComJntsst'oners dt;rlng Regular ~esston Dece~ber 15, 1981, ~r~T~S my hand And the official .~cal of tho. Board of County Cc~tssioners of Collier County, Florida, this 15th day of December, 1981. hi LLTAXl J. Clerk of Courts and Clerk Tx-officio to Board of, ..... ,, . Co~ty Co~issione~s' ~..u.~!.t,/,~ ,~ .~., .v~ ~..~ ,, . ~ ........, .,....' ,,