Ordinance 81-81 :~ ~ ORDINANCE riO. ~ll-~ll '' [AN ORDINANCE TO CR£ATE TIlE DISTRICT I MST UNIT WITII · POWERS AUTIIOR[ZED UNDER CIiAPTER 125 OF TIlE FLORIDA ·STATUTES; ESTABLISIIINO THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO[~ISSIONERS 'AS TIlE GOVERNING BOARD BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: Creation,__P~.rpose, Taxing Authority. The District 1 MST Unit is hereby created, with boundaries described as shown on £xhtbft "A" attached hereto. The Unit hereby created and established is for the purpose of exercising those powers authorized by Florida Statutes Chapter 125 and other applicable laws. SECT]ON TWO: Governing Board, Powers and Duties. The Governing Board of the Taxing Unit shall be the Board of County Con~ntssioners of Collier County, florida with the power and duty to conduct the affairs of the Unit as prescribed by Florida Statutes. SECTION TlfR[[: 1. This Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectuate its public purpose. 2. If any portion, phrase or word of this Ordinance is held invalid or uncon- stttultonal, the remaining parts shall not be affected. SECTION FOLIR: 1. The Clerk to the Board shall file a certified copy of this Ordinance with the Department of State as soon after its enactment as is practicable. SECTION FIVE: This Ordinance shall supersede Ordinance No. 76-63 which was enacted(~ ~ the Board of Count)' Co~,nlssfonors on Decmtber 21, 1976 as recorded tn OK.iBook & Pa.~tj 110-112 ~nclus~vely. 2 SECTION SIX: Effective ~te. :, ~' Thls Ordinance shall bec~e eFFective ulmn recetpt of notice t~t ls ~ ~ f~led wtth the Secretary of State. m -- ENACTED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~:'4ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, this 8th Day of December, 1981. CO~L~NTY , FLORIDA ATTEST; WILLIA/,1 J. R£AGAN, CLERK t: "' ,' This ordinance filed with the Secretar.v of State's / '. the I/th da~ of December, 1981 and ~cknowledgement /, ..]' filing rec~tved :ht~ 22nd da~ o¢ December 013 Offtce of that £ X H ~ B I T "A" DISTRICT 1 MST U~IIT l]eglnning at the Intersection of the Easterly Shoreline of the Oulf of blexlco with ti~o North Line of Section ]tip Township 50 South, Range 25 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Colller County, Florlda; thence Easterly along tho ~,lorth I,.fne of ,~ctlon 34 to the Southwest Corner of Section 26, sald To'..ins~]lp and Range; thence Northerly along thc West Line of Scctlo~s 26,23,1~ and alon~ the West ],~ne o~ Section 11 to thc lr~tcrsectlon, of the ?nm[ami 'fral],(U.~. 41); thence South- easterly along th,~ c,~nber]~ne of said S'amlar, i T~t~nl,(U.S. ~l) to tho ccnterllne of the /.c,]y Canal; t~encc Lor~heaztcr]y a]on~ the center- l~ne of the Lely Canal to t,~c Jntersect]on of Hattlesnake Hammock Road,(S-86il); thc~,cr Easterly alo~C %he centerlinc of Hattlesnnke Hammock Road (S-8[,;i) to thc [rlsc. rscctlor, of State l{oad 951; thence Southerly and So'~th~..'cater]y a2o:],~ t~:c center] lac o~ State Head 951 to the lntcrscctlo;l of thc %'amlami 'f:'a[i, (U.S. ;I]); thence South- easterly along th~ ?amlam[ Trail, (U.S. hl) to thc lntersectlon of Manatee Road; thchce Westerly alo:lg the ce~)terl~ne of f.:anatee R~ad to ~he intersect!o:~ of State Head ')~1; ~ncnce Southerly along the cengerlJrle of :;taLe )~oad 95] to trio I,tarco R~vcr; thence Southeasterly along the centerllne of the ;4arco River to a point 3,5D0 feet due South of Coon Key L~U~t; thence We~%erly to t}~e Southernmost tip of Cape Romano, thence ~or~.hwesterly alo~]g t~e Westa. r]y S~]ore L~nc of Cape Romano and K~ce ~siano; the~ce ,;orth%<~ster]y across Caxambas Pass to ~he most Southwesterly end of :~arco ~s]and; t~ence ;;or~herly along ~he we~t shore of Marco Island; thence Northwesterly to %he most Southwest end of ~,,ewaydin ~sland; thence Northerly along thc East Shoreline of the Gulf of b~exico ~o the POINT OF BEGIN~$1NG. Excluding all lands wlthin the Incorporated City %.lmlts of Naples. STATE OF FLORIDA CGUNTI'OF COLLIER I, WILLIAm43. REACTS, Clerk of Courts in and for the ~ntieth Judtctnl Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hercby certify that the foregoing is a true orlginal of: ORDINANCE NO. 81-81 ' which was adopted by t],e Board of County Con~nissioncrs during Regular F~ssJon December 8, 1981. . 1fiTNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Ca~uraissioners of Collier Cmrnt)', Florida, this 9th day of December, 19B1. 1~'I LLIAXl J. Clerk of Courts and Clerk }.:x-officio to P~ard of -Count)' Co.'a, nissioners : ~,, .. ~I--' ~Y Cler