Ordinance 81-74 Al ORDINANCE AHEh'OINO OR~II~,~fCK ?9-32, ~ COH- ~F {S FROH AGRICULT~AL TO RESIDE~IA[ LOW- Ct{;" ~E ~]~ EAST NO~ P~TICU~LY DESCRIBED ~REAS, The Collier County Plannins Department petitioned the Board of County Commissioners' to change the Land Use ~lassification of the herein des:ribed rea! proper~y{ NOW, ~RK£OEE, BK IT OROAXN~D by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Tlorida: SECTION ON~.: The Land Use C!assification of the herein described property is chansed fro~ A[ricultural to Ees(dentisl Lov-Nediua Density (0-& units per ~ross acre) and the ~ork Study Area Nap t6 aa described in'Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordlngly~ The fotlovtnS parcels in the V~j o~. Section 18~ Township &6 South~ Range 28 East, Col*let County~ FlorJ~a aa described ~n the Collier Coonty Tax Rolls; 2 (OR 22a, pR. 61; OR 100, p~. 353, OR 22~, PR. 61), 3 (Comm. SE car NV~ Sectio~ 18, Nly 9~2.6 ft to POB, Wly 126 ft., Nly 150 ft., NEly 65.6 fL. alonl R/~ SR 950 cone N~.ly 100.~ fi, Sly 260 ft to POB), 3.1 (OR ~00 pt. 353), & (OR I, pg. 35), $ (OR &ti, Pa. 602), 6 (,)R 606, p~. !,803), 7 (N, ~f N~ of SW~ of SWk, and ~ of I~ of SWk and Nl:k of ~ of Swk), ~ (~k of ~ of swk of Sv~), I0 (OR 828, ~. 501-~), II (OR 828, {.~. 501-~), 12 (v~ of Ek of S£V of SW~), 13.2 IBc{ at SE Car. of ~E~ of S~, run N 510 ft ~ ~50 ft., $ 510 fi., E ~.SO ft. to POB), la (OR ~aO, pit. 345), lS.l (OR 7)3, ut. 1,069), 20 (OR ~2, Pg. ~16), 22 (18-&6-28, Lot }), 23 (OR 595, pS. 509)~ 2~.z (OR ~96, v~. ?ss), 2& (OR 377, pl. 766), 2& (18-G6-28, ~t 12)~ S~ION ~t This Ordinance shall becos)e effective upon notice that it ha~ been received by the O~tca of the Secretary of State. D&tod~ Decrmbor 1, 1951 r. OARD 07 CC~,'TT COHHZSSIO~,'I:RS COLLIER COU~'Y ,/J~OR l DA ~rATII OP FLORIDA CO, h~ OF COLLIER I, WILLIAM J. REAC~, Clerk of.Courts in and for tho ~cntioth Judt~tdl Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. ~1-74 " ~hlch was adopted by the Board of County Comaisstoners during Regular S~s$1on December 1, 1981. . . WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of Count), Coranis$1oncrs of Collier Count)', Florida, this lsb day of December, 1981. h~ LLIAXl 3. Clerk of Courts and Clerk · Ex-officio to Board of County Co~is$toners 0t3