Ordinance 81-70 ORD~HAf4CE HO, El - ?0 C~PREIIENSI~ el~ FOR COLLIER CO~, ~RIDA~ BY ~ENDING TIlE ~ US~ f7 ~OK V~IOU8 DESIGNATIONS DESIGNATIONS ~OUOHO~ COLLIER CO~*'ALL AS ~ PARTICU~RLY DESCRIBED l~'~; ~OVIDING ~ E~ECTI~ MOKRKAS, the Collier County Plinnins Department petitioned the Beard of County Commissioners to chanse the Land Use Claasification of the herein described real property; . NOW~ ~REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Cod~tasioner~ ef Collier County, Florida: ~ECtlO~ O~.: The Land Use Clliaiftcitton of the herein described property is chinked from Agricultural and Commercial to Industrial and the Work Btudy Ares Nsp #6 as described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordinKly: Ed Scott Immo~alee Airport Unit I (Plat Book 8, ?aKel 67-68); Ed Scott lmmokalee Artport Unit 2 (Plat Book 8, PoKes 67-68); Ney Narket Subdivision (Plat Book 1, PoKe 105) Block 59, Lots 1-13; The follovint parcel tint, Collier County, Tax Rolls; in Section 350 Tovnship &6 South, Range 29 Florida as described in the Collie~r County leas Ed Scott lmmokalee Airport Unit 2); T~e follovinl parcel tn Section 34, Township 46 Youth, Range ~-. Beat, Collier County, Florida as described tn the Coilie~CounO~'. Tax Rolla; ..' 2 (All E of property line and all e~cept 5 acres describe~ in S~) 31 Pi. 135 + mac ~ R/~); · ~e lo,labial parcels tn Sect~0n-3, Township 67 South, R~e lilt, Collier County, Florida is described In the Co~lier ~unty~ Ts~ Rollst 2.1 2.2 a.3 (OR 189, PK. 235; OR 170, PK. 752; OR 637, PK- 1,827; OR 745, (OR 4gO, PK. 795), . (OR 558, PI. 596)), (OR 7910 Pl. 5921 OR 285, Pi. S00-SOI). (leK. et ~ car. an ~ bdry. line of Bectten 3 thence 8, tnl EoI~ Section line 2,153.96 ft. to P.I. o! C/L' of I~arket Rd. N fol. C/L of SD Rd. 220.43 ft. E 38 ft. CFC I of RD RD for ~B, H oil SD [ R/~ 75 ft., [ 120.a& IS ~l. V ?a.15 ft. e 08.5t fL. to ~S), (~ 12~ Pl. S96), the north 100' of ~.S (OR 637~ The rolls-ins parcel lilt, Collier County, In Section 36, Township ~6 South, Range 29 Florida Il described in the Collier Councy i (V~ of the ~)i The folloving parcel Ln Section 2S, ?o,d'nlhip &6 South, Range 29 ZaBL, Collier County, Tlorids ss described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 2 (SI~ of the The folloving parcel in Section 26, To.ship ~6 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 2 (S~ of S~); The follov/ng parcel in Section 27, Tovnship &6 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 2 (S~ of the S£~ E of The Land Use Classification of the herein described property changed from Agricultural to Residential Nedtum Density units per gross acre) and ~he Work Study Area Naps ~6 and #? as described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby anended accordingly: The follovlflg parcels in Sectio~ 20, ?ovnship 51 South, Range 27 East0 Collier County, Florida is described Ln ~he Collier County Tax Rolls; 108 (OR ~93 PS. !,10~), !18 (Sa 8;9 PS. I10 (OR ~83 pA. 206), 212 (sa 831 PS, 1,784), 113 (OR 6~9 p~. 81 (~R S~O PS, 66 (~a ~88 ~s, 80 (oR 796 ~a. 1, 098), 82 (oR 678 p~. 168), 106 (os 796, ~a. 78. (G~ 817, ~l. 52 (OR 8~4, PK. Vest ~20' o( L~e ~ollovtn~ pircel~ ~n SectLo~ 20, Toss,Up Bough, Range 27 Kast, Collier County, Florida al described ~n the Collier County Tix Rolls; 58 (OR 723, pS. 1,917), 7 (OR ~60, pS. g40), 57 (OR 61~, pg. 1,~63), 109 (OR ~00, p~. 686), 119 (OR 862, Pa. 85A), "~ 92 (OR 801~ pg. 1~ 026)~ ~7 (OR 78~ pg. 66)e 76 (OR 6~3, p~. 1~891)~ 70 (OR 619, p~. ~9 (OR 60~ pg. I+739), 31 (OR 627, pg. 1,822): Land Uae Classification of the herein described property ehnnged ft~ R~nidep~lal L~-Nedi~ Density (0-~ units per gross acre) to Recreation ~en Space and ~hn ~ork S~udy Area Hap ~6 d~aertbed tn Ordinance 79-32 la hereby a~nded aecordtnglyt ~e fail.inS parcels In Section 35, To. ship ~6 South, Range 28 ~sst, Collier County, Florida as described In ~he Collier County Tax Roll~; I.l (em st ~ Car, X 19.&rt, to ~B V ,65.13 ft,, B TS rt, v 112.80 ft,, v ~.,~ ft., s ~ r~. BeE. V 81.68 10S.13 rs., N so ft., v to rater of ~ke Tri~ford, ~ly shore of hke Trsfford to s point 231 rt. due N of H ti. of SI~, ~ to E to I ~i. of Sec, S 211.6 f~. to (~ 719, PS. The Land Use Cls·sifLcstion of the herein described property ch·need from Re·identisl Lov-Hedium Density fO-& units per sross acre) to Asricultur·l ·nd the Work Study Are· Hap ~6 ·· described in Ordin·nce 79-32 i· hereby amended ·ccordinslyt Sections 13, l&, 23 ·nd 2& of Township &8 South, Range 27 East: The Land Use Cl···lfic·tion of the herein described property is ch·need frae Re·identl·l Lov-Hedium Density (0-& units per Sro·· sere) to Residentis! Nedium Density (0-6.22 unit· per sro·· acre) · nd the Work Study Are· Nip #7 ·· described in Ordinance 79-32 i· hereby ·mended ·ccordins~y: The follovtns parcels in Section 17, Tovnship 51 South, Ranis 27 E·st, Collier County, Florid· ·· described in the Collier County T·x Rolls; 3 (OR 6&1, PI* 1,781), l& (OR 352, ps. 723), 15 (OR 750, ps. 1,904), 2& (OR 810, PS. 561), 25 (OR 597, PS. l,AlS), 27 (Bee. ~t ~d car. Section 20, N 121.87 ft., E 90.73 ft., S 136.26 ft., W 92,1& ft., N IS.SS ft. to POS), 37 (OR 582, PS. 963), 38 (OR 785, PS. 77&), A1 (OR 609, Ps. 965), &6 (OR 610, PR. 130), &7 (OR 6>6, ri. 904), 63 (OR 737, PR. 1,528), 68 (Be[. SW tnt, E 1,32&.23 ft., N 337.72 ft., W SO6 ft. to S 36 ft. Bes. W &OS fL., ~ 53 ft. Ret. W 89 ft., N 19.05 ft., R 36 Des R 38&.&5 ft., S 53 ft. Bee. E 100 it. to POS), &9 (OR 798, PS, 1,585): The Land Use Classification of the herein described property ts ehan~ed from Residential Lov-Hedium Density (0-6 units per 8ross) acre) to Residential Hedium-llish Density (6.22-30 units per arose acts) and the Work Study Area Hap #2 aa described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordinKly: A portion of the followins parcel iff Section 26, Township kB South, Rinse 25 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; (S~ of SWk, less Victoria Park 2, PS 12, PS. 65) more specifi- cally described Commeflcins it the Southeast corner of Section 26, Township kS South, Ranse 25 East, Col~le¥ County, Florida; thence alone the South line of said Section 26, South 89°15'18" West 2,899,$7 feel to the SW corner of Victoria Park One, s subdi- vision sccordinI to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book II, pasco 7 and 8, Records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida; thence continuins alone the South line of said Section 26, South 89~13~18'' West 1,155.OO feet for the PLAtt OF BEGINNING of the multi-family parcel herein described; thence cont~euins ·lan8 the South line of said Section 26, South SSel~'l$' West 7&O.23 feet; thence North Oa&&*S2" West ~12.23 feet; thence South &Sel&'29" East 30.OO feetl thence Southe··terly 3&6.33 feet ·Ions the arc of · circul·r curve concave to the NorLheast, havins · radius of &77.00 feet, subtended by a chord which bears South 70e02'29" East 338.77 feets thence North 89°09'31" East 352.00 f;ets thence South 39e&2'57" East 133.33 feetl thence North 5&a29'31" tail 120.OO feet; thenco South 35030* 29" East 60.00 reetl thence South $&a29'31" West 120.OO feetL thence Sou%h 15030*29" East 123,29 feetl thence South &Se21* 02" ~eat 23&.SO feet~ thence South OAS&*&2" East 2SO.OS feet to the Place or Besinnins; betas a part of tho South ~ or the South ~ of Section 26, To~mahlp &8, South, RinSe 23 East, Collier County, Ylorida, conteinins 12.&$ acres more or leant O. The Lend ~se Classification of the herein described property is changed frae Rea/dentist Lov-Hedium Density (0-& unite per gross acre) to Commerciel end the Work Study Area Hep I$ es described Ordinance 70~32 ts hereby emended accordingly: A portion of the following parcel in Section 10, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida sa described in the Collier County Tax Rolls[ 11,2 (Nb or Nb of SW~t lying W o~ SR 9gl) more specifically de- 'scribed Co,nesting st POB ac the NW corner of parcel 11.2 ss described above, E 1,369.5 ft., S 230 ft., W 340 ft., S 440 ft., 1,029.5 fi** N 670 ft. co A portion of the following parcel in Section 9, Tovnshtp $1 South, Rense 26 iaea, Collier County, Floride ae described in the Collier County Tex Rolls; 9 (OR $42, PS. 596): ' H. The Lend Use Cleasif~cstion of the herein described property is changed from Residential Hedium Density (0-6.22 units per gross acre) to Com~erciel smd the ~ork Study Are~ ~ap8 ~1~ ~3 lad described la Ordinance 79-32 are hereby ~mended accordingly: ~e following parcel ia Section 15, To. ship ~8 South, Range ~ll~, Collier Coua~w Florid~ ~ described ia the Collier County T~x Rolls; I (OR 683, pi. 1,222) OR 66~, p~. 1~609); ~e follo~ia8 parcel i~ S~c~lon 12, To.ship 51 South, Range 26 E~s~, Collier CouaLy~ Florida as described in ~)e Collier County Tlx Rolls; 6 (OR 63~, Pg. 2~1); ~e rolls. Sac 1o~ in ~ples Improvement Company's LL~LIe Fa~B Subdivisio~ (P.S. 2, pg. 2); 65.1~ . 66.3~ A portion o~ ~he follovLn~ pircelu tn Section IS, To.ship South, Rials 25 EisL, Collier County, Florida ss described In the Collier County Tax Rolls: 19 (OR ~ez, ps. 282) Kre specifically described as Bee, aL the ~ car or Parcel 19 bordering Parcel 12 to the sou~h, N 250 ft., E 80 fL., S 250 fL., ~ 80 fL., ~o ~D, 12 (OR 781, Pt* 282) ~re specifically described is BeE. ~L the ~ cur of Parcel 12 borderins Parcel 19, E 80 ft., S 88 fi., 80 ft., N 88 fL. to ~e foll~inl parcel In Section 15, To. ship ~8 South, Rinse Eos~, Collier County, Flori~e au described iff ~he Collier Catty Tax Rolls~ 23 COS 506, Pt. I. ~e ~ud Use Classification of the herein described property chansed fr~ Residential ~edi~*ltish ~noiLy (6.22-20 units per gross acre) to ResideflLlaL ~v-~ediM ~noity (O-~ ufli~o per · cre) sad the Work Study Ares ~op f2 om. described la Ordi- nance 79-32 tn here~ aMnded accordinslyt · * ~ Vest 630 feet of the fail.ins parcel la Section 26, .'17 ~S ship &8 South, Rinse 25 Z, Collier County, Florida ss described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 11 (S~,'SV~, less VictOriA Park 2, PB 12, PS. 65): The Lind Use Classification of tho herein described property chlnied frae Residential NediumoJtiih Density (6.22-20 units per Brass acre) to Residential Nedium Density (0-6.22 units per acre) sad the Work Study Area Nap #3 as described in Ordi- nance 7g-32 ts hereby amended sccordinsly: The £ollovins lots in Golden Gate Subdivision Unit 2 (PS 5, PS. 65-77)I · lock 30, Lots !1-20, Block &O, Lots l-lO, The followtflS lots in Golden Gate Subdivision Unit 7 (PS 5, PS. Block 2&9, Lots 1-17, · lock 250, Lots The Land Use ClsssLficstion of the herein described property chsnsed from Restdential Ned/um-Jlilh Density (6.22-30 units per Stoas acre) to Commercial and the ~ork Study Area Haps #6 and described in Ordinance 79-32 are hereby amended accordinsly: The follo~lnl lots in Neu Nsrket Jmmokalee Subdivision 10~-lO$); Block 27, Lots !-6, Block 28, Lots 7-12; The rolloutnl lot in ~aples grove end Truck Company's tittle Farms Ho. 2 Subdivision (PS &, Pi. 26); 115.2; The follovinl parcels tn Section 12, Township 50 South, Ranle 25 ~sst, Collier County, Florida ss described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 3 (OR 93, Pl. 55~; O~ 93 Pi. 552; OR 630, Pi. 595; OR 630, Pi. & (OR 13&, Pl. 132) more specifically described as BmR. at the )~ cur. of Parcel &, S 160 f:. to POB, ~ 390 ft., S 2(,0 ft., NXly ~70 ft. to POB; The followini parcels tn Section 12, ?o~nship 50 South, Ranis 25 East, Collier County, Florida as demcribed tn the Collier County Tax Rolls; I (OR 5&7, Pi. 711; OR 852, Pi. 86) more specifically described as BeI. st the S~ car of Parcel 1, K 200 ft. to POB, N 505 fi., E &00 fi., S 330 ft., V 200 ft., S 175 ft., V 200 fi. to 26 more specifically described s~ BPS. at the 1~ car of Sec° tiaa 12, S 70 fi., E 270 ft. to POB, E &OS ft,, S 3&O ft., &O0 fi., ~ 3~0 ft. to The Lind Usa Classification or the herein described property is chsnsed fro~ Commercisl to Residential Nedium Density (0-6.22 units J~r Stole acre) and the ~ork Study Area Naps t2 and #& as described in Ordinance 79-32 are hereby amended accordinily: The followinl parcels in Section 16, To.help &$ South, RinSe 25 Essto Cailler County, Florida as described tn the Collier County (OR 7370 Pi* (Caere, cfr Bec, 16, J O Des. · 50.01 fi. to Bo. il, cant, S O DeS. Z 333.08 ft. rot ~o8, s 88 DeR, V 120 ft., i O bi, V lOS rt. # Bi DeS* I 120 fi, S O Det.)l The North 280 feet o£ the west 700 feet of tho following parcel in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 2S, East, Collier ~ounty, Florida es described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; ~he followins parcels in Section 16, Township 50 South, Range 26 Els%, Collier County, Florida aa described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 80 (OR 761, PS. 1,6&&), 121 (OR $88, Pl. $79), ,i --' 122 (OR 588, PS. $79), '.4. 124 (OR 795, pg. 1,538) I ~e Vest 501 2 fee~ of the ~ollo.tns p.rcel . To~' .Atp 50 South, RanSe 26 East, Collter CounW. Flortda as~desc=t~ tA the CoXXter Coufl~y Tax Rotts; 119 (OR 567, p~. 92); ~e following lots in Rock Creek Terrace SubdivisiOns (PB Block C, Lots &-ll and 24-31, Block D, Lots 1-8, Block E, Lots 1-6: The Land Uae Classification of the herein described property is changed from Commercial to Industrial and the Vork Study Area Nap 47 as described in Ordinance 79-32 ia her.by amended accordingly: That portion of the following parcels in bection 18, Township S1 South, Range 27 £ast, Collier County, Florida ss described in the Collier County Tax Rolls lying 520 feet north of the risht-of-vay for U.S. 41; 6 (OR 682, pg. 1,211), 12 .(OR 841, PS. The Land Use Classification of the herein described property changed from Area of Environmental Sensitivity to Commercial and the Vork Study Area Nap ~2 ss described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly: The following parcel in Section $, Township 48 South, Range 25 Salt, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolla~ (OR 160, PS. 576; OR 297, PS. 969), SKCTIONT~Ot This Ordinance ahall become effective upo~ notice that it bas been received by tha Office of the Secretary of State. ,November lOt,,, 1981 BOARD OF COU~T~ COflNISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:// Jjol~ A. PISTOR, C~IA1RPtAN This ordinance filed with the Secretary of Stgte's Office the 17th day of ~ovember, 1981 ~nd acknowledgement of that ftltng ~ecelved this 20th day of,/tl~vember, 1981. i Deputy ~;ferk $1'^TI~ OF FLOIIIL1/t ) ' co.w/OF OOLt~Z .~ ) ¥;ill.ll.':I ,t ~lr.. '.,~ RD I, WILLI~ J. REAGAN, Clerk oE Courts in ~i :, ~i~iJl Circuit, ~llior Co~ty, Florida, do hereby certify that £or~going is a true original ORDZNAI~CE NO. 81-'/0 ~ddch ~as adoptc~! by tho Board o£ County Co~issioners during Regular ~ssioll November 10, lgB1. · ~ITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Co~dssioners of Collier County, Florida, this llth day of November, 1981. I~'1 LLI/LXl J. Clark of Courts and C19T ~-ot£iclo to Board County Con~nissioner~, ' ':'.,- · />.,. · (.. ~, ...'j,' · 7~,.~, .... , · ORDIN/kNCE NO. 81 - 70 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 79-32, TIlE COMPREI{ENS IVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING TIlE LAND USE ELEMENT WORK STUDY AREA MAPS %2, %3, #4, #5, ~ AND #7 FROM VARIOUS DESIGNATIONS TO ~A~ I GU S DE S I GNAT IONS THROUGHOUT u~.. C~ COUNTY, ALL AS MORE PARTICULARLY ~ D~'~BED HEREIN; AND PROVIDING AN EF- tu: :,~ F~TIVE DATE. .WHEREA~',:'ithe Collier County Planning Department peti- ti8ne.~; the ~0~=d of County eommis~ioners to c..ng. ~e' Land Use ~Iassi~kcation of the herein described real property; N~W, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Flor/dar SECTION ONE~ The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Agricultural and Commercial to Industrial and the Work Study Area Map #6 as described in Ordinance 79-32 ia hereby amended accordingly~ Ed Scott Immokalee Airport Unit I (Plat Book 8, P&g~s 67-68); Ed Scott Immokalee Airport Unit 2 (Plat Book 8, Pages 67-68~ New Market Subdivision Block 59, Lots 1-13; (Plat Book 1, Page 105) The following parcel in Section 35. Township 46 South, Range 29 Eas~, Collier County, Florida as described in ~.e Collier County Tax Rolls; I {N% + ~w% of ~w% of SE%, N% of SW%, of SE~ of SW%, less Ed Scott Immokalee Airport Unit 2); ~ ~--~ The following parcel in Section 34, Township 46 ~outh~ Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida as described ~n the Collier County Tax Roils; 2 All E of property line and all except 5~ acr~ described in SE 31 pg. 135 + ese RR R/W; The following parcels in Section 3, Township 47~Sout~ Range 29' East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 2 (OR 189, pg. 235; OR 170, pg. 752; OR .637, pg. 1,827; OR 745, pg. 335), 2.1 (OR 499, pg. 795), 2.2 (OR 558, pg. $96), 2.3 (OR 798, pg 592, OR 285, pg. $00-501), 2.4 (Be~. at % cur. un W bdrv. line of Section 3 thence E, following E-W~ Sec%ion line 2,153.96 ft. to P.I. of C/L of New Market Rd. N fol. C/~ of SD Rd. 220.43 ft. E 35 ft. to E R/W/CTD i of SD RD for POS, N alg SD E R/W 7S ft., E 120.46 ft., S 15 Deg. W 78.15 ft. W 98.51 ft to POS), 3 (OR 122, pg. 596), the north 100~ of 2.5 (OR 637, pg. 1,027); ' Tha following parcel in section 36, Township 46 South, ..... Ce Rango 29 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls~ I (W% of the The following parcel in Section 25, Township 46 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls~ 2 (SW~ of the SW~)~ The following parcel in Section 26, Township 46 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls~ 2 (s% of The following parcel in Section 27, Township 46 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida as described the Collier County Tax Rolls; 2 (S~ of the SE{~ E of RR)~ The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Agriculture1 to Residenti&l Medium Density (0-6.22 units per gross acre) and the Work Study Area Maps #6 and #7 as described in Ordi- nance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly: The following parcel in Section 20, Township 51 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Roils; 108 (OR 593, pg. 1,105), 118 (OR 849, pg. 1,283), 110 (OR 583, pg. 206), 112 (OR 831, pg. 1,784), 113 (OR 649, pg. 1,046), 81 (OR 550, pg. 169), 66 (OR 588, pg. 769), 96 (OR 743, pg. 838), 80 (OR 796, pg. 1,098), 82 (OR 678, pg. 168), 106 (OR 796, pg. 148), 78 (OR 817, pg. 489), 74 (OR 625, pg. 1,847), 52 (OR 854, pg. 1,235)~ The West 420' of the following parcels in Seotion 20, Township 51 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 58 (OR 723, pg. 1,917), 7 (OR 560, pg. 940), 57 (OR 615, pg. 1,563), 109 (OR 400, pg. 686), 119 (OR 862, pg. 854), 92 (OR 801, pg. 1,026), . 47 (OR 784, pg. 66), 76 (OR 643, pg. 1,891), 70 (OR 619, pg. 1,865), 59 (OR 604, pg. 1,739), 21 (OR 627, pg. 1,822), Tho Land Use Classification of tho horein described property is changed from Residential Low-Medium Density (0-4 units per gross acre) to Recreation Open Space and the Work Study Area Map #6 as described in Ordi- nance 79-32 is hereby amended accordinglyt The following parcels in Section 35, Township 46 De South, Range 28 East, Collier County, Florida as described in ~he Collier County Tax Rollsj 1.1 4 (Comm at E~ cnr, N 19.4ft to POB W 465.13ft., S 75 ft. Beg. W 112.80 ft., W 706.44 ft., S 74 ft. Beg. W 81.68 ft., W 105.13 ft., N 50 ft., W to water of Lake Trafford, Nwly alg shore of Lake Trafford to a point 231. ft. due N of No Li. of SE~, E to ELi. of Sec, S 211.6 ft. tO POB), (OR 719, pg. 1,217)'~ The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Residential Low-MediumDensity (0-4 units per gross acre) to Agricultural and the Work Study Area Map %6 as described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly~ Section 13, 14, 23 and 24 of Township 48 South, Range 27 East: The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Residential Low-Meditn~ Density (0-4 units per gross acre) to Residential Medium Den- sity (0-6.22 units per gross acre) and the Work Study Area Map #7 as described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly: The following parcels in Section 17, Township 51 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 3 (OR 641, pg. 1,781), 14 (OR 352, pg. 723), 15 (OR 750, pg. 1,904) 24 (OR 810, pg. 561), 25 (OR 597, pg. 1,416), 27 (Bug. at NW cnr. Section 20, N 121.87 ft., E 90.78 ft., S 136.26 ft., W 92.14 ft., No 14.84 ft. to POB), 37 (OR 582, pg. 963), 38 (OR 765, pg. 77%), 41 (OR 609, pg. 965), 46 (OR 610, pg. 130), 47 (OR 656, pg. 904), 63 (OR 737, pg. 1,528), 68 (Beg~ SW Cnr, E 1,324. 23 ft., N 337.72 ft., W 406. ft. to POB; S 36 ft. Beg. W 400 ft., W 53 ft. Beg. W 89 ft., N 19.05 ft., N 36 Deg. E 38%.45 ft., 553 ft. Beg. E 100 ft. to POB), 49 (OR 798, pg. 1,585): The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Residential Low-Medium Density (0-% units per gross acre) to Residential Medium-High Density (6.22-30 units p3r gross acre) and the Work Study Area Map #2 as described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly: . A portion of the following parcel in Section 26, Town- ship 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 11 (S% of SW~, less Victoria Park 2, PB 12, pg. 65) more specifically described ass Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; thence along the South line of said Sec- tion 26, South 09~15118" West 1,899.57 feet to the SW corner of Victoria Park One, a subdivision ac- cording to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book II, pages 7 and 8, Records off the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Collier County, Florida; thence continuing along the South line of said Sec- tion 26, South S9'15'18" West 1,155.00 feet for the PLACE OF BEGINNING of tho multi-family parcel herein described; thence continuing along the South line of said Section 26, South 89°15t18'' We~t 740.23 feet; thence North 0044'42" West 812.23 feet; thence South 49"14~29" East 80.00 feet; thence Southeasterly 346.33 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 477.00 feet, subtended by a chord which bears South 70'02'29" East 338.77 feet; thence North 89e09'31" East 352.00 feet; thence South 59"42'57" East 133.83 feet; thence North 54e29t31" East 120.00 feet; thence South 35030'29'' East 60.00 feet; thence South 54~29~31" West 120.00 feet; thence South 54~29~31" West 120.00 feet; thence South 15~30'29" East 123.29 feet; thence South 45~21'02" West 234.40 feet; ~hence South 0"44~42" East 240.00 feet to the Flace of Beginning; being a part of the South h of the South h of Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida containing 12.45 acres more or less= The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Residential L~w-Medium Density (0-4 units per gross acre) to Commercial and the Work Study Area Map #5 as described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly: A portion of the following parcel in Section 10, Town- ship 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Roils; 11.2 (N% of N~ of SW~ lying W of SR 951) more 'specifi- cally described as; Commencing at POB at the NW corner of parcel 11.2 as described above, E 1,369.5 ft., S 230 ft., W 340 ft., S 440 ft., W 1,029.5 ft., N 670 ft. to POB; A portion of the following parcel in Section 9, Town- ship 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida es described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 9 (OR 542, pg. 596)= The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Residential Medium Density (0-6.22 units per gross acre) to Commercial and the Work Study Area Map #1, %3 and %5 as described in Ordi- nance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly: The following parcel in Section 15, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Co!liar County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; I (OR 683, pg. 1,222; OR 664, pg. 1,609); The foilowing parco1 in Section 12, Town=hip 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Flor£da as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 6 (OR 634, pg. 251); The following lots in Naples Improvement Company's Little Frame %2 Subdivision (P.B. 2, pg. 2); 65.1 · A portion of the following parcels in Section 15, Town- ship 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls! 19 (OR 781, pg. 282) more specifically described as Beg. at the SW cnr of Parcel 19, bordering Parcel 12 to the south, N 250 ft., E 80 ft., S 250 it,. W 80 ft., tO POB, 12 (OR 781, pg. 282) more specifically described as Beg. at the NW cnr of Parcel 12 bordering Parcel 19, E 80 ft., S 88 ft., W 80 ft., N 88 ft. to The following parcel in Section 15, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls; 23 (OR 596, pg. 420)t The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Residential Medium-High Den- sity (6.22-30 units per gross acre) to Residential Low-Medium Density (0-4 units per gross acre) and the Work Study Area Map %2 as described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly: The West 690 feet of the following parcel in Sec- tion 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Ro115~ 11 (S~, SW%, less Victoria Park 2, PB 12, pg. 65): The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Residential Medium-High Den- s~ty (6.22-30 units per gross acre) to Residential Medium Density (0-6.22 units per gross acre) and the Work Study Area Map %3 as describod in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly: The following lots 'in Golden Gate Subdivision Unit 2 (PB 5, pg. 65-77); Block 39, Lots 11-20, Block 40, Lots 1-10, The following lots in Golden Gate Subdivision Unit 7 (PB 5, pg. 135); Block 249, Lots 1-17, Block 250, Lots 1-15: The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Residential Medium-High Den- sity (6.22-30 units per gross acre) to Commercial and the Work Study Area Map %6 and %4 as des~ribed in Ordinance 79-32 is h~reby amended accordingly: The £ollowing lots in New Marke~ Immokalee Subdivision (PB 1, pg. 104-105); Block 27, Lots 1-6, Block 28, Lots 7-12; The following lot in Naples Grove and Truck Company'm Little Farms No. 2 Subdivision (PB 4, pg. 26); 11S.2; · ha £ollowing parcels in Section 12, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida as described ~he Collier County Tax 3 (OR 93, pg. 554~ OR 93 pg. 552~ OR 630, pg. 595~ OR 630, pg. 593), (OR 134, pg. 132) more specifically described aa Beg. at the NE cnr. of Parcel 4, S 160 ft. to POB, W 390 ft., S 260 ft., Nely 470 ft. to POBI The following parcels in Section 12, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls~ I (OR 547, pg. 711~ OR 852, pg. 86) more specifi- cally described aa Beg. at the SW cnr of Parcel 1, E 200 ft. to POB, N 505 ft., E 400 ft., S 330 ft., W 200 ft., S 175 ft., W 200 ft. to POB, 26 more specifically described as Beg. at the NE cnr of Section 12, S 70 ft. E 270 ft. to POB, E 400 ft., S 340 ft., W 400 ft., N 340 ft. to POBI The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Commercial to Residential Medium Density (0-6.22 units par gross acre) and the Work Study Area Map %2 and %4 as described in Ordi- nance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly~ The following parcels in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida aa described in the Collier County Tax Rolls~ 17 (OR 737, pg. 1,244), 25 (Comm. ctr. Sec. 16, S 0 Deg. E 30 01 ft. to So. Li. SR S865, cont. S O Deg. E 335.08 ft. for POB, S 88 Deg. W 120 ft., N 0 Deg. W 100 ft. N 88 Deg. E 120 ft. S O Deg.); The North 280 feet of the West 700 feet of the follow- ing parcel in Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls~ 4.1 (I~ of The following parcels in Section 16, Township. 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls~ 80 (OR 761, pg. 1,644), 121 (OR 588, pg. 579), 122 (OR 588, pg. 579), 124 (OR 795, pg. 1,538)~ The West 501.2 feet of the following parcel in Sec- t[on 16, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, Collier . County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax ~olls~ . 119 (OR 567, pg. 92)~ Ths following lots in Rock Creek Terrace Subdivision (PB l, pg. 40)~ ....... Block C, Lots 4-11 and 24-~, 3--3 Block D, Lots 1-8, Block E, Lots 1-6t M. The Land Use Classification of the herein described property is changed from Commercial to Industrial and the Work Study Area Map %7 as described in Ordi- nance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly~ That portion o£ the following parcels in Section Township SL South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Flor£da as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls lying 520 feet north of the right-of-way for U.S. 411 (OR 682, pg. 1,211), 12 (OR S41, pg. 655)t The Land Use Classification o£ the herein described property is changed from Area of Environmental Sensiti- vity to Commercial and the Work Study Area Map %2 es described in Ordinance 79-32 is hereby amended accord- ingly~ The following parcels in Section 5, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida as described in the Collier County Tax Rolls5 5 (OR 160, pg. 5765 OR 297, pg. 969). SECTION TWOt This Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that it has been received by the Office of the Secretary of State. DATE~ November 10, 1981 BOARD OF COUNTY COM~IlSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA IN SECTION ONE, PARAGRAPH L, LINE 33. This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 5t~ day of February, 1982 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 11th day of February, ~982. -D~puty Cl~rk . TC/na/105-Y Planning Department 1/14/S2