Ordinance 81-59 ' OP, DI]~A~CZ 79;32 Jr., petitioned the Board of Catty C~lsi/onerl to cbanle the Land Use Classifi~ion of ~he herein described ret~ proper~y[ N~. ~FO~, BE IT O~AI~ by the Botrd of County Co~issioners'.~: of Colli~ County, Florida~ SECTION ~: ~e ~fld Use Classification of the herein described property chaflled frou Residential Lo~-Hedi~ Density (0-~ units per iroso acre) to CoMe. ia1 and the ~ork Study Area Hap 16 as described in Or~ nance 79-~ Is hereby amended accordin~ly: A por~o~ of Section 32, To.ship ~6 South~ Ranfe 29 East, specifically described as ~ollows: ~ South 370.56 feet of the East 500 feet of the ~ of ~ ~ ~ of Section 32, Tovnlhip ~6 South, RinSe 29 less ~lst 100 feet rescued for HiKhviy 29 Risht-of-~ay. SECTION ~: This Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that iL his been received ~ the office of the Secreta~ of Stste. DATE: October 2,0~ 1981 8/27/81 BOARD OF COUIq'F/ CO~IISSIOKEP. S COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: // This ordinance A. PISTOR, CltAIRPIAN Filed with the Secretary of State*s Office he 2gth day of October, and acknowledgement of thet filing rece,iYed this 4th day of November, lgSX, ,y: Deputy ¢'ie which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session October 20, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 23rd day of October, 1981. WILLIAM J. ~EAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of