Ordinance 81-58ORDINANCE 81- 58 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AI4ENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 48-25-7 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF TIlE FOLLO~';ING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOP~.IENTz THE NE% OF TllE NE¼ OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTtl, RANGE 25 EAST AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Donald T. Jones has petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the Zoning Classification of the herein described real property; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board or-~ounty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECtiON The Zoning Classification of the herein descrtbe~real property located in Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida is changed from "A" Agriculture to "PUD' Planned Uni~ Development in accordance with the PUD Document attached hereto as Exhibit "A" which is incorporated herein and by reference made a [)art hereof. The Official' Zoning Atlas Map Number 48-25-7, as described tn Ordinance 76-30, is hereby amended accordingly. SECTION TWO~ This ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. DATE: October 20, 1981 :'k~ ~AT~.~:,, , . . .' ~ ". '~ ,.'~', ~' '..' C.']· ~ ', ~/Q,'"' ..... ".'.~ ~ ",~ S~T~6F FLOriDa COU~T~ O~ COL5~Z~ ) BOARD OF COUNTY COmmISSIONERS COLLIER CO.UNTY, FLORIDA ....jOll~l A. P[STOR, C}IAI~MAN I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. 81-58 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session October 20, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 23rd day of October, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of. % ~," \, -,,~ County Commissionors .~-,. ,., ',.. ~ ,,.' :,.~......'....,,,, vir in. / agr ,' :' .. lhf$ ordf~a~ce flied wfth the Secretary of State's 0ff~ce Y,g,? tae 29t~ day of October, 1981 and acknowledgement of that f$]f~g recefved thf$ 4th day of November, lgSl. Deputy C]er~ '- 013 t43 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT FOR GREEN TREE CENTER PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT PREPARED BY: JONES & I]ATC~IELOR, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LA'N I)ATE ISSUEI): 9-21-81 I)ATE AI'PIIOVED llY CAI'C: 9-17-81 I>ATE AI'I'ROVEI) llY HCC: 10-20-81 EXIIIBIT CONTAINING 12 PAGES STATEMENT OF INTENT Board of County Commissioners Collier County COurthouse Nnple~t Florida 33940 Gentlemen: The purpose of this ]otter is to express the intent of Donald T. ,Jones, Owner/Developer, 1207 Third Street South, Suite 8, Naplest Florida 33940 to develop tho Green Tree Center Development in accord with the approvnl plans end standards which are incorporated in and attached to this Planned Unit Development document, and in accord with all other applicnble governmental regulations. Sincerely, Donald T. Jones -2- 013 145 SECTION I: SECTION II: SECTION lII: SECTION IV: INDEX STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCI~ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TRACT 'Bn COM51ERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TRACT "A" DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENT ~oo~ 0i3 ~i4§ PAGI~ SECTION I STATE.%IENT OF COMPLIANCE I, PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1.1 STATE,%IENT OF COMPLIANCE The development of 40 acres of property in Section 26 Township 48 South, Range 25 East, ColLier County, Florida, as a Planned Unit Development, will comply with the rite, along and Development Objectives o£ Collier County. These objectives are set forth in the Comprehensive Plan which includes the Lnnd Use Element, tho Iloustng Element and other growth policies, all of which were adopted by the Board of Cot2nty Commissioners. In general, the Green Tree Center Planned Unit Development is in compLiance with all applicable policies and regulations. 1.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Northeast ~ of the Northeast [ of Section 26, Townshtp 48 South, Rnnge 25 Enst, Collier Cotmty, Florida, less rend right°of-ways. - 4 - 013 147 SECTION II RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATION5 - TRACT "B" 2.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this section is to set forth the ret~:latlons for the development of Tract "n" of this Planned Unit Development (7.22 Acres 2.2 PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES: No building or structure, or part thereof, shMl be erecte ', altered, or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Permitted principal uses and structures 1) Multi-family dwelling 2) Project mnnngement offices and facilities 3) Manngcr'~ residence B. Permitted accessory uses and structures I) Customary accessory uses nnd structures 2) Signs 3) Recreation factlltle~ 4) ,'dnintc;~,nce and utility buildings and facilities 2.3 MAXI,',IUM NUMBER OF DWELI, ING UNITS A maximum of 85 dwelling units may bo constructed on Tract "B". 2.4 :JINIMUM SETBACKS A. Depth of front yard - 'thirty (30) feet plus one (1) foot for ench two (2) feet of buihllng height over thirty (30) feet. B. Depth of side yard - Fifteen (15) feet plus one il) foot for each two (2) feet of buihlirH,~ height over thirty (30) feet. C. Depth of :'ear yard - Thirty (30) feet phis one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of buihli~t~ height over thirty (30) feet. D. Belwccn n~' two p,'inclpnl structures, fifteen (15) feet or a distnnee equal 1o onc-h',lf (½) the .';,t:m of thcir,he[ghts, whichever is greater. -5 - 013 2.5 MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES A. RESIDENTIAL: Seven llundred and fifty (750) square feet for each dwelling unit. 13. NON-RESIDENTIAL: No minimum requirement. 2.6 MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF STRUCTURES A. Three (3) stories above the finished grade of the lot. The maximum height of n structure shall be measured from tho minimum base flood elevation required by the Flood Elevation Ordinance or from the finished grnde of the lot, whichever ia higher. 2.7 MINhMUM OFF - STREET PARKING A. Two (2) or more bedroom dwelling units: Two (2) off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit. 2.8 I,IMITATIONS ON SIGNS As permitted for re,ltl-family zenlng districts by the zoning ordlnnnee in effect at time of application for building permit. 2.9 MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS As permitted for ?,lulti-Fnmily Zoning Districts by zoning ordinance in effect nt time of npplicntion for building permits. -6- 013 149 3.t 3.2 I~ECTION III COMMF. RCI^L DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS - TRACT PURPOSl~ Tho pnrposo of this section la to sot forth the regulations for the dovelog~ent of Trnet "A" of this Plnnned Unit Development (21,21 t Acres). PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURE8 No building or structure, or part thereof, shall bo erected, altet,~d or u~ed, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than tho follo~nKt A. Pe~ittod l'tflnclpfll U~os find Structu~o~: ~(l) "' Ap[~Ha'nco Stores (2) Automobile Paris Stores (3) Automobile Service Stations without repulra (4) Bakery Shops (5) Rank. and Financial Institutions (6) Barber nnd [{entity Shops (7) Bicycle Salem nnd Services ({) R~k Stores ({) [[tis{screw Machine Servl~ (I0) Carpet nnd FI~r Covering Ss{om - which may }nc]udo .tora~e nnd [nstnltntion. (12) Cock[nil [.o[H~g~5 - StIhjec[ lo Section 8. Pars. 12. (1~) Commercial R~.crentlon (14) (15) Deportment (16) Drug Stores (17) D~'y Clonning (18) Florist SI[eps (lg) Fttrnitttr~ Stores (20) Gordon St~pply St.r~ - ~ut~hl~, display in rear (21) (;enern{ Offices (22) Gift Shops (23) (;otir~Iet Shop (24) {{nrdwnre (25) {{enllh F,~d Stores (26) {lot)by Stlpply Storew (27) {co Cream Stores (28) Interior Decorating Sho~vt.x)ms nnd Of~ce (2{) Jewelry Stoa'es In accordance with applicable ~upph,mofttnry ¢limtrict regt, l,,tlott of the {toning ordinance in cffcct nt time of application {'or bt,ihllng permits. -7 - 013 150 .,,..; ....... (44) (41) (4'7) (41) (50) (51) (52) (5:1) (54) Pet Supply Shops.:i:',~:''' .... . '. .. , . :,:. PhotogrsphIo Equipment' Stores. · : : :" :' :;:',.' Printing, Publishing and Mimeograph Service .-:. Professional Offices ,.. ,'. ' '," · Eadlo and Television Salsa & SerVices '"',. ~ Relenroh and Dosl~ ~abs Rastnurants~ not lncludln~ drivekl~s Sh~ ~op~r ~h~ Blares Stntiono~ Stores 8upnrmarkots and Shoppln~ Cont~rs. Toy ~hops Variety Stor~s Votorlnarinn Of~s nnd Clinics - no oqtside kennels DrnpoP7 Shops (il! Any other commercial use or professional service which is compsrnbls in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Director determines to bo compatible in the district. B. Pormitt,ed ^ccessor7 Uses and Structures (1) Accessory uses nnd structures customarily associated with the uses pormitto,l In this district. C, Permitted Uses nnd St,r, ucturas Subject to Site Plan Review (1) ShopplnR Centers - More than 25,000 square feet gross floor area on ground floor. (2) Car ~Vash (3) Fast Food Roatnurnnts. including drive-ins. ~ (4) Permitted use with less than 1,000 square foot gross floor area in tho principal structure. -8- IINIM~RD;REOUIR~MENTS./ ~;; .; ........ letbaCk:-~teen.(15):teet in which no parking setb~cX ... none.o~ · m~lmum o~ ~ve~ (5)r .SetbaCk/ · MINIMUM IIOOR~' ): 8TRUCTURll · B. One.tired (lO0) ~quare foot for automobile ee~ce station wiihou ,..:~,;... ~ .... .:."- : ., . , .'s.~ , 3.5 MAXIMUM'm~IGHT: Fifty (501 feet above the finished grade of the lot. ',,' The maxlm,m height of a structure shall be measured from the minimum baas . flood elemalion required by the Flood Elevation Ordinance or from the grade of~-, lot, whichever la higher, ." 3.6 MINIMUM~I~F-STREET PARKING i. OFF-STREET LOADING REQUIREMENT8 3.? As requLmd by zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permits. MINIMUM lANDSCAPING rt E~UIREMENTS Aa requim,i by zoning ordinance in effect at time of application for building permits. LIMITAT~W ON SIGNS As permt~l for General Retail Commercial Zoning Districts by zoning urdinanee~ effect at time of application for building permits. 3.8 3.9 ,~IERCIIA{~ISE STORAGE AND DISPLAY Unless sl,acifleally permitted for e given use, outside storage or display of merchnn~m la prohibited. It is the I~tlon of tho Developer to provide a Green Space ~]uffer npproximate~ seventy-five (75) feet in depth along Airport Road and tile Immokalee ~hwny. -9- Sewage disposal shad b'e provided by the existing County. owned central system __t,~_~ted on the lmmokalee Highway right-of-way by constructing gravity mags collection system and lift station at the expense of the develope~'. :.. The on--Ua water distribution end sewage collect[on fac[lit[es shall b'e dee'~e< to the Cognty and. where necessary, leased back to the Development. to the ls~ance of any building permits, all applicable water and sewer system developer charges will be paid. 4.3 TRAFFIC II~IPROVE~IENTS The developer shall construct nt no expense to the County, the following traffic i~roven:?nts: A. Left and right turn storage lanes shall be provided et all entrances on Airport and Immokaiee Roads. B. Developer shall pay his fair share of the capital costs of traffic signals at the main entrances on Airport and lmmokaiee Roads when deemed warranted by the County En~neer. Thereafter the signals will be ownerd, operated and maintained by Collier County. C. Side, elks or bike paths shall be constructed along Immokalee Road. 4.4 MAINTENANCE OF COMMON OPEN SPACE The deve{oper will provide for and establish an organization for the maintenance of nny common open space and/or common facilities, including but not limited ia, nil interior streets nnd off-street parking areas. 4.5 FIRE PREVENTION This Development shell comply with all applicable codes and regulations. - iO - It h th~' Developer~a'~,,~inten~n'to" develop t~s' prelect, In tw~'- ,',,"'.v ;,:..X, ~,' ....,. , tschomatlo dest~)~,-l~ustrates the tentative development;..} ~",,~",. ,- ' us,s and l~atlons bf cert~n fa~Htiea to be ~nstructed on the' ' '- '~':~; '/ }" :' Comma~?~.~.Tract ',"A~ ', ~'ndar Phase' l;':.,,.','?:..*.::~t:'~'.'k,~ ,.',;:,', , , =. ":"',:-:,-'~,:', :-' ( ): ~h[Mu~il-famll7. Trnet',"B~'pa~c~l.to~a{her' ~lth the ~;~::~:: .....*',;';;" .*' ;.,T. ...... : ,' '. - developed'Under Phai~ H'~nstruetlon;" .,, ..' , :, ':','..,.. . , . ..-. ,,, .,.,,~:, ?..... , . ; . .. , , ,,,. . B. Ihe,desi~ e~to~a and lnTout tllu~trated On gxhlblt "~" ah~l ~"" ~ ' pm]~et ~nd eompl~ with ~1 ~pplle~bl~ roqulr~ment~.. All necossnr7 easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be :~-': granted to Insure tho continued operation and maintenance of all service utilities. D. f~l[nor desigm chanl~es, such as but not limited to, location of bulldinKs;'" distribution of dwellln[~ units, bulldin~ types,etc., shall be permitted subject to site plan approval, £. Prior to the issuance of' building permits, a final site plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Department for their review and approval. 4.7 PP, ESERVATION AREA The live oak nnd eflbbnlto palm I~nmmock shall bo preserved in its natural state and clearly delineated prior to nny clearing or construction takes on the site by tho County's Environmentalist. -11- .i I