Parcel - Mike Davis Elementary \- .~ Memorandum TO: Minutes & Records Management FROM: Sue Zimmerman ~ Property Acquisition Specialist Real Property Management DATE: December 23, 2010 RE: GOLDEN GATE GREENWAY Project No. 801211 Please find enclosed the originals of the following documents for the above-referenced project: 1. Access, Maintenance, Landscape & Recreational Pathway Easement from The School District of Collier County; and 2. Access, Maintenance, Landscape & Recreational Pathway Easement from 1-75 Associates, LLC and 1-75 Preserve, LLC. PLEASE NOTE: It appears that you already have a Real Property File under BMR Records named Golden Gate Greenway and these should be added to that same folder. Both of the above easements were given to satisfy developer commitments contained in Ordinance 00- 15. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments at Extension 2622. Thank you. PROJECT: Golden Gate Greenway PARCEL: Mike Davis Elementary FOLIO: 00296480007 INSTR 4506022 OR 4633 PG 1117 RECORDED 12/15/2010 2:00 PM PAGES 2 DWIGHT E BROCK COLLIER COUNTY CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT REC $18.50 ACCESS. MAINTENANCE. LANDSCAPE AND RECREATIONAL PATHWAY EASEMENT THIS EASEMENT. made and entered into this I Bil day of J}~bzr. 2010, by THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA (hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor"), whose post office address is 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109, to the COLLIER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee"). 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, Florida 34112, its successors and assigns, as Grantee. (Wherever used herein the terms "Grantors" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors or assigns.) WIT N E SSE T H: Grantors, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby conveys, grants, bargains and sells unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for maintenance, landscape buffer and recreational pathway purposes and access, on the following described lands located in Collier County, Florida, to wit: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE Subject to easements, restrictions, and reservations of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee together with the right to enter upon said land, and place or remove materials for the purpose of a twenty (20) foot access, maintenance, landscape and recreational pathway easement, including maintaining a landscape buffer and constructing and maintaining a ten (1 O) foot wide recreational pathway and associated improvements appurtenant thereto or thereunder within the 20 foot easement area. Access and maintenance rights are granted throughout the entire easement area. Pursuant to Ordinance 2000-15, as amended, the 20 foot maintenance/landscape buffer area shall accommodate a ten (1 O) foot wide recreational pathway, any required water management berm and landscape buffer. The pathway may incorporate the water management berm, if any, and in the event the water management berm is constructed prior to the pathway, the Grantee may replace the berm, if approved by the controlling regulatory agency, with a meandering pathway to meet the Grantee's design objectives of a park-like setting and to avoid the possibility of creating areas where stormwater may be trapped between the berm and the pathway. No trees shall be planted north of the pathway so as not to hinder access of canal maintenance equipment. Grantor shall not be responsible for making any alterations, modifications or relocations to any existing improvements such as fencing, landscaping, berms or other existing installations in the easement area. Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as the context requires. Pathway may be a concrete or asphalt sidewalk. The easement granted herein shall constitute easements running with the land and shall burden the lands described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first above written. DATED: _~ THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Att~. ~~ ~. 2' /?~ Dennis Thompson, Supenn ndent ApprOVed as to form & legal Suffl . . CISney ~--010~ As tant County Att~;";;;;---'-" .J[ ,\..) fJ \ \="" <(. ~ n ..,' . \~ vv-r\ I, ~ EXHIBIT "A" THE NORTH 20 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY: ALL THAT PART OF SECTION )4, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH. RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PAJlTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTH QUAJlTEll CORNER. OF SAID Sf.C110N 34i THENCE SOUTH 00-21'49M WEST ALONO THB QUARTER SECTION LINE A DISTANCE OF 422.49 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID QUARTER SEcrJON UNE SOUTH 45-11'02- EAST 160.65 fEET; THENCE SOUTH "-20'05. EAST 105.52 FEET: THENCE SOUJ'H 3.,...'1 2M EAST 103.05 FEBTi THENCE SO\1l'H .aezO'05M EAST I"." FEETi THENCE SOUTH Ol-39'SSM WEST lI7.IO FEBTTO THE BEOINNlNOOF A CtkaJLAR CUIlVECONCAVE EASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 160.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHE1t.L Y AND SOUTHEASTEJtL Y ALOHO SAID CUIlVE THROUGH A aNT1Vd. ANGLE OF 33-..,,,M AN ARC DISTANCE OF 94.24 FEET TO A REVERSE CURVE CONCAVE WESTI!RL Y HA VINO A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET; THENCE SQUTHEASTERL Y AND SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30-21':"" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39.74 fEET; THENCE SO\1l'H 01-43'14" BAST 201.69 FEET TO THE NORTH UNE OF ACCESS ROAD NO.2 AS RECORDED IN O. R. 2n I, PAGE 247: THENCE NORTH 1'-30'2S" EAST ALONO 14.00 FEET : THENCE NORTH 01-43'14" WEST 15 WESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS 0 THENCE NORTHERLY AND NO 31-2I,,,M AN ARC DISTANCB 0 106. 6 HAVINO A RADIUS OFlOO.OO Ti THENCE NORTHWESTERLY D H A CENTR..AL ANGLE OF 41-51'21M AN ARC DISTANCE 73. THENCE NORTH 01-39'55" EAS THENCE SO\1I'H 'S-57'24M EAS F NOAH'S LANDING: THENCE ALONO NOAH'S LA I) NORTH 01-39'53M EAST 413.12 2) NORni '-'I'"M EAST 126.19 3) NORnt 15-06'26" EAST 106.99 ; 4) SOUTH 7r3I'"'' EAST 196.1U ,0 1lIENCE LEAVING SAID WESTEIlL Y B 14U6 FEET; THENCE NORm 11-39'54M EAST 610.70 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 52-1 TSOM EAST 160.39 FEET TO AN INTBllSECTION Wl1H A NON-TANGENT CURVE AND mE NORTHWESTEIU. Y LINE OF A INGRESS-EGRESS EASEMENT AS IECOkDED Bf 0.1l BOOK 2769 PAOE 1231 WHOSE RADIUS POINT BEARS SOUTH 5O"OT42" EAST A DISTANCE OF 260.00 FEET: THENCE EASTEJU. Y ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANOLE OF 13-16'46" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 60.26 FEETi ntENCE LEA VlNO SAID CURVE NORTH 00-11'18" WEST 378.24 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE AFOkEMEN11QNED SECTION 34: THENCE soum 81-39'"M WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE A DISTANCE OF 16n.16 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED. CONTAINING 17.5' ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS; SUBJECf TO EASEMENTS AND DESC1lIP110NS OF RECORD.