Ordinance 81-53 )~L:t.E;'fED ORDINANCE NO. O1-_.~.]_. ~:k~. '~) :];.j,AN~ O)~)~)[AN.C~. REOULATINO S~OKING',AND THE CAhnYING O~' LIGIITED OBJECT., IN ~19ECIFIED PLACES IN TIIE COUNTY; REQUIRING PLACARD- , lNG QF CERTAIN PREMISES; PROVIDING FOR ;d I.~) ~O~C~T; PROVIDING PENALT I ES:'.'IL ~FOR CL~i~LATION~; PROVIDING FOR CONFLIC~t~ C~'I~8~ERAN~)~PEALING ORDINANCE 78T2~IAS AMENDED BY ORDINanCE 78-46; PROVIDING ~ EFFECTIVE DATE. %'.qlEREAS, it has been determined that tile health, com- fort and welfare of non-::mokors, of tobacco are adversely afiected by pollutants in the air from the smoke of tobacco or tobacco substitutes and that such adverse health effect increases with the dosage of such smoke, it is the purpose of this Ordinm%ce to protect the health, comfort and welfare of neI,-nh, okcrs by prohibiting And/or regulating smoking in indoor public places; %~%IERE/,F;, thc cskablis]uAent of guidelines for th~ crea- tion of smFk~'L and men-smoking areas wi].l allow conoumcrm to know, in advaDce, what kind of environment tkey will encounter in pu),]Jc places ~nd public m,actingc; NOW, THEI~E[:O:(E, BE IT CRDAIIIEO BY 'AqIE BOAI~ Ol~ COUNTY COH:':~;[',Inxu''~e~,~.,o OF COLLIER COU, ITY, FLORIDA, that: l.'or the puJpcne of ishis ordinance, t0~e following t. erhm, phra~;cu, words, and their derivationu ~,]al] have the mcaniDg gix'~m herein. When not inconsistent with the contc;tt, words used in the Frescnt tense includ~ the future, words in the plural number include she singular number, and words in th'~ sinoular ntm~er include tb~ plural number. Tho word "shall" is always mandatory and not mere].y directory. 1. "county" is Collier County, Florida. 2."Commission" is the Board of County Commist~i6]mrs o~ the County of Collier. 3."County llealth Officer" is the person in cha~e of~ tho County Health Department or his 4. "Fire Marshal" is an employee of tile Cou~ designated by tho County Co~i~aion. 5. "Smoking" mean~ ~e' intake and exhalation by a person of smokey from tobacco or tcbacco nubstitutd and also includes carrying or having control of a lighted cigar, pipe, cigarette or other lighted smoking equipment. 6. "Designated Smoking Area" mcan~ an area wh~ro ~moking is permitted by ~%~ proprietor or other person in charge of the premises pursuant to the proviaionn of thifl Ordinance. 013 7. "Designated No-Smoking Area" meass an area where ~mokin9 i~ prohibited specifically by this ordin- ,nee, or an area established pursuan~ to this Ordinance by th~ proprietor or other person in chargo of tho premise~. 8. "Service and waiting lines" means a queu~ of two or more per~on~ being ~e~ed in turn or waiting for such 9. "Government Building" is any building, portion of a build~ng, or est~lish~ont or facilities, under the control or manage~ent of an elected or pointed official of the 'Federal government, the State gover~%en~, or a local government. 10. "Person" is ~ny person, firm, partnership, assocl- at, on, co~o~a%~on, compa~]y or organization of any kind. 11. "Public Place" m,.nn~ any cnc].o~cd, indoor area u~.c~d by tJ~ gcu~z~l p~b].':.(: o~ to %~hich the general p ,b]ic co;,', n;~3~:, 1~,~ ~ccer~n, including, but not limited l.o ut, ch arna~: !u gover~mv nt buildings, rc)staurant~, a~,,~ ether oat::.~:g ~nd drin:;~ ].ishmcnt~, retail f;tor. ,~ ,.'~d com.mv, rcial mcnts, pu~qic ,.onvcyar~[.~m, uducatiunal f~cilitles, hof;pitals, re, 32%.ion rc,u;.~:, nurn~nl; ho,.as, b~,rber r,ho.,u, ],eauty p~rlo'?], f_udito~;:[t:,a::, ~re~' ... and may ]3e ~;,~ociated for ~ong pe~.'~ ,d:.; of tinge or ~n clozc pro::Jml t.y %:J. th ~moJ:crs and %:here, %~,erc~for~, non-stool:ers n~ay be subjected to larger docagc~ of ~.~moku then would be ca~e if' ]o%~(,r co~]ccntrattons of sm~]:o or uhort periods of til.,.3 %lore i~)volv~,d. It, the~'efnre, shall be unla~ful for any ],et'~on to ~:moke Jn any of tho fullowing puS]ic place~, in their' cntir~.ty or, when so listud, ~.n npccific thereof: 1. Area~ of government buildings to which the general public haO Uuual accoos, except for d~utgnatod arca~ where smoking may bo pe~ittad. 2. Arua~ of school, to which pupils or Ore general public have uuual accoos. 3.Elovator~. 4.Conveyances uucd by the general public, 5. ~chool bu~Qs. 013 6. Service and waiting lines in'b~nks, cafeterias and retail storQ "chQck out" areas. 7. Sales and service counters in retail stores and commercial entablfshments, except stores devoted entirely to the sale of tobacco, tobacco products, substitutes therefor, and equipment for use in smoking. 8. Dance floors. 9. Theatres, arenas, auditoriums, meeting rooms when such places are occupied by the general public except that this prohibition shall not apply to smoking upon the stage as part of any theatrical production. 10. I,ibraries. 11. ~.iuseu'ns and exhibition g'a].leries. f~f3;i~_?:i~. ~-;mok~n~ Restricted :;.n Smncif~d Public Pla, .~ or It is thc ~ntcnt of this SectJ.?u to restrict smoking certain publ.:c p!:~ce~, to spec~fic sul)a~'c~': , or to estcblJsh subal.'ens Jn %.::~.ch ~moki:.~ iu proh'[bited, thun dacreasin,3 dosage of cmoke to %/hich the non-smo];er ~; c:{poscd. ThJ.:~ sl~rll ]~e (lo~ -: by thc cntnblin],,.v:~)t by the pi oi~ric, tor or otl~:r l'.Ct'S{.u i)~ charge of l:hn 1)rr:rnJr'::s o2 (a) "DcsJi;na~ .d Smoki~g Arua~" (%;h]ch m~y not e~co~n~,ass thc cDt]r~ area of t.ha pu:~lic p l~.c ) , or alturnativ~ly (b) "Des j. gna t~,d Smok]u,.. Al'ca~:" (which i.~ay cn'.ompi,ns the e]~tire area of ps' 'lc place:). Thi~ ~;cction sl,el]. ~,p;)]y lo t!~c fol]~,wing ing A,'~:a" shi~ll encompass at least thirty-'l'ive purcent of tll'~ total floor area '~f ~uch public ]. Retail. stores, except J;torus d(w,tcd cntird'ly to the nal~% of feb.'ceo, tob~'cco prc,h~ct~, substitutes th(,rcfore, and cq~ipment for use in 2. R(,staurants and other eating and d~inking c~tab- linhm,'nts. 3. Other commercial establi~hm(nts, such as bankn, repair shops, rental and other ~c[~ic,~ establish- ments, barber shopJ~, beauty parlors. 4. Ho~pitals and nursing h3mes; as a minimum for the protection of non-smokers in such public places, one or more waiting rooms or areas shall bo estab- lished as an "Designated No SmokJng Area". 5. Waiting rooms in medical practitioners' offices and in similar heal~% diagnosti~ .nd car. facili- ties - 100% of ~e floor area. Nothing in this s~at~on shall be into~reted as null- ifying any provi.ion of Section 2. SECTION 4. pesignatien of Smoking add Non-Smoking Areas Pursuant to Section -~, smokin0 and non-smoking areas may be designated by proprietors or other persons in charge of public places, except in places in which smoking prohibited by the Fifo Marshal or by other laws, ordinances or regulations. Smoking or non-smoking areas may be desig- nated by ~'roprietor~ according to any one of the following three options: 1. O~tion ]. - Floatin?.S~o.~i~_g. or Non-Smoking Area The proprietor may designate one part of the floor space as a smoking or. non-smoking area. There- after, the areas may be expanded or contracted to meet the actual dcmsnd of the establis~ent' patrons, subject to the limitations of Section 3. 2. ~tion 2 - Fixed Smo]:~ or Non-Smok~n~ Area The proprietor may designate a fixed area of the space a:; a smoking or non-~mol:]ng area. The smok- J'~g ~rea may not (:xc,~ed one-half of the f~oor n] nee of a pub]Jo place or public meeting place. 3. ~,]~:io~ 3 - Comb!nat~on A proprietor may deni~:%ute part of h~.s floor ~u~ a Florl ;nO Smoking or ]:on-Cmo)~ing Arcs f.,,sc~'ibcd Jn Option 1, and gr~other part of his floor spec,, as a l.'.i;:ed Stool.Jag er lk)n..Slr?ktng Area ~n d .sc~ ud in Option 2. ]n~t in no cl, r.e nhnll 1.;.{~ ~u,',ol;J~,g i~rt,a e~:c,'ed 35;j cf th' cnti~;e floor [U .... i'(:~ [~. ~'~nn"r a-.~ '.~tb~J n" ......................................... l'ropzJet'or~ sh~ll e:tnbl~nh th~ n~,,~.,l:Jng mr..'] non-~mokJng nrers purnucnt to thi: Ordinance by con~picuou:Iy and mincntly di~:pIaying "Smoking", "No Smoking" signs or tent cards' resI:ectivcIy in thc nrens so degJgnated. It in sugg~oted but not required that, ~n ~e est~'b- iishment of smoking and no umoking areas, proprletor5 con- sider the foiiowing: 1. U~e of existing physical featuren, ~ncluding partitions, to segregate sma,king and non-smokinG sectionn; 2. The use of existing ventilation systems to mini- mize the co~ingl~nG of smoke-filled and free air. 3, The existence and location of .any smoke removal device; 4. Tho co~ingling of smoking and non-smoking areas should be discouraged to avoid frustration of purpose of this ordinance. SECT]ON 6. ~acarding Required Every person or his agent, having control of premise~ ...... mo,..ng is prohibited or re=trictod pursuant to Section~ 2 and 3 shall display upon tho premises a sign or signs of adequate visibility appropriate to ~uch prohibition or restriction as sst forth in such Scctionu 2 and 3. In all public p)acos or portionu thereof listed in Sections 2 and 3 much a sign shall be placed near oach outuidu entrance and opposite or near tho elevator or stai~ay door~ on each floor,' if any, above the first; in all public places, as listed in Sections 2 and 3, in which ~moking is prohibited in the entirety, no additional eig~.shall b~ re~irud under this Ordinance. In addition, in those subareas of p~lic places where smoking is specifically permitted or prohibited ns listed in Sect~onn 2 and 3, appropriate signs shall bo ]>ostcd to identify such areas (am "Deuignatud Smoking Areas" or "Deuignutcd No-Stashing Arcns" as tho cau~ may bo). SECTION 7. ~91ntJ onn It shall be un]a%.'ful (~) for any person aft~:r being advi~:,.d that he is iua posted "no ~:moking area" to ~mo]~c in ~, ]~,ll, l i c ?l.~c,~ or i~ortlon thnreoE wh .'u smoki:../ is pro- h:i],~tcd a~. ]i:~tcd in Sections 2 or 3 and placarded pursuant to s~,:Lio:~ C; (b) fo~z ~ y proprietor or his ag(.nt to fail to pl,"ce nit,.,s ,.s ~'c~lui.%'cd by Su~;tion 6; (c) for aD5' person to r(:mr3vc or (n~l~O tO ].;~; r~' ~O"(~C~, C;:cupt for saint, cD,thCs [,tit- les: ::, any ~ ]t;n po~;[:,.d ] .~rs%~ant to Section 6. Any person v~olating any nf tk.~ proviuio'.%~ of thin Ordinance, u:~on co;v~ct~on there=of, uh~ll bo g~lty of a violation of thin The pr,'.vision:; si.' this ordJ~:~nce I:':,y b~ enforce~' by any la~. cnforccm~u~t officer having juri~.d~...tion in tl,u County. The provisions of this ordina:,co ars cumulative and n~q)plcmc, ntal to Federal, State and Local laws and ord,- nancy, s. No%hing in this Ordinance ~ball be con~trucd to allow =rooking in an area where ~u Fir~ Marshal properly t)rohibitu smoking, nor to restrict or replace under any other provision of law designed to protect health and safety of work r~ in ~oir places of work. f:I:CTfON 20. Conflict and If any ~ection, subsection, ~ntencu, clau~e, phrase portion of this Ordinance ~s, for any rea=on, hold invalid or unconntitutional by any Court of competent such portion ~hall bo deemed a separate, d~m~nc~, and independent provision and ~uch holding shall'no~ affect validity of the remainder hereof. In the .yen% th~s Ordi- nance conflict, with any other appropriate law, ~h- moro rontrict~vo ,hall apply. If any paA%~f ~ Ordinance conflicts with any other part, it shall be uevorcd and the remainder shall have full force and effect and shall be liberally construed ~o effect the purpose he£uuf. SECTION 11. This Ordinance shall take effect on December 1, 1981, and ordinance 78-24 as amended by ordinance 78-46 shall be repealed on such date. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY TIIE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, this 29th day of ~p_~2~k~, 1981. DATE: September 29, 1981 ATTEST .~ 3 ': ~ ~W]~L~AM'J. .REAGAN, CLERK · ' 'Louiuo Chesoni,,:, D.C. STATE OF FLOHIDA ) CODNTY OF COLI,IER ) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLI'ER COUNTY, FLORIDA A. PISTOR~ CltA1RI~tAN Approve aa to form: I onald A P~ckwo~ h Collier County Attorney I, WIIJJAM J. REAGAN, Clerk o~ CourL.,.~ in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing .~s a true] original of ORDINANCE NO. 81-53 which was adopted by tho Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session Septu~ber, 29, 1981.. WITNESS my hnnd and the off.~c[al heal of tho Board of County Commissionnr~ of Collier County, Florida, thin 29th day of September, 1981. Clerk of Courts Ex-officio to Board of ". County comissiohbrs This ordtnanc~ filed with the Se~re~arv'~f Offic- th- 5th day of October, 1981 and acknowledeem-n~ ~f that filing recaiv.d, t~is "th aay -f Omto~r ]gfl~. ~puty DA P/c~m/104-B 013