Ordinance 81-52OIU)IN^NCl': ~;O. ill- 52 AU ORDINANCE ANF, NDINC, OIIDINANCE NO. 79-32, TIrF. COHPREUENSIVE PLaN FOR COr. I,ll,;r{ COUUT¥~ FI,¢)R]DA, {{Y AHRUIIINE TUg LA}ID USg EI.EUEUT I~ORK STUDY AlU.ia II^l' ~;2 FROH RE~IDI.'.NTIAL ],O~-}~DiUII I)EN~ITY (0-6 I~ITS PER GROSS ACRE) TO I~SIDENTIAL HEI)I~ DENSI~ (0-6.22 UNITS PER GROS~ AC~) ON TI{E FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERLY; A PORTION OF 5ECTION 24, TO~SI{IP ~8 SOIrFH, RANOE 25 EAST CONSISTING OF API'IIOX- INATELY ]/,.6 ACRE9; AND PROVIDING AN EI"FECTI VE DATg. k/IiI'iREAS, k'l]son, Hiller, llnrton, Sell & Peek, Inc., rcpre~.enting ;VI]Item L, Itnrion~ Tr.mtee, petitioned the Bonrd nf County Commin~;ioners t.o change tim Lnnd Une Clnn~lficntton nf the hereYn dencribed ren]. prol,el:tY; NO9, TI~.EIH,iI'O}IE~ 1~Ii IT OIiDAII~LII by the Hoard of Count. y Commf=nloners of Coil ler Cotulty, Florida: '~ECTTO~/ OldE: Tim l,und r,'oa ]It. nld~'nt ~a! Arvn accord i ngl y: All th.mt part of S-c~t,m 24, To'. c',l,i1, /,/] .~;m 'h, P,:.n,',' ?5 E:,::k Co,T.n¢.r,t i L~. n! thc S Ii corner ¢.f ~;ccli,,q 24, ],.~'~L'.l,il, {in~,i;e 25 l'.~t, Collier County, Fl',~'ida; t;..,,: alo.g ibc and I~ ~ St.c~ion line North O°(l{'O0" }'..~,1 160 fe~l. to no~thr'rly rtght-of-.~'ay ltm~ of Piper Uon]t, va,'d am uhotm mi Plat of %'illm~hby Arres ~. recol(l~{l {I, l'{:~t l'ook ~. I,nC~', 25 nnd 26, Collier Cot:nly Pul,{ic Re.erda, ~o]lier Cotmty, l.'lor[ ~,nd the I'OI{{T OF {{{iGINUI]{G of the parcel {,e~cin tlwnc~ {,]nng the northerly r/~ht.-of-~'ay line of s~id Piper Boulevard l;outh 89°21,'51," Uest 632. 17 feet to the oanterly ,'t~:ht-of-s'~,y of Euclid Awmue of ~.~{d plat of l,'i] lo.gl.by acren; th,.nce along s,,id ~'{,sterJy rid,.~ -,,f..t',,y line Uorth OnOl'05'' [;~t 502.92 feet to the ~ co~ner Gl Lot 14 of aaid ~l]louI:hby Acres; thence along the South line of said Lot 14 and alao nlon8 the South linc of Lots ]3, 12, II, I0, 9, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and I of slid ~illoug{,by Acres, North 89°21'10~ East ]26~.11 feet to th~ vcst~rly rt~ht-of-t'ny line of Lak~t land Avenne ~f snid plat o~ ~lllot, ghby Acrea; thence s~l ~ester]~ r.aht-of-~ay line 9outh 0~00'05'' ~est [~k t~ ~ld northerly rlght-of-vuy line of Piper Bot, l~- v.~l; th~em~ along s~td northerly ~i~ht-t~f-~'ay line Sot~h i~8~'l,/,"~,t 632.16 feet to the Point of Beginning of (.~or recordk, contnining 14,62 acres of land ~re or les~. Li ,, SECTION TWO: This Ordl,lnnce nl)all become effective upon noLlce that it hnn been recelve(I by the Office of the Secretary of State. September 29, 1981 BOARD OF COUNTY COHHIS.qIONf. ILq COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ATI'I'~S'F: · ;¢iLl, l,'dl ,I. REACAN, CI',ERK This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 6th day of October, 1981 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 9th day of October, 1981. Deputy Clerk TC/cm/S2-Z ~/]3/~ STATE 01" l',,~.~,] LIA ) COUNTY ()FCC, LI,IIiA ) I, WII,T,iAI! J. fl).iAC,%'q, Cl~,rk of COu:kr in c:,' Ie:)' I.h? ','..,v.;;L:cLh Judlcl,)l. C.[r¢'uit, Colllo): County, that tho fort,going is a true ori':Li.),a.1. ORDINANCE NO. 81-52 which wan adopted by the r, oard of C¢,u~ty Co;~.ni:;:i, io:~:; during Regulz)r Suusion September 29, WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Roard c.f CourtLy Commir..qioncrs of Collier County, Florida, this 1st day of Octobcz, 1981 Clerk of Courts and Cl'6rk' '~":../~ 018