Ordinance 81-51ORDINANCE NO. 81- 51 RESOLUTION NO, CWS 81- 5 AN ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION ADOPTINO. RATES, AND FEES FOR CONNECTING TO AND US}: OF COUNTY AND DISTRICT WATER SERVICES; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PRO- VIDING FOR CONNECTION ClIARGES~ PROVIDING FOR TAPPING CHARGES PRIOR TO CONNECTION; PROVIDING FOR CUSTOMER' LIABILITY; ADOPTING A USER RATE SCIlEDULE; RESUMPTION OF DISCONTINUED SERVICE; PROVIDING FOR DEPOSITS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF METERS T0 NEW CONNECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS TO PRIOR DISCONNECTS; DESCRIBING PROPERTY ~OWNE~ RESPONSIBILITY FOR WATER SERVICE~ REQUIRING COLLF~_N OF WATER UTILITY BILLS; DISCONTINUANCE OF ~ERVf~E;'SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES TO REGISTER COMPLAI}~fS ~CONCE~NING WATER BILLS AND DEFECTIVE METERS; REQUIRING =PAYMENTS 'WHEN ~E, TERS BECOME DEFECTIVE; AUTHORIZING =RIGHT:.DF ENTRY BY AUTHORIZED AGENTS TO PREMISES SERVED$ ,'ADOPTING, PROCEDURES FOR CLOSING INACTIVE ACCOUNTS; PRO- VIDING~FOR SEPARATE BILLING FOR WATER A~;D SEWER SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE COUNTY; PROVIDING CHARGES FOR HYDRANT RVICE; PROVIDING F0R REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NOS. 78-8, -89, 79-67, AND 80-93; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WIIEREAS, Collier County and County WAter-Sewer District operating a water utility system in specific locations of the unincorpo~ated area of the County; WHEREAS, the County and District desire that the water system be operated tn an efficient, bus,ness-like and economical ~ePm ~d WHE~AS, to assu~ the economic and fin~cial well-bein~ lhe utility ~y~tem, adequate Pates and fees must b. chapled<~p watep ~d facilities p~vtded by the ut~ll/y sys/.m, ~ fop all costs r.qut~d ~o operate the system ~d p~ovi~ N~ THEREFO~ BE IT O~AINED by ~he Boa~d of Coun~ Co~ 8sione~ of Collie~ County ~d T.solved by the,Board of County Comm~ss~onfl~ of Collier County, Ex-Offic~o th. Gove~n~ BoaTd the County WateT-Suwe~ Dts~P~c~, Florida: SECTION ONZ: DEFINITION~ Fo~ the puTpose of th~ O~tnance ~d Resolution0 ~he fo11~- ~ wo~s ~d ph~es ohall have ~ho me~in~. ~speut~vely ~o ~hem as fo11~8 ~ A. Bus~n.s~ and In~t'~tut~onal~ Any come.Ia1, 1 of 11 houses, resident school, hotels, motels and all ethel' uses, The term "commercial" as used hor~in shall mean an establishment dealing in whol~salo o~ ~etail t~ades o~ oo~vi~e~, includtn~ but not limited ~o hotels, motels~ apa~ment houoao~ ~omin~ houses. ~d trailers, renting furnished o~ unfurnished, offices~ sto~ee, ~stau~ants, ~uvchc~, schools, and other factli~iea which hold themselves out to the public ao place~ of business. B~ County: Colli~ County, Florida ov the County Wa~e~ Sewe~ Dt~t~tct ~ appropriate. C. Customer: Applic~t fey service, who~e name appears on Otility Division D. Equivalent Unit: A livln[ acco~odation lot a family~ whether a stnZlo-family residence ova multi-family buildln[ o~ facilitles u~in[ equivalent wate~ consumption to a lfvlnE unit. E. Livin~ Unit: Any place of abode which ts suitable fo~ pe~,nt oP tT~aient family om individual ~,idential Each such llvinz unit shal~ be conoidePed as sinzle and ~epa~ate fop the puppets of this nection. r. tulti-faaily Reoidenco: All places of d~llinl othev th~ a atnzle-family residence and duplex havln[ thee mo~ livini ]!. Service Connection ~a~a,: a ~a~ge made at the time wate~ sevv~ce is ~equosted to coveP the cost of diut~ibu~ion 1~09 fu~ished by the ~y~tem needed to se~ve ~ a~a. I. S~ns!erf. amily Residence: ~e te~ stngle-f~ily de,ce ~ defined a~ any oincle-family dwelling ~d ~le with the word hou~old. %.~e~ both a stnglo-f~tly dence ~d a guest house nccupy ~he n~e p~se, ~nst~tuta a ~epavato living unit. In ~h, ca=e of a duplex, ~n~t Ihall be ~a~ed as a sinEle-f~ily dwelling. J. Tapping ~a~e: A ae~ chares to covey 2 of 1~ SgCTION ~O~ SgRVICJ: CONNr, CT~O~ CHARC.,[:S A. This set'vice connection charge shall permit service to any and all buildings on the lot, p~ovidtng said lot does not exceed one hundred fifty (150) feet in depth. B. This ~e~vice connection charge shall p~vide serv'ice to one building (.~ugla-family ~es~dence) on ~y lot ~ega~dless of depth. C. ~e~ a lot fs mo~ than one hundred fifty (150) feet ~n depth~ fo~ ea~ add].t~onal building const~cted beyond The one h~dred fifty (150) feet, there shall be ~ add[t[onal ~e~ce connection cha~o based on the w~dth of the lot on wh~ the bu[ldfnE [s built, as more fully set fo~h [n Paragraph E of this Section. D. ~e County Zoning Depa~ment shall desiznate size of , 10~ ~n ~he event of a dispute as to the ~fze Of lot. E. Connection chamges a~e established as two dollaPs ~d fifty cents ($2.50) pep front foot fop a maximum depth of one. hundPed fifty (150) feet plus one cent ($0.01) peru squa~ foot ThereafteP. F. ExTenuion~ to the County's watem distmtbut~on ~ystem shall b~ paid fop by ~he applic~t on ~he ba~i~ of the above- stated connection cha~Ees. G. Should the connection eha~ges Pece[ved from ~ e~ens[on p~ect be less th~ the estimated p~oJect cost, a fo~ the diffe~nce ~hall be ~qui~ed fPom the applicant. Said cont~ibuT~on shall be Pufundable fPom connection chaTges ~eceived ~nually fop the extension ovem a pe~od not to exceed thee (3) ~. Connection cha~geo and contTibution~ a~ pay~le p~o~ to ~nst~ct~on of the e~ens~on. I. ~e~ developers ~nstall dist~ibution l~nes ~ expense~ the~e shall be no connection ~a~ge to ~ndiv~dual lot O~e~. 3 of 11 SECTION TIIREE: METERSj TAPPING CHARGES A. Meter tapping charges shall be as follows: Mete~ Meter Size Tapping 5/8" ~200.00 3/~" 220,00 ~" 270.00 1 1/2" 2" 500.00 ~aTge shall be based on the cost of The meter. ~e materials ~d 15o~ costs for the installation shall be pa~d by the developer oP prope~y ~neP at no expense to the County. C. All necessa~ mete~ will be relished by the County ~d shall ~mafn the property of the Co~ty. D. Meters must be left accessible to County employees at all times. E. ~en any customer, who has a water meter, m~es appli- cat,on to ~he Utility Division fop the installation of a large~ meter to ~place his smaller meter, he shall be given c~dit fop the tapping charges paid on the ~mallem mete~ in accordance with ~ho above schedule. ~ePe shall be no refunds oP c~dits given to any customer requesting a ~mal~eP meter. SECTION FOUR: CUSTOHER'S LIABILITY FOR DAF~GE TO EpUIPMENT ~ customer is l~able to tho County for any damage done to the equipment used ~n hi~ se~ce, except damage done by County employees. SECTION FIVE: RATES A. ~e Pates for service shall be as ~e~ fo~h he~n. Said rates a~e he,by found ~o be fair and equi~able ~d may be changed by o~n~ce ~end~ng the ~ate sd~edule. B. Ra~es charged by the County Utility Division fop wate~ fu~hed to customers within the County's follows: (l) Sin§lc-Family Residence: First 3,000 gallons= $6.00 per month. 4 of 11 oo, 013 For ell water used in excess of that ellowed within the'minimum charge, the rate shell bo $1.00 per 1,000 Eallons, or any'par~ thereof. (2) Multi-Family Residence: (a) Duplex Residence: First 6~,000 gallons any par~ thereof $12,00 p,r month. For all wate~ in exce~ of ~hat allowed within the minim~ charge, ~he rate shall be ~1.00 pep 1,000 gallons, or any pa~ the~of. (b) Multi-F~ily Rental Apa~ments: 3,000 gallons om any pa~ thereof $5.20 per month per apa~ment or dwelllnE unit. FoP all water used in excess of ~ha~ allowed within ~he minimum charge, ~he rate shall. be $1.00 pep 1,000 gallons, oP ~y pa~ ~he~of. (c) Condominiums: First 3,000 gallons o~ any pa~ thereof $5.20 pep month per apa~ment or dwelling unit. FoP all water in excess of that allowed within the minimum ~a~Ee~ the Pate. shall be $1.00 pep 1,000 gallons, o~ any' pa~t thereof. SE~ION SIX: DEPOSITS A. All pe~ons desiring water connect~on~ w~th the water mains of the County shall, upon maklns application the~efo~ depost~ with the County a minimum of twenty dolla~ ($20.00) fop each five-eiKhth's (5/8) and th~ee-quaPteP (3/g) ~n~ meter. Deposits fo~ all other sizes is he,in est~lished as set forth. No mete~ shall be installed and connections made with the wate~oPks without the receipt of such deposit. B. Application fo~ water service must be made to the County Utility Division and the following minimum Euam~tee of payment deposit shall be required upon ~ppllcat~on. In the event that a ' customer fs disconnected for fallu~ to pay any wate~ b~ll on t~mmly basis ~d the deposit ~ found to be Snadegua~e ~o the outstanding balance due the County, t~ Utflity Directo~ ~) ~eguf~e payment in full of all bal~ces outo~dinE, and ~gul~e a new d,posf~ fn the maximum amoun~ equal ~o the estimated cost of three months consumption p~oP to ~,eonnectfnE the ' ,oo 013 Application for water service will r, ot be accepted without specified deposit. $/8'" x 3/~" service ........ 3/h" service ........... 1~ service . . . . . . · · · · . . 1 1/4" service .......... 1 1/2" service .......... 2" service ........ ,,,,, service Construction nervice blanket deposit Fire hydrant service ........ · . .~ ~o.oo · . 20.00 · . 40.00 · . 40.00 . , hO .00 . . 40.00 . . 100.00 · . ,50.00 · . 75.00 'C. Deposits shall be refunded upon final reading and discontinuance of service from the County Water System. The County reserves the right to deduct final billing or any accrued indebtedness from said deposit, and the balance, if any, shall be refunded to tls depositor. Each resldonce or place of busi- ness shall be considered a separate seFvice and a deposit shall be required for each separate sar"vice. SECTION SEVEN: OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY fOR WATER SER. VICE; A. Tho owner of proper~y is responsible for all water service to property. In the event service is discontinued for non-payment, service will bo restored only after customer has fully complied with provisions of Section 14 of this Ordinance and Resolution. /~e owner of proper~y under construction must notify the Utility Division that contractor is responsible for water bills, ~hilo construction is in progress. B. Bad debts will be taken off the books and the name and amount due filed in a bad debt file· In the event water service is requested in the future, this back debt mus~ he paid before water service will be furnished. SECTION EIGHT: DATES BILLS DUE AND DELINOUE. NT~ DISCONTINUANCE 07 SERVICE F0R NON-PAYHENT; R}:INSTATEHHNT FO'L~OWING DISCOntINUED SERVIC'£ A. Bills are due when rendered and delinquent fifteen days thereafter. Service m~.y be cut off when delinquent for non- payment of bills. B. When service has boon cut off or discontinued from applicant's premises for non-payment of cur~nt bills, service will bo renewed upon prompt payment of unpaid bills, a deposit $ of 11 in amount herein specified for new connections plus a twnnty dollar ($20.00) servlca fee for reinstatement, provided however~ the settlement in full is made on or before fifteen (15) days from date of the discontinuance of such service. C. If service to applicant's premises be discontinued for more than' fifteen (15) days by requ~.~,t, or otherwise, street cock will then be turned off and meter removed from premises, Should applicant, at a later date, request renewal of service for said premises, this will be done upon full payment of all due bills against service at time of discontinuance, a deposit in amount herein specified for new connections, and a reinstalla- tion charge for thiz'Ty-five dollaz~ (635.00). New applicants must pay thirty-five ($35.00) to have service restored. D. Billing shall begin upon registration of water on meter, or after ninety (90) days from date cf application, whichever occurs first. E. Application shall be made to the Utility Division for the addition of any living units connected to the water service lines if the units ,have not been included on previous applica- tions. For violation of this Sect~nn the water service may be discontinued F. A fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall be charged for all new connections of water service to reimburse the County for establishing billing and accounting records. Changes in location of meters made at the request of a customer will be.charged at cost of labor and materials and is payable in advance. SECTION NINE: PAYHENT W}{EN METER BECOHES DEFECTIVE~RIC~{T UF ENTRY OF AUT}IORIZE'D AGENTS OR'"EMP'LOY}:ES ' A. Should the meter on any premises beco~ defective, so that the amount delivered for the current month cannot be ascertained, the customer er occupant of the premises shall pay for that month of amount equal to the average amount cha~'~ed for the four (~) months preceding. B. Duly authorized agents and employees shall durin~ day- light hours or if called out after dark for emerzency service have free access to any premfses for the purpose of exam~ninE 7 of 11 the condition of ftxtu~.cs, service pipe installation and such other purposes as may be proper to p~otect the intere~ts of the County or readfn5 or repairln~ the water meters located thereon, or tu~inz the supply of such watem to the 9Pemlses off o~ on. SECTION TEN: WATER BILL COHP~INTS No high water bill complaints ~hall be accepted for investi- gation by the Utility Division unless all pl~in~ fi~u~s, piping' ~d outlets have been exa~nud by a licensed plu~er who had ce~ified that there a~ no le~s. If an investigation is made by thc wa~er department ~d the findings ~eveal the initial meter Peadlnl was accurate and tho meter is fun~ioninE properly, a ~e-~ead cha~Ee of five dolla~ ($5.00) will be assessed the complaint. SECTION ELEVEN: EACH ~SIDENCE ~D PIECE OF BUSINESS ~ONSIDE~ID SEPARATE SERVf'CE Eve~ separate ~esldence usin~ County water shall be con- sidePed a separate service and shall be chaPzed not less th~ the mlnlm~ charEe. SECTION ~ELVE: ]QiTERS~ LOCATION AND ~ARGE FOR MOVING Meters shall bs: placed ~ust within ~he p~ope~y line at the nearest point to ~he tap-in main. If moved at ~he ~equost of the p~opePty owner, a cha~zo of coot plus ten percent shall be made fop the expens, of movlnE. SECTION THIRTEEN: INA~IVE ACCOUNTS) NOTICE~ FORFEITU~ OF DE};OSi~ ~ Utility Director shall ce~tfy to the Eovc~tng board a llst of all water accounts that a~ not delinqu~nt but which a~ inactive and have been inactive fop a pePtod of not mo~ th~ six (6) months and have remained inactive fo~ an additional period of thirty (30) days after written notice has been served upon ~he pe~on oP poncho, oP fl~, in whose n~e said account is kept to the effect tha~ unless they wPttu o~ telephone, o~ appea~ tn pe~onrat the County Utility Division ~d ~quest a clostn~ out of their account and a ~tu~n to them of the bal~ce of thei~ deposit, thei~ account will be closed and whateve~ deposit ~mains will be forfeited ~o the Co~ty. ~ereafte~ no depo~i~oP ~ of 11 shall hav~ any rizhts oP claim to such deposit after forfeltinu, of any deposit balance to the County. It i's the expre~,s intent of this Section that such deposit shall not be foPfeited to the County until.a p.m~od of thi~y (30) days h~ elapsed f~m ~he date the wPitten notice was sen~ ~o the las[ name and last add~nn~ on the pa~fculaP account~ howeveP, the fact that such wmitten notice is neveP ~ceived by ~hat pa~iculaP pe~son oP persons, o~ fi~m, because of the fac~ That ~hey may have moved oP The insufficiency of tho addPess That they furnished oP any otheP pe~on shall be of no impolite and the County shall still be entitled to declaPe a foPfeituPe of theiP deposit p~ovided the w~,itten notice was actually mailed to The last n~e and addPess ziven on the account. SECTION FOUF. TEEN: COLLECTION OF WATER AND SEWE~ UTILITY BILLS~ ~I4TI~;U'ANC'E' bF SERVICE It is The declaPed intention that bills fo~ watem and seweP sePvices fu~ished by ~he County shall be billed sepaPately~ but jointly enfoPceablo. NeitheP bill shall ~e pPecadent ove~ the othe:~, and thez~:fore, when any bill has ~emained unpaid and becomes delinquent, the wate'P sePvice to the delinquent p~m~ses can be and will be d~scont~nuod and will not be Peinstated until the entiPe bill fop both wate~ and seweP sePvice is paid in full. Cus~ome~ ~hall maintain ~heiP own lines ~om the wa~eP meteP, ~d all loss of wateP ~hPouEh b~s o~ le~ase to the pn~mises will be paid by the customom. SECTION FIFTEEN: HYD~;T SERVICE A. FiPe hydrant ~entals whi~ ape connected to the CollieP County Wate~ Utility System shall be ten dolla~ ($10.00) pep yeaP pe~' hydPant installed. ~en wate~ i~ sold di~.ct f~m hydrant, ~he mlnim~ cha~ge shall ~en thous~d (10,000) zallons oP less, all above, at one dollaP ($1.00) pep thousand (1,000) build~nzs connected to ,hall be ~en dolla~ (~10.00) p.P yea~. C. Application for fi~e hydrant installation shall be filed with the County Utility Division. The applicant shall execute an agreement agreeing to pay all costs for installation of the hydrant. The applicant shall furnish a letter of approval from the appropriate fire dopazRment or district approving the location and agm, elng to accept ownership and responsibility for maintenance of the hydrant. The hydrant shall be installed in accordance with County specifications. The Collier County Water Utility System shall be responsible for maintenance of the hydrant valve and shall retain ownership of said valve. The use of water fr~m the hydrant by Zhe fire department or district shall be limited to those uses relating to fire depart- ment operations. SECTION SIXTEEN: RESCIND ALL PRE, VIOUS ORDINANCES Ordinance No. 78-8, Ordinance No. 79-89, Ordinance No. 79-G7, and Ordinance No. 80-93 arc hereby repealed. SECTION SEVE~;TEEN: CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY In the event this Ordinance and Resolution conflicts with any othe~ o~din~%nce.of Collier County or other applicable law the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or por~ion of this 0Pdinance and Resolution is held invalid or unconstitutional by any cou~ of competent jursidiction, such po~tion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION EIGHTEEN: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance and Resolution shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance and Resolution has been filed with the Secretary of State, Passed and adopted by the Boa~d of County Commissioner~ of Collier County, Flol~ida, at its ~egular meeting held on the 22nd day of September , 1981. l0 of ii BOARD OF COUNTY C0HMISSI01CERS COLLIER COUNTY, FI,0RIDA AND EX-OFFICIO TI,T, GOV;:Rt;iNG BOAKD OF THE COUHTY WATER-SEWER DISTRI~  . Pis~or~ Chai~nan Approved as to fo~ and leEal Collier County Attomey STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts ]n and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the fore~joing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO.81-51/P~SOLUTION CWS-81-5 which w,~s adopt¢.,d b5' the Iloard of County Conunis~ioners during Regular Session Set)tember 22, 1991. WITNESS my lnand and the offic.{al seal of the Board of County Comm~ssioner:] of Collier County, Florida, this 23rd (lay of September, 1981. WII,LIAH J. P£AGAN Clerk of Courts and Clark Ex-officio to Board of County Commissioners .;..% \ ........ ./"~,. This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 28th day of September, 1981 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 30th day of September, 1981. B Y ''~''~ ''il of 11