Ordinance 81-49 ' ' ORDINANCE 81- 49 '~ f. rj' ~h rARTICbI~XI, SECTION 11.7, ~-~-2, ONE, ~ & ~]~L~ FAUIL~ RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, INO REDUCED SID~ YARD SETBACK FOR O~ OTORY~ 8I~G~ F~ILY ~SIDE~CE$. %'ILLI/,~ J, REAOAH .~'~r~Aof the ~cttvtttel pemttted with each respective dilLrict, their co-location without proper separation Is eot In the interest of the public health, aa~ety and ~elfare~ and M~A$, the l~okalee Area Plannin8 Co~tssion has recognized this probl~ and does reco~end to the Board of County Co~issioaers of Collier County~ Florida a specific amendment to Ordinance 7~-15 deltsned to better protect the publicj N~ ~FORE, RE IT ORDAI~D, by the Board of County stoners of Collier C~unty~ Florida that: The Zoning Ord~aance 7~-15 la hereby amended as 1. A~end Article XI~ Section 11.7, I-~-20ne~ T~o and ~ltfple Residential D~atrict, ParaRraph 6~ Hfnfmt~m Yardn~ by changtn8 subparaRraph "~" to read an follows: B. Side Yard - One sto~, 7~ feet~ two nto~) 10 feet. 8E~ION ~: ~fs Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed by Lhe SecreCary of ADOFTED %hia 15th day of September, , ~981. I~OARD OF COUNTY COM)tISSIONI:RS COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA STA?E OF FLOridA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) It WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the ~wentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the.foregoing is a true ORDINANCE NO. 81-49 which was adopted by tho Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session September 15, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 17th .day of September, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of County Commissioners ~!~.~i ........ ..~'~' ".