Ordinance 81-48ORDINANCE NO. 81- 48 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING NANCE 81-37 AND ORDINANCE 7 - .,, _ ,, .~ COMPREI{ENSZVE PLAN FOR COLLZER '~G~Y; ; ,'' D FLORIDA0 BY CORRECTING VARIOUS GRAPHICAL ERRORS IN TIlE LEGAL DESCRZ~- TZO~ OF .or~JzNANCE 81-37 ~ ~ ~ USE ELEME~ WO~K S~Y flI, AS DESCRIBED ZN O~ZNANCE 79-32, F~OM RESIDeNTiAL LOW-MEDZ~ DENSZ~ (0-~ UNITS P~R GROSS ACRE) TO CO~1ERCZAL ~ESZDENTZAL MEDZt~-]{ZGII DENSZ~ (6.22-30 UNZTS PER GROSS ACR~) ON THE FOL~WZNG Z'RO~R~ GENE~LLY DESCribED AS~ A ~O~T~ON OF ~E NO~TM~AST ~ OF ~ NORT~- EAST ~ OF SSCTZON 26, T48S, ~25~, ALL AS MOR~ ~ARTICU~RLY D~SCRZ~ED ~ROVZDZNG ~ EFFSCTZV~ DATE. ~{~REAS, Donald T. Jones, representing Donald T. Jonas and Phyllis S. Jones, petitioned the Board of County CommiM- sioncr~ to change time Land Uae Classification of the herein described real property; ~IERLAS, the Board of County Commimoion changed the ]and use classification by' Ordinance 81-37, which Ordinance contained cert~ln tyD¢,grap],ical errors which the Board now desire~ to correct;. NOW, ~IEREFOR[{, BE IT ORDAINED by the B~ard of County Commis.ioners of Collier County, S~CTION Section One of Ordin~nce 01-37 is heleby amended to road as follows~ ~te Land Use Classification of the herein describ~ property t. changed from Re,,identia! Low-Medium Densi% t{n~!~ per gross acre) to Resident;lei Medium-lligh D~.stty (6.22-30 units per gross a~e) and the Work Study Are~Map ~2 as descrJb.d in Ordi,tance 79-32 is hereby amended accordingly, Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 26, To~nsh]p 4~ South, Range 25 East, Co]liar County, Florida; Thence along th~ East line of said Sec- tion 26, S 0'47'27"E 1,329.99 feet to ~%e South- east corner of t. he Northeast ~ of the Northeast of said Section 26: Thence along ~me sou~t line of the Nor~teas~ ~ of the Northeast ~ of said Section 26, :~ ~9'52'37'W 1,326.73 feet to the Southwest corner of the Northeast % of the Northeast ~ of laid Section 26 and the Place of Beginning; Thence N 0'43'22"w 370.00 fee~ along the Wes~ line of llid Northeast ~ of tht Nor,hill, ~1 Thence 013 89e52'37"E 850.00 £eot; Thence S 0'43'21"E 370.00 feet to the South line of the Northeast ~ of th~ Northeast ~ of said Sect~on 26; Thence N 89=52~37"W 050.00 fu~t to tho Southwes~ corner~"~ff ~ Northoa;= % of the Northuas~ ~ of said Section 26 and the Place of Doginning. The Land Use Claosification of the herein des- cribed property is changed from Residential Low- Medium Density (0-4 unite per gro~s acre), to Commercial, and the Work Study Area Map ~2 as described in Ordinance 70-32 is hereby amended accordingly, The NE~ of tile NE~ of Section 26, Township 48 South, Range 25 Eant, excepting and e~cluding the above du::crtbed property. SECTION TWO: Declnr,,t~on of F...m.9_t.'.~e__ncy and Effect~,e Date The Board does hez¢.by declare that an emergency exists and that immediate enactment of this Ordinance is necessary, and by no less than four-fifth. (4/Sth) vot.e of thc member- sh~p of tho Doard .does hereby waive notice of intent to conoider this Ordinnnce. A certified copy of th~, Ordinance, as enact, cd, shall be filed by tile Clerk of t~o Board with the D ;..~rtment of State of the State of Florida, a~ soon after en~ :m,:nt ac is pract~ cable by depositing the same with the postal author/ties of tile government of the United Stat(,s for special delivery by certified mail, pos/ago prepaid, to th~ Florida Department of State. This Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that it has been received by the Office of the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commis- stoneru of Collier County, Florida, thio 8~h day of Septem~mr , 1901. BOA~ OF COUI~ ~ISSIO~RS COLLIER COU~, F~RIDA . This ordinance filed with the Secrttary Of State's pfftce the lSth day of September, 1981 and acknowledgement Of that received this 17th day of September. S?~?E .OF FLORIDA ) COUN?¥ OF COLLIER ) ~, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Cou~ts in and for the Twentieth Judicial' Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original oft ORDINANCE NO. 8].-40 which w::s adopted.by the ~oard of County Commissioners · during Regular Session Septombc~ 8, 1981. WI]~ESS my hand and t:he official ~oal of the Board of Ceunty Co~ .uissionors of Co).~ Let Coup%fy, Florida, th~s 8th day of Septumb~ r, 1901. I~ll,L~AM J. REAGAN C]~.,'k of Courts and Clerk / .- ,,~ ~. · ..,. ~ ~ 0:13