Ordinance 81-36COHPREI~HSI~ ZOHINO ~GUIATIOH8 FOR ~ ~I~CORI~TED AREA O~ ~ffi COASTAL AREA P~NNINO DIS~ICT~ BY A~NDINO SECTION 24.- (P~) ~D ~IT DEVELOP~NT DIS~ICT BY DE~TINO ~ SQUAR~ FOOT PERCENTAGE (~) FOR CO~RCIAL ~AS WI~IIN A ~SIDE~IAL/CO~- ClAL P~ BY CIlANGINO ~[E OPeN SPACE REOUIRE- ~S ~0~ iO~ TO 30~ IN ~I~D USE P~'SI ~ BY C~IFYIN00~R ~GUAGE CI[~GES; ~ ~Y PROVIDINO AN E~CTI~ DA~. WHEREAS, the Con~nunity Development Division has petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to amend the Zoning Regulations; NO~, T]~REFORE! BE IT ORDAIN'ED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida= SECTION ONE: The ZoninI Ordinance 76-30 is hereby amended t° read as follows= Amend Section 21 - (PUD) Planncd Unit Development District to read sa follows: SECTION 2&. .(PUD} PLANt, ED UNIT DEVELOPHENT DISTRICT.* Intent and Purpgse: The intent and purpose of establishing the Planned Unit Development - PUD - District is to provide an optional alternative zoning procedure so that planned develop- ments may be instituted at appropriate locations in the County in accordance with the planning and development obJectivee of tho County. It is the intent and purpose of these PUD re~la- tions to encourage~ as well as permit, land planners~ ~chi- tecta~ engineers! builders~ and developers to exercise ln'~enu- ity and imagination in' the planninl and development ~%r rc-~) development of relatively large tracts of land under /tnified~ ownership or control. Although planned unit deve.l~pmentS~, produced in co~plisnce with the terms and provialona~f thi~ Ordinance may 'depart from the strict application ~f us~ letback, height, and minimum lot requirements of conventional- zoning re~ulations, the intent is to provide standards by which flexibility may be accomplished, while maintaining and protecting the public interest, so that: 1) A more creative approach may be taken to the development of contiguous tracts of land five (5) acre or more in lire, 2) A more desirable environment may be accomplished than would be possible through strict application of the minimum requirements of this Zoning Ordinance. ~and may be used more efficiently, resulting in smaller net~r~ka of utilities and streets with consequent lower cons ~t~uctton and future maintenance coats. ipact of s. particular planned unit development on ~preaen~ and projected population, economys land use' (Skin, tax base, street syste~ and public facility ~e.~w~k(s) of the County may be' c~refully evaluated :~s~ive to the various costs and benefits that may bo ~ted with such development. App~cation of Planned Oni~ Development techniques to iiv~i tr~c~ viii pe~it llrje scale development which faatures Im~ni~i~s ~nd ~xcellence in tho fo~ of Siena In siClflf, mixed land usca and/or varied d~elllflf t~oos as yell as adaptation to ond conservotion of the topolr~phy and other natural characteristics of the land bo Planned UnIL Development~ DefJnedz A plsnned unit develop- BpnL Is hereby de[lned as a contiguous tract cE lnnd*not leas than five (5) acres In sizet except ss otherwise provided, under unified control which ia planned and lmprovcd~ 1) To function ss a relatively as]f-contained sad readily identifiable district, section, or nelihborhood of the County; To accommoda{n · variety of dwell/al types together with appropriate commercial, institutional, industrial, and public uses and activities aa deemed necessary to pro- perly serve prescribed density and population levels for the development as a whole, or for any designated com- ponsnt thereof; and 2) In a single development operation or programmed aeries of development operations ovec an extended period of time sccordin8 to an officially adopted floater Plan and re- lated programs for the provision~ operstion~ and main- tenance of such areas, improvements~ facilitiea~ and services ss will be for the common use of sll residents and/or users of the planned community. Relation of Planned Unit Development Regulations to General Zoning, 8ubdavision or Other Applicable Reiulstions: The pro- visions which follow aha1! appl. y generally to the ~reation and regulation of all PUD Districts. l~here there are conflicts' between these special PUD provisions and general zoning, subdivision or other applicable regulations, these special regulations shall apply. The standards as contained herein~ and the PUD guides and standards adopted aa part of these regulations shall apply to the creation of PUD Districts and to the issuance of buildin8 permits and certificates of occu- pancy in such districts. Planned Unit Development Districts: ][ow Established: Vhere Permitted: PUD Districts may hereafter be established from designated pre-existing zonin8 districts by amendment of'the Official Zoning Atlas ~here tracts of land suitable in loca- tion~ extent and character for the strucLurea and uses pro- posed are to be planned and developed accordln8 to the pro- cedures and requirements herein set out. Planned Unit Development Districts~ general Requirements and Limitations~ The following general requirements and limits~ tides shall apply in PUD Districts approved under the terms and provisions of these regulations: 1) Unified Control: All land included for purpose of devel- opment within a PUD District shall be owned or under the control of the applicant for such zoning designation, whether that applicant be an individual, partnership or corporation, or a group of individuals, partnerships or corporations. The applicant shall present firm evidence of the unified control of the entire area within the proposed PUD District and shall state agreement that, if he proceeds with the proposed development, he willl (a) Do so in accord with: (1) (2) (2) The ~aster Plan of development officially adopted for the district; Regulations existing when the amendment .rezon- ink the land to PUD is adopted; and Suc~ other conditions or modifications aa may be attached to the rezoninI of land to tho PUD classification. 2) (b) Provide alreementst contrncta, deed restrictions, or sureties acceptable to the County for completion of the undertaking in accord w/th the adopted tlastar ' Plan as well as £or tho conLinuins operation and maintenance o£ such areas, functions and facilities that are not to be provided, operaLcd or maintained at general public expense, and (c) ~ind his successors in title to sny commitments made under (a) and (b) preceding. Has*ar Plant Any applies*ion for re-zen,ns to PUD shall be accompanied by a professionally prepsred Master Plan nf the development comprised, as a minimum, of the fol- 1evins elemantst A development plan, drawn to acceptable scale, which shall indicate~ (b) The title of the project and name of the devel- oper; (2) (3) Scale, date, north arrow, and general location map showing relationship.of the site to such external facilities aa highways, shopping areas, cultural complexes and the like; Boundaries of the subject property, all exist- ing Itreets, land uses, watercourses, ease- meats, section lines, and other important physical features within and adjoining the proposed project; (4) (s) The proposed use of all land within tho project boundaries, including the location and function of all areas proposed to be dedicated or re- served for community and/or public uae; The location and size (aa appropriate) of a11 existing and proposed drainage, water, sewer, and other utility provisionai (6) The location and nature of all other existing public facilities, such aa schools, parks, fire stations and the like; (?) Information about existing vegetative cover and soil conditions in sufficient de*ali to indi- cate suitability for proposed structures and uses; (8) A plan for pedestrian and vehicular circulation showing the sahara1 locations, widths, and recommended surface treatment of ell major' internal thoroughfares and pedestrian access- ways. A diagrammatic flow chart demonstrating the pattern of vehicular traffic movement to, within, and throush the planned development; (9) A plan for the provision of all needed utili- ties to and within the planned community; including (al appropriate) water supply, treat- ment and disposal{ electric power; sas end communications (telephone, Cable TV). A written legal description of the subject property together with name. and addresses of ell owners of record, Cc) Supportive report(s) which shall ineludet (1) A statement ]ndlcstins how end why the'proposed project complies with pllnn/nl and development objectives of the County{ (d) (e) (2) A general dnscription of the proposed develop- monte lnclud/nl informaL/on ss to: (I) ?oral acresle Involved Ln the project, (II) The number of acres devoted to the various categories of land nsc shown off the devel- ol~eeflt plan, together with the respbctive percentage of total project acreage repre- sented by each category of use. (III) The number and type of dwelling units involved sad 'the corresponding overall project density in 'dwelling units per grail Icrc, The minimum design standards reflected by the site plan for such features as lot shape and size, internal streets and pedestrian ways, open space provisions, off=street parkings signs, and landscap- ing, as required. (3) (~) (V) Dwelling unit densities for each residen- tial component. A proposed'schedule of development which /den- t/lies the anticipated project and component start and completion dates, stages of develop- ment, and the area and location of common open apace to be provided at, or by, each stage; and A statement and/or map indicating which streets or roads (and pedestrian ways as appropriate) are proposed for public ownership and mainte- nance, and whether approval is sought as part of the Hanger Plan for private roads if any are within the district. As determined by the Co.unity Development Adminis- trator, schematic architectural drawings (floor plans, elevations, perspectives) of all proposed structures and improvements, except single-family residences and their related accessory buildings, as appropriate, Agreements, provisions, or covenants which govern the use, maintenance, and continued protection of the planned unit development sad an7 of its common areas or facilities. Professional Services Required: Any Nester Plan of Development'submitted in support of sn application for PUD zoning shall certify that the services of two (2) or more of the following professionals were utilized in the design or planning process: (2) An urban planner who possesses the education and experience to qualify for full membership in the American Institute of Certified Plan- ners; and/or s landscape architect who possess- es ~ha education and experience to qualify for full membership in the American Society of Landscape Architects; Together with either a practicing civil emits- esr licensed by the State of Florida, or s practicing architect licensed by the State o£ Florida. Common Open 8pace or Common Yaeilitiest Any common open space or common £acilitLes established by an' adopted Nester Plan of Development for s PUD Dis- trier shall be subject to the tollovtnlz (l) ~he ~annin~ ComialiOn may recommend that the Board of County Commislionerl require that the petitioner provide for and establish an organ- tsation for tho ~wnerahip and mainteflanco of any common open space and/or common facilities, and such organization shall net be dissolved nor shall it dispose of any common open space or commoh faellitieat by sale or oLherwiset except to an organization eoncoiw:d &fid estab- lished to own and maintain tho common open apace or common facilities. However! tho conditions of transfer shall conform to tho adopted Halter Plan. (2) Xn the event that the org~nLzation established to own and maintain common open space or common faciltttest or any successor organization, shall at any time after the establishment of the planned unit development fail to meet conditions tn accordance with the adopted Nester Plan of Development, the Community Development Administrator may nerve written notice upon such organization and/or th~ owners or residents of the planned unit development and hold a public hearing. X~ deficiencies o~ maintenance are not corrected within thirty (30) days after such notice and hearing, the Community Development Administrator shall call upon any public or private agency to maintain the common open space for a period of one (I) year. ~hen the Community Development Adminis- trator determines that the subject organization is not prepared or able to maintain the common open space or common facilities) such public or private agency snell continue maintenance for yearly periods. (3) The cost of such maintenance by such agency shall be assessed proportionally against the properties within the planned unit development that have a right of enjoyment of the common open space or common facilities and shall become a lien on said pr~perties. (h) Dedication of the Public Facilities~ The Planning Commission and the Board may) as a condition of approval and adoption of PUD zoning and in accord with the Halter Plan of Development~ require that suitable areas for streets~ public right-of-way! school~ parks~ and other public facilities to be set aside) improved~ and/or dedicated for public use. (i) Deviations from the required Noster Plan elements: The Community Development Administrator may exempt a petition from certain required elements of the Noster Plan when the petition contains conditions which show the elements can be waived without & detrimental effect on the health) safety and welfare o£ the community. These exemptions aha11 be listed in the Staff Report to the Planning Commission. Planned Unit Deve!opment:' Specific Requirements! Limitations~ and ~tandarda: In addition to all [eneral provisions and procedures set out In this ~ubsection. the following specific requirements) limitations and standards, shall apply particu- larly tot ' location of PUD Districts intended prima~ily for resident/al uses and purposes'but containin~ commercial retail or service activities~ location of PUD Districts Intended primarily for commercial end. industrial uses or combination thereofI tho preparation of Halter Plans for the two (2) items immediately precedingl the reviev o£ applications for razonin~ to PUDI and tho development (or re=development) of PUD Dis- tricts that have been adopted aa amendments to this, losing Ordinance. :) 2) 3) 4) Loc#tach! ~ DistrLcts shall be so located es to pro- v/do sdequst~ access for the populetion, to bo expected and in accord with the provisions and standards hernia Hlnim~,~Ares Required! ~e minimum ires required for i Planned Unit Development District shall be five (5) sCrel, Character of the Site~ Any proposed PUD shall be suit- able for development in the manner proposed without undue hazards to persons or property~ on or off the tract, from probability of flooding, wind or water erosion, subsi- denc~ or slipping of the soil, or subsidence of butldinss or other structures of facilities, Condition of soil, ground water level, drsinsg% sad topoKraphy shall Ill be appropriate to both kind sad p&ttern of use or uses intended. The site shell also contain sufficient width sad depth to accommodate adequately its proposed use end design. Uses Permitted: The following uses either individually or combination thereof, shall be permitted in PUD Dis- tricts when they sro shown on the Nester Plan Of Develop- ment adopted by the Board of County Commissioners for such districts: (a) D~ellings of any variety or combination of types. (b) Accessory buildings and accessory uses. Cc) Common public and private open spaces. (d) Parks, playgrounds, community centers, or other recreation or social facility owned and operated by a non-profit organization. (e) Recreational facilities such aa golf, tennis and country clubs. (f) ][ouses of Worship, libraries, schools~ nursing homes, child care centers, hospitals. (g) Public parks and playgrounds~ public buildings, public utility and service uses. (h) Harina. (l) General service commercial, industrial and profes- sional office uses or combination thereof. (J) (k) Support business and retail facilities, provided the amount of land designated for such uses does not exceed five (5) percent of the gross area of the total development unless, & larger area has been designated on the Comprehensive Plan. Entry level multifamily rental dwellin~ in actor-. dance with Paragraph f 6) of this section, exludin8 Paragraph · 2) [(d)-(g)] and Paragraph f 7, 8 and 10. s) Naximum Rc~idential Densities Permitted: (a) ~aximma density for any residential coeponent or group of components shall not exceed the max/mu~ density permitted la the district the use most closely ~esembles, (b) The Planning Commission may recommend de~lations on density o~. extent of development when it has deter- mined,ths~ developmen~ to the maximum density per- mitred'in Paragraph (a) above vouldt. (1) Create lneonvenion~ ~ ~naafe aeeess to tho 6) . (c) (2) (S) (~) Cs) ers.ts traffic conge.tion in the street, which Place · burden on parka, rccroatioflal areas, school., and o~her public fac,l/ti, which serve or are props.ed to aorve the R~, or Be in conflict with t~o generil Lfltent and provisions of the Comprehen.ive Plan, or Create a throat to property or incur abnormal public expense in are. .uhJect to natur'.l ha.rd.. The overall density of a PUD shall be calculated by dividing the number of dwelllni unit. b7 the total dr... development ere., Hulti-Family Entry Level Rental Housin} Are.. (To become effective April 1, 1982.) (a) Intent= Thi. area i. intended to apply to an area of entry level multi-family residential rental unite having · mid-ri.e profile .llhouette .nd generally surrounded by low profile structure, end open .pace and .o situated that it il well-served by public and commercial services and has direct or convenience access to thoroughfares and collector streets. This area i. intended to implement the Comprehensive Plan end provide mid-ride multi-family dwelling accommodations in accordance with the goals, objec- tives and policies of the Co~prehenstve Plan. This area ia based on the foil.wing findings of fact by the Boad of County Commissioners= (~) That Collier County I. among the highest rental and purchase housing markets in the State of Florida; (2) (3) There ia a real need for additional housing facilities both rental and purchase in the Iow to moderate income ranges; Due to the shortage of affordable housing in the low to moderate income range, local businesses have experienced difficulty in recruiting and retaining qualified employees within many necessary employment classifica- tionsI (b) (4) That the creations of this district would discourage young families, presently unable to find affordable housing, from moving elsewhere; ($) That the creation of this district would attract business to the Community by stabiliz- ing the work force end providing affordable housing for semi-skilled, skilled, trade and young profea.ionel worker, l (6) That providing incentive, to the private .actor to provide Iow and low-to-moderate income housing would strengthen the County's tax base by keeping .uch projects on the tax rollsI Permitted Uses end gtructure. I No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erects, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, rot other than the follovingt (1) Pemitted Principal Uses and Structures (/) Hulti-famLly rental dwellinls units. (c) Maximum Density! Sixteen (16) resident/al units per groII lire, (d) Hinimum Lot ~ree Requirementf Five ($) acres. (e) HinimumLot Vidtht One hundred sad fifty (250) feet aa measured at the front yard building line setback. (f). HlnimumYard Requirementaz (I) Depth of front yard - Thirty (30) feet plus one fl) foot for each two (2) feet of building height over thirty (30) feet. (2) Depth of side yard - Fifteen (15) feet plus one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of building height over thirty (30) feet. (3) Depth of rear yard - Thirty (30) feet ~lus one (1) foot for each two (2) feet of building height over thirty (30) feet. (g) Distance Between Structures~ (1) If there is a separation between any two (2) principal structures on the same parcel, said separation shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet or a distance equal to one-half (~) the sum of their heights! whichever is the greater. (h) Hinimum and Naximum Floor Area of Principal Structures: (1) Efficiency Apartments fi) Hinimum Floor Area - 450 square feet. (ii) Haximum Floor Area - 525 square feet. (2) One bedroom apartment fl) Hlnimum Floor Area - ~50 square feet. (ii) Haximum Floor Area - 650 square feet. (3) Two bedroom apar'tment (l) Ninimum Floor Area - 650 square feet. (ii) Haximum Floor Area - 900 square feet, (~) Three bedroom apartment fi) Hinimum Floor Area - 900 square feet. (ii) Haximum Floor Area - 1,0SO square feet. fi) Haximum Height of Structures: (1) Three (3) living floors. (J) H/nimum Landscaping Requirementst Aa required in Section 19 of this Ordinance. (k) Hinimum Off-Street Parkingt fl) Efficiency Apartments - 1 space per drill/al (2) One Bedroom and above - 1.5 spaces per dwell/ga . : Bedrooms or moro - 2 spaces per dwollins unit. (Roy. ORD ao-6o). 7) Commercial Co.~enenta~ Com.erciel areas ~n s ~lven ~ D/strict ara doslsnod and intended to nerve either tho residential component or the community senerellyt end sro so deeLlnsted by tho adopted .master plan for said dLa- trice, shell be end ere hereby eon,idered to be planned unit developments or pert of · planned unit development aa defined by this subsection. Required master develop- ment plans for theao commercial PUl) components shill therefore be preparedt reviewed and carried out in com- pliance with sll applicable requirements, limitations sdd atsnderdl, es set out Ln this Subsection. 8) . Minimum Lot Ares and Frontage Requirements Within · PUD : No minimum lot size or yards shall be required vithin a PUD~ except that frontage on dedicated public roads shall observe front yard requirements in accordance with the zanies classification the uae moat closely resembles, end peripheral Verde shuttles the exterior limits of the PUD~ boundary Cexcept for boundaries limited Ln or by water) shall observe yard requirements in accordance with the zoning classification the use most closely resembles. Every dwelling unit or other uae pet~nitted in the PUD shall have access to a public road or street either directly or via an approved road~ pedestrian way~ court~ or other area dedicated to public use or reserved for private uae~ or co,on element ~uaranteeing access. Permitted uses are not required ,to front on s public dedicated road or street. 9) Dimensional Standards: Shall be those of the district the use moat closely resembles, lO) Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading Requirements: Off-street ~arking and off-street loadin$ requirements shall be as for comparable uses net out in Section 8 of this Zoning Ordinance. No parking spaces on or within any public or private road or travelway shall,be counted in fulfilling the required number of spaces. Landscaping for vehicular areas aha11 be as set out in Section 8,32 of this Zoning Ordinance.' (11) Usable Open Space Requirements: Usable open space shall include active and passive recreation areas such es playgroundl~ ~olf courses, beach frontage, water, aye, la[oons~ flood plains, nature trsils~ end other similar open spaces. Open water ares beyond the perimeter of the site, street rights-of-way, drivewaya~ off-street parkin~ areas, end off-street loading areas shall not be counted in determining usable open space. (a) Planned Residential Developments: In residential developments at least seventy-five (7S%) percent of the Stoas ares shell be devoted to usable open space. (b) Commercial, Industrial end ~txed Purpose Develop- . meats: In de~'elopments of commercial~ industrial and mixed use~ includinS residentials at least thirt~ (30%) percent of the tross brea shall be devoted to usable open space. (c) Dedication of Usable Open Spaces A maximum o£ oisht (8%) percent of tho arose project sits shall bo required for dedication to public use for all pro- Jeers slier a determination by th~ Board of County Commissioners that & public need exists for such. public facilities. 12) ~evelopment Plannit[ - Kxternsl Relationshipsl Dovelop- ,monL plsnnini within s PUD Dls~ric~ shall provide,protec- tion of the developmen~ £ron, potentially adverse our- rounding influences and protectLon of .urroundinl irons ~rom potentially adverse influences ~onorsted by or v/thin tho district, Principal vehicular access points shall be designed to encourage smooth traffic flow and minimize hazardl to vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Nerging and turn lanai and/or traffic dividers shall bo required where existing or anticipated heavy traffic flows indicate need. In general~ minor streets within the PUD development shall not be connected with minor streets outside tho PUD development so as not te adversely impact minor streets in the neigh= boring residential areas. ~nere streets within the district intersect adjoining streets, viaabllity triangles shall be maintained. Fences, walls, or vegetative screening at edges of PUD Districts shall be provided where needed to protect res/dents from undesirable view, lightin~, noise or other adverse off-site influences, or to protect residents of adjoining districts from simi- lar possible influences from within the PUD Dis- tract. In all cases, screening shall, at a minimum, be designed to protect existing or potential first- flo~r residential occupant window levels. In par= ticular~ off-street parking areas for five ($) or more cars~ service areas for loading or unloading vehicles other than passengers, and areas for stor- age and collection of trash and garbage shall he so screened. ~3) Development Planning - Internal Relationships: The development plan for a PUD DlstricC shall provide for aafe~ efficient, convenient, and harmonious groupings of structures, uses and facilities, and for appropriate relation of space inside and outside buildings to intend- ed uses and structural features. (a) Streets, drives and parking and service areas shall provide safe and convenient access to dwelling units and project facilities~ and for service and emer- gency vehicles, but streets shall not be so laid out as to encourage outside traffic to traverse the development on minor streets, nor occupy mare land than is required to provide access as indicated, nor create unnecessary fragmentation of the development into small blocks, nor shall streets be laid out or constructed as to require excessive cuts or fills or to interfere with desirable drainage in or adjacent to the district. In addition, all major arteries as shown on tho master plan of development shall be controlled access facilities and tho only vehicular access thereto shall be public and private streets. Private streets or roads~ if proposed by the appli- cant, shall co~ply with all requirements for such streets and roads as contained in the' County Sub- division Regulations. 14) Preservation and Protection of Desirable Naturalt Historic or Archaeological Featuresl Every effort shall be made in'the l,lanning and development of a PUD D/strict to preserve and protect desirable natural, historic, er archaeological features of the lites including trees and other vegetation of consequence. The disturbance of terrsl~ or vegetation in · manner likely to sisnificsntly increase either wind or water erosion within or adjacent to tho P~ District la prohibited, Si~n Limitation! Signs shall be in accord·ncc with Section B,33 of this Ordinance, 16) Devistfona from Specific Requfrc~nt~t L~m(tations~ and ~tandar(la~ iii,on, in tho opinion o£ tho PlannlJig Canute~ elan, unuaual condition..xi.t, they may race--nd to the Bo.rd o£ County Ce.ua/.simmers and the Bo. rd may approve the wsLv/n8 or certain portions o£ the above standards, lLnLtatLona and requiren~nta. Utilitieat It ia inter'ed that within the residential por- tions of a PUD District, all utilities, lflcludinl telephone, television cable, and electrical systems, shill be installed underground; provided, however, appurtenances to those systems which require above ground Installation must be effectively screened and thereby may be exempted from these requirements; and primary facilities providing service to the site of tho development or necessary to le~lc~ areas outs/de the district nay be exempted from this raquirement. Procedures for Planned Unit Development Zenana: Petitions for rezoning to PUD shall bo submitted and processed aa for razes- ing amendments generally and in accordance with the following special procedures: 1) 2) Pre-ap~lication Conference: Prior to submitting a formal application for razes,ns to PUD, the applicaflt shall confer with the Community Development Administrator and other County staff, asenciea, and officials involved in the review and processing of such applications and re- lated materials. The applicant il further encouraged to submit a tentative land use sketch plan for review at the conference, and to obtain information on any projected plans or programs relative to possible applicable Federal or State requirements or other matters that may affect the proposed planned unit development. This pre-applica- tion conference should address, but not be limited to, such matters The proper relation between the anticipated project ann surrounding uae., and the effect of the proposed development on the planning and development objec- tives of the County. (b) The adequacy of existing and proposed streets, utilities, ,nd other public facilities to serve the development. Cc) The nature, design, and appropriateness of the proposed land use arrangement for the size and configuration of property involved. (d) The adequacy of open space areas in existence and as proposed to serve the development. Ce) The ability of the subject property and of surround- Lng areas to accommodate future expansions, if needed. Application Haterials: In addition to information gener- ally required for rezoning applications, [ho applicant shall submit the following material, or data in suffi- cient copies for necessary referrals and records:. (s) The evidence of unified control of the proposed planned unit development and tho associated agree- ments required under this Subsection. (b) A proposed' master plan of development aa prescribnd under this Subsection. ¢c) 'Cd) Such other material aa tho applicant may feel Aa applicable to and in .upport of his application for rosoning ~o PUD. AnY additional /n£ornation as nay bo required by the Planning Commission or the Board of County Commie- aloflera.et the time of any public heertnt;' $) PrehearJnl Conferenco~ Any apl, lie. Lion [or resonLnl to ~UD~ toleLher vLth ell materials preacrfbed herefn, ah. Il be eubmftted to the Community Development Administrator. Pre-haarLnl con[erencea may be held between the epp1Lcant and/or hie representatives end o£ficials or representa- tive of the County. The purpuae o£ such pre-hearfnl conference, shell be to aa,let in brintfnl the applica- tion for rezoninl' to PUD es nearly la possible into conformity with the intent o£ these or other applicable re~uletione~ end/or to define specifically any sble veriatione ~rom the epp~ieation of ouch relulltiona. ]£ luch confarencae be he~d~ any ~acommendationa chan~e in the Jpplicetion~ ma,tar p~an of developmentt or required ILar,monte ahal~ be act do~n in writfn eh, l! become · part of the public record in the ca~e. A~l such recommendations ,hals be lupported by et, tad re,seal £or the proposed chanle. The appZ~canc · helle in writinle indicate lire,meat to such recommend,- trees or die,Ire,meat. If dtaagreein~ the app~ican~ shell atato) in writin~ the rea,one therefore. All such re,ponies by the applicant sha~l ba included in the record o~ the cai,. ~eviev by Adviaor~ Boards= The Board o£ County Commie- sion,re ah, Z! require review of the app~lcation for ~ezoninl to PUD by such County advisory boards aa it mayt from t~me to t~me. dead,nato. Where the Board qufred revlew) comments and critique of luch advisor7 board shell be mede in writinl end ah, Il become a part Lha record in the matters provided, a representative such design,Led board may appear end ap,ak a~ the public hearings before the Plann~n~ Comm~aaion end the Board County Commission, ri. 5) }lear~n8 Before the Plann~n~ Commie,ion= Public notice ahaZl ba liven end · public he,rial bald before the Pl&~inl Commission o~ the appZication £or razonin~ to PUD. Both the notice and the he~rinl aha~ be on the appl~cation, proposed master p~an o£ development~ and required ata~ementa aa the7 may bari been amended aa a reau~c o£ the pre-hear~n~ conferences conducted purauan~ to th~a sub,action. 6) P~annin~ Comm~aaion Recommendation= The P~anninl Comm~a- sion aha~Z make written £ind~nla aa herein aec out and shell recommend Lo the Board of County Commission.ri either approva~ of the PUD rezonin~ aa propoaed~ ~pprova! conditional on at, ted modifications] or d~aapprova~. In support of it, recommend&riehL the Pl,nninl Commie,fen Ih, l! make £indin~a ee to= (~) The eu~tablllty o~ the area for the type end pattern of development proposed in re~ation to phyaica~ characteristics of the landt re,aLien to aurroundinl areal~ traffic and acc,aa, drainage, aever~ end other utllit~ea. (b) Adequacy o~ evidence o£ unified contrb! end auit- ability of any proposed a&reemen~a, concracca~ or other instruments or £or amendmen~a in those pro- poaed~ part~cularZy as they may re,ate to arrange- monte or proyialona to be mede ~or the conc~nuinl open.etlon sad maintenance o£ such areas end £acili- ties that ere no~ to be provided or maintained public expense. 'Findings end recommendations of this type shall be mede only after consultation with the Counky Attorney. (c) Ce~£or~lty of the proposed planned unit developmen~ with the &o&le end objectives o~ the Comprehensive Cd) Con£orulty vLth PUO relullt~onl~ or &lto. delLreblc nodi~Lcetiou or ouch relulotLons.,,:n..t~a,p&rt~cul~r csae~ based on determination that such modLfLcattons are Justified aa m~ating public purposes to . degree IL least equivalent Lo lLteral application o~ such regn]ationl. ?) Action by Beardt Unless the application il withdrawn by the appZ/cant~ the Board 'of County Comtssioner. shill, upon receip£ of the Planning CommiaaLon'~ recommendation, advertise and hold · public hearing on the application. The notice and hearing ~hall be on the application and master plan of development as reeommended by the Planning Commission to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners shall either grant the proposed rezoning to PUDl approve with conditions or modifications or deny the application for PUD rezoning. $,ch modifications shall be stated with re£ercnce to the appropriate provision of these regulations upon which they are based and the reasons therefore. Effect of Planned Unit Development Zonin~; If the Board of County Commissioners approved the proposed PUD rezoning, the master plan for development and all other infor~ation and mater/als formally submitted with the petition shall be con- lidered and adopted aa an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and shall become the standards of development for the subject planned unit development. Thenceforth, development in the area delineated as PUD District on the Official Zoning Atlas shall proceed only in accord with the adopted master plan for said district. Before development of any t~pe may proceed, all agreements or contracts required, but not approved at the time o£ amending action, shall be approved by appropriate officers or agencies of the County. In those instances where final plats are required by other County regulations, building permits may ba issued after a final plat and construction plans have been approved by the Board of County Conunissioners, thereby per- mi,ting appropriate construction as necessary improvements are installed; but no occupancy permit shall be issued until the final plat of the proSe?t, or phase thereof has been recorded. Chaniea and Amendements) The Board of County Commissioners , upon recommendation by the Planning Commission, may approve minor changes in the locatiofl~ siting or height of buildings, structures, and improvements authorized by the adopted master plan of development for a designated PUD District, provided that such modifications do not: 1) Increase the number of structures; the number of dwelling units; or densities aa specified by the adopted master plan. 2) Change any perimeter boundary of the planned unit devel- opment. 3) Rearrange any lot, block, building tract, or common open space or common facility as shown on the adopted master plan. 4) Change any use al shown on the adopted master plan. 5) Change location'or amounts of land devoted to specified land.uses on the adopted master plan. Changes 1) through $) above shall be considered major changes to the Halter Plan and shall req6ire the mime procedure as for actual PUD zoning before they con be approved by tho Board. ~anguage changes not involving I) through $) abo~e shall requLre the same procedure is for aBend/ng the Zoning Ordin- znce, SECTJON T3aOt received by the SecFetary of State, ~" I}ATEi July 28, 1981 BOARD OF cou~-/' CO~lSSlO~l~ ~ ' COLLIER CO~ ~RIDA I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is atrue original oft ORDINANCE NO. 81-36 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session July 28, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 31st day of July, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex officio to Board of ,"~. · Th~s 0~d~,a,ce ~]ed w~th' the Secretary 0~ State's 0~ce the 4th day 0~ August. 1981 and acknowledoement of that f~11ng received thts 7th day of~~l. BY: DePuty Clerk