Ordinance 81-25ORDINANCE 81- RECEIVED '81 IIAY Z I PM 2.5. W~LLIAh{ J. REAOAN OLERK OF F;OARD ~t .FLORIDA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 7~%R "~'' COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE' UNINCORPORATED AREA OF TIlE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT, BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER MI-10 BY CHANGING TIIE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM "RT"'RESIDENTIAL TOURIST TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTIONS 19 AND 20, TOWNSIIIP 52 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST WHICH IS LOCATED AT THE EXTREME SOUTHWESTERN PORTION OF MARCO ISLAND;.AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, Mr. James Vensel representing Sun Bank/Southwest Trust. Department, has petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the Zoning Classification of the herein described real property; NOW,.THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION ONE: ' The Zoning Classification of the herein described real property is changed from "RT" Residential Tourist to "PUD" Planned Unit Development and is subject to all the conditions as required herein, and the Zoning Atlas Map Number Mi-10, as described in Ordinance 76-30, is hereby amended accordingly: DISTRICT ZORZ: PUD lmERHITTED USES: POINT HY~RCO RESORT HOTEL'COHTLEX PLANItlZD UNIT DEVELOPHENT DOCtFt~NT April 20, 1981 llotel and apartment complex including on-site recreation facit[ties, docks, restaurants, nlra clubs, convention facil.it[es,, and necessary administrative and support functions to provide [or the effective operation of the complex. Structures necessary to control and admin[ster the operation of the recreation facilities, docks, and elevated parking structures - signs as permitted by the County Zoning Ordinance. HAXIHUM PROJECT DENSITY: Cross development site density 176 Residential. Apt. + 725 Hotel & Apt. Hotel Units 29.984 Acres - 30.05 U/Ac. Total units not to exceed 901 DEVELOPHENT STANDARDS: See Planned Unit Development Master Plan for specific setback information. Primary Buildings are those structures containing dwelling unlcs. Secondary Buildings are those structures containing parking and other accessory uses. · MINIMUM BUILDING SETBACk FROM STREET: P~imary Buildings 175' Secondary Buildings 50' Entrance Security Building 15' MINIMUM SETBACK FROM SITE B~UNDARIES: Adjacent RT zoned property Primary Building Secondary'Building 75' 50' Adjacent to Existing Seawall Primary Building Secondary Build/~§ 75' .50 ' -1- Adjacent to Bosch , No construction seaward o! the Coestet Construction Setback Line. HAXII~JH BUILDIN~ IIEICHT: Primary Building Area: 1, 3 and ~ 15'Storles* 2 and 4 l0 Stories* Secondary Building Areas: Four Story* Recreation - Open Space: One Story *Above required Flood Plane Elevation MIHIMUH DWELLING UNIT FLOOR AREA: Apartments 750 Sq. Ft. Hotel Units 600 Sq. Ft. MINIMUM BUILDING SEPARATION: Primary Buildlugs 50 Ft. Primary Buildings to Secondary Buildings and between Secondary Buildings - None. MINI}rdM OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS: Each Residential Apartment Unit ...................... 2 Spaces IIotel and Apartment Hotel Units 1-1/2 Spaces for each of the first 100 units, 1 space for each unit in excess thereof. Other permitted uses such as restaurants~ lounges, night clubs, theaters, marinas and recreational facilities are intended for the use of reglatered guests and shall require 60% of the parking spaces required by the Zoning Ordinance. Convention meeting rooms shall require 101 of the ~arklng spaces required by the Zoning Ordinance· Minimum size of offstreet parking spaces shall be 9 feet x 18 feet. RECREATION OPEN SPACE - BEACH - DOCKS: Maximum Building Height One Story Minimum separation of building from .Primary or Secondary Building ........ y 35 Ft. -2- ~each - No structures allowed seaward hE the Coastal ~etback llne except shade structures (chlkee~) only after approval of the appropriate regulatory agencies including Collier County, Docks - The length of the docks [rom the property line shall be limited to 30 feet. Guest docks not to be used for overnight accommodations. No gas or other fuel sales to the public permitted. is HASTER PLAN: The approved Point Marco Resort Complex PUD Hasler Plan shall be the controlling document for the development of the project. The project will be developed [n increments and each tncre=ent shall be developed in compliance with the PUD Muster Plan. The project will have a security entrance and a single traffic connection to Collier Boulevard. The general public will continue to have traditional use of the beach and development of this project shall not reduce or impede that right. The docks proposed are intended' for :he temporary use of the resort complex guests· Periodic use by charter fishing boats to serve guests of the hotel is permitted· Docking facilities ~or shuttle boats to transport hotel guests .to the primitive beach to the south [or brief daytime outings is permitted. STREETS: INTERNAL I}~ROVE}~NTS: Internal streets within the project will be designed to specifically provide access to the various primary buildings and the parking facilities. No general public use of these g:reets will be allowed due to the limited security entrance to be provided on the one connection to Collier Boulevard. No maintenance will be requested or required of the County for the streets or any of.the facilities bt, the site nor will the streets be dedicated to the public. Direct road access shall be provided for fire and other emergency vehicles to ~I1 buildings including the Beach Club Restaurant and guest docks. EXTERNAL IMPROVEb~NTS: A southbound right-turn lane and northbound left-turn lane shall be provided at the resort entrance. The design of these lanes, including length, shall be submitted to and approved by the County Engineer. A traffic signal shall be installed at the resort entrance when deemed warranted by the County Engineer. The signal shall then be owned, operated and maintained by Collier Cou~ty. Sidewalks shall be provided along the entire length of the property fronting on Collier Boulevard. -3- The developer shall landscape and maintain the n~edian' strip of Collier lSoulevard along tha length of bls property. At the time of county review of the proposed Beach Nourishment Permit Application for the beach adjacent to the property, public access to the beach will be considered. FIRE PROTECTION: A minimum of seven (7) ~ire hydrants shall be 'installed in the complex. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: This tract will be developed with private internal streets, walks, recreation facilities, and vehicular parking structures. Each increment of the project will be developed in accordance with Collier County Building Regulations and the Storm Water Management Plan Design Criteria recited in this document. The site will not be subdivided under County Subolvislon Regulations. No obstruction to the traditional public use of the beach will be imposed by any activity on this site. DEVELOPI~NT COM34I'P/~NTS: OPERATIONp }~INTENANCE~ AND MANAGEMENT: It is intended that the entire project be operated primarily as a resort hotel complex with hotel units and apartmept hotel units available for traditional hotel use. The apartment hotel units (Sites 2 and 4) may be owned by individuals that contract with the hotel for the use of their facil[ties in conjunction with the hotel operation. Residen~al apartment owners .(Sites 1 and 5) will have use of the recreation and open space areas in common with the hotel guests. The managers of the complex will be responsible for the operation, maintenance, and management of all of the co~ranon o'pen space facilities and recreational activities. An entry security gate will be utilized 24 hours a day to control entrance to the development. , STORM WATER MANAGEMIiNT PLAN: Design Criteria 1. The water management system will store the first inch of runoff. The post development runoff discharge will not exceed the :,, predevolopment rnte during a 3 day duration 25 year return storm. 3. AIl off-site discharges will be routed into the Marco Unit lO swale drainage system at a lesser rate than the original Delton, Design flow. Design Descr£pt[on= Po£nt Harco wilt meet at[ State and County Water quat[ty and quantity Criter£a by the use oK rock percotat[on drains and open area storage, O~f-s[te discharges wit1 be routed to the ex[st[ns Marco swale drainase ' system on South Collier Boulevard at a rate [ess tha~ the predeve[opment condition, POTABLE ~A~ER SUPPLY AND ~ASTE ~ATER COLLECTION: This project is .in the ~ranchise area of Harco Island UtiL[ties. This utility company has guaranteed sufficient service for potable drinking water and waste ~ater collection for this site at its total developed density, -5- ULF OF MEXICO f'41 el' ,.. ,:.,..~ il 'ORM wATER MANAGEMENT [sIGN CRITERIA TOTAl. It'lw StZl · IITI 0(l¢ll?Y I Ill~llJl il[Ill ]: ..:::,'.;':.,, i : ........... I CAXAMDAS pASS pt, At;NED UN:T DEVELOPMENT · MASTER pLAN , ,,.'~' '~'" · JAMES E. YEN'SEL AssOCIATE~ '~,~ '"ZT,,, ................ :,,,.:...: :=:.,,.,,. .c.,.c.~ A.D ....E.. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct origfnal of: ORDINANCE NO. 81-25 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session May 12, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of Copnty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 15th day of May, 1981. Deputy' Clerk WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk · Ex officio to Bo,ar~, of .' County Commis =i'~s /-"~',', ."- ,.:., .".'~z,, ..-' ." ~ ,' Depu~ ~er~ · . ,~'. k; " "~" ',' ,~ · ,,'.. (, '.....,:..:_ :.~.'? , ~ . '. ,.-~ ...~ ,. ,, '.... . ;.:....,~ ... This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's <.~. ..... Office the 19th day of May, 1981 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 21st day of May, 1981.