Ordinance 81-20 ORDIJI'A~ICl NO. I1 - 20 All O~OX~J~J~CE .~E?,'I)I~O O~l~A~ 76'30~ C~NSl~ ZONIN~ ~GU~TIONS FOR XNCO~D ~ OF ~ COASTAL ~A ~ZONIH0 ~ FO~NO DES~ZB~ ~OPERT~ ~8~ ~~, ~ 26 EAST, S~XNGS VXL~ S~DIV~SIO~:,. ~XT 1 the Board of Co~y Com~slionerl petitLone~to JfO~, T~JtEFORE, BI IT ORDAXh'F.D by the Baird of County Comni·sionerl of Collier County, Florida: ~CTXON ONE: The Zoning Classifications of the herein described real property or· chansed from various zones Co various zones al described herein end the Zoning Atlas Map as described in Ordinance 76-30 are hereby chansed accordingly: From Rt~-2 to PJt-1B A portion of Section 3&, To~raship 49 South, Rants 26 Ealt, Collier County, Florida, beinl more particularly delcribed aa follows: Commence at the SE corner of Section 34, Township &9 South, 26 East; thence ru~ N 88°5&'30'' W for a lenfch of 1,780.79 feet to · point; ~hence run N 0°21'$6" E for · lensCh of 872.76 feet to the Point of'Besiunins; thence run N 89°$&'20" E for a lensth of 394.6? feet to 8 point; thence run 66&.38 feet alan8 the arc of I curve concave to the Southeast, havinI · radius of 750.00 feet, and subtended by n chord having · bestial N 64°31'41', E, and · length of 642.82 feet to a point; thence rim 1,507.7& feet sleek the arc of a ~e concave to ~e Sou~heast, have 8 radius of 2,22~.00 feet, end subtended by a chord herin8 a beorini N 19°~'16" ~ and I lenlth of 1,479.06 feet to a point; thence r~ N 0019'30" ~for length of 164.16 fee~ to a poin~; ~hence r~ S 89036'37' ~for leith of ~AO.04 fee~ to a point; thence r~ S 0°19'30" ~ for lenl~ of 158.67 feeti thence ~ 1,209.58 fee~ Ilong the~rc by · chord having · bearing S 19o44'16"~, unq~l leafth of 1,186.$6 feet to a point; thence rue 274.61 feet ·long the ·re of · curve concave to the Southeast, ha~e · rzdius of 310.00 feet, end ·ubtended by a chord having · bearing of g 64031, 61" #, and · length of 265.72 feet to · pointl thence runs lgas4* 20" V for & longtk of 3gl,t4 £·ett thnce m f 0°21'36# V for a 20 L~ts lo~J Block 3, Leto l-6j Block &, Lots 49-26-8) This Ordiuence shell becmue ef£ectLve upon receipt .of notice tbit April, 21t 1~81 BOARD OF COUP,? CO~ISSIOI~.RS COLLIER COUHT~, FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, ~ZLLIAM J. R~AGAN, Clerk o£ Courts in a~d £or the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the £oregoing is a true original ORDINANCB NO. 81-20 which was adopted b~ the Board bi County Co~unissioners durini Regular Session April 21, 1981. WITNBSS my hand and the official seal of the Board o£ County Co~missioners of Collier County, Plorida, this 22nd day o~ April, 1981. ~ZLLIAN J. REAGAN Clerk o£ Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of County Commissioners ,~..'. :...',. ,. · ~,. /~ , t~ '. ~ '*~'dib'.~ .' *, ' ~ _'..i '~ ..'" , This ordinance file'd with the Secretary of State s Office ,' ' the 28th day of April, 1981 a~d acknowledgemen2 of that filing received t~is 1st day of May, 1981. -Ddputy Clerk ' .' ..