Ordinance 81-17ORDINANCr- NO. B1- 17 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SYSTEM DL~ELOPI~NT CHARGE FOR CONNECTION TO SEWER SYSTF. MS OPERATED BY COLLIER COUN~, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR AN~AL REVIEW~ PROVID~N~ EXEMPTIONS; PROVIDIN~ FOR REPEAL OF O~INANCE 78-12~ A~ REPEAL OF RESOLUTIONS NO. CWS-80-7 A~ CWS-7~-8~ PROVIDIN~ FOR CONFLICT A~ $EVE~NCE~ A~ PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collte~ County, Florida: SECTION 0~: A. There shall be paid a system develol~ent charge to defray the cost of collection, transmission and treatment facflities for sewerage provided by Collier County, Florida as follows= 1. Residential Single family residences, multi-family residences, apartment residences, mo~le home residences: Each one bath living unit 22S/gal/day/unit Each one bath per living unit 50/gal/day/unit 2. Non-Residential Hotel, motel, and trailer rental units ll0/gal/day/unit 220.00 Commcrcial, office, and industrial toilet units (not to include indus- trial waste) .O0/gal/day/toilet 800.00 Con~ercial and coin laundry washer units 200/gal/day/washer ~00.00 Restaurant and Lounge seating units 3Sisal/day/seat 70.00 B. The charges set forth herein shall be payable upon iesuance of the buildinz permit for s~id unit or unit~ in the case of new construction, or in the case of presently existing structure, such charge shall be payable when~he perm~ for eewet~ connection is issued. m~ ele~ to en~e~ ~n~o an ~S~e~on~ ~th the County ~o~ ~en~ o~ the sys~ dovelopmen~ cha~e, ~s ~a cha~ge shall be ~yable ~n equal monthly . ~a~e,t, ov~ a t~ea (3) y~ pe~od~ w~th ~nual ~nt~e~ a~ the Date of ~ven (7) p~cen~ on ~ho annual un~d balanca. Said pa~ent~ shall be added ~o and become a of th~ monthly sewe~ bill and flhall be to th~ o~e p~ov~sions fo~ pa~ent and collec- tion D.. A ,epa~ate account~nE shall be kept by th~ County's F~nance Deponent fo~ all mon~es collected unde~ the syst~ developmen~ uh~e set forth he~e~n. $a~d mon~es shall be used solely fo~ capital ~pTov~ent8 fo~ ~ansm~ss~on g~ound sto~age facilities ~ ~ew p~p~ng facil~t~es a~d ~ea~ent facil~t~es requ~ed to p~ov~de service to new connections to th~ 'sewe~ syst~ by new usems. E. ~istfn~ units located within su~fvfsions fn which actual construction of sew~ syst~ ~pmov~ents ~s tak~nE place at the t~e of the adoption of the ~nc~eased syst~ development cha~es will be exempted fmom the pa~ent of incmeased fee, but will be megui~ed ~o pay the fee which was ~egui~ed by Omdfnance No. 78-12. ExfstinE units will be defined as those un~%s rom which a bu~ld~nz pe~ft to :onst~u6t has actually been issued pmio~ to the date the Board adopts the ~ev~sed fee schedule. Ac~al cons%~uctfon ~s defined as not,ce ~o pToceed ~ssued by the ~oaPd of County Co~ss~one~s to the Eene~al con,scrota who is undem contmact to the County to cons~uct sewe~ syst~ fmp~ov~ents. SECTION TWO: The County Co~fss~on shall mev~ew the syst~ development oham~e annually to dete~mine tha~ sa~d cha~e fs equitable and p~opomtionate to the cu~ment cost rom p~ov~dinE new conneot~ons to the system fo~ n~w 6se~s. SECTION Bac~p oyat~ mandated by sta~e ~eEulations and ~n~.talled 2ors homos shaX1 be exempt £rom the charges set £or=h hero]n; if it can bo shown tha~ the installation o£ said emor~enc7 £ncllit7 will no~ increase the demand on the County's ~ater sTstem. SECT~0N FOUR~ Ordinance No. 78=12, Eesolut~on No. C~S-80=7, Resolution No. CWS= 79-8 are hereby repealed. SECTION riVEn Conflict and SeverabilitE In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance o£ Collier County or other applicable law the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or tmeonstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion s.hall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION SlX: This Ordinance shall also be and constitute a resolution of the County Water-Sewer District and the signature of the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners shall also be and constitute the signa- ture of said Chairman as Ex O£ficio Chairman of the District's govern- ing board. A copy of this Ordinance with appropriate heading as a County Water-Sewer Resolution shall be included in the official records of the Water=Sewer District. SECTION SEVEN: This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State bhat this Ordi~ance has been filed with the ' Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida at its regular meeting held on the 7t~ day of ATTEST: BOARD WILLI.AM.L~_ REAGAN, Clerk COLLII .,..,::.:..,,, .: OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS R ~QUNTY, FLORIDA, ,ed as to fo$~ and legal ,al~ NJ l'ickworth Collier County Attorney ~h~a o~.d~nanee J'~ed u{th the See"etak, il 20~h da~ o~ Ap~. ~98~ and aokno~Zedgemen~ o~ that ~ng ~e- BT, ATE OF FLORIDA ) COUN~ OF COLLIER ) X~ WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Cou~ts in and for thQ TwQntieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a true original of~ ORDINANCE NO. 81-17 which was adopted .by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session April 7, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 8th day of April, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-officio to Board of County Commissioner~ . \%%~.',,;~ _..~ ~.~ ~.. .:-~r.~.~u '. ,' · ~5 2 ~ ~',.?"~"'" '.~