Ordinance 81-12 ORDINANCE NO. 81 AN ORDINANCE .AIIENDINO ORDINA/~..F; 79-32, TJ~ ~KIr~N~ I ~ Pr~N ~R ~R~DA. DY ~ENDING ~ ~HD USE KI,EH~ ~ ~Y ~gA ~P J2 ~0~ RESIDE~L ~I~ DENSI~ (0*6.22 ~TS PER ~ROSS ~ ~SlDE~IAL ~DI~ (6,22-2o ~TS ~Ee CeOSS ~ IN PA~ SPRINGS VJL~GE SUBDIVIS~ ~ZT lo B~CK l~ ~S 106~ B~CK ~, ~HGE 26, EAST: BY U~ ELENE~ ~RK S~Y A~A NAP ~5 ~OU ~SlD~XAL ~ TO ~DI~ DENSX~ (O-A ~ZTS ~ gROSS AC~) ~ RESIDE~XAL ~DZ~ TO DENSX~ (6.22'30 ~ZTS PER GROSS ACRE) FOR V~IOUS ~S ~CA~D ZN ~W ~R~T SUBDZVZ- ~XON ~ ~ LY~N~ SO~! A~ ~ST OF ~R- ~N A'~ ~ NOR~I A~ ~ST OF I~RY ALL ~lN X~O~LEE~ ~ORIDA, ~ BY PROVIDIN~ ~ ~I~ DA~. WHEREAS, the County Planning Department petitioned the Board of Couny Commissioners to change the Land Use Classification of the herein described real property; m NOW, ~REFOP~, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commi~ione..s of'Collier County~ Florida: ~ SECTI3N OI~: ~ The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element is hereby changed and ~e Woz'~ Study Area ~2 and ~$, aa described in Ordlnnnce 79-32 are hereby amended · accordin~ly: FROH RESIDENTIAL HEDIUN DENSITY (0-6.22 Lr~ITS PER GROSS ACRE) TO RESIDENTIAL NEDIUN TO HIGI! DENSITY (6.22-3~ UNITS PER GROSS ACRE) FOR TIR FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTIES; 11 Palm Springs Village Subdivision, Unit 1, Block 1, Lots 1-6; Block 2~ Lots 1-6; Block 3, Lots 1-6; Block &~ Lots 1-6. 2) A portion of Section 36, Township 69 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida, been8 more particularly described aa follows: Commence at the SE corner of Section 3&, Township Ag South, Range 26 East, thence run N 88054'30" W. for a length of '1,780.79 feet to a point; thence run N 0e21~56'' E for a length of 872.76 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence run N 89°56° 20"i £or · length of 396.67 feet to a point; thence run 66~.38 feet alonl the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 7S0.00 feet, and subtended by a chord having a bearing N 64031'&1" E, and a length of 662.82 feet to · point; thence run 1,507.7& feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Southeast, have. a radius of 2,225.00 feet~ and.subtended by · chord having a bearing N 190~4'16" E, and a length of 1,&79.O6 feet to m point; thence run N 0°19'30" E for · length of 16&.16 feet to · pointl thence run 8 89036'37*, ~ for a length of &iOoO& feet to a point; thence run S 0°19'30,* ~ for · left,th of 158.67 feet; thence run 1,209.58 feet aloes the ;:~ ~.%: curve ~oncave tO tho ~ouLheast, having: radlu, o£ 8 facto and subtended by n~'chord having bearing B lge&4'16" V, end · length of 1,286.56 feet to · point~ thence '~m 27&.61 feel ~lonR tho arc of · curve eon~ave*to tho South- easto have a radius of 310.00 feets and subtended by · chord hev~n~ · beerin~ of S 6&'31*&l# V, and e lfnsth of 2G~.72 feetl to · ~oint; thence feet ~ Sg*~&~20# V ~oc · length of 391.14 feett.thence run B 4021'~6" V for a lefllth of &&O.02 feet t6 hint or Belinnifls, · FROH RESIDEIFFIAL LOV TO I~EDIL~t DENSITY (0-~ ~ITS PER ~OSS ACRE) ~ ~SI~IAL ~DI~ ~ lllClf DENSI~ (~.22-20 ~ITS ~ GROSS A~) ~R~L~ING DES~IDED PROPERTIE~t 1) Lots ! & 2 of Block &l and slx of Blocks 15-23, 25-28, 32-34 tn Newmarket Subdivision. ' That pert of the Southes'st.~ lyins South and Vest of Jefferson 'Avenue and North and Vest of Jlendry Street, leas the Vest 30 feet for raBbi-of-way of Section 33, Tovnship ~5 South, Range 29 East, . ~CTI0~TVO~ This Ordinance shall become effective upas notice that ~t h~s bean received by tho Office of the Secretory of State. Date: M~_~'Ch !0. 198! I~OARD OF COUNTY COIiTflSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Thts etd(nonce filed wtth the Secretary of State's 0f¢tce the 17th day' of March, 1981 and acknowledgement of that filing rece f~. ired this~_24th day o ]~I/c~/7S-2~ Oep tY .l~k Co~.unity Development Division 3/]3/G1 ~TAT~ O~ FLORIDA )~ COUN~ 0~, COLL~ ) ~ WILLI~4 J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts In and for the ~ontloth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that tho foregoing Is a true original ofz ~RDINANCE NO. 81-12 'which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session March 10, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of thc Board of C~unty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 13th 4ay of March, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-off~c£o to Bo~rd of ~%',:%.~.'.:/'~... County Co.~tsstoners ,~.....:' ~ .. '.~ .. ~' . ' ' · 2~ "' 4" // Deputy CI'~'~. .