Ordinance 81-11OBDI~ASCZ ]~O. 81-11 AN ORDINA,~CE PERTAININO TO Tile PUBLIC BEACIi~S AND I~.~CH ACCESA AR~S OF TII~ COUt~n'~ PROIIIBITINO T/~ T~INO OF ~SS CO~AI~RS ON ~'~DING ~ ~I~ ~ IT ORDAINED BY T~ BOARD OF COUNTY CO~I~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER I~ORIDA, THAT: ,~. · ' ~ It Is the intent and pu~ose of this ordinance to prev~ glas~fr~ acc~latlnl on the beaches and beach access areas of t~ ~C~nty. ~o person shall take upon the beaches or beach ~ccess areas of th~ Co~ty ~ny 81~ss container, o 6E~IO~ ~E: ~is Ordinance shall take effect upon receipt o~otlc~ fr~ the Secreta~ of State that this Ordinance has been filed v~h th~ 8ec~ta~ of State. . ~ .~ P~S~ ~ D~Y A~D by the Board of Count~ Co~lssloners o~ ColXier County, Florida, this 3r~.. day of March , 1981. __ BOARD OF COUNTY COI~IISSIONERS COLLIER OUNT~, FLORIDA ) REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. 81-11 which was adoptcd 'by the Board of County Conunissioners during Regular Session March 3, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 5th day of March, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN ,-%llI~*;.~'P ,' .., . . Clerk of Courts · him ordinance files .with the Ex officio to Bo'~"d2 '. ;~,~". Secretary of State*m office the County C~n~lssip~e~t' '., 10th day of March, 1981 and ac- _~ _~"~ ~. · octroi this 1 day of Marcn,l~l. Vlk~ln~Ha~rt% ~, ~' ...... ' .... .'.'..} CXmrk ....... - ....--'