Ordinance 81-06AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE COMP 'R~HENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 51-26 BY CHANGING %~{E ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY~ PART OF SECTIONS 26, 2?, AND 28, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE..26 EAST~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ~EREAS, the ~ltonaCo~orationhas petitioned ~eBoard of cowry Commissioners of Collier Co~%y, Florida to change Ge Zoning Classification of ~he herein described real pro~rty~ NM, ~EREFO~ BE IT ORDAI~D by Se Board of County Commissioners of Collier ~ty, Florida: ~e Zoning Classiftcat£on of the harelnafter describ~ real property in Collier ~ty, Florida, is changed from~ A~lculture to "P~" Planned Unit Develo~ent and the Office1 Zoning Atlas ~p Number 51-26 as described in Ord£n~ce 76-30 hereby amended accordtngly~ · I~RCO SHORES A PLANNED RESIDENTZAL CO~4UNITY THE DELTONA CORPORATZON . PLA~EDUt~IT DEVELOPI~NT DOCUI~IENT FOR RRRCO SHORES A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL COI~A~IITY .BY TIlE DELTONA CORPORATION ~UHE 18, 1979 REVISED OCTOBER 2, 1980 REVISED JANUARY lg, 1981 REVISED FEBRUARY 12, 1981 ,I SECTION I SECTION II SECTION III SECTION IV SECTION V SECTION VI SECTION VII SECTION VIII e · PAGE_ tt ttl 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 6-1 7-1 8-1 :"-..: . . . . ._ · E~IBIT A £~IBIT B E~8~T C EXHZBIT D £~IBIT E £~IBZT F EX~ZBZT G E~IBIT H EXHIB/T 1 EXHIBIT ~1 LIST OF' £~IBITS £vtden~e of Control of Property VfcJnJtyl~p Aerial Photograph Boundary Pmp Site Plan Estimated Unit Absorption Schedule and Population Projection Legal Description (See Exhibit D) E.%.$. ~atver LA~D USE BREAKDOt~I STATEHENT OF CONDITIONS FOR APPROyAL STATEHE~ OF COHPL]ANCE The development of approximately 32] acres of property in Sections 26, 27 and 28, To~nshtp S1 South, Range 26 East, Co111er County, Flortda. as a Planned Unit Development to be known as Marco Shores will comp!y with the planntng and devel- opmnt objectives of Collter County. These objectives are set forth tn the Comprehensive Plan which tnciudes the Growth Pollcy and Official Land Use Guide, all of which were adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on October 14, 1974. Marco Shores will meet the planntng and development objectives for the following reasons: (1) The project ts vested under the provisions of Chapter 380, Florida Statutes.' The determination of vesting provided for in Chapter 380.06 (4)(al has been completed. The project ts vested for 1980 residential untts. (2) The project is in compliance with Collier County Ordinance Number 77-66 requiring an Environmental Impact S~atement (E.I.S.') prior to rezontng. An E.I.S. Waiver, Exhibit H, has been approved in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance Number 77-66. (3) The project ts in compliance with the Collier County Comprehensive Plan and Official L~nd Use Guide. ([4) The project has adequate community facilities and servtces as defined 'in Section 48, Paragraph $ of the Collier County Zoning Ordinance as provided by existing services and facilities or to be provided by the developer as indicated within this PUO Document. (s) TI'~ project sha:l comply with the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations and all other County and State laws dealing with platting and subdividing of property at the time improvements and plat approvals are sought. ttl 1.01 SECTIOg I PROPERTY O~ERSHIP & GENERAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE It is the tntent of The Oeltona Corporation (hereinafter called "applicant" or 'developer") to establish and develop a planned unit development on approximately 321 acres of property located in the Marco Island co~nuntty, Collier County, Florida. %t is the purpose of this document to provide the required detail and data concerning the development of the property· 1.02 NAME The development wtM be known as Marco Shores· 1.03 LEGAL DESCRIPTION The legal description is as described in Exhtbtt G, Legal Oescrtptfon. TITLE TO PROPERTY The property is owned by The Deltona Corporation as described in Exhibit A, Evidence of Control of Property. 1.05 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AREA The general location of Marco Shores is Iljustrated by Exhtbit B, Vicinity Map. The project site contains approximately 321 acres of property. It is bordered on the west by State Road gS1. At the time of this application, the property was zoned A. A portion of the property at the western boundary includes approximately O.S acres of tidally influenced wetlands composed of both excavated drainage canals ~nd mangrove areas· Within the boundary of the project site, there presently exists a golf course wtth supporting clubhouse and maintenance facilities and a road providing access to the golf course and the Marco Island Airport located to the east of the subject area. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The entire site, except for a small portion'of the wetland area (mangroves) adjacent to SR-gS1, has been subject to previous construction alterations. Development of man-made lakes outside and along the northern limits of the site, as well as several lakes within the property boundary, were the source for fill material used to bring the site to its present elevational setting. Elevations within the site range from a maximum of +15' N.G.V.O. to approximately +S' N.G.V.O. along the top of bank adjacent to both the unnamed lake to the north and the mangrove.area 1-1 · i'. · !::" border~ng~clltvane Bay to the south. Lo,er elevations a~e found · '...'t.~dfately adjacent to and wtthtn the Internal lake areas. The topography generally slopes gently towards the Internal lakes or the boundaries of the stte. · 'The sotls of the site ire comp~?d of the sands, ih~lls and crushed ll~ruck deposited as the spot1 ¢tll material from lake construction ~thtn and adjacent to the project area, Aside Cr~ the landscaped " and grassed areas of the golf course and support facility, the vegetation of the site ts characterized by scrub ground cover which nor~nally establishes itself on disturbed fill areas, 2. 01 PURPOSE ' SECTION II PROJ£CT DEVELOPMENT 2,02 The purpose of thts Section is to describe the general plan of the development and delineate the conditions that will apply to the project. GENERAL PLAH OF DEVELOPHENT The general plan of development of Marco Shores is for a planned residential con~untty of multi-family d~e111ng units and golf course. 2.03 SITE PLAN APPROVAL Vhen site plan approval is required by thts document, a written request for site plan approval shall be submitted to the Con. unity Oevelopment Administrator for approval. The request shall include materials necessary to demonstraLe that the approval of the site plan will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this document, w~11 not be injurious to the neighborhood or to adjoining properties, or otherwise detrimental to the public ~elfare. Such material may include, but is not limited to the following, where applicable: Site plans at an appropriate scale sho~tng proposed placement of structures on the property; provisions for Jngress and egress, offstreet parklng and offstreet loading areas, refuse and service areas; and required yards and other open spaces. B. Plans showing proposed locatJons for utilities honk-up; C. Plans for screening and buffering with references as to t~pe, dimensions and character; O. Pror)sed landscaping and provisions for trees protected by County r~gulations; and E. Proposed signs and lighting, including type, dimensions and character. LAND USE Unless otherwfse stated, what is' discussed in this Section ts the 320 acres of uplands depicted in Exhibtt E. This in turn is a part of Unit 30 for urposes of planning and land management. For purposes of this Ordinance, nit 30 shall mean that area which Js more specifically described on that ~otnt permit application of Applicant ftled on Flay 3, 1977 with the Florida Oepartment of Environmental Regulation and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. A schedule of the tntended land use types subject to this Section, ~tth approximate acreages and total dwelling untts, is sho~n on Exhibit E, SJte Plan. Minor variations in acreages, not to exceed 3Z of the total 320 upland aires, shall be permitted at ftnal design to accommodate final development plans. The specific locatton and size o~ the Individual tracts and t~e assignment of d~e111ng units on the 320 acre uplands stte shall be submitted t~ and approved by the Community Development Administrator at the ttme of Site Plan approval of each development p~ase. Approval Js hereby g~ven to construct up to SO0 d~elltng units on the 320- acre Marco Shores site, Beyond the initial $00 units, construction of additional units requires approval by the Board of Countv ConznJssJoners Jn accordance trlth the standards set forth below. While SO0 units are hereby approved, Jt has been determined that the Marco Shores site vt11 accon~.odate construction of the number of units allo~ed by the Land Use Element of the Collier Count~ Comprehensive Plan dated May 8, lg7g (the Collier County Comprehensive Plan) subject, however, to the follovlng: 1. Traffic ~mprovements as required to alleviate congestion and improve safety on Route gS1, such as widening to accommodate additional traffic'lanes, traffic signals, turn lanes, reduced speed lJl,dts, or alternatives as may be required Jn accordance vtth Section 8.04B of this OrdJnance~ 2. Reduction of~etlands nov proposed by applicant for development Jn Unit 30. Such efforts may include cjustering, more intensive use of uplands, and land trades that'~ould shift development to uplands. Zn determining the maximum number of allo~able d~ellJng units on th~ 320- acre Marco Shores site, consideration shall be given to Applicant's overall development plans for the Marco Beach Subdivision, including a revJe~of: A. The status of permitting as tt affects property ~n the Marco area ~hJch Js o~ned or being acquired by App~Jcant, including. Unit 30~ B. The status o~ any completed or pending land exchanges through ~hJch Applicant has obtained, or has the prospect of obtaining, developable property located 'n the Harco area~ C. Combined density fo~ the 320-acre ~rco Shores site, the rest of the Unit 30 site, and any contiguous land which Applicant has acquired or may acquire through exchange~ and D. Based upon proper land management considerations, principally ~nvo~vJng a preference for upland as opposed to wetland development, the most suitable distribution of density over the property Applicant may develop as part of the Marco Beach Subdivision. Z~, as & result of the foregoing review, Jt ~s determined that the maximum number of d~e11~ng units on the 320-acre Marco Shores development should be other th~n the mJmber allowed by the Collier County Comprehensive Plan, this OrdJnance shall be amended vtth respect to the maximum number of o~elllng units to be permitted on the Marco Shores site. In order to afford flexibility to the County tn determining the maximum number and distribution of d~ellJng units on the 320-acre ~arco Shores stte, Applicant shall not make Irrevocable con~njtments to purchasers with respect to land uses on the unsold portlons of that 320-acre stte, or any other portion of the Untt 30 planning slte. o i'. PROJ'ECT DENSITY The total acreage of the Karco Shores property .is approxtmateiy 321 acres. The mxtmum number of dwelling units to be built on the total acreage ts lg80. The number of d~elltng units per gross acres ts approx-.. tmately 6.15. The density on Individual parcels of land throughout the project will vary according to the t~pe of dwelltng units placed on each parcel of land. DEVELOPMEItT SEC~UENCE AND SCHEDULING Exhibit F indicates, by year, the estimated absorption of units and the approximate population of the project for the estimated development period, 2.07 2.09 AMENOMENT OF ORDINANCE ' Both the County and the developer, with knowledge that the long range development plan permitted by the ordinance will not be complete for a period of 3 to 10 years, recognize that exceptions, variances or.amendments to this ordinance may be necessary in the future. There may be changes in planning techniques, engineering techniques, trans- portation methods, and other factors that ~ould warrant this ordinance being amended to meet standards of the time. All petitions or requests for exceptions, variances and amendments shall conform with the pro- cedures existing at the time of the application for the exception or amendments. TREE REMOVAL All clearing, grading, earthwork, and site drainage work shall be performed in accordance with the approved PUD site plan and all applicable codes. DEFINITIONS Oeftntttons shall be as contained in the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County. 2-3 3.01 3.03 3.05 $~ION Ill · UTILITY $ER¥IC£S TO FIARCO SHORES WATER SUPPLY At~D TREA~.?ENT FACILITIES ~co island Utilities, Inc. wtll provide water supply end .treatment facilities to the project. Untreated water is available from 12' and 14" P~rco Island Utilities, Inc. water mains adjacent to State Road 951. on the west boundary of the property. Location of Me water treatment facility is indicated on Exhibit £, Site Plan. S~A$£ TREATME~ FACILITIES Ftarco Island Utilities, Inc. ~11 provide sewage treat~ent facilities to the p~ect. Location of the sewage trea~ent factlity ts indicated on [xhibit ~, Site Plan. . SOLID ~ASTi COLL[CTIOH' Solid ~aste collection for the F1arco Shores pro~ect ~11 be handled by thc company holding the franchise for soltd ~ast~ collection for the county. ELE~RIC PO~ER SERVICE Florida Po~r ~ Light Corporation ~11 provide electric service to the entire pro~ect. TEL[PHOHf S~RVIC~ Telephone se~tce will be supplted to the ~arco Shores pro~ect by United Telephone Company of Florida. TFL[VISION CABLi SfRVICE Television cable se~ice will be provided by Gulf-Coast Cable-Vtsion~ Inc. of ~aples. 3-1 £ASE'~NTS FOR, U~D,ERSROt~D UT~'L~T]ES · On-stte utilities' such as telephone, electric po~r, TV cable serv'tce, · t4stewter cellectton, kater dtstrtbutJon, etc. shall be Installed underground. Except that electrJcal ~'ender 11nes serYtng co~nerctal and other htgh use areas, water pumptng stations, 11ft stations, transformer banks, etc. shall be penattted above ground· Easements shall be provtded for all uttltty purposes. Satd easements and Improvements shall be done tn accordance with subdivision regulations. · i, · ' 4.01 e ' SECTIOX IV ' MULTI*F.~II L¥ pURPOSE The purpose of thts Sectton is to set forth the regulations for the ' area designated on Exhtblt E, Site Plan, as F~ultI-Famtly. MAXI/4U~ D~ELLING UNITS A maximum number of 1980 d~elltng units may be constructed, subject to stipulations in attached Exhtbtt J. · 4.03 USES PER~4ITTED No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or part, for other than the follo~Jng: A. Principal Uses: ' (1) Multi-family residential buildings. (2) Parks· playgrounds, playftelds and con~nonly owned open sp~ce. (3) ~ater management facilities. B. Principal Uses Requiring Site Plan Approval: (1) Non-coa~erctal boat launching facilities and multiple docking areas with a maximum extension into the waterway of 20 feet. (2) Recreational clubs, intended to serve Lhe surrounding residential area. C. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures: (1) Customary accessory uses and structures, including parking structures. (2) (3) Stgns as permitted by the Zontng Ordinance of Co111er County. ~del apartments and sales offices shall be permitted tn con- Junctton wtth the promotion of the development. Such model apartments shall be permitted for a period of t~o (2) years from the tntttal use as a model. The Otrector may authorize the extension of such use upon ~rttten request and Justification. 4.04 REGULATIONS 4.0~.01 MINII4U~4LOT AREA: One (1) net acre. 4.04.02 MINIMUf4 YARDS: Be From right-of-way l'tnes of public and private roads, thirty (30) feet or one-half (1/2) the height of the structure, whichever is greater. From t~act boundary lines, twenty (20) feet or one-half (1/2) the height of the structure, whichever is greater. Distance between any tw~ principal structures, oneJhalf (1/2) the sum of their heights but not less than twenty (20) feetJon the same tract. In the case of cjustered buildings with a conmmn architectural theme, these distances may be less provided that a site plan is approved in accordance with Section II. 4.04.04 ~AXIMU~ NEIGHT OF PRINCIPAL AND ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: A. Seven (7) stories above the finished grade with option of having one il) floor of parking beneath th& allowable seven (7) stor4es. B. Accessory structures shmll be limited to a maximum of thirty (30) feet above finished grade of the lot. 4.04.05 MINIMUll LIVING AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES: Principal use structures shall contain a minimum of seven hundred and fifty (750) gross square feet of living area per dwilllng unit within principal structure. 4.04.06 OFF-STREET PARKING: 4.04,07 Principal uses shall provide a minimum of 1.S parking spaces per dwelling unit. An additional one-half (~5) space per unit must be reserved for future parking if needed, This reserve area shall be grassed or landscaped. · OFF-STREET PARKING LANDSCAPING: Landscaping shall be provided as required by the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County. 4.04.08 USEABLE OPEN SPACE: For each dwelling unit, m minimum of one-hundred (100) square feet of usable open space, exclusive of the golf course area, shall be provided on the site. This space may be provided as swimming pools, pool decks, tennis courts, landscaped areas or other common recreational facilities. 4-2 r ~..01 PURPOS£ 'GOLF COURSE The purpose of th~s Section ~s to set forth the regulations for the area des~g~ted on Exh~bSt E, S~te P]an, as Golf Course· $.0~ PEPJ4ITTEO USES A~D STRUCTURES No butldtng or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, tn whole or tn part, for other than the following: Ae Permitted Principal Uses and Structures: (1) Golf Course (2) Golf C~ubhouse (3) Tennis Courts (4) Tennis Clubhouses ($) Transfent lodgtng facilities not to exceed SO units. ($) Water management facilities. Permitted Acce~sor~ Uses and Structures: (1) Pro-shop, practtce driving range and other customary accessory uses of golf courses, tennis clubs or other recreational facilities. (2) Small commercial establishments, tnRludtng gtft shops, go1¢ and tennts equipment sales, restaurants, cocktafl lounges, and stmtlar uses, tntended to excjustvel~ serve patrons of the golf course or tennts club or other permitted recreational factllttes, subject to the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of Co111er Count~. (3). Shuffleboard courts, swtn~ntng pools, and other t~pes of Cactllttes tntended for recreation. (4) S~gns as permitted tn the Zontng Ordinance of Co111er Count~. ($) t4atntenance shops and equipment storage. ($) #on-co~nerctal plant nurser~. 5-1 S. OS S. 06 PLAH APPROVAL R£QU]REMENTS. ' ' Plans for all principal and all accessory uses shall be su~itted to the O?rector ~howt11 review these plans and approve their construction.. ' All construction shall be in accon~ance ~tth the approved plans and speclftcatfons. The perimeter boundary of the overall golf course tract shall be recorded tn the same manner as a subdivision plat. · A. ieneral Requirements: (1) Overall site design shall be harmonious in terms o¢ landscaping, enclosure of structures, location of access streets and parking areas and location and treatment of buffer areas. (2) Buildings shall be setback a minimum of fifty (SO) feet from abutting residential districts and the setback area shall be landscapedand matntaJned to act as a buffer zone. (3) Lighting facilities shall be arranged in a manner which ~tll protect roadways and neighboring properties from dJrect glare or other ~nterference. (4) A site plan shall be provided showing pertinent structure locations and landscaping. I~XI~IJH HEIGHT Forty-five (45) feet above the finished grade of the lot. MINIHU~4OFF-STREET PARKING As required by the Zoning Ordinance of Collier Coun:y. OFF-STREET PARKING LANDSCAPING Landscaping shall be provided as required by the 2oning Ordinance of Collier County. · SECTION Vl NEIG}~BO~OOD COMHERCZAL 6.01 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the regulations for the area designated on Exhtblt E, $tte Plan, as Neighborhood Commercial. The Neighborhood Commercial area is intended to meet the local neighborhood shopping and personal service needs of the surrounding residential area· Retail stores permitted are intended to include primarily convenience goods which are usually a daily necessity for the residential neighborhood. 6.02 IvtAXIMUMACREAGE Maximum area is limited to 3,2 acres. 6.03 USES PERMITTED No building or structure, or part :hereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land or water used, in whole or in part, fcr other than the following: A. Principal Uses: (1) Automobile service stations without repairs tn accordance with applicable zoning regulations. (2) Baker shops - including baking only when incidental to retail sales from the premises. (3) Banks and financial institutions. (4) Barber and beauty shops. (5) Bicycle sales and'service. (6) Bookstores. (7) Churches. (8) Delicatessens. (g) Orug stores. (10) Orycleantng. (11) Family apparel shops. (12) Florist shops. (13) Food markets. (14) Gift shops.' e 6-1 (1S) Hardware stores. ' (1G) Zce crem shops.. (17) Laundries, self-service only. (18) Ltquor stores. (lg) Keat markets. (20) Ftedical and dental clinics. (21) ~stc stores. (22) Post offices. (23) Professional offices (24) Repair shops -radto, TV, small appliances, shoe. (25) Restaurants - not including drive-Ins. (25) Any other con~nerctal use or professional service which fs comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and which the Director determines to be compatible In the district. (27) Water management facilities. B. Permitted Accessor~ Uses and Structures: (1) Accessory uses and structures customarily assoctatnd ~th the uses permitted in this district. (2) Signs as permitted by the Zoning Ordinance. MINIMUM LOT AREA None. 6.0S MINIMUM LOT WIDTH MINIMUM YARD REQUIREHENTS A. Fr~m right-of-way lines of public and private roads, thirty (30) feet. B. Fr~m residential tract boundary lines, thirty (30) feet· C. From all other tract boundary lines, none. · i, BU~LDING SEPAP, ATION ' Al1 buildings shall be separated t~enty-~tve (2S) feet or one-half (~/2) t~.s~ of thetr heights whichever ts greater except that tn tl~ case of cjustered buildings with a c~n architectural theme these distances may ~ less p~vlded that a site plan fs app~ved tn accordance wtth Section ii. ~%~Z~ FLO0~ AR~A OF P~XHCIPAL STRU~R[ 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 1000 square feet per butlding on the ground floor. Ft~IF~ HEIGHT Thirty-five (35) feet above the ftntshed grade of the lot. HINI~FlJ/tOFF-STREET PARKING AND OFF-STREET LOADING REQUIREMENTS As requtred by the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County at time of building permit application. MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS As required by the Zontng Ordinance of Collier County at time of building permit application. , LIHITATIONS ON SIGNS As permitted in the Zoning Ordinance of Collier County at time of building permit application· LIGHTING 6.14 6.16 Ltghttng facilities shall be arranged tn a manner which wtll protect roadways and neighboring properties from direct light. STOP, AGE There shall be no outside storage or display of merchandise. UTILITY AREAS Utility areas, including trash receptacles· shall be completely screened from the view of customers and adjacent property owners to a height of six (6) feet above ground level. SECTION VII UTILITY AREA m 7.01 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the regulations for the area designated on ExhtDtt E, Site Plan, as Utility Area. 7.02 PERMITTED USES AND STRUCTURES No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered~ or use~, or land or water used, in whole or in part, for other than the following: A. Principal Uses: (1) Potable water treatment and distribution facilities. . (2) Sanitary waste water collection treatment and disposal facilities. (3) Utility services equipment, storage and maintenance. (4) Utility services offices. ($) Lawn or golf course maintenance shops and equipment storage· (6) Any other use associated wtth maintenance or utility services when approved by the Otrector. (7) Water management facilities. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures: (1) Accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the uses permitted in this district. (2) Signs as permitted in the zoning ordinance. MINIMUM YARD REQUIREMENTS A. From right-of-way lines of public and private roads, thirty (30) feet. B. All other, none. 7.~ F~XIMUHHEIGHT Thirty-five (35) feet above the finished grade of the lot. HINIMUM FLOOR AREA None· ... 7-1 SECTION VIII DEV£LOPM£XT COi~IITHENTS 8.01 NATUR.RL RESOURCES Prto~ to undertaking any alterations within or effecttng the.ttdally- tnfluenced wetland tncluded tn the site, the applicant shall. A. Obtatn all necessary pemtts, approvals or watvers from county, state and federal agencies; and', B. Limit the extent of alterations within the wetlands areas to reduce short and long term environmental impacts; and, Insure that no alteration or filling within the wetland area shall be conducted except as required to improve the access road at its intersection with State Road 951 unless otherwise approved by the Director for work required by the future development of Unit 30, Marco Shores. 8.02 DRAINAGE A. Upland Areas (1) The applicant shall provide all necessary detailed dratnage plans, studies and specifications to the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, the South Florida Water Management District and Collier County for approval prior to issuance of permits by Collier County. The detailed drainage plans shall tnclude the data requested by South Florida Water Management District in their letter of August 29, 1980 and which is made a part of this PUD Document. (2) The mtntmum butldtng floor elevation shall be as indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map for Collier County. B. Wetland Area 8.03 The applicant shall provide necessary detailed drainage plans, studies and specifications to the Ervtronmental Advisory Council, Water Management Advisory Board, Coastal Area Planning Con~ntssion and Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, the State of Florida Oepartment of Environmental Regulation and the South Florida Water Management Otstrtct for approval prior to the issuance of any construction/development permits by Collter County. PUBLIC FACILITIES A. Sewage Treatment Factltty Marco Island Utilities, Inc. will provide sewage treatment Cactltttes for the project. Marco Island Utilities, Inc. will provide necessar~y detailed plans and specifications for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage from this development to the Department of Environmental.ii Regulation and Collier County for approval prior to the issuance of development permits, ,, . ~-1 ..' ,-".,: · Vater Treatment Facilities Vater treatmenC facilities wtll be prov'tded by I~rco Island uttlttres, Znc. ~co Island Utilities, Znc. ~11 prov~e necessary detatled plans and specifications to the Depar~ent of Envtron~ntal Regulation and Co111er ~unty for app~val prtor to the tssuance c~ develo~nt pemtts. Deltona Cor~ratton ~tll const~ct additional ra~ water transmission facilities the ~ck pti sout~ard along SR 961 and to the ~arco Zsland ~ater Trea~nt Plant b~ 1984. 8.04 TRANSPORTATION 8.05 A. Internal The project Jill be served internally by a system of public and private roads. Public roads wtll be located within public rights of way as indicated in Exhibit E, Site Plan. Private roads will serve the individual multi-family tracts. B. External Subject to the approval of the Florida Department of Transportation, the developers shall provide improvements as indicated in the attache~ Exhibit FIRE PROTECTION 8.06 The applicant shall provide for the strategic placement of fire hydrants as required in the Collier County Subdivision Regulations. A fire station shall be constructed in accordance with the Southern Standard Building Code and as approved by the East Naples Fire Department on a site approved by the East Naples Fire Department. ~SQUITO CONTROL Through proper engineering design and closely coordinated construction activities, a positively graded drainage system wtthout numerous or extensive tsolated depressions (stagnant water areas) will be created. Those mssurances, in conjunction with appropriate lake maintenance operation, will reduce the potential for increasing mosquito breeding areas within the property. EXHIBIT 8.04 TRNfSPORTATION . EXT£R~AL B. In order to mfttgate against any adverse Impacts on State Road 951 from construction traffic and residents. traffic as a result of the development act?vttfes being herein authorized, Applicant agrees as follows: 1. Applicant shall not apply for building permtts nor shall Collier County ~ssue building permits to construct tn excess of 500 dwelling untts 'within the PUO area until such ttme as a proposal presented by Applicant for Improving trafftc facilities ts reviewed by the Coast~l A~ea Planning ConrnJsston and reviewed and approved by the Board of County Con~nisstoners of Collier County. 2. As provtded tn paragraph 1 above, no building permtts wi1.1 be Issued for tn excess of SO0 d~elltng untts tn the PUD area until Appllcant presents a proposal to Co111er County for improving the 1ntersectton of State Road 951, and Club House Boulevard, and for any additional Improvements to SR gS1, as appropriate to etttgate any adverse Impacts to traf¢tc conditions w~;ch may result from the construction of additional dwe111ng untts w~th~n the PUD'area. Such Proposal shall be In addttton to the Improvements provided fu paragraph 3 below and may tncorporat~ those Improvements as specified tn the PUD application or such al- ternative or additional Improvements as will best Cactl~tate the movement of traffic along State Road 951 and from :he PUD area unto State Road 951. 3. At such ttme as Applicant commences land development or other con- structton within the P~O area, Applicant shall (t) install a yellow flashing traffic stgnal at the point of Intersection of State Road 951 and Club House Boulevard; (tt) erect or cause to be erected at Its expense, stgnage to tdenttCy the ~ntersectton as State Road 951 and Club House Boulevard; {ttt) erect, or cause to be erected at 1ts expense, s~gnage to provide speed reduction along State Road g~l {n the vJc{n{ty.of~the {ntersect{on of State Road 951 and Club FJ~se Bou]eYa~Z (~v) lengthen the left tu~ storage lane for southbound ' traffJ~ tu~JnQ fr~m State Road 9SI unto Club House Bou]eva~, f~ tt~ ex~st~ng . 1~ feet to 300 feet. 4, At such tJ~ as Applicant obtatns &Il necessary approvals rrm the ~orSda Department of Transportation or other appropriate governmntaJ authort~, ~pltcant shall tnstall, or cause to be Installed at 1ts expense, a full operating t~afftc sJgnal at the Intersection of State Road g51 and Club House Boulevard. ~plJcant shall use its best efforts to obtain the necessar~ gover~ental approvals for Installation of the traffic stgnal. S. At such ttme as S~ate Road g51 Is to be expanded to four lanes, Applicant s~11 donate the necessar~ addJttonal right,of-way fr~ within ;ts ~ershfp along State Roae gS1. in the event Applicant sells or othe~se transfers title to an~ land l~Jng contJguous to State Road gS1, Applicant shall tnclude in the instr~ent of conveyance a covenant to run wJth the land whtch transfers to 1ts successors tn tttle 1ts obligation to donate necessar~ rtght-of-wa~ to expand State Road g51 to four lanes. Iq'EH'O RAtIDUH August 29, 1900 FROH: SUBJECT: Files Richard A. Rogers, P.E.t Director, Resource Control Department Review of ~arco Shores PUD Application Znformatton Submission of August 25, 1~80 contained unit, for rezoning. made are as follo~s: Considerable information was submitted on subject date with a portion relevant to consideration of the site, when considered as a complete self- Oasic information on which a decision will be 1. 321 acre project, '; 2. 35% impervious, . . 3. 138 acre golf course, 4. 10 acres lakes, ~ 5. additional unknown amount of ~ater r.r~agement area to serve perimeter tracts, 6. 3..5 feet or ~ore groand storage 7. post development discharge equal to pre d~velo~nent discharge,. 8. sevpge effluent disposal on golf course. -.** Since no construction plans were submitted it appears that the ~ppltcant possesses the capability during design, if rezontng is obtained, to include the following necessary de,tgn features: i. Discharge storm~ater from the entire "island' by overflow of. · perimeter benns in a sheetflo~ ~ode, as the site is, or should be, presently discharging, rather than through point discharges. 2. Route all stor~ runoff through the inter,al lai:e system ~rto~ to transmission to the perimeter dispersal system. 3. Probably increase the open surface *storage to'keep pre andPost discharges equivalent (maximum 10 year event peak d.tscharge of 0.75 inches per day - 20 csm), 4. ]nclude any necessary Safeouards to prevent unnatural degradation of sto~.~ater by golf course fertilizers or pesticides or effluent, such as by piping storn~.~ater from steele areas directly to the lake System and not overland through the ~olf courso, construction of lo~ berms around lakes to discourage direct runoff of storr:~ater/ effluent mix from golf course areas, etc. torero, {~ the applfcant, accepts the rezon{n~ kno~fng theso lfmt~ttons, the staff has no technical objection to rezon~ng. ' . Director Resource Control Department cc: Hr. ~ohn E. Prt~e Flr. ~erryCutllp Rrs. Betty Van Arsdale Rt. 3oseph Bonnes Rt. Bernard Yokel Rt. Steve Hitche11 Nr. Cliff Barl:sdalc Nt. Robert ~otchkav~tz Rt. ~ohn ~od~ska .f .-2- " Pmvz~ed ~epcet2oer ~l, Auqua~ I, NARCO $~ORES ~ ~ropo~ed Condo=LnJu~ SL~ea $u~=oundLnq Zncludtnq ~nco ~IIOR~S GO?~ COURS~ Being more particularly described as follo~s~ · ~enco 4: the Northeast corner o~ the Sout~ea'st one-quarter el said Sect!ce 2S~ run thenc~ S07e44'34'~ 356.~7 ~eot; thence State ~oad ~51 and the ~OIt~T OF BEGInnING et tho parcel et land ~erolnal~er tescr/hed~ thence s8gelT'lg'E 385.t0 fee~ thence ~64eiS'22"Z 142.11 ~ee~ thence NG0eS~'S~"E !14.0S ~oe~; thence ~G~'3S'0S'E 68.~5 ffeec~ ~hence N79'22'18'E 64.2S ~ee~l thence ~g3'0~'49'Z 143.3~ fee~l ~henca ~86'58'15'~ 10G.46 NB0eG2'32'E S2.0G ~eegl thence 1~75'21'11'E.220.97 fee~; thence ~SSelX"02"Z 303.28 ~eec~ thence N~Ge39'41"E 127.88 feQt~ thence ~41'~5'~"~ 32a. G5 Eeoc; thence K27*49'01"E 181.ll ffee~ thence X~0*10'31"~ 148.~S fe~c; thcncq ~45'~0'lB'E 2~4.29 feet~ thence ~9*3~'4V"~ 310.03 fce~; thence NGg'~0'53"E ~5.16 lOeWI thence ~V7'42'3~"2 195.~2 fee~1 thence Ne~"L2'0~"~ 204.00 feeCl thence SgGe55'SG'~ 146.77 feetl thence S83'20'0D"E 66.91 ~oet~ ~nce N81025'07"~ 93..10 ~eec; the'ncc S85'15'59'g 123.04 ~=ec: ~hanc= S98'52'33'~ llE.09 leet~ ~enca S89'12'28.'E 150.18 fee~ S~3'25'40'E 86.66 fce~I ~ence S99'23'58'g 452.00 fee~ thence S~4'05'19'E 213.38 feaCl thence SSG'Sl'30'E 194.45. fQe~ thence ~G4'Ig'i0'E 390.1S fee~ thence N95'19'31'~ 96.02 fQeC~ ~S9*03'S~'~ 3~.9~ ~eetl ~ence ~69'29'11~ 121.95 ~ee~ thence R~'44'2~'E 25G.S}*~ee2j thence N82'10'Zg'~ 221.01..~eecs thence XBS'44'2O'E 322.82 ~eec~ t~ence N64'2~'01'E G4G.89 lee~I thence B74eS8'24'~ 81.06 fee~; ~henco N61"47'24"E 229.63 EeoC: thence NS?eS6*41'~ 114.~1 ffeet~ thence S55011'31"E 212.12 ~ee~; thence N81'C3'S2"Z 42.S2 ~eet; thence S20"41'55'~ 49.20 ~ee~: thence ~SGO38'44"E 2G2.01 ~oe~; ~hQnce S95'09'05'E 148.31 fee~; thence S41'08'09"E 124.82 ~ee~ thence S91'10'58'~ 213.00 fact; thence ~59'52'22'~ 76.49 ~eo~; ~henco S~9'54'31'E 1~.89 feet; thence S29'Dg'iI'E 41.93 ~ee~ thence S~1'10'58'~ 40.00 focgl ~hence** NBVe0G'Sg'Z 6S.19 feet; thence N98'43'22"; 131.00 re,ti thence NGge49'23'Z 109.49 fee~ thence S84'17'48"E 53.4S ~e~Cl thence NS3'43'0S'E 38.4~ ieet~ ~henco N24'45'I6'E ST.20 feetl thence N69'14'17"~ 129.11 fee: to a point ~hich lies 14Oae44'0G'~ 1~28.3B ~oet and Z01'15'54'~ 150~.12 feet fro~ the Northeast corner aforesaid Section 26~ thence ~12'00'00'~ 562.93 feet~ thence ~29'4~'17"~ 435.12 feetl thence ~20'41'20'~ 116.'40 iceCt thence ~10'00'41'1~ 95.52 fee[l thence ~22'10'40'W 100,84 ~oe~ thence ~43'04'49'~ 51.42 feetl thence S53'20'03'~C 54.63 ffeetl thence $85'22'02"~ S0.49 ~ce~: th~,co $7Te23'52"~ 50.00 foot= thence S~SeO~'2G'~ 100.0~ ~at~ thence ~7Se07'41'~ SG.3G ~Q~I thanc~ $62*~7'58":~ 31.05 feutl thence NG9'34'42"~ 23.85 feat~ thence 683*0G'30"~ 100.50 foot; thence SG4'04'S7'~ 127.37 feet; thence J41e28'21"~ 32.~9 foot: thence G09e57'S4't~ 60.44 feotl thence SGIeO0*33"~ II.00 foo~J ~hencQ !;62*40'52't~ 90.14 fentj thence NBIe4S'22'K ;2..0 ~eocj thence S73'41'22"~ 82.00 ~QQCI thence. S32'24'62"~ S$1'04'03"~ 130e46'2~"~ SIS'46'35'~ ~00,I~ ~eC! t~OflCO AI&e~s'qA',~ SS,04 ~Qc: ~ncQ . SO. JG ~ogcj thence $&5'24'~9"~ 50,16 (eec: :hence &~.:3 ~u~: :hence S7~0~5'47'~ 152,07 ~e~l thence SO.XG Zeot! thence ~4302~'~7'~: 32.21 130,~0 feeCf thence ~.$3'2G'54'~4 lflO.O0 feQtl thence 2S0.15 ~eet: thence NGO'O?'I$"%; 73.30 feet: :hcnco 306,03 CoMcl thence S?&oO$'07':4 548,7~ 274,00 Zoe:l chance SG&eaO'ST'W 240.07 geecl C~QflCe 97.26 ~uc! thence SOO'43'41'E 251.56 ?eec: thence 101,27 ~ecj thence S00'26'35"E $1,~2 feet; thoneQ A50.41 £eetl thence S~9023'21"E 350.57 feet: thence 3q. 91 !eat: thence S29'06'28"?¢ 79.59 ~aec: thence 1o4.6~ ~eett thence S3105g'32'IJ 54.23 ~Qot: thence $0.0! ~e~t~ thence S33'58°04~ $3.4~ £eetf the~cs 100o~4 ~eotf thence S$4'46'26'V;'50.00 feetf thence 103.55 ~eotf thence SD4e01'~4#~ S?.3! femtf thence ~3.9~ fcecr thence $~1°~4'~1~ ?~.07 ~eeLf ~heAce 103.53 feet: thence H76'24'2S":* 50.16 £eetf chance $0,30 fQocJ Ch~nco ~67'15'33'~ 3~X,~2 ~eec~ thence 1o~.40 ~eec~ ::~cncQ H?~'48'~0'~ 50.4~ ~oecl thence lOO.~3 ~esc: thence S~5'21'57':~ 17.75 fae:~ ~hence 50,04 ~eec: thence S~3'!7'56':C SO,4~ £eeC: 351.20 feec~ thence S~7'46"22"~ 51.42 ~eec: ~hence $~.¢~.'eec,. t~Qmce S27'$0'0~'W S0.0~ fe~t: thence 50.01 £ee:; thence S39e~4'17'~'; S0.49 ~eec; thence 53.14 ~oec: thence S26041'41'~( 100.32 feet; thence 254.10 fate! thence S49'lM'la':f 86.$0 ~oot~ 94.26 ~oet= thence }~60'S$'18'~.23~.57 ~eec~ t~ence 162.49 foe~: thence ~07'07'42':f 426.?8 ~ee~= thence ~09'10'0G'E 211.04 fOQgl ~hence 469.08 ~eeC~ thence M36'Ol'Sl'E 50.80 S2.62 feec~ thence ~02'39'38"W S6.14 fee~, thence. 300.01 feetl thom~ I?lS'S0'39"tf 102.18 £ootl thence 41.~ ~aet~'thence S~G'Se'lS"tf 18~.20 £eetl thence 9~. feet: thence SOG'01'01"~ $0.~4 foot; thence 21.67 zee~ themCQ S38~41'44'W 41.~2 feetI'thonce M86013'08'~ 2SO,IG ZoQ~; thence S72'56'29'W 52,81 foot] thonce ~B2oSI'12*~ 200.89 feet: thence H87'32:25"~ 263.83 feet to mforesaLd Easterly Right-Of-~Cay Line o£ State ~oad 951: thence #02'27'35"C along said Easterly 1tight-Of-Way Line 120.00 feet to the ~oint Of Begin~ing. Containf~ng 321.46 acres/ ~ore or less. ~ECTIONTWOt This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. DATE~ February 10~ 1981 ATTEST STATE OF FLORIDA ) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLXER COUNTY, FLORIDA Vice/CJ~atrman~ ,3 j ~ COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of= Ordinance 81-6 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session February 10, 1981. WITNESS my hand and the official seal.of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 17th day of February, 1981. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and County Commission~r..s."~. =...: ..-. . ,.,, · By ~--~.' ~'. : ~... -..... ?h~s ordinance ¢~]ed wtth the Secretar2 o* S~a~e's 0~4~'~&'"~" the ~Sth da~ 0~ Eebruar~, ~981 and ackn0w]edgement 0~ that ~ng ~ecetved thts 23rd day 0~ Eebruar2, 1981. ffeputy Clerk -