Ordinance 81-05 ORDINANCE NO. 81 - S AN OMHRAI~CE AHENIHRO ORDIRAr~(:~ 76-30, TIiK COtSFREIIENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR TiIK INCORPORATED AREA OF TIlE COASTAL AREA PLAN- NING DISTRICT OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AHZNDING TIlE RESPECTIVE ZONING ATLA,q FlAP BY REZONING TIIE rOLlS'WING DESCRIBED PROPERTIES FRO~ J~'2 AND RH-2ST TO RH-1B: LITTLE SHORES SUSDIVISION, BLOCK D, LOT 6 TO P~'I and RH-1ST~ BLOC~ 427, LOTS 1-10; BLOCK &28, LOTS 1-16; BLOCK 42g, LOT,~ 3-18; BLOCK 483, UNIT 15, HARCO BEACH SUBDIVISION (H1'o& AND HI-9); TO R~'IST: GOVERNMENT LOT 2, SECTION 17, TO~SIII? 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST (48'25'4); TO P~'IB: PART OF ~. N~ A~D PA~T OF TI~ S~ OF SEC£ION 3, TOWNSHIP 50 RANGE 2~ EAST (50'26°2); AND ALL OF ~ENT LOT 1 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 52 RANGE 26 EAST LESS ~L~RCO TO~II~ CROUP ! (HI'3); BLOC~ 2, LOT 16, CITY OF COLDEN GATE; (4~'2~'~); BLOCK 13~ LOT 1, BONITA SUBDIVISION (48-25-3); AND ALL OF ~OVER~NT LOT 1, SECTION 16, TOW~SJflP 49 SOUTH~ 25 EAST AND TI~ LANDS DESCRIBED IN O.R. 1~3, PAGE 604 AND ~05 (49'25-5); TO I'~-IB A~D RH'IBST: I'ART OF T~E SW~ OF SECTIO~ 16, TO~SH I P 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST (48'25'~) AND NAPLES I~PROVEHENT CO~?Ah~f LITTI~ FA~S, LOTS 33 AND 34 (49-25 '5) TO RS-3ST: SOUTH 900 FEET "F ~OVER~O~-~F LOT 1 LESS EAST 350 FEET OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP SOUTH, RAN~ 25 EAST (48'2§-4); TO RH-IBST: ALL OF ~OVE~ENT LOT 3 AND W'~ OF' SE~ OF S£~ IN SECTION 17, TO~SglP 45 SOUIH, RAN6~ 25 EAST (48'25'4) AND PART OF LOTS 3°1~, 'BLOC~ 3, ~IT 1, WIGGINS ~ASS ~IN6S (~8'25'~) ~ PART OF f~ S~ OF SECTION 1~, T~SIIIP PROVIDIN6 ON E~I~ DA~. WHI~REAS, the Board of County Comiasioners petitioned to change the Zonin~ Classification of the herein describ~ real property; NOt/, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commi~ioner~ of Collier County, Florida: ~~ SECTION ONE: The Zofltn~ Classifications of the herein d~scribed real prope~ 'are chsnEed from various zones to various zones as described herein the Zonin~ Atlas Hap ss described in Ordinance ?6°30 are hereby cha~sed accordingly: From J~-2 to R~-IB Lot 60 Block 48-25-3). Little llickory Shores Subdivision Fe Oe From I~f-2 nad RM-2ST to J~-I and Rtf-IST~ Lots 1-10, Block &27, Lots 1-16, Mock &28, 8nd 'BZock 4830 ~f~ lS Xirco Beech Subdivision. (Xop No, HZ-6 end XZ-9). All o~ ~ove~en~ ~ 2, Section 17, T~ship ~8 South, Range From R N-2 to~-lD: A portion of Section 3, To. ship 50 South, Ranie 26 East, Collier County Florida, being more particularl~ described as fellers: Commence at the Northeast corner of the NW quarter of Section 3, Township 50 South, Range 26 East, run S 80054'20" V for 2,202.95 feet alerts the North line of said IAi% to Point of Segin~ing; thence run S 0005'40" E, for 1,110.25 feet to a point, thence S 31°05'30'' W for 347.62 feet to a point on the North line of the V~ of the SW~ of the I~ of said Section; thence 307.9~ feet along the arc of a cu~e concave to the Northeast, havin$ a radius of 300 feet, and subtended by a chord have · bearing of S 29030'05" E, and a length off 29~.61 feet to a point of tanEcncy; thence S 58°54'30'' E for 172.7~ feet to a point on the northwest right-of-way line of State Road 8~, thence S 31°05'30'' W for 1,087.81 feet to a point on the West line of said ~, thence run northerly alon~ said western section line to a point on the ~ corner o~ said section; thence ~n easterly alone the northe~ section line to Point of Beginning. (~ap ~o. 50-26-2) S~ of ]~ of NE~ of Section 3, Township 50 South, Range 26 East. (Hap No. $0-26-2) The North 660 feet of the West 1,032.21 feet of the SWIt less the North 330 feet of the East 620.90 feet of the West 860.q0 feet thereof, all in Section 3, Tovnship 50 SouGh, Range 26 East, Coll~er Ce,ney, Florida. (Map No. 50-26-2) A portion of Section 3, Tovnship 50 South, Ranse 26 East, Collier County, Florida, being more particularly described ss follows: Coanence at the SV corner of the lqW quarter of Section 3, Township $0 South, Range 26 East, and run S 89°52'35'' E, for 860.90 feet along the South line of said l~ to Point of Besinning; thence N 31e05'30# E for 1,176.80 feet to I point of curvet.ute; thence 1,511.79 feet along the arc of & curve concave to the Southeast having a radius of 2,059,79 feet, and lubtendedby& chord havins.a hearths sin S2007'04,5e E,[ and n lentth of 1,A78.00 fee~ to h~ point on the East line of said l~4J thence run S 005~'$2# R ret 468.70 feet aloes the East line of the enid MI thence 1,0&S.61 Feet alanS tho are of · curve con¢ova to tho Southeaot, having · radius of 1,6Z9.79 Feet, ·nd oubtended by · chord having a bearing of B &go3$'O&" V, and · .lnnsth o~ 1,027.55 Feel to i point of tsn~en~ th~ce S 3Z005'30' V For 912,75 ~ea~ ~os pofn~ on Lhe Sou~ line of said M~ ~eflce .fl ~sterly al.tiS sold Sou~b line to PoLn~ of ~S~nn~fla. (~ap ~o. s0-26-2) All of Cave--fit ~t ILn ~ectLon 6, To. ship 52 South, Range 26 East sad guarded land In O,X, 2~2, psseo 916-027, less ~lFco T~rs Group Z and leased ltfld described iff O.R..375, pole 90 and O,R. 375, pa~e 88, O.X. 5?6, pa~e 055. (~op ~o. HI-3) L. City of Golden Gate, Unit 2, Block 16. (~fap No. N. (Deleted durios Board henries.) R. Bonita Shores Subdivision, Block 13, Lot 1. (Hap No. &8-25-3) All of Government Lot 1, Section 16, Township 69 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, Vest of Seagate Subdivision (P.B. 3, Pose 85).end the lands described in O.R. 163, Page 306 and 605, subJec~ to existing easements and rights of ingress and egress, (Hap No. 49-25-5) From RI4-2 and RN-2ST to RII-1B and RH-1BST: A portion of the S~ of Section 16, Township 68 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, described as follows. From the intersection of the Easterly right-of-way line of S.R. S-855-A and the Southerly right-of-way line of run R 88027'20" E along said southerly right-of-way line for 882.58 feet; thence S 01032'40" E, for 335 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue S 01032'60" E, for 300.00 feet; thence ~, for 311.33 feet to a point on Bulkhead Line No. 3, aa recorded in Bulkhead Line Plat Book 1, Page 15, Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence Northwesterly, ~eaterly and Southwesterly along said Bulkhead Line to an intersection with the Easterly right-of-way line of said S.R. S-865-A; thence Northerly along said right-of-way line to · line lying 335 feet south of and. parallel to tho Southerly right-of-way line of S.R. S-865-B; thence N 88°27'20' E, for 900 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 10.2 acres. A portion of the SV~t or Section 16, Township 48 SouLh, Range 25 batt Collier County, Florida, described as follo~af From the P~lnt of BeglnninS on the Southerly rightoof*~ay line of S.R. S-SSS-B, said point lying 030.23 feet Westerly of the inter- sectLon of said rishteofovay line and the North-South quarter lection line o£ said Section 16, run S OelS'lS*' S, for 4,409.82 £eetl thence S 80°33'4S" W, for 874.22 feet, to i point on Bulkhead Line No. 3, as recorded in Bulkhead Line Plat Book I, Page 15, of the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; thence N .along the Bulkhead Line for 391.60 £eet; thence continuing along the bulkhead line 256.04 feet along the arc of a curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius o£ 33¢~.00 feet; thence, radially, N 40002'45# E, for 311.33 feet, thence N 0032'40' W, for 635.00 feet to · point on said Southerly right-of-way line of S.R. thence N 88027*20" E alongthe right-of-way line for 837.9G feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 30.1 acres, more or less. (Hap No. 48-25-$) T. Raples Improvement Companyts Little Farms Subdivision, Lots 33 and 3&. (Hap }Io. From P~-2ST to RS-3ST: The South 900 feet of Government Lot 1, less thc East 350.00 feel thereof in Section 17, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. (Hap ~o. 48-25-4) FROH RH-iST TO RH-1BST: All of Government Lot 3 and the W~ of tho ~E~ of the SE~ in Section 17, Tmmship 48 South, Range 25 East. All of Government Lot 1 and the NE~ of the NE~ less the Eas~ 480 feet thereof and the SE~ of the NE~ less the East &80 feet thereof and the SE~ leas the South 2,050 feet thereof, of Section 20, Township 48 South, Range 25 East. (Hap No. ~8-25-&). S. Wiggins Pass Landing Subdivision - Unit 1, Block 3, Lots 3 throuEh 16. (Hap No. 45-25°4) U. A portion of Section 16, Township &S South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, being more particularly .described as follo~as From the Southwest corner of Section 16, Township 48 South, Rants 2~ last, rue N 89033'45# E, slant the South Line of said Section "'" ' . .16o, £or. $0.02 £eetJ thence run X 2el2*OO ' ~ -. V for 1,003.88 feet to Bulkhead Line No. 2 os recorded in Bulkhead Line Plat Book 1, Pose I$ for the Point of BeglflnlflR; thence run tho follovins courses along the Bulkhead Lines . &20,&8 feet.along the arc of a c~rve, concave to the southveat, having a radius of ~&O.00 feet, and subtended b~ · chord having · bearing B 63003, 22.$" g and a length of &0&.66 feet, to · point of reverse curvao rural thence 596.90 feet.along the are of · curve, concave to the Northwest, having s radius of 190.00 feet, and subtended by · chord having a bearing of N $4019'15'' g and a length of 380.00 feet, to a ~int of c~ound ~ature; and thence 783.62 feet along the arc of a ~e, concave to the southvest having a radius o~ 820.00 feet, and sub,ended by a chord having a bearing of N 63°03'22.5'' W and a length of 754.14 fee~, to the end of Bulkhead Line No. 2; thence ~n south 380 feet along easterly r~ght-of-~ny line of S~a~e Road S-865-A to Potn~ o~ Degtnning. From the SW corner of Section 16, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, run N 89°33'45" E, along the South Line of said Section, for 50.00 feet, to the Point of Beginning of ~evised Bulkhead Line No. 1, as recorded in Bulkhead Line Plat Book 1, Page 38; thence run !~ 2°12' 00" V, along the easterly right-of-way of State Road S-865-A, for 0.77 feet; theace 1~ 0~26'00' ~, aloha said ri2ht-of-~ay line, for 563.88 feet; thence N 89034'00' E, for 181.2~ fe~t, to a point of cu~ature, thence run 279.96 feet along the arc of · cu~e, concave to the Northvest havin8 a radius of 128.07 feet, and subtended ~'y a chord having a bearing of N 26°56'37.5'' E and a length of 227.~6 feet, to a point of compound cu~ature; thence ~n 334.47 feet along the arc of a cu~e, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 350.00 feet and subtended by a chord having a bearing of N 63*03'22.5" ~ and a length of 321.89 feet to a Point of Ending; r~ised Bulkhead Line ~o. 1, being on said Section, easterly right-of-way line. (Hap No. /:3-25-5) SECTION TVO: This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the office of the Secretary of State. DATE: F~bruar~_ 10. 1981 BOARD OF COUNTY COIt~ISSIOITERS COLLIER COUNT~, ~LORIDA ,6TAT~ OP FLORIDA ) Z~ WILLIAM ~. REAGAN, Clork of Courts in and for the ~n~l~th Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certi£y that the foregoing ks a true original ors ORDINANCE NO. 81-5 ~hieh was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session February 10, 1~81. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the ~oard of County Commi~s~onurs of Collier County, Florida, th~s 12th day of February, 19~1. WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts an~ Clerk Ex-offic~o to Board of County Commissioners ,..'~....' f ~.: _c,[~r.."..