Resolution 1990-287 (DO 90-2) . ~ lO ,. ~ nEVELOPMENT ORDER 90--2--- RF.ROLUTION qO- 287 DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR CEDAR BAY MARINA LOCATED IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 52 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: JUNE 5, 1990 WHEREAS, David M. Jones, Jr. and Associates, representing Michael H. Lapidus, filed on May 9, 1989, with the County of Collier an Application for Development Approval (ADA) for a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as Cedar Bay Marina in accordance with Section 380.06(6), Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, Michael R. Lapidus has obtained all necessary approvals and conditional approvals from the various Collier County agencies, departments, and boards required as a condition to DRI approval, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners as the governing body of the unincorporated area of Collier County having jurisdiction pursuant to Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes, is authorized and empowered to consider Applications for Development Approval (ADA) for Developments of Regional Impact, and . WHEREAS, the public notice requirements of Chapter 380 and the Collier County Zoning Ordinance have been satisfied, and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission has reviewed and consi~ered the report and recommendations of the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) and held a public hearin~ on the ADA on April 19, 1990, and WHEREAR, the issuance of a development order pursuant to Chapter 380.06, Florida StatuteR, does not constitute a waiver of any powers or rights reqardinq the issuance of other development permits not consistent herewith by the.County or State, and WHEREAS, on June, 5, 1990, the Board of County Commissioners, at an open public hearing in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, considered the application for Development of Regional Impact submitted by Michael H. Lapidus, the report and recommendations of the SWFRPC, the certified record of the .J9, ~ I~- fit I UU027 feet of marina related commercial uses. JUNE 5, 1990 documentary lnd oral evi~ence presented to the Collier County planning Commission, the report And reco~mendations of the Collier County PlanninQ Commission, the recommendations of Collier County Staff and Advisory Boards, and the record made uefore the Board of County Commissioners at said meeting, hereby makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The real property which is the subject of the ADA is legally described in Exhibit "A". 2. The application is consistent with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, (1989). 3. The applicant submitted to the County an ADA and sufficiency responses, hereby referred to as Composite Exhibit "B", which are by reference thereto made a part hereof to the extent that they are not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Order. '~. . ~~ ~\~ .. ~'(> ;:i ;:':i -,it '~): -",. '. ~'I.' \~ ~ ?-- -"~ , . ..&; :lj~_ 4. "The development of Cedar Bav Marina consists of 3.6 acres and will include: 568 dry-storage slips, temporary tie-ups for 2S boats, 3,150 square feet of service facilities, and 5,700 square 5. The development is consistent with the report and recommendations of the SWFRPC submitted pursuant to Subsection 380.06(11), Florida Statutes. 6. The development will not interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the area. 7. A comprehensive review of the impacts generated by the development has been conducted by the appropriate County departments and aqencies and by the SWFRPC. 8. The development is not in an area desi9nated an Area of Critical State Concern pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.05, Florida Statutes, as amended. -2- y~ /~-;1. A--, JUNE 5, 1990 9. The development is consistent with the current land development regulations and the Growth ManaQement ~lan of Collier County. 10. The development is consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW NOW, THEREFORE, BR IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, in public meeting, duly constituted and asse~hled on this, the 5th day of June, 1990, that the Cedar Bay Marina Development of Regional Impact Application for Development Approval submitted by David M. Jones, agent for Michael H. Lapidus is hereby ordered approved subject to the fOllowing conditions as recommended by the SWFRPC or in response to their recommendations: 1. DRAINAGE/WATER QUALITY a. Before issuance of a surface water permit, the applicant shall provide sufficient data to South Florida Water Manaqement District and/or Collier County Project Review Services staff to prove acceptable on-site soil percolation rates (in the form of percolations tests) or proof of an operating entity, with specific responsibility and fiscal capability for the operation, maintenance and replacement of the exfiltration trenches. . b. At the time of permit application, the applicant shall provide the correct water quality calculations for either a dry detention system or a retention system. c. If hazardous materials may be used, stored, and/or generated on-site adequate assurances shall be provided to the District and/or Collier County Project Review Services at the time of permit application to demonstrate that hazardous materials will be prevented from entering the surface water management system and the adjacent canal. -3- J>J~ I'.A. 3 (J0029 -4- JUNE 5, 1990 d. The applicant shall be required to provide to District and/or Collier County Project Review Services staff details of all control structures for this project, includinQ dimensions and elevation in NGVD at the time of permit application. The applicant shall include a qraase and oil interceptor ("baffle"). Collier County Project Review Service. encourages discharqe from the center of the water column, and the District/Collier County Project Review Services does not allow gravity discharge below the crown of the pipe within the exfiltration system. e. The project is required to obtain a Surface Water Management Permit for conceptual approval and for construction and operation of the surface water management system. f. Detailed paving, grading and site drainage plans shall be submitted to Collier County Project Review Services for review. No construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval.of the proposed construction in accordance with the submitted plans is granted by Project Review Services. q. The proiect shall be designed for a storm event of 3-day duration and 25-year return frequency. Discharge shall be limited to pre-development runoff rates. h. The method of discharge shall mimic the pre-development discharqe pattern. i. The project water management system will be designed in full compliance with policy 2.2.2 and 2.3.2 of the Collier County Growth Management Plan - Conservation and Coastal Management Element. All reasonable methods shall be employed to minimize water quality impacts to the estuarine receiving stream. p~ ~/t-1'.~ 00030 JUNE 5, 1990 j. Pursuant to the Growth Mana~ement Plan, Goal 2, Objective 2.2, policy 2.2.4, Objective 2.3, Policies 2.3.1 and 2.3.6, as per the Conservation and Coastal Management Element, petitioner shall he subject to a water quality monitoring program and sediment analysis plan desi~ned by the applicant and approved Collier County Environmental Review Staff. Water quality shall be evaluated usinq ~tate water quality standards (403.061 F.R., F.A.C. 17-3.051, 17-3.061, 17-3.111, and 17-3.121). k. The applicant has indicated that exfiltration trenches will be used to meet the dry detention requirements for the project. The exfiltratLon trenches must be designed to meet District criteria in effect at the time of permit application. I. In areas adjAcent to commercial, maintenance and service uses, the applicant shall provide at least one-half of dry pretreatment (retention or detention) in order to provide reasonable assurances that hazardous materials will not enter the stormwater management system. m. Best Management Practices (BMP's) and monitoring and maintenance of the stormwater management system shall be implemented by the applicant in accordance with District guidelines. n. The applicant and subsequent tenants of the project should investigate methods of reducin~ solid waste volume at the project. o. Desiqn and construction of all irnprovements shall be subject to compliance with the appropriate provisions of the Collier County Subdivision Regulations. p. The minimum crown elevation of all travel-ways within the project shall be set at the peak stage for the 25-year, 3-day storm event with the post development discharge limited to pre-development runoff rates. This shall be done in compliance with Ordinance No. 90-10 and the County Subdivision RegUlations. -5- 9t?< ~~ /~-t:f-~~ U003J JUNE 5, 1990 2. ENERGY: a. Cedar Bay Marina will incorporate the following ener~y conservations featu~es into site planninq, buildinq design and equipment selections: (1) Use of energy-efficient features in window design (e.g., tintin~ and exterior shading). (2) Use of operable windows and ceiling fans. (3) Installation of enerqy-efficient appliances and equipment. (4) Reduced coverage by asphalt, concrete, rock, and similar substances in street, parking lots, and other areas to reduce local air temperature and reflected light and heat. (5) Installation of energy-efficient lighting for streets, parkin~ areas, and other interior and exterior public areas. (6) Selection of native plants, trees and other vegetation as well as landscape design features that reduce requirements for water, fertilizer, maintenance and other needs. (7) planting of native shade trees to provide reasonable shade for all recreation areas, streets and parking areas. (8) Placement of trees to provide needed shade in the warmer months whils not overly reducing the benefits of sunlight in the cooler months. (9) Provision for structural shading wherever practical when natural shading cannot be used effectively. (10) The incorporation of these energy conservation measures in this Development of Regional Impact does not preclude the provision of additional enerQY conservation measures by the applicant. In addition, the applicant shall incorporate any measure required by state, federal or local requlation that exists at the time of final site development plan application. -6- .9 eLr /~-L1..', 00032 i 'Ji i:S l~ ,..,~ .~ .~ JUNE S. 1990 3. FLOODPLAINS/HURRICANF. PROTECTION: a. No boats shall be stored below the 100-year FEMA flood level. b. All boats stored below the Category 3 storm surge level (e.g., 16 feet mean sea level) shall be tied down once a hurricane watch is issued to prevent boat battering. 4. MARINA/VEGETATION ANn WILDLIFE: a. Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinance No.R2-37 as amended by Ordinance No. 89-53 (removal of exotic species). The landscape design must comply with ~ollier County's Landscape Ordinance No. 89-57. b. Pursuant to the Growth Management Plan, Goal 7, Objective 7.2, Policies 7.2.1, 7.2.2 and 7.2.3 and policy 11.1.5, as per the Conservation and Coastal Management Element, the applicant shall be subject to the Manatee Protection Plan in effect by the County at the time of site development plan (SOP) rev lew. c. Petitioner shall submit additional information as requested by Project Review Services Environmental Review Staff pursuant to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Ordlannce (Ordinance No. 77-66, as amended by Ordinance No. 89-52). Such information shall include, but is not limited to, hydrological data and benthic invertebrate study. d. A phasing plan shall be adopted to limit the use of this facility to storage of a maximum of 300 boats for the first two years of operation with an ultimate stora~e capacity of 450 boats. If this project has caused significant degradation of the existing water quality to an extent which would violate standards of the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (as determined by standard testing methodology), then this limitation on the number of boats that can be stored shall remain in effect until the problem has been corrected. -7- .{9 et. ~ /~-~~7 00033 JUNE 5, 1990 e. petitioner shall receive all necessary State and Federal authorizations prior to development. f. The artificial canal shall be "No Wake" leaving the marina as well as the access channel leading to the Intracoastal/Big Marco Pass Channel, prior to storage of the first boat. Q. Manatee awareness brochures shall be qiven to all customers of the marina. Violations of the conditions set forth will constitute immediate removal of the offending party by the mana~ement. h. The Cedar Bay Marina Management shall work with DNR, USFWS and Collier County In providing information for an antici- pated Manatee/Boating Plan for Marco Island and its adjacent estuaries. i. The applicant shall post Manatee awareness signs throughout Cedar Bay Marina, and in the channel accessing the Marco River, prior to storage of the first boat. j. The applicant shall designate and reserve dry slip storage for the Florida Marina Patrol and the Coast Guard Auxiliary. k. The applicants shall construct a "Manatee Alert" Board upon which sitings can be posted and updated as necessary, prior to storage of the first boat. l. The applicant shall create an educational board to indicate proper boating routes and shallow water habitats to be avoided, prior to storage of the first boat. m. Boater education information shall be done jointly with Collier County and DNR to assure input from all affected parties. n. Mangroves and rip-rap shall be placed along the project's seawall pursuant to the approved site plan. o. The applicant shall undertake additional background baseline water quality monitoring to include metals and physical parameters as required by DER and Collier County, as set forth in paraqraph 1.j. .J9 a~/~"At_f>. nfl(l~, ,~, ;~~ I", ,.,t; ~~ ".~ "-;., ",.~~.~t... '. ~-,:,." ' '.;~ JUNE 5, 1990 p. No boat trailers shall be store~ on-site. q. DER criteria reqar~ing dock length protrusion into the waterway shall be met. 5. WATER QUALITY: a. Boat speeds Shall be limited, so as to lessen the impact of boat traffic on water quality by reducing turbid conditions. b. At the time of preliminary site development plan approval, the applicant shall provide a detailed water management plan, and supporting calculations, siQned and sealed by a professional englneer. c. All boat wash, repair and maintenances facilities shall be located at an acceptable distance from the Cedar Waterway. The applicant shall ensure that oil, qrease, and other contaminants from these areas do not enter the Cedar Waterway. d. The applicant shall undertake all necessary safeguards to ensure that hazardous materials do not enter the Cedar Waterway. e. If, at some future date, the project utilizes reclaimed wastewater for irrigation, the applicant shall ensure that the Cedar Waterway is adequately buffered from possible effluent contamination. 6. CONSISTENCY WITH THE LOCAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Board of County Commissioners finds that the project, as approved, is consistent with its Growth Management Plan and the land development regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. 7. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: a. All commitments and impact mitiqatin9 actions provided by the applicant either in the Application for Development Approval or sufficiency round information that are not, in conflict with specific conditions for project approval outlined within this Development Order are officially adopted as conditions for approval. -9- Bp- ,~ 1~-_1' ,9, ()n()~~ 0'" ',:-2t .11:! ~~ . ~"r' .':~iv~"".'~~ . > ,~._,\.-" f.-.... o. "'. ~.. :~; '.~~: ,,~l ...'.[, I~' "'.~.~'." . I.... '., .,;1 f~ JUNE 5, 1990 b. ~he ~p.velopment phasinq schedule presonted within the ADA and as adjusted to data of development order approval shall he incorporated as a condition of aproval. If development order conditions and applicant commitments incorporated within the development order, AnA or sufficiency round responses to mitigate re~ional impacts are not carried out as indicated to the extent or in accord with the timing schedules specified within the development order and this phasing schedule, then this shall be presumed to be a substantial deviation for the affected regional issue. c. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06(16), the applicant shall receive credit for contributions, construction, expansion, or acquisition of public facilities, if the developer is also sUbject by local ordinances to impact fees or exactions to meet the same needs. The local government and the developer may enter into a capital contribution front-ending agreement to reimburse. the developer for voluntary contributions in excess of the fair share. d. If Collier County, during the course of monitoring the development, can demonstrate that substantial changes in the conditions underlying the approval of the development order has occurred or that the development order was based on substantially inaccurate information provided by the developer, resulting in additional substantial regional impacts, then a substantial deviation shall be deemed to have occurred. The monitorin~ contained in Rule 9J-2.025(7) FAC, which is hereby incorporated by reference shall be used as a guide by the local government in determining additional substantial regional impacts. 8. FIRE PROTECTION: a. State and local fire codes shall be met and building construction shall be in accordance with fire protection codes in effect in Collier County. -10- p~ ~. ;~-/f./~ facili ty. JUNE 5, 1990 b. ~he applicant shall provide a direct connection betwnen the adjacent fire station and the marina, prior to certificata of occupancy for the storage facility. c. Prior to development, the applicant shall consult with the appropriate fire officials to ensure all improvements are executed using proper fire safety standards. 9. POLICE PROTECTIONs a. ~he applicant aqrees to meet with the Sheriff's department during site plan review to incorporate safety, security and access feature recommendations into the project design. b. Applicant shall provide site lighting for security measures, prior to certificate of occupancy for the storage c. The applicant shall provide a night watchman on duty-. seven days a week. 10. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENTs The Applicant and subsequent tenants of the project shall identify any hazardous waste, such as acetone, paint, fiberglass, paint thinner, anti-fouling paint, oil, etc., which will be used, on-site. These wastes shall be stored and handled in a manner which comports with local, state and federal regulations regarding the same. Further, disposal of hazardous wastes and their spent containers shall be accomplished in accordance with local, state and federal hazardous waste programs. 11. WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT: a. Reptic tanks will not be utilized to develop the project. b. The applicant shall demonstrate to Collier County that adequate wastewater treatment capacity is available at the time of building permit application. Such demonstration should include a letter of commitment from Marco Island Utilities, or other appropriate utility company. .' "t; -11- 9~ I~.A.I-I 00031 JUNE 5, 1990 c. The applicant shall ensure that the adjacent canal 1s adequately buffered from possible effluent contamination, if treated effluent is to be used for spray irrigation. d. If required by FDER, the applicant shall provide assurance that commercial effluent, if generate~ by the project, is treated separately from domestic wastewater and handled in accordance with FDER criteria. 12. WATER SUPPLY: a. The applicant shall be required to provide a letter of commitment to supply potable and irrigation water to the marina from Marco ISland Utilities, or other appropriate utility company, prior to building permit issuance. The ability of the utility company to supply the marina should be confirmed by the South Florida Water Management District. b. The Cedar Bay Marina will require a SFWMD Water Use Permit for any withdrawals from the canal, or for dewatering activities which might be associated with road, or building construction. At the time of permit application, the applicant' must verify that the internal potable and non-potable systems meet District criteria. c. For the purpose of potable water conservation, Cedar Bay Marina should utilize low water USe plumbing fixtures, self-closing and/or metered water faucets and other water conserving devices. d. For the purpose of non-potable water conservation, the Cedar Bay Marina should utilize xeriscape principles in the design and maintenance of the project's landscaping. e. Fire fightinq flow rates shall be designed with adequate water capacities. f. The applicant should commit to the use of treated wastewater for all or part of the proj~ct's irrigation demand, at such time as a~equate amounts of treated wastewater are available for such purpose. -12- ..9A?~/~_~ /.1 (JOO3..q . ".:;.,. '?>. . :~:$:: ~ li. f,':( -.'~.' , ~.~, ~ '.r 'F' , . ;i~" 1\'-.'" ;~ -, . . ,. . , ,~ .\~~ -13- JUNE 5, 1990 q. All construction plans, technical specifications, and proposed plats, if applicable, for the proposed water distribution system should be reviewed and approved by Marco Island Utilities, or other appropriate utility company, and Collier County Utilities, prior to the commencement of construction. h. The lowest quality of water possible should be utilized for all non-potable water use. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, that: 1. The Community Development Administrator shall be the local official responsible for assuring compliance with the Development Order. 2. All other commitments made by the applicant in either the ADA or sUfficiency roun~ information, not in conflict with these recommendations, shall be incorporated as conditions for development order approval. 3. .The applicant shall be subject to the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance adopted by Collier County, which is attached as Exhibit "CR. 4. This Development Order shall remain in effect for ten (10) years from the date of adoption. However, in the event that 8i~nificant physical dev.lopment shall not commence within five (5) years of the adoption of this Development Order, development approval will terminate and this development order shall no longer be effective. For purposes of this requirement "significant physical development" does not include roads, drainage or landscaping but does include construction of buildings or installation of utilities and facilities such as sewer and water lines. This time period may be extended by the Board of County COmmissioners upon request by the Developer in the event that uncontrollable circumstances delay the commencement of development. J,S;'~ /~ -/9;/-3 ooon9 .7UlII a, litO EXAIRIT "A" Marco Boach Unit 4, all of Tract F, less the fOllowing: Begin at the most southerly cornor of Tract 0, N 450 West 570 feet, South 560 West 123.38 feet, southerly along curve, 40.74 feet SOutheasterly along Elkcam Circle 573.46 leet, North 450 East 159.n foot to Point of Beginning, and less Parcel FA 1, as doscrlbed In C.R. 636, Page 1636, less C.R. 690, Page 191 or C.R. 848, Page 825 and C.R. 844, Page 947 - 48. Section 8, Township 52S, Range 26E. t9~ ~/~-fi. l'l : \"'J . .'.- :~~..: ,- 5.: ; .~'1.: . .1 .. " t:,., , .. C., I. ,_ " I .' l.~r.; . .'.,r':n: ) ,'\e EXHIBIT "C" I. ",,,:\,,,.: 0- -.,'- ..: ' .- . :'..J- '1 .. ::- , .run ., 1110 COLLIER COUNTY ADEQUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 90. -2A. ~ AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS THE COLUE:t COUNTY AOEOUATE PUBLIC FACIlITIES ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS: . PROVIDING FOR SHORT TITLE. AUTHORITY AND APPUCABIUTY: _. PROVIDING FOR INTENT AND PURPOSE; PROVIDING OEFINITIONS: PROVIDING FOR RULES OF CONSTRUCTION: PROVIDING GENE?.AL REOUIREMENT THAT ADEOUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES eE AVAILABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING PROGRAM, ANNlTAL INVENTORY AND U?DATE REPORT, ANNUAL CIE UPDATE OR AMENDMENT. ANNUAL BUDG:i'; PROVIDING THE REGUl.ATORY PROGnAM TO ENSURE ADEOUATE PUBLIC FACILITIES ARE AVAiLABLE; PROVIDING FOR LIBE:iAL CONSTRUCTION. SEVEi'lABllITY. AND PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLUER COUNTY. FLORIDA: SEC.1,. .FINDINGS 1.1 Collier County. pursU,Jntto Sec, 16J.316t..tl. .ug" Fla. SIal., Ihe florIda Local Government .Comprehensive Planning and land Development Regulation Ac: (herelnaher .Ihe Act"), Is requlrld 10 prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan; and 1.2 As part 01 lh::ll ComprQhQnsive Plan. the County Is rec;ulred 10 prepare and adopt a Capilal Improvement Element (CIE) which covers at least a live (5) year peried and Is des1liOned 10 consl~er the Jleed lor and localion of Public Facilities; and 1.3 The CIE Is required to: 1.3.1 est::lbllsh a level 01 service to determine the adequacy 01 Public Fac3illes: and 1.3,2 based upon the established level 01 servIce, estlmale Public FacUlty netels both to correct exisling deficiencies and accommodate nesas projec:ed by new grovlthand development: ar.d 1.3.3 based on Public FacUity ne!lds. prcject cos:s to provide the necessarl Public Facilities and find real!stlc t'Jvenue sourcos to fund tho Putllc FacUllles: and 1.4 The Comprehensive Plan with the CIE is desisned to ensure that adequate Public FacUlties are available concurrent with the impact or development; and 1.5 Alter adoption or the Comprehensive Plan. the ACI mandates that Collier CounlY adopt land development regulations that implement the Comprehensive Plan: and 1.6 Sec. 16J,3177(10)(h), Fla. Stat, provides that Public Fac9ilies and services needed to support development must be available concurrent with the impacls 01 such developmenl: and -."'Zl ~ j~ 1.7 Sec. 163,3202(2) (g). Fla. Slat. also provides thaI not later than one (1) year alter Ita due dale 'Jilt established by the State land planning agency's rule lor submission 01 local Comprehensive Plans. a local ,.' .:,~jl government Shall notlssu~.a development ordor or permit which results In a reduction In the level 01 .ervice, ;,.., ,0, lor tho allected Public FaCIlities below Ihe level 01 service provided In the Comprehensive Plan and C1E: and' ,}y,,,~ '. ..-.' . .'. < ,'.-...':~: ..,: ,\:~?i~~::~; 0004.t., ; "':Y:'~~f:'*:'~~';'1~f7~f:'~J". ..' .-. >..$1 9, ~~ /~- /1. /r 3UD I, 1110 '. , "::J. ~ Ii::',,,, 1.8 Rule 9J-5.oo55. Florida A~minis:ralive Cede (F.A.C.) reQUirlllhal a concurrenC'1 manali.me~f, ;;,~ system must be implemenled atter aC:optlon 01 a Comprahenslve Plan with liS CrE 10 en~ure lhal Public' ~,.',: Facilities and services needed 10 support de.,elopmenl art llvallable concurrenl wlll1lh. ImlllCIS cf I~Cti ">~ developmenl; and ' , , """.';,/ 1.9 On January 10. 1989. Collier County adopled Ihe Celller County GrO\'lth Mar.alilmenl Plan Including a CIE pursuilntlo lhe requirements 01 Sec. 163.:J161.eJ..ug,. Fla. SIal.: and , 1.10 The Planning Commission and eoard cl County Commissioners find Ihallhls Qrdlnance Is consislenl wilh and lurthers Ihe Collier County Growth Managemenl Plan; and 1.11 1\ is the Inlenl 01 the Bcard 01 Cuunry C.::mmissioners 01 Collier C.:unry 10 lmpleme:':t Ihe .concurrency requirements' 01 the Cc:lier Ccunly QrO'...1h t.lanaliemenl P!an. Sac. tE:J,3: n(10)(h} ar:d ISJ.J202(2)(g). Fla. Slats.. and AuIil9J.5. F.A.C. ,.:;,/ iiq; SEC. 2. SijORT TITLE. AUT~QRllY ANq "PLlCA.'LI~ .,1 2.1 Short Till,. "". 0""",,,, "..I "knmm "," may" """.. ~,'Ceol.. c.uolY .."..." ..~.'~f, Public Facilities Ordir.;\nce .,.\,'.(,'Jt 2.2 Mlhorlly. The Beard el County Commlssler:ers cl Collier Counrl ".as Ihe It..therl;/I~ ~di;~)f~ .Ihis Oed!nance pursuanllo Art. VIII. Sac. 1(f). Fia. Cons:.. Sec. 125,01.11. m.. Fia. SIal.. S.c. IE:J.3h~1 J:" , ':. ng,: Fla. SIal.. Sec. ISJ,3161 (81. Fla. S:al.. Sec. 16J,Jl7i(10)(hl and 163,J202(2J(lil. Fla. S:a:,. and AIo'l. OJ. . 5, F,A.C. . .' ',; " ;" ,.t, 2.J Accllcllblllly. This Ordinance shall a;;j:I'{ 10 all c:.."lepmenl In Ih. telal \.'nincorllcrll'd~:;{t~ areQ 01 Collier Counly. and 10 all ,:ut:llc lac9111es owned by ColII.r Counl'! In Ih. Ir:c:r;:oralidcr; :L' 11 unlncorporilted areas 01 Collier Counr/. and 10 all priva,ify-own'd pUblic laeHllles wher. :he !I'I,I cl st!'/lce . '; , ::~:"~'::;:::ob:~~p:;;'1 . . 'i:""'I:~' 3. I .!n.lmt. This Ordlnanc. Is Inl.r.<:.d 10 Imj:llmenl and b. cons/srlrll Vlllh Ih. C.:nl.r Cct:nl'; ,~:.. ' ". " Growth Management Plan. Sac. 163,3161 .eJ. Jig.. Fia. Stat. and Rule 9J.5. F..-'..C,. by .r.surlno Ito..1 an . ;'1 developmenl In Collier Counry be ser/ld by ad'Gullle Public FacUllles. . '; ,I c l :I,2~. This objective Is accomplished by (I) es:at:llshing a manal;.menll:,:d monilcr/ng , s'/stem 10 e'/aluale and coerdlnale Ih. IIminl; and provision of Ihe neclssary Pu!:lIc Fac~llIlS 10 strilc. ' de'lelopment. and (2) by eSlabllshlng I r.;u1alory pro!;ram Ihat ensures Ihat each FUbllo Fac~:t,!ls a'1i3allle to serve de'lelopmenl concurrenl with when th, Impac:s 01 developmenl Occur on Ihe puenc Fac3illss. J.J MinImum Aeaulrementll. The l:rovlslons 01 lhls Ordinance In Ihefr Inle~::rllallon and appllcallon are declared 10 be lhe minimum raGuiremenlS necessary 10 accomplish thl slalld Intlnt, purposes. and objectives O/Ihls Ordinance. I , ..'~' d..a~ ~ ~:~u:.~Uosl'" ."d '".'""~ ."an " AUIS mo....~. ~ "'an an ,utlIc ~:'''.~::~.'(''~.I'':'.':. 4.2 Aoollcatlon tor O.veloomenl Aooroval means an appllcallon submitted 10 CoIIl,r CoU~'i:':",;-t requastlng Ihe approval cl a Oe'/eloj:ment OrCar. ",~:! ',~~ SEC. 4. OEFINITIONS. 2 p~ 1~-~.19 .nnu a, 1110 4.3 Cllollal Oralnaae Facilities mean lho plllnnino 01. InGlnolrlng lor. acqulslllon 01 land ler, or tho construcllon 01 drainage and water manacem.ntlac~itles necessary lor proposld developmlnt to mitt the LOS lor Drainage FaCilities. 4.4 CIIDIIIII Park Facilllle, mean Ihe planning 01, engineering lor. acquIsition 01 land for, or construction 01 buildings and park equipmenl necessary to me!lt Ihe LOS lor Park Facililies, 4.5 Caoital Road Facililies or Caoital Road Imorovement shalllnclLlde transponalion planning lor. rlghl.ol-way acquisilion lor, enornetrinq lor, and cons:ructlon 01 any prolecl '''Oible lor Inclusion as a road projoclln Iho road componenl 01111. CIE olth. Cclller CounlY Growth Managemenl Flan or Ihe Five Year Florida Dep.1nment 01 Transponatlon Plan~ .. 4.6 Caoila! Pplable Waler Facililles me3n the ;:!anning cl. !lnglneerlng lor, acquls!:lcn oflar.d fer, or cons:ruclion 01 potable water lac:liti" necessary to n:Ut the LOS lor ?otable Water FacUitles. 4.7 CaDital Sanitary Sow!!r Facililles mean t~e :;Iannlno cl. ,nolnetrlng lor, ac:;uisillon cf larod lor. or consltuCllon 01 sanitary sewer lac:lilles necessar/to mltl tl':. LOS lor Sanilary Sewer Fac91:les. 4.8 Caoilal Solid \'Iaste Facililles mean Ihe pl;::ning cf. enliineerino for. acquisition of la...d for, or conSlruction of solid waSle lacililies necessar'lto me!l :~a LOS lor Solid Was:. Fac:lities. 4.9 ~r.!!l!!!1L'!Lf!!D means a J:lan lhal meals t~a rec;ulraments 01 Sec. 163.31i7 arod 16J,J 1 is, Fia. Sral.. and shall mean Ihe Collier Ccunty Grc.:.th f.lana<;ement Plan, where referenCld In this Ordinance. . ~~ I!' ,~;.?4 ,'~ 4.10 Deficient Road Seament means the follo....ir.g: , .;~'i/. 4.10.1 A County or Slall road segment en the Majer Road Network Sys:am lhat .~her: , , . .';l , ; ~ , "ff'"~ ~ ~ has an adopled LOS "C. J:!!l< senon, peak hour, that has operatld ~'!C'll :,:' ,:'~':, LOS .C" peak season, peak heur. basec en the Annuall!;::al. ar:c! Inventor/ RI~rt rAl!Ii11: or _, " has an a~o!:l!':! LOS .D"I=!al< snsen, peal< hOLlr.tha: has oj:eratec :,:cw LOS "D" peal< saaslln, peal< hour. for r.'lO (2) years or me:! !:ase~ en th!l AUIR; or has an adopted LOS .0. ;:u!c seasen. peak hour, Il-oalls cpera:ln!; !:t!cw LOS "E', peak season. peak heLlr. basad on the Ji,UIR; or has an adopted LOS .e' ;:eal< seasen. peal< hour,lhat Is e;:eralln~wcrSl than LOS "E' peak season, peak hour. t:ased on the AU!n. 4.10.2 Prior to October I. 1!i94.ln deteri':'.ir:lnQ the ca;:ac:ty of a County read seQmtn: or a Slate road segment for the purpose of determining whether ills a C:aflcient read se(jmenc, Ihe Count'! shall considar: any Capital Road Improvemenl ur.der constructIon or thaI '11111 be t:r.der conSlruction during the review period; any Capilal Road Improv.ment that Is the sub/ect of a blrodlng exec::t.d conltact which provides for the commencement of constt1.:e:!cn during Ihe r..llew period: any Caj:i:a.I Read Imprc'lemenc \hat Is fnd~ed In !he SIal. or CdIItr Counly adopled budgel; and the construction cf the re~uirad Capital Road Improvemenlls Inc!lX!'d In the Sta:e's Five (5) Year Work Prcgram or Ihe County's cLlrrent five (5) year Capilallmprovemenl Sc!tedul. adopted as part of the Growth Management Flan prior to Cc:ot:er 1, l!i901. 3 {9~ It_I9.~7JH- 4 .7UD I, , ,;""'::",;';' 4.10.3 ErrectlvQ OCloblr I. 1!)!)ol. In dlllrmlnlng Ihl clalclty cf I Ccunl', road U;mtnt!.;',j or a Slale road sogmlnl for Ih, purpose of dlltrminlng Vlhllhlr Ills I dlllcllnc road slgmlnc. the CCI.'tlCV:'i:n i; shall consider: ", " i~,'" .^ - - - - - .~~};.f~;~; . any Capllal Road Improvemenl ur.cler ccnslrvcllen Ot t~1 wI b. und.t' conSlructlon during Ihe rivlew parlod: " ''.,' ,,..?t,.. any Capilal Aoad Improvement It-oalls Ih, subjecI cf a bir.cl/ng tX'C1.1ed, 'it. co."',, wh", p''''''''' ,,, "'" comm..".,... 0/ '0."'''''", d",," "'" "',ow ''''od:. ,,' '.:" "', ':,\, '.' any C.pllal Road ImproVtmtr.llhlllslnc!udtd In Ih. S:11' Ot Conler""i .'. Cour.;y adopled budgel: >. :}:: : '..1' 4.10.3,4 Ihl ccnslrucllon of Ihe r.t;ulrec Caellal Road ImprC'/emenllslnC!l:~.d In "'i' lhe Slale's Fiv!! (5) Year Work Program or Ihe Counly's Cl.:rrenlli'lt (!) year Capilallmprovemenl Schtct:l. :> ',' adopled as part of Ihe Growth Management Plan: and , "f. 'r. ::;! The Board cf County Cemmlsslon.rs has ma~. In ex:rus finding. arter a public hearing. lhal Ihe currenl five (5) year cap:lal improvemlnc schedule Is bas'd en I realistic. financially feasible program of funding from exls:lrog tr/en!:. scurclS: Ind . ./1 The level of salVlce (LOS) cnall teads selVlng Iht develoFlTo.nt; ,Hl~ will nOl, al any lime. operale below peak hout, peak season LOS .S.; Irod ",' ,.:;:::!~ ~:'. .:~,;':'~l'~ _,.,,~-;c: h. . The 18'/el of ~ !lVlce (LOS) en any toad serAng the dt'lIlopmlnr:.,U; will nOI operate al peak hour. peak season In LOS .E. lor 6; period ef more lhan IV/O (2) years except 'lihtr.... :':. ;,~ ~ LOS .E. is the LOS es:abllshed In Ihe Growth Managemenl Plan !cr a particulat road. ,:','..Y , f:::"c-':'} 4.10.4 Belore delerminlng Ihal any toad se~ment Is a dlllcltnt road segmenl. the Gt~.lthl~~'.lc Managemenl Olroelor shall undertake a detaned capacily enalysls cf Ih. tOld ",mint to tnsurtlhat th.'l:.;.~.." road segment's operalienal cendllions verily Ihalllls a clllc:enl tClc s.gm.nl. ',; 'Y., ., "\; 4.11 Develooer means any person, Inc!!:clng a 1O:;'I,mm'ntal alO'nc'!.. ur.:::er.aldn; 1:-''1 developmenl as defined in Ihis Ordinance, PI? ~ I'.. /9.0/./ 5. JVD I" litO 4.16 Final ORt Oeveloomenl Ordrr means a dt'/elopment order, as am.ndld from tlm.to 11m.,':," adopled by Ihe Board 01 Counly CommiSSioners 01 Collier CounlY .rod approved by II'.. Slalt pursuant 10 " . Sec. :100,06. Fla. SIal.. nOllee 01 which Is recorded pursuanllO Sec. :180.015(15)(1), Fla. SI.I. 4.17 Final Local Develoomenl Order means any valid. unexpired buading j:eunillssued I:y Ihe Counly. 4.18 Growth Manaaemenl Director means the Growth Mana~em.nl Olrectcr or his dlSi~n8t. , 4.19 Growth Manaaement Plan or 'GMP means the meSI r.cenlly ec!epled arA effec:1ve Comprehensive Plan 01 Collier Counly. as amended Irom lime 10 lime. 4.20 Land Develoomenl Reaulallons mean orc:nances enacled by CQlller County pursuant 10 See, 163,JI61~, ,Hg,. Fla. SIal.. for lhe re~ulallon 01 deve!opmenl. and inclcc!es any :onlno. Sl;t:d~/ls:on. Impacllee, building consrruclicn. orsic;;n re~ulalions. or an'! olher reC;;t:t3110ns ccntre:lino Ih. de'/ele:::,:,,:.nt 01 land. 4.21 Level 01 Service (LOS) rr.uns an indic!atcr ellhe extenl or de~re9 of santice ;:rC'lic!f~ :y. or proposed 10 be provided by a Public Fl::ally basedJn end relaled to Ihe operalicr.al charac:arlst!es of Ihe Public FacililY, all adO:;led In Ihe Celller County Grc....,h Mana~emenl Flan. LOS shalllrodlca!1 the capacily per unil 01 demand lor each Fr:t:!fc Facmry. 4.22' LOS lor Caoilal Drainaae Facililles varln amonc;; 1) new or existing c3pilal drain.C;;' .facilille,s' owned or opera led by a local \:evernmenl or etr~er put:lie enllly. 2) .xls:lng c3::lilal drafr.a,;. lacilitles owned or operaled by private persons. and :I) new capilal drainage lacililles C'lmed or c!:.ra!t~ cy " privale persons. For Ihose capilal drainac;;e lac~ilies (put:llc~,! or privately oVlnea) Ihill art in .xister.ce on l"e e/fective date ollhis ordinance and Icr those new ca::la\ draina,;;! lacililies oVlne~ or cperaled by a local gOliernmenl or othe: public emity. tt':e LOS is the exis.fr.g LOS to be idenlilied (by ces:c;;n s:crm ri:urn frequency event) pursuant 10 lhe completicn ellhe Cellier CCt:my Wa:er Manac;;emenll.!as:er Plan. Fer new capilal drainac;;e facilities owned er opera:.':! by privale persens. Ihe LOS is ic!enlilied in Ih. Orair.a\;t S:.:!:. elemenl and Capitl1llmprovement :!emer.l Pelicy 1.1,5,A.3 (~rfSlnl r.~~lr.m.nlS art I 2S'yur, 3<11 st:rm l"lnl) ond Is based on Ihoso s:lndares ar.d r.~uir.m.r,ts lor rentwal ar.cl apprC';.1 01 clralr.a~t I:'.d stormwaler managemenl plans es.aeUs:'e: :nlhe Celller CCt:r.:y Watft Manac;;emenl ?::!lC'l Ordlnar.ct, C:d, No, 74.50. as amended. which Is ineor;:era:ed herein by r&~erenee, 4.23 LOS lor C.3oital Park Facilities means 2.90:12 acres per 1.000 persons fer rec;;lonal ::arklar.cf: 1.2882 acres per/l.000 persons for ccm:::unily park land: arod 5122 of C<lpitallnvestmant per ca;:i:a (at current COSI) lor recrealional lac:lilies. 4.24 LOS lor Caoilal Potable \'Ia:er Facilities "aries bel'lIeen puelic water s'/Slems ar.cl priva!t WOller systems. For put:lle water syslems. the LOS is IJ5 g!Hons per capita per day (\;pcd). pl~s 21~ for non.residenllal developmenl (except In It':e Marco Waler ar.: Sewer District). maklnlO th. LOS 163 \;::cd. The LOS in lhe Marco Waler arod Sawer Cis:::CI is 200 gpcd (','Iilh no 21~ adjustmenl), For prrl8tt pelael... Vlaler systems, Ihe LI;)S I:; as Icllows. exc'PI l/".al appre'/ld prlvatt VI.lls are .x.m;:t Irom these LOS requiremenls: _. ,- ;"\ ~.;.\-. , , . ~ ... . \:\'/:' 0004, . ..~,g:iiS,~~~; '.' '. , '~"!', O~r/~-4.~~ , .IVDQOr Estabnshml!~ Airports (a) per passenger (b) add per employee Barber and beauty Shops (per chair) BOWling alleys (lollet wastes only per Ian.) Country Club (a) per resident member (b) per member present (c) par employ.. OanllSI OfficII (a) Pitr Wilt chair (b) per non.wet cnair Doctors ollices (per doctor) Factories. exclusive 01 industrial wastes (gallons per person per shilt) (a) no showers provided (b) showers provided Foed Service Operations (a) ordinary restaurant (per seal) (b) 24 h\)ur reSlaurant (per seat) (c) single service articles enly (per persen) (d) bar and cocktan 101:r.~. (per person) (e) drive.ln restaurant (ptr car s~ace) (I) carry out only 1. per lOa square lee! el nocr space 2. add per empleYI!I (g) Institutions (per meal) Hetels and motels (a) regular (per room) (b) resort hetels. camps. c:r.aIjU (per person; (e) add lor establishments ','lith sail service laundry lac~lUes (per machiroe) Office building (per employee per 8 hour ,hilt) Sor/lce stallons (per wal.r Closet and per urinal) Shopping centers withoutloed or laurodr/ (per square 1001 01 noor space) Stadiums, race tracks, ball parles , (per seat) Stores per square loot 01 Roar space Theatres (a) indoor, aUditoriums (per seat) (b) outdoor, drive.lns (per space) TraDer/Mobile Home Parle (per trailer space) Travel traller/recreallonal vehicle park (a) Travel trailar (overni\jhl), without water and seYler hookup (per trailer space) 6 19 p~/~-A. " .';.,f....,.. -i'<,{;:(!t./! .'''' -'uris" "1.60<' :,,:~.I.\:'Jlf :. ':.":'.: .., ;:~': Y,./,,>', ";/.~:-r'.~:!.~-~~;}-~:' ~ ...i.,;~~]~fij'~o;.i/!'~l!s/}:".. "." "",'.J~'''' "'.... iJ,,::&,~,. .. .,. ',' "'~;~:.:,}~;.r:'N''c:?~. , I' ,~ Tvee of Establishment (b) Travel traUer (Overnight). \'.ith ' water and sewer hook.ups (per trailor space). Swimming and bathing facilities. public' (per person) Churches (per seat) Hospitals (per bed) Nursing. rest homes (per bedl Parks. public picnic - (a) with toilets orly (f:ar person) (b) wilh bathhouse. showers ar.d toile!s (p2r persen) - Public Institutions other than scheols and hospitals (per persen) Schools (per student) (a) day.type (b) add for showers (c) add for cafeteria (d) add for day schocl workers (e) boarding.type . Work/Construction camps Seml.permanent (per Vlorker) ResIdences (a) Single or mulllple family (per dw!iIlng l:r:l:: 1 bedroom and eoo s~l.Iare feet cr less heated or cOo/eel area bedrooms and 60t - toea square feet heated or cooled area 3 bedrooms and 1001 . 2COO sC;l.Iare feet heated or cooled area 4 or more bedrooms ar.d more than 20CO square feet heated or ceoled area , ,sea, (b) Other (per occupant) "'\i!{:l5 !/~l 4.25 LOS for Caoilal Road Facllilles on :he Majer ?ead ~1=:'IIork System varies ~epenc!ln~ ~n,the!~!~ type of road. and Is based ,1n a clefined peak seasen. pear< hour. The LOS on the fellOWlng CGun,t1rcads',. Is LOS .E" peak season. peak hour: ,'. " ,'. ,4sa Airport Road S.~~~nl .. j\'f~}i;t~~:~~ Pine Rid,. Road to GOlderyGat!:,>,;':;,A:,{,.;" pa~y, .' :-,(';, :~:,','<:.:':r:>' c',',! ie?;~~~:f1~:i Airport F.ead to Santa Barbara"; :":<~:;f.';~ ~~,~ Boulevard ,"', ,,':: ',j,~~" ";;>><,t", '?:, . ,",- 'O~'__~~~'~, ,'.'-";'~"f,o'o::":-;"';' 'ol Pine Rid~e Road to GelderyGata)i:i;;f5,;,:' :\,i ',' Parkway' " " .....}~;'.~.:'.[":M~~~~:;~J. Golden Gate Pa'l.".YaytOU.S.~F:',' '" Airport Read to I-i5. ;',!.,:'~~,;:'::~: . .. >:'i~)"~r~~ ; ~~:\r,,~!..J':' -"-rttit~~ , ",:o':at;r~ Golden Gate Parkway GOodlette.Frank Road, GOodlette.Frank Road PIne Ridge Road 7 ..........., A ~d I~ 1l2is! . .: . '. / \/::.{~. On all other County roads on the Malor Road Network Sys:em,lhel,OS rs "O."eak..ason;~ea hour; however such a County road segment may operate at'LOS 'E: l:uk season. peak hour. rOt" "Plrled not 10 exceed two (2) fIScal years so as to provide Collier County time to make tha CapilaU\oad ,,'"k:' Improvemenls needed 10 reslore Ihe road to LOS .0' peak season. j:uk hour. or bener., , . ";;, The LOS on Slate 'and Federal roads shall!:e as lellows based on peak season. peak hour:,: . Rural Area Urbanl:ld Ar~, . ~':.-r' /,-.,., 1.75 C 0 U.S. 41 C 0 S.R. 84 0 0 S.R.951 E S,R. 29 C i' .,';.; . ."', S.R. 82 G . . ^ " ,'+fl~":;'~",.f ..~.. ":~ .:e..~ 7/.....V~ ~~(~;:~I)~~~(k, 4.26 .LOS lor Caollal Sanllarv Sewer Facllllle, varies t::e~""tn public sin"~ry s....;.r r;S: privale sanilary sewer systems. The LOS lor put:lic sanitary sewer s..'!:tms Is 1C-o gailons percapitap,r,/ day (gpcd). plus 21 ~ lor nen.residenlial C:e'lelopmenl. making Ihe LOS 121' 'i:cd., . ';::~\l;' :.' :".' rl~'. ._,;."<:-,1',=,', .._~,_':.;-:;,;t' The LOS lor private sanilary sewer systems is as requlrad by the Slate 01 Florlea In Chapt'rI0.0.":;~~ 6, F.A.C. These standards vary according to the type 01 land use. They are as lellows. exc.~t. that'" <.:7:i, . approved privale Septic syslems are exempt lrom these LOS reGuirements: , >. }'4r . .. Type 01 ESlablishment Airports (a) per passenger (b) add per emj:loyee Sarber and beal.'ty shops (per Co"!air) . , BOwling all""/s (Ioaet was:es only per lane) Country Oub (a) ~..lr re::~ent member (b) per memeer present (c) per employee Denlisl Offices (a) per wel chair (b) per non-Viet Chair Ooclors olfices (per doe:or) Factories. exclusive of Induslrial was:es (gallons per person per shift) (a) no showers provided (b) showers provided Food Service Operations (a) rrdinary restaurant (per seal) (b) 24 hour restaurant (per seat) (e) slnglo sIrvlcl articles only (per person) (d) bar and cocl<taillour.ge (per person) (e) drlve.in restaurant (per car space) (I) carry out only 1. per 100 square feet of Roor space 2. aC:d per employee Holels and molels (a) regular (per room) (b) resort hOlels. camps. cOl1ages (per persen) (c) add lor establishmenls with self seNice laundry lacUiHes (per machine) 8 , ,~/ < '. ; .t9~ /j.A. , Tvee of Establishment Office buRdlng (per wC)rker) Servlco stallons (per bay) ShoppIng centeri without food or laundry (per square foot of noor space) Stadiums. race tracks. ban Darks (per seat) Stores (without food service) (a) private toBels, for employees only (per employee) (b) public tonets (per squara fact of noor spjlce) Thealres (a) Indoor. audiloriums (per seal) (b) outdoor. drive-ins (per space) . Trailer/Mobner Ham. Park (per trailer space) TraveltraRer/recroallonal vehicle park (a) Travel trailer (overnighl), wilhout WOller and ~Ner heck up (per trailer space) (b) Travel traDer (overnis;hl). Wilh waler and sewer heok-ups "'er traBer space). Swimming and b.1thlng facnitles. pul:lie (per person) Churches (per seal) Hospitals (per bed) Nursing, rest homes (per persen) Parks. public picnic (a) With toBets en/y (j:.r person) (b) With bathhouse, S~.cwers 2,..d tone:s (per person) Public Instilutlons olher than scheels and hospitals (per person) Schools (per Sludenr) (a) day-type (b) add for showers (c) add for cafeteria (d) add for day schael Vlorkers (e) boardillg''Ype Work/Construction camps Seml.permanent (per Ylorker) Residences (a) (b) (c) single famay (per bedroom) :'!.ii ''';;tN~" apartment (per bedrcom) ';;150 :,t.;f . mobRe home not In a traner.:;!,.{;/:::.;};} park (per bedroom) ,J50/;~~ Cd) Ofher (per <='p.nQ ';~~i~,~l~ 4.27 LOS for C<loil<ll Solid Wasle Facilili~, requires suffic!ont capllal solid wasle fac9illes io ,:, : dispose of 1.55 Ions of solid waSlo per capila per year. In addition, the LOS requires 1'110 (2) years of landfjfj;:.~_ lined cell disposal capacity al presenllUl raleS and ten (10) years of laroelal raw.land caplei!'1 at preSI . rates. ,,'.;'}~'.';\~{; , P' ;' ~"",/J.. ..'~;,:'~,;f~flI'J~};/:t:i:.:,~i'" ~ ~. . .- .: -"" ";)' ','," , .roo .~>;+ ,., .,( : ,.." l "'\"::i. ~'..~"--::~~:'," I,.. ~,..~~t, .',;:~~<t~' tft . . : :'f:,t;;:~i~;i!~~"" . . . .;:\~~~f~~~ 4.28 .LOS .C. Deak sea son. Duk hour, Is in the rang9 01 slatle now, l:ut maries the beginning of !,,~,' the range 01 II ow In which the operation cl ir.divldual users becomes significantly affected by Interactions ,~, '. with others In the trallic'stream. The salection 01 speed Is alfec:ed by Ihe pruen~ of others.and;:',! maneuvering wilhin tho traHlc stream requires subslar.tial \(1~:lanco en the part 01 the unr. The generalle"el'~5 01 comfort and convenience declines noticeably at this level. LOS "C. peak season. peak hour. Is based on' '~:;:. the lhirtlelh (JOth) highest hourly traffic volumes during a calendar year lor Ihe various types of Roads. ).._.,~:, defined by ~~clal Renort 201). .Hlghway Capacity Manual: Transi=ortatlon Research Eeald. NaUonal <.;: Research Council. Washington. O.C.. 1985. cr subsequent re'llsions thereto. ..: d., : 's: .~ '~'1.',,: .~ :\+ - "-l 'i ~l. "7;~ 4.29 LOS "0. Deak season. Deak hour, represents a hic;;hoC:enslty, but s:able. :Jew. Speed ar.d lreedom to milnouver are severely resulc:ed. ar:d the ~rlver or pedeslr!an experiences a genlrally poor level of comfort ilnd convenience. Small Increases in traffic now will generally cause operallonal prc::lems lllhls le'lel. LOS "0" peak season. peak heur. is based en the thi~le!h (30th) hlfjjhest hcurly traffic '/ohm':!s C:urlng a calendar year lor the various l'/pes of Rea~s donned by S::!!::31 Foe::!:" 2l)9, 'HI~hway Ca;:ac!ty Manual: Transportation Research Board. National Resiarch C"ur.c:J, Washlnr;;:cn, O,C.. 1 S03, er subsa~ullnl r";lslens therelo. 4.29.1 LOS .EO Deak season. oeak hour represents operatin; c:ndlllcns It ornllr capacity. All speeds are slliniflcanlly redUced, Freecom 10 maneuver Is dlfflcull. Comfort arod convenIence 'l., is e)(.remely poor. and motorlstlrus:ratlon Is {;enerally hlllin. LOS "EO i=uk season. peale heur. Is l:a.sld on!: ~', lhe thir.lelh (JOth) highest hourly traffic vclumes during a calendar year for the varlcus ty!:es 01 nC.1ds, ' ,defined by Soeeial ReoM 209, .Highway Capac:t'l Maneal: Trans;:ertatlon Resurc:. 5card. Na:lonal " Research Council. Washinglon, D.C.. 1ge5. or subse~eerit rl.!'lisions therelO. ,:' ~' . ~~J 4.30 Malor Road Network Svs:em me.ans a:1 arterial arid collec:cr roa~s within Ihe IOlal"';~~l unincorporated Collier County. The Majer Road Net'llorle System Is depic:e~ in Ihe Traffic Clrc;,:!atlon :::X~~ Element of the Collier CC1Jnty Growth Mana~emer.l F:an.; ~\:''';?!~ 4.31 Person means an individual. c::rj:;oralicn. ~~"'ernmenlal .a~enc'l. l:esineu INS:. es:a:,. trust. " , partnership. associalion. two (2) er mere per3cr:s having a je:r.t or ccm;::cn Imeres:. or ar:,! c::-:ar Ir.ll"', ar.d ";:::' ilS des;~nated agents. successors or ass;~ns. ' . ,," .' ",;:.i~i;. 4.32 POlentiallv Delicienl Road S~'.:ment mear.s ll':. rcllc....ir.g: . ,~., 1 4.:12.1 A County or Slata read se~ment on the Majer Road N'twork Sys:,m whose; ::,': ",: adopled LOS slandard is LOS .C. or LOS "00. peak seascn. peak hour. thaI Is presently oJ:eratln~lt ilS,,",,':;:, I' adopted LOS, or whose adopled LOS is LOS "0. peale saason, peale heur. ar.d has operated ,at LOS 'Eo :,;~::ti~ " peak season, peak hour, lor two (2) y~.ars cr less. based on lhe AUIR. A poten~~lIy de!lclenl read, s...menn;,ei~ which has an adopled LOS .0" peak seasen. peale hour. may operate at LOS "c . peak seas.:n. Paak,hour.<.;;",~~ lor two (2) liscal years belore It shall beccme a delic:ent read sagment:;....~~.:,.,'.":.f!~: ":"-' r'.-". ...., .\( .'...., 4.:12.2 A County or Siale read se;ment on the Major Road Network Sys:em!:whOse\. adopted LOS standar\:: is "E". peal< season. j::e.ai< hour, that Is presenU,! operating al LOS .Eo Feak season." peak hour. based on Ihe AUIR. , .' ,.,) ,,::.';-\'....';' , \';'..': \'.-~: '''~~.~ 4.:12.3 Prior to Ocleber 1. 1594, In C:eierminlng Ihe capacllY of a Ceunt'! read segm .,~ 0 a State road segment lor the purpose of ~e:ermining whether it Is a potentially deficient road se~mllrit;Jh County shall consider: . . :<:';<~~'.':;;'f::~:(" . ,:rc;/f~~"':":':!> 4.32.:1.1 any Capital Road Imprc'/ement under conslructlon or lhat 'NiII 'b.: uf.clt~ :\~ construction during the r~'1iew peried: ' ':....%.:;7.:'. 'i;/:'1f . ",.,.:;1"i' . ,::,j;~, 4.32.:1.2 any Capital Road Impro'/ement lhatls the subject of ablndingilxtee.:ted~~';' contract Which provides lor the commencement of conSlruc:lon during the review period; ';' ." :~~1...~,>..:~:t,~f.: . ".:';:. ;'~":'.: ~?t:. ~.~~ >:t~:\": :...~!"~' 4.32.3.:1 any Capital Road ImprO'lement Ihat Is Included In the Staleor:Coltter.i''.~, County adopted budget; and .,;).:tr}~.~., ":iii " ,(,.?;"'<l~, .~. ft:- '9 ~;;;/ .~,... ".' , .;:-\':"'. f';, ~)i~. . ,ff,,,, .', ~~~.:" 'lC, SEC. 5. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. JtJD e, 1110 the construction 01 the required Cae!tal Road Imj:revemtr.tli Inc!uc!td In tho 51,1I0's Fivo (5) Yonr Work Proomm or the CounlY's currentllvo (5) \'Ior ClIpilllllmpro'IImenl Sehe~ull adopted as part oflha Growth Management Plan prior 10 Cctocer I, t594. 'il'\ , ;,-l ' 'ff , ",~ '\'I ' ';I; ,,; . any Capital Rcad Imprc':emcnt ur.~er construction or that'will be e~der')J:J cons:ruc:ion ~uring the review period: '. ,; <::.\j ',. "'<!F~ ~ any Car=ilal Road Imr=rc\'emenl that :s the subject of a bi~cir.; ':<.C~tld'':.':! ' contract which provides for the commencemenl of ccns::~c:lon ~::r:n\i tt:e re',lew period: . >}t~" tit iiny Car=ilal F.ead Im;::::':emen: thaI Is Includ.d In Ih, 5:a:. C: C:i1i,rfe County ado;:tad budget: , ' ,~ji 4.32,4.4 Ihe conSlructlcn 01 ihe m:ulred Cae!lal Mead Imprcvtmtr.t Is InC!\;:~'~I~ ,!,!'q:t~~ Iho State's Five (5) Year Wcrk Fre~r3m or the County's c:.:::ent five (5) year Car;itallm;:rove:::er.t SC!':.~iJle""'7~~ adoptsd as J:art of the GrOVlth Management Plan. and a:1 el the !ellowing are met: ' "'J~ .:.~:t' . ":'''1 ,-,t., ~"\~ . .'<';:'Ii~. .. ._~- '~~" I ' __~!. w.\ ";it.. I" ' 4.32,1' tlfectlvo Octoher '. 1S24, In determining the capacity 01 a Codnt'/fcad U;mlnl or II SI.1to rO:ld sQgmont lor tho purposo 01 dotermlnlng whether It Is a pOllnllatly detlc:lan: road It~:'ntnl, the County shall consider: . ' , The Soard c: Ccunty Cc:nmissioners has rr.a~1 an ex::!ss lir.~jng. alw a public hearing. that the current live (5) '1!!r c!pital improvement schadulills ::aSll~C:'l,a . realis:ie. /inailc:ally feasible pro~ram of funclng from exls::r:g revenue sources: ar.d " . ihe le'lel 0/ s::"ice (LOSl cn all roads s!:-iing tt:a ~e'ie!c;:~ant will net. at anytime. operate below peak hour, peal< saas~n LOS "E'; ar:d '... 4.32,4.4.3 ih.le',el cf smice (LOSl cn any roae! Slr/lng tl':t C:t':elc::::tnt;..,~:,:,,!:')1 .t will ner oparlle :II poak hour, pellk lI..on In LOS "e" Ie: I :trlod 01 mere than two (a) Ylltt t:cr:t~l....h.r. '.(,'1i:,\t~ . LOS "eO Is the LOS established In tho GrC'.'t.h ~,Ianl!~err.e~: Fran ler a ::!r.lcular teae. . ''':O:'';~~> 4.33 Public Facilitics mean c01;:ital crair.ac;e fac::i::as. c:!::i:al ;:arl< rac!lit:as. capi:a! ::::a::. ,';1:i: facilities, car=i:al road facililies. c3pilal sanitarl sewer fac:l:t:u. anc c3;:::al sclld was:a lac:::::I5. In the construction of this Ordinance. the rules sa! c~t in this sectlen shall be oeser;!: L:r.iess !~::h ' cons:rUClion is inconsistent with the manii;?s: inlenl 01 the Ceilier Ceer::'! Scard e/ Cc:.;nty C':~~is$!C:':9rs. The rules 0/ ccns:ructicn and definitiens se: renh here:n shall net I:a a~plletj 10 any p:e'tislens \'.r::ch expressly exclude such construc:ion, or where the sueiec: maner. cor::ent or context of s\:::h pro':ls!en .. .', wo\,;ld make SL:ch construclion intcrn<Jlly Incensist.nt or iroc::nslstent with ether pre\'lslcns 01 tr:ls Orcllni::c..., : (.J' 5.1 G<!nerllllv. All provisions, terms. ph;ases a:".:! exprass!ol'lS conlained In this Cr~lna'nc~S:?~'1I '.':<,' i,,::~~~ be liberally construed in order that tho true intent and rr.uning cfthe Collier Coenty Bea:d of CCl:nty Commissioners may be fully carried Oul. Terms used In this Ordinance, unless clheJwisl s~ecl!lc!lIy provided. shall have the meanings prescribed by the sta:utas 01 this S:at, ror the same terms. In the interpretalion and applicaUon of any prO'lis:en of Ihis Ordinance it shail be held to t:t lhe minimum rec;uirement adopted ror the promolion 01 the ;:cclic heallh. safety, comron, coO"enlenCI and general wellare. Where any provision 01 this Ordinance imJ:cses greater restriClions upen the s~blect ma:ter than a general provision imposed by the Growth Managemsr:t Flan or another provision of this Ordlnar:ce, the provision imposing the greater restric:lon or regulation shall be deemed to be controlling. 5.2 ~. In case or any differencQ of meaning or Implication terNetn the text 01 this Or~Ir.a~c:. ' and <Jny figure, the text shall control. . , 11 ~ .I..i . ,'r'. , ,,!:;;\;j;_>j:tf~, ,;);';,:~.~\:,1J~r "'.\,' ,. '>" I'" "-, :'( !:t,': .-t!, " ",:: '''''''. --;'..f':~~;";~f~,.."I~l' ;..~~, It,i~l. 5.3 Comcutallon of tlmo. Tho time within which an act Is to be' donl.ha" b,'comput " excluding the first and including thQ last day: If :he last ~ay Is Saturday. Sunday or legal~cIldaY~Jt:~!.~~y;;,/ sh.111 be excluded'f:f~\,:,';, ';_ :'- ~:\'-..:'''::r'-':'.'.>.,~''-'' 5.4 Jay. The word .day" shall moan a cale~ar day. \ ", ,.".:,:','"C ,';:~;rc~~~a 5.5 .Dl.!Ioollllon of AUlhorllv. Whonover a provisIon appears requiring tht head 01 adepartrntn" of some other County olflcer or employee to do some act or perform seme duty. It Is to be c;onstrued to authorize the head 01 tho department or some other County eHlcer or omJ:loyee to designate. dtleoatt and authorize professional level subordinates to perform the required act or duty unless thl terms cfth. provision or section specify otherv.oise. ' 5.6 Gender. Words importing the masculine ,er.cer shall be c:ns:rued to Inch.:de the femlr.ln. and neuter. 5.7 Month. The word .month. shall mean a ca:er.car me nth. , , i., ' :, ' " " . '.' . . ., >,~ ..::' :_<:"':~,i'-~-;d~:,.'I',!:f,:.' 5.8 NontClchnlcal and Ttchnlc31 Words. Wcr~s 3r.d ~1"aSls shall bl ccns:ru.d ac':c~chng"m1h': , . common and approved usa~e of the langua~e. but technical 'Nards ar.c:l phrases and such otherlal may'[;,. have acquired a peculiar arod appropriate meaning in 1'1'0'1 sl':alll:e c:ns,;ued and understood i!e::r~!ng to':.';f~ such meaning. '. " " . . 5.9 .Num~gr. A word Imponlng llie Iln~~lar num::,r orJy, ma'l.xt.nd and t:. II=i:Uld tOIl\'lrll' parsons and things as wall as to one person and thlr.g. Th. use elthe I=lural number shall bldetmld to:~ Include any single persen or thing. >.'~'t.~!}> ", :. :: ~>::'" '; ,"-1 :~~~f ~, ' '.' . 5.10 mJ.all. Ma'l. The word .shall' is tnanectcry: 'may" is J:ermissive. 5.11 Tense. Words used In the ~as, or prasant tansa Inc!l.:C:I th, future as wall ~s ~h~~a5~_9~:; prllSenl. "1r'f{~itY\~'j( 5.12 Vleek. The word "weel<" shail mean SS'/!n (i) caler.car cays. . ',;'~ 5.13 Wrillen or In Wrillna. The term "written" cr .in writlnc;;' shall be construed to Incll.:~t'any: representation ot words. letters. cr lic;;ures 'IIhe,her by J:rin;i~g er other ferm or methcd of wrltln;.':t;;,; , . , ,',- ",:'J~/:;'~~ "">', 5.14 Year. The word .year. shall mean a caler.car ~'eu. t.:rJess a fiscal year Is Ir.cIC3tedor 365 ;i}~ calendar days is indicated." :,.,.'.,;~'.. ., 'f" ">,,.' ',' J In order to Implement the maneale cf the Cellier Ccunty Growth Management Plan to ensur..it'hat,:.,~:. adequate Potable Water. Sanilar'l Sewer. Sclid Waste. Craina~e. Parle and Road Public Facilill.sar.'::;~';t' available to accommodate development in Collier County concurren; with Vlhen the Impacts of de'lelopment,..'.) Occur on such Public FacUities. the Beard of County Cemmissioners es:ablishes. pursuant to the terms of'<,"l this Ordinance. (1) a management and monitoring program that e'laluates the COnditions of Put:llc FacHitles .." ,::" to ensure they are being adequately planned for and lunted to maintain the LOS lor each Pul:lICtacllity.,:'::j;:, and (2) a regulo1tory prcgram that ensures that each Pt:l:lic Facmty Is available to slrve dl'/eloPl1'lent\',;~:l ' concurrent with when the impacts of de'lelopment occur er tt'oat de'/e:opment orders are condltloned,onthe~" ,;'( availability of Public Facilities to s.erve the development c::ncurrent with when the Impacts of deVelopment i,ti,~:: :~:'7. MANAGEM,NT AND MONITORING PRQGR'" . ,,;:1~~!:;~fit 7.1 General. tn order to ,ensure that ~deGu3te Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, SolicLWas:i;" '~. ~, Drainage. Park and Road Public FacUilfes aro avallablo concurrent with when the Impacts 01 develoPlTler.t , ,;.,;:;,~ ~ occur on such Public Facilities. the County shall establish the fcllowing management and monlto~lrig",)!, .1 12, .(..~~i'~~:~:~~; UOO~~'(}~~hf,~~~:q.;,'" 7.2.1 ..~i"}':lS~~'~~~~~'" . .,f~i,I;~':</s: " ,.... "",i~,>'~^'t" ,;.~.;'.,;.", practices. their purpose Is to evaluale and coordinate the tlmlno. prOvIsion. and fur.dl~o of ~otab" Wate Sanitary Sewer. Solid Waste. Drainage. Park and Road Public FacUitles (1) to ensure adequateplannirio a lunding to maintain the. LOS lor the Public FacUitles. and (2) to evaluate tht capacity 01 the ?utllc F:JcDitles ':, lor use In the regula lOry 'program to ensure (a) that no development orders art Issued unless adl<:l.:tite,; , :,:.t' Public Facilities lIro available to serve tho development concurrent with Vlhen the Impacts of dt'/tle;:ment:;,:'i!" are proposed to occur. or (b) lhal no development ordors are Issued unless they are cor.ditlonedcnth':({~}%,. avaUabmty 01 Public Facallles to SINe the dl'''lopmlnt concurrent with wh.n th.lmpacts C~,.d~~lc~t;t;'"e"t. (~;;':c occur. . '..:::;'~':~f',,;~,.J1"f::;~' 7.2 Annual Uodate and Inventor" Reoort on PubliC Facilities (AUIR). 6y May 1 cf I!c!1 year, ',::,;,i, the Growth Management Director s~all com~lete an Annual Update ancllnventory Report on PuCllc ;:ac~itles':2;"" (herolnahor "AUIA1. Tho AUIR shan delermine Ihe exls:1nO condillons of III Capltll FOlal:l. Watlr. Cacltal ;,,~' Sanllary Sewer. Capital Solid Waste. Capllal Orainaco. Co1pllal Parle. ar.d Capital Aoad Fut:llc F3~~IIIIS, tl i:', del ermine and summarize the avaaai:le ca~acilY ollhese CapilllllmprOVo1ments (Public Fac9llies) basad on'::'{i Iheir LOS. and forecast the c3i=acit'l 01 e)(:s::r:g af'.d t:1anned Putllc Facilitl"s identilled in Ihe Five (!) Year Capilallmprovement Schedule lor each 01 the live (5) succaeding years. and len (10) St,;c:etdlr:~ '/urs, ..,. " The forecasts shall be based on the most recenlly u~a:ed scnedule cl Ca~itallmprO':ements (::1.:l:lIc, ;:;r:C- Facilities) lor each Putllc Facility. The AUIR shall be basi<! on ,t.e mOil recent eureau of Economic andi';'::'",*~ Business Research (BEER) population projections. update1 Public Facllilylnventorles. upc!at.d ur.it,c::sts;,'~,..':~! " and analysis of traffic count da:a. ' '.", "':":;;:k,:,,,':':X " ),:."..'>"::,';,~;. , ,..'; The findings of Ihe AUIR shall form Ihe basis for the AnnL.'al Update to Ihe CIE. any pre::os.d" . projects to be included in the County's Tentative Annl:al Bud~et. the determination of any Arl. 01 Si,r.:nc~lOt Innuence (ASI) and Ihe re-lie-II 01 and issuance of development orders during Ihe nex: ye~r.:: .."i.'" .'^, . .. ... """ '.:,.!.~';.~i . " ,-:.~.: ','~-:,'~" Based on Ihe findin~s of Ihe AUIR. by Ma'l 1 of each year. Ihe Growth Managem.nt Oirec:er'ilill " report 10 the 80ard of Counl'l Commissioners concerr:ing c!lic!enc:es cr potential defic:enc!u in 'Ca:t.;-;r/ " A- Public Fac9ities and reme~ial acticn opllcns Inc!L.'cing bl:t nct Iimiled :0 the lallew/ng: t. ESlat::lshmllnt 01 Artas 01 SlcnlRc3nllr.nuenco (ASi's): 2. Public Facdll,! projecl acdillc~s 10 Ihe CIE: 3. Delerral 01 development order issuanc! in affec:~1 ar!!S pending: a. Lowering 01 LOS via Grcwth Management Flan Amendment:, ' '~, ..', ..,.' , . b. Inclusion of r:!C!Ss3ry Pl:tlic Fadil,! projec:s in the adoFited Annual 5L'dS;I;a'r4,;~'i;{ Annual ClE Ul=dall' , ' "';' ,~:'\\~ .., ' c. Approval of nt'.., or'lncreased re"~nue sources for needed Put:ltc Fle~ity'~fe . d by Ihe ocard cl Ccunty Commissioners. tha Slille Legislalure or the COt:nt1'lCters;.,~~' .'- _:!.>.-.,;,;:_"~:~: 7.3 Recommendallons on Ihe Annual ere Uodale and Tenlallve Annual Budalt ',::.Y' :~~:f" :_~- .~~;. ..-.,:. :~(f-::~1 Based upon analysis of Ihe AUIR. the Grcwth Management Oirector shall propose to the e~a:'d<oii" " Counly Commlsslonors by July 15 olnch yur, the Annual U~at. to th.CIEfn, con!unc:lon...,ith,U'i.; release ollha Counly's Tenlatl'le Annual Bud~et which villi Inclt:de the public facDltlesnetdld to'malnlaln "" adopted Lt'lel of Service Slandards. The Annual Bud~el. which Is to be adopted by October t Of each yur,;~", . will Include projecls a:'ld funding approved by the B03rd In the adopted Annual CIE Update. .,~, :i~.," 7.4 Estoblishmenl of tlrca 01 Sinnillcant Inlluence (ASn for Roads. ,\~~~:;:',;\~~'11 7.4. t Est3bllshment 01 Are! 01 SlaniflC3nt Influence lASI), If, thenndlngsOI ~'t,~it~~;~f/~.~I identify additional OI'!eded road improvements they will be included In Ihe road component of the prcposad "<;1 Annual CIE Updale. The GrOWth Mnnagement Director will d,etermine H there Is either a deficIent' or - ':', potentially dellclent road segment. The Growth Management Dltector shall propose and Identily an Area ' ' " , of Signilic:lnllr.lIuencp (ASI) around any deliclent or potenlially deficient road segment (except where such' '} "\ . pOlenlilllly deliclent road segment i. projecled not 10 exceed ils adopted LOS within the five (5) year Caplt31 "..<:; Improvament Schodulo In Iho CIE) and Iho Annual Residual Capacity Trips that wculd bt,anocattdfall'l91e" appllc3nls requesting Ccrtillc31es 01 Putllc FaCility Adequ3cy wllhln tho proposed ASI coverln~poten\lany\ 1 ~\:.!~,~~!~:~F~ '>~s;~l;t~( f~;~t:~, :., ;. l'{ti. . ~f'>' t1"'~' ~~/j :~. ' ~""'.'.' t!r~~. -, ~.' ,. ". '~', f'...'ftnIe ':1' '-";'::.""0' ~f;S3;;'. li::.~.~~~.,.",^,.',?,..:.~ .,..' ,1i,:~~ .',. , "j.:' '1" :'i.,.., '.' '(.. .. ; "~0?~if;,'(,1!~i;;'~J;~, ./ ,"-, . :: '.~ -;,i deficient road segments during the year. The boundaries el an ASI sr.an 1:1 proposed by tt:e:Grow~H Management Director and for/larded to the Soard of County Commiss!oners. along '/lith U\a annual n,sicfual.' Capacity Trips covering pot,nliaUy defici,r.t roadway slgments 'or each ASI tol May' of each yijr.,rh.j~lt~ proposed ASI and Residual Capacity Trips shall become eHacliv. on Jun. . of .ach year illh. aC=lllonaI1~~,,,,:,. needed road improvements identilied in ;he AUIR are not added to the ele by June t cf I3ch yezr. "'o',;~.,]:~".: Residual Capacity trips shall be alloned for ~C'/eloJ:ment in an ASI ee'/ering a delicientlcad se;:r.ent.~;: ~, 7.4.2 Slandards in Establishina Aru of Sianilicant fnlluen'. (Asn and Oetermlnlna:'.;; Annu~1 Residual Caoacilv T,ri~s. The bour.caries tonhe ASI shad be tased upon accet:le~ uansportation':/i,;';;J.f planning pracUces, and shait incl~e those areas surrounding a c:.flc!ent or ~ecenllally ~_ficl.r.f rcad'I;'r:i~~r~ segment where development may b. ex~tc:l~ to ~lacl an unreasenabl. numcer el nl'll.\r!!:S en Ihl <"i!\, deliclent or potentially detle!ent road saymen:' ihe GrOY,1h Mar.a~em.nt Dlrecter shall ccm;:lere a ca!ailed' ,!~:: conditions analysis of the deficient or ;::cter:l:ally deliclent rC2d se~ment witt-in each proJ,:;::sld .I,SI bCunda,., ' "'~ prior to proposing the bour.daries cf l~a AS/. Tlie ar.al'lsis shall ralc, Into considfrallcn c~araC:lr:!:lc3 el3' the road segmen! (such as traffic c:ntrcl. sic;nal spacing. timir.~, and ~".asjnv) us:r:<; J:r:c=~uraJ r; documented in the ,gaS l-!ich'.'l3v l;..:ac::v ',lantlal (or ilS C~rrenl ,ljllk:n). The Annt:aJ F.15lc:ual Ca;ac:t'l~;~ Trips for the proposed ASI covering the pOliinllally ~6Iic!ent road sevment sr.all t:9 casad u~c:\ up to ' ;~~ hundred percent (100~) 01 the potenti~ily ~e:ic:anl read ",mil nt's remaining c3~acjt'l. mt!s;;red In peak r'f hour trips. Thirty percanr C:!O~) of the ~:.~tlanV C:aflC!er.t read se~ant's remaining c.1~c:t.! s!".aJI baj:~ reserved for only tMsa land uses vlhic."l ~,nerG;i one (1) s::ea:C hour trip s::er da'/ or less, cau:J en :l':. mes: "~ rocentlTE Trip GonorllUon RAtl Manual. ";(;~ 7.4.:1 Re'/iew and AoorO'/al b', Board of Count" CommlsSl9ners, ~.f;.r recI:;:: of Ihl ;.1":',~frl, pro po sod boundJrias 0' I pol.nlial ASI .r,: th. ptecoSlo A.slc:ual Capacity TrIps cf thl ASI. f::m th.' Growth Management Director. Ihe Ec.1rd 0' c.,unt'l eemmisi!o~ers. b,! June' 01 each yl1r. sha!1 held a'!, . public' hearing noUced pursuanl to tlie re<::;uiremencs of Sec. 125.ES(5), Fla. SlaL. and a::ar ecns:Ciratlen ,:, ." :f!.' . of tl:1e proposal and pUblic cemment. a;:pro'le :he bcu::daries r.,..clt:di"<Q a map cf the tcur.car!es, a~.c:S the, ':f~'. Annual Residual Capacity Trips of th, ASI, with or Vlirhot.1 mcciflulions. or determine :.'".ar Ccr::;:.tenc :;J'!fl' subs:anti.11 evidence has been placed on t~e rec::lrd 10 s:low thai the road segment is ,..01 ~ctl~da"y ,,:;'~'~' , deficient and delermlne that the es;atlislltr.er.t of an ASI is noc necessar/to ensur'lhaC de'/!!o;:mer.: erders;:...t. ',' ".: are ser/ed by adequale road P~t::f1c Fa:~it!es. The a~~rO'/I~ t:o~aries and A,..r.UJI P.es!d\:1f ca:I~-:Y Trlp.I, " Allolrr.ents for each ASI "ill t:tccma 1~le:r..t cn J~r.e 1 cl eaCo"1 'Itar if ~il1cr.al read Itr:~C''':T.I~':S art . ,; ~ net addGd to rhe c..pit" fm~rO'/em.r.i ;;,:r..r.t.1 thaI tim" , ,,-")~ 7.4.4 MaD of Are~s of Sicnirlcant Influ!!nce IASI). A Map shewir.g tl':a ::Cl.:,..:a::9s cf >,;:." :;1' , each ASI eSlablished by the Soare cl CCl.:r.,'! Co.-:uniss:cr.ers snail be kepc in t~e OffiCI ef the G:O"...';I1;;,~(; # ' Management Director and the office cf the Carl< to the 2card ef Cer.:nty CcrrJ:1lsslonersfCf f,'If,.,., ar.d\f:.,,,1 . inspection by the public during norrr.al tuslr.ess heurs. . .. ..' '" ',;.~'t{I~> . 7.4.5 Oura:ion of Es!at:lisned Ar!!3 of Sianiflcanl 'nflue"" (Asn. 'Cr:ca Ihe:\'~:~:', boundaries of an ASI are apt:roved oi' ;~e ceara of Ccunl,/ Commissioners. they are '/alid :cr en. (~J year, ,); ~.' . unless otherwise dissolved. , ,.,-C'; '~i'1 . > - f. 7,4.6 Ourllllon of Rnldual CaDacltv Trios. Once the Road Facnlty P..s!dt:al C&;:ac!t1 Trips are approved by the Board of County Commiuioners. the,! ara valid lor one (') yur, ' ' ". '~~;~;"''7;::: < .,. .'_:" .I~ 7.4.7 Oissolutlon of Area of Sionilicant Influence (ASn. If the adeiller.al n8tc~ read' ':<, ';: ; Improve~cnt~ identified In :he AUIR are a~~cd to th~ C::IE er fur.c:Ss are awllatt. for, andcommittld for :':'~;;i~ conslr~C:lon or., the needed read im~revements to e~lm!natlthe cfass:.'icaUon of a road IS,adar.c!ar.t OP;,~~'.;~~ pOlentlally defiCient rcad se~ment. rlien the Arila of StliOlflCanllnllue,.,ct (ASI) es;attlshed fer tt'.a:d.!i~tenl :\/' ;"kf1' or potentially deficient road seement shall t:e dissotved In the same manner In which It 'lias !~ta~I!~~ld.;;'~;J\ :~i~ SEC. 8.REGULATORY PROG"Ar.1: FiEIIIE'.'! OF OE'/EtOpr"E~IT TO ENSURE AOEOUATE PueLlC;x"<;.t~ FACiliTIES ARE AVAILABLE. "<';~,'5~ .~ .;. ~ '.i:.'~f'''''.' . 8.1 General. In order to ensure that adequate Potat::r, Vlater. Sanitary Sewer.>SoticfV/as:a.:i".?: Orainage, Park and Road Public FacUities are avaHabf. cor.ourranl with wh.n the Impacts ef d8'!lloi:m.nr3t'~ occur on each Public Facaity. Collier Ceunty shall estat::lish the Ictrowlng dl'/elopmenl ra'Ii"il.prcce~ures"1~TI~ to ensure that no development orders are issued unless~dequat. Public FacOltles are availal:I'.IO,s~r/l th~:;~i..i 14 \~c:"' i~J, ,'.f . .nJJII,I,: ,1'.0 " ~~'~: ~;.;. . ~;',i~~," ~ i.', ",~''f,'" ,~~~f;..: ""_ ~ ' .. "'.',. .: . ':',/ <};t~".:~ ,,' ".~r.,:"!J~V..g,;:!~,; proposed development. or that the development order Is conditioned on the IVlIi_bUlty' o(Pubttc ac II 10 sorve lhe development concurrent with when the im~ac:s 01 dl'/llc!:'mlnt occur en the P~llc Fae~llrlS;'/;{ 8.2 Exemotlons. The lollaNing development dr~ers arod dt'/elopment shall be exem;:t frem the lerms of lhis Ordinance: ' , , , '~:, '. ~ , . ',. J :::~~:')~/t:_>':, <:;::,~\~~: 8.2.1 All valid. unex~lred final 08'/elo~ment cf P.eQlonallmpact (CRI) d.....lcpm.nt ciders' ':{~5~:,5 which were issued prior to adoption of this Ordinance except where: .' '!,~ ,~" ; Develcpment conditions cr s:l~uIations applicable to cor.c~rrincy. or the provision of adequate Public Facilities concurrent with the /mpac:s of development. exis:)n t~., 0;:;1 developmenl order; , ~ ,_. ~ S\Lbs:ar:tial de'liations are sou~!".t fer a 0;:;1 dr:eloe:mer.t cr:er. a~: than. this Ordinance shall apply only 10 Ihose porolcns of tha ~a'/elo~m.nt fer which the de'/la:;cn Is sec;:,u: i. f::.~'. ' or:...> ' r>,......, , :i/',' M-.I" ~. (; ;:- ~~.. . An overric:!in~ concem fer ~ublic heai;l1. safet.,. or ./~eifare exis:s: .~; , .:", '-1.'-'. The Ceunty can d.rner.s:ra:. pursuant :0 S.c. 330.06. Ftor!da S:a:\.1.s.U..al substanlial changes in the conditions u~erlying the a;:~rO'.'al of the development orcff hlwe cce::r:e':2 or Iho de'/elopment order was base-:J on substanlially lnacc:.:rate information provided by the da'/eic;:er cr that the application of this Ordinance to the ct'/elcpment cr~ar is clearly es:at:lished to be esser.t!alto th. ;:u~f1c health. safely and wellare: or ' .. ,'.. ' ~ ..~. ~~'~ w.,- ~~('L j"-j I;' 0,_,,'-':" The new r.~ulr.ments Ylould not so chang. or alllr a C~I d8'/ilc~ment order that the'! Ylould materially or scbstaralally affect tl':e de'/eloper's abdity 10 completl tl':. dt'/.lc;:ment . aUlhorlz9d by Ihe DRI development orcer. Ordinance. 8.2.2 All valid. unex;iired fir.allocal ~:':e!opment oreers Issued ~rlcr toa~c;:t!c~cf thl~ ' ,..,.;,;../;;;,,::3~{' "',.,'?; 8.2.3 Cons::uc:ion of ?u!:lic Fze3itles ::-.at a:econs!s:anl with :r.a c::n.rC:~jt~~~!,~h Mana{jement Plan. ' : :,,",,~'1t4tiJ~~:~~" ("",..yt~~.~:1~>?:... ""., to 8.2.4 Any dt'/elopmenr ordErs d9!ermir.ed by the Growth Ma",~emer.t C!rte:crr.:lCo"/::,'t~~ Impact Public Facaities. ' , , .;~:,,:;:~\t~(~~";" . , .' "'r~"'l~':' 8.2.5 Original temt=orary cons!ruc:!en ar.d de':e!eJ:~ent permits ar.da:'\'1:scbs'i~~.'nl'N renewals not to exceed a c~mulalive t=ericd cf one (1) year. " r, ::~~.;" ~: ..i.,I" ~i~\;~ -.. ~~;,:;,. ~~"'" ,,::J':," .; - 8.2.6 Oe'/e!epment or~ers ;:9rminin~ replacement. re~onstruc:!en 'or re~!!r cf ex!s:lng,::';>;.t~. dO'/QlopmOnl con$iSlenl wilh all elemenls of the Growln Managemeru Flln.' '...~.~~tl}k}t;57i{;... 8.2.7 All temporary usa permits. ,:. ':}::;~fiJ~l~~~"t!..: ~ 8.2.8 Any ce'l8lopmenl order or de'/elopment whose current cwner Is enti:lfd to r'~liVe"i~:,;'.:; and who properly obtains. a determination 01 vested r1~hts for ad9quate public fac5!lles rA?F1 In":d':~'"''': accordance with the prO'.islons of this Sec. 8.2.8. ' ': ':';;;',';'1\/ '3ii . , ,.:.:,;:.;":;.:~::..t;.;~'.::."'" '+,\l~~ AooIlC:lllon. An a~~llcatlon for OeterminallOn of Vested RI~hts fcrAFF:,' ;':" shall be submitted In tho form estatlished by tho Gra:.1h Mana;ement Director. An appllc:Ulcn fat in an amount 10 bo determined by tho Board 01 CounlY Commissioners shall accompany and t:. j:an cf the applicaUon. The application shall. at a minimum. Include: Name. a~dress. ar.d telephone number of L~e C\'merand authorized applicant if other than the owner. ' " , f.i.~.;,~ ':, '5 .. ~:'.',J'"' ' ~r 3'OJm 5, 1110 and J'.' -. _ )0,' . D'llermlnallon of Comoleleness. Altar re~8ipt 01 an A~;:lic31!cn rcr>:.,:.", ';1' : Delermination of Vesled Rights for APF, the Grewth Maro2~emenl Clrec:cr shall dettrml:1e,'IIt:tth,r :.~t":!<;;"."'" .' applicalion submitted Is complele. If he determines 1I.,.1l the a;:C!!c311cn rs nel ccmj:!e!t..;~ G:C','.~:1': ' ::; ; Management Direclor shan notify the apJjlicant In wr::lng cf the cefic!encies. ine GrC','::l1 l:a::a~!rr.lr:l .' . ~ll Director shall lake no further siet's to process the a~;:jjca::en cnl:ltl':e delic:er:c:as have catn rime:!e~." ...~ '-,,'i' Revle'll and Oel!rminalion cr Reecmmendallon 1:'/ Ciro'.'lth'1( M<ln<lQement Direclor.J!!!Sl COUnly Allorne',. ".:iar re:!:;: et a c:::-:;ieted A~;:lical:cn fcr C,:a:mlr.a:iC:-: ',;:;:' ef Vested RiChls for APF, (he Growth Mana~gmenr Oir:::cr ane 1/':' CCUr.l'! A:torr.e'! s~all fl',;&','/ 1:"-'2' .,;:~ e'/;:alu;:ale lhe ap~llcalion in Iighl 01 all of Ihe c::leria in SiC. 3.2.3. i. :astY.1 on Ih. r....le'.'l an: ril.e!::c:'!. i~' ""'~ Growth Manac;ement DireCler ar.d the COUr.I'( AI:':I":'::'( !:'.cil pre;:a:, a Vlri::., ree:mtr.fnC!::cn :: :~! ' <~: Hearing Ct:icar Ihat Ihe applicalion should to! der:ie~. ~:a::r5C cr ~:3.~:ed wi:l'1 conc::!ons by :::. ~i!3r;r.,; , Officer. Such recommendarion shall inC!uCa lir.cin~s of :..c: fer cae:'! of the criteria ast!tlis~=: in Sa.:. 8,2.6. i 10 Ihe extenl lhat infor~lion is presenled or etlained cr :nc:.:s:on is fusiele or 2!:ciic3::.. If :~i GroV/th ~,Ianagemenl Director 2ndlhe Coun:,! Atocrr.e,! C!~::! based cn the r,.Iie','1 ar.c r,a!l:at!cn :hat ::-:. .A.pplicC!i:cn fer Determinalion of Vested F.i~hls fer ;'.?F so clazrl'l s:-.ould ta ~ran:i~ cr ~:!:::i~ ....i:~ . Condillens. Ihen the,! ma'l enter inlo a written S;ipt.1a;e~ C4!armir.at:cn 01 Ves;e~ ;;i~hts fer ,".?F 'IIili'1 :~a oYln~r. in lieu of Ihe wrinen recommendatien 10 Ihe Hearing C~icer and lhe ;:rovls;cns in SeeJ. 8.2.g..:. 6.2.6,5 ar.d HOY/eo/er. any such Slipt.1ated C9terrr.ir.atlcn snail be in Ylr;(;r:g. sj~r.e= by :;:1 G:~.'.~l1 ~Janager;.enl Direclor. the Count'! Altome,! ar.d the c.....ro2r. ar.c: s:-.atl ir.clude tir.cin~s cr fa:: ta!=~ en t::a crileria es:aclished in Sec. 8.2.a.7. cenclusions ot law fer such c:::s:iJ. and ll':a determir..1t:cn ,:am~~ C;' granllng .....ilh COnditior.s, In whole or In part. the ves:ed r!;ro:s fer aCI~uale pu::;ic fac~iiles. , ;,~, ir ,:;g ~',...- /;1 fi;: '.... l} ....~.'l' ..~ "1" >,~:~r " }~;./';~~~;. " "'~.,- , ..:\f:;~f ,,:~ <~ ;-)!t. /')~' .:~( : -3c ,::f.;, .)t, ',".',~:!, ~ .r,..:,.- R 'Ii,,'N rod D lermin :j"n f Va : ,. RI hi l' I rmln tI"n' rA;:F ., Hearinc Otficer. Upon recei~t by Ihe Hearir.~ Officer ct :;:, ~;:;:lica.j~:'I for Cetf::::lr.a:lcn ef '/lu:;: ~;,:":! for A?F ar.c Ihe 'Nrirten recommendation of :t:e GrO'...~h ~.la~z;emen; :ire~tcr ar.: the Cc:::~:-( A::::;:,.!. t~t Hearing Officer shall hold a pUblic hearing en Ihe a~~lica:!~n. ).: tt:. hUrlng, tt:. Ht1rin~ CHk:.;, s:-a;: :3lo'. evidence arid $'o'Iorn lestimony In re~ard 10 Ihe crilerla sa: fe:::' In St~ 3.2.8. i. a::d shall fCile.,., :~I n:!u ef procedure sel forth in Sec. 120.Si(l)(b), 4.6. i. ar.d 8. r.a. S:cL. ar.d Si~ 120.:c(:)(a),(c) ar.d (0, F:a. S:c:.. and Sec. 120.58(1)(b). Fla. Slat, only to the extent :i"o2: ;he Hear.::g Officer Is .mpO'll!rl~ :a $'0"192;' wilness&s 2nd lake testimony under oath. Tile Hearinc; C~:Cer shail feilow lhe procecures ~s:a:;!sh!d fer adminlSlralivg hearings in Rules 221.6.009. 6.0 t 7. 6,04:0. 6,QZ2. 6.023. e.024. 6.02:. 6.02i, ar.~ 6.~~:. i=ier:ca Adminis:ra:ive Code I1xcel=; as e;.pressly set forth here!n. ih! pa::::s befoft the He!rlr:~ Cff::ar sha:1 include the Cour.ty. the owner or applicant. 2nd the ;:l:t:i:c. T!!s::r;.cny shall be limited to :l':t ma:ti:S direclly relating 10 Ihe standards set forth in Sac. 8.2.3.i. 'j;:e Ccunt.! Aitorney si".al1 re~reSinllt:t Ccur.t.!. shall allend the pUblic hearing. and sMail offer such eo/~5~ce as is re!!'/anl to Ihe prcce!~ings. i::e ~wn!:' of Ihe property and its authorized agenlS. ma,! of:ar s~ch e';.cince at the public /':uring 25 is re15'.'!;,\1 :0 ':-:9 proceedings and crileria. Tile order of presentalien t:elore :ha Hea:lri; OffICer allhe ~ubl/c hUfr" sr.a:1 be as follows: t) the County's summary of Ihe ap~lica,:en. 'II(i"a:1 re~cmm.~a:lon. 'IIitnesses a:-.d ether _ evidence: 2) owner or applicant witnesses and eolidence: J) public witnesses 2r.d evidence: 4)' C;::UMt,/ ' rebull;:al, it any: and 5} applicant rebuttal. if any., ,. . .-~ Issuance of Vl!sted Richls Detlrm/nallon for APF b', H9arlnc:(,mctr.";.~ Wilhln lifteen (15) working cays after the Coml=lelion cf the ~ut:llc heanng under Sec.,:::' ,Hf2rfr:;';~,tU~ Officer shall consider lhe AppliC3t1on for Determination cf Vas:e~ F.i~hts for APF, the reeommenda:lc:n of the' ;. '. .;. ::F~ Growth Management Director and the County Attorney. ar.cJ the 9'lidence and tesllmony prgSen:i~ at t.~a . '>';'1" ': public hearing. in light of all of Ihe e:iteria SEt forth in Sllc. ar.d shall d.ny. ;rar.t. or;ral'll with '" < condition:; the Application for Delermination ot '1ested Ri~h:s fer ,l.?F le: the prOP&!lY or i=ro~enrlS at !3sue. " ;;;,,~'.~, . The determinalion shull be in writing and shalllnclt;<:e lir.c:n,s or rac: ror each of lhe ap;:licat:I. c:ilEr.a}:. \,,; , t6 '.);e~j~",:'F!i.{~tx;~t " ..-- . ~." ~:~-'j'- .:.: l}/,~"!"~ .~, ~~'1:' ~. ~., -":;,.;.. 'of ~^:-~ . 8.3.1 General. :.7UJIa I, , ~., . -:," ~,.:~_t~:;;~::rr.:-~~~~ . ",..~.~-~",., ~~d/7;._" .~.~ . _' < ".~' ,.;;..d~~,~~~r.l estab!iShed In Sec. ccnclus!cns of raw for each of such crireria. ar.d a deremilnariCr(~i~ n~.,. granllng. or granling wilh CCndilions. in whole or In part. Ihe vested rj~hlS for adec;t;all public fac~iU.s..~, ';\f;, #' . ".,:,' -~\. j, -..:/';',:;.... ' Aooeallo the Board of Count., Commlnlonfrs. Within Ihirty (30' days", after issuance of Ihe Hearing Office(s wrirten delermination of vested ri~hts fer ,\;:F. the County'\::orne,/. the GroVlth Management Oireclor, or Ihe owner or ils aUlhcrized ar.crney or agenl. may ap~eal Ihe delerminalion of vested righls for ~F ef Ihe Hearing C~icer 10 the Scard of Counrl Commissioners. A fet for Ihe applicalion and processing of an owner.lnitiallY.! appeal shall b. esrat:lIshed al a ra!e Sfl by Ih, Board of Counry Commissloners frem rime 10 lime and shall 1:, c:-.ar;ed 10 and ~aid by Ih. owner or lIS, ' aUlhoriZ!!d agen!. The Board of Ccunry Commlss:oners s:,all a~o;:llhe He3ring C~lcer's ~etem:ir.a:ion of vested righls for APF. with. or vrirhour mcdifica:ions cr ccr.cirlons. or relec: Ihe Hearing C!':icer's dererminalion of v~5led righrs for '\;:::. The cccrd cf C::unry CcmmiS3:oners shail nOI te aur"cr::!~ 10 ' mcdify or rejecI Ihe Hearing Cffic,er's ~!!erminallen of ':u:ed r:,l':rs fcr AFF c:rJess Ihe S::ard cf C"ur.ti' Commissioners finds lhat r:-.a Hearir-o Of.lcer's delermina::Cn is nct sr:ppor:~ by subs:an:ial Cor::pttenl ' evidence in Ihe rccorc1 of I~e Heaflng C~lcer's j:u::lic huting er ::-041 Ihl Hf1rin~ Cff!cer's ~etermir.a:jon cf vesled righlS for APF IS ccnuary I" rhe crir,rla fs:at:lisi'lc~ in S.e. e.2.S.i. ' Crileria for Vesle1 Riohrs, Th:s seeticn is inrer.ded 10 s:tic!!y a:~!re 10 . and imp/emen! exisling case law ar.a s:alulcry la'll as ;;:ey re!a:a 10 Ihe doc::ine 0' ves:e~ ri,~:s and equilable es:oppel as apj:;/iad 10 a local governmenl exerc:sln, ilS 2urhoriry ar.d powers in ZOr.i::C.lh. provision Of adequare put:lic faedilies concurtenr with ~r't!or:r::!nr (ccr:currenc"l). arod related ma::.~" It' Is Ih, express inrent 01 COIlllr Cour.ty ro rec;clre a;::::lica:icn of Ir:e J:ro.,ls!ons of tnlS Crdlnance :0 as mcch de'/elcpmenl and property In rhe ur.incorpOra!e1 ar!!s cf the Cccnry as Is legany r:ossible withol.:r Vidal/no rhe legally vesled righrs which rhe owner may ha':e ot:rair.e~ in ac::=:~ar.c. '/Iilh Fiorida common la'll and s:aIUIO,., law, particularly Sec. 163.3167(8), Flcri<:a S:alL'tes. The c:irerla herein prC'lide~ s?-.all be, . . considered in rendering a ves:cd r~hts de!ermir.a!lon ur.cer Ihis section. Ills Imtnded Ihar each .case be : >),; decided on a C3se by case fac:ual anal'lSis. An owr.~r shall ~e er:t:;:ed 10 a ~osilive determination of 'listed' }~~"i!t ri~hls for APF only if he demcns:raras ~y sut:s:anlial cor.-:;:a:ent .'J/d.r.c:a rhal he Is entllled to cem;::!!t. hIS:.:(:'".,ii}... developmenl wilhol.:r re~ar~ 10 It:e cl~er"/isa a:::lic:!::!e prC'IIs/ens cf Ihis Or~ir.anC9 base':! en the!., '.;-1': provisicns cf Sec. 163,316i{Sl. F1crlC.'! S:a:u:~s. cr ail :~:a! cf tl':e !cllC'..Iir:~ :e~trirem!n:s cf :hg th:n.:::a:: ,i "ti': leSI uneer Fiorida common Ii'N: , '::/:'~(, , 1) Upon some act or omissicn cf the COl:r.ry.~) a ;::cj:er.'! c..mer relying in ~ocd !alth. 3"'''~~P:?.I:,,'i has made such a sc::s:anlial c~nc;;e in l=os:::cn cr has ir.::~rrf~ s\:ch exans~"1 oi:Ii~!rlOr.Si' ' ',['A< r. and expenses Ihat il wculd be hj~rJy ineCjt:ltatle a:-od ur.jcs: 10 ~es::oy cr., riChls aC~Ulrr.f'~;~"'S~~~i~/ ;' ~;:'./ ~I';:" ., ,';,"~:'-,;,t.,~ I.lmillllion on O!!ermlnallon of Veslfd Rlohts for APF. A Oeie~.!r.atlon><~,~~:;~:t of Vested RiC;;hlS for APF which granlS an ap;:::c!tlcn for ci:frmir.aticn of '/es:ed rk;h:s for A?F st.an ~:<plra: .;'}I>j:'iJ;\ and be nl.:1I and void unless ccns:ruc:icn is ccmmenced purs~nr 10 a llnal drll!opmanton::.r.flnati' >";., subdivision pial. or linaJ sila de',efopment J:lan. wirhin r'.'IO (2) years a~ar Ihe Issuance of Ihe deterrnir.atlon t':.;;".\;, : cf vested righls for APF u~cr rhis Sac. 8.2.8. cr unless s~::s:3ntI1l perr.-.anenr bt;Udlr"s have b'ln~or 1:8 .;1 being cons:ructed or ins:alle-j pcrsuanr :0 a '/alie!. unex~irE~. !lnal ~a'Jelopmlnl or~er of Collier CoUnt1'11ilhln.-:ji 1'110 (2) years after Issuance cf rhe C:etarmina:ion of ves:c~ tights fer ;':?F ur.der this Sac. 8.2.8., ar.d such /1; de'lelopmenl pursuant 10 a fir.al de-/e!cJ:men: crder. final sc:cMs!on pial, fir.al slit ~9'/elopm.nq:l.a n. .fir.3I.'.. ............I'.^...'.'.I., ...:........ subdivision maSler plan. or j:lanned unir davelopmenr r:-04s:er plan Is cOnllnuing In oeed failh.The. .:-:- . aforemenlioned CWo (2) year lime Ilmilalion on Ihe ~et~rminalicn of veste~ rlghls for APF shan be s:ayed':.' during any lime periods ."ilhin which ccmmencement of ccns::uc:lon pursuanllO a final dl"e!opment croer, . ,,',:? final sut:divislon plal. or final s:re de-/e/cj:menl plan Is p:chi!::iled or ~efer:ed by the Coun~ sclery as a rest;!t ..0;. of lack of adequale public fac:lilies ro SErve rhe prcpert,/. j:l:rsua~t to Ihis Or~lnance. ". ::;; 8.3 Cer1l11care or Public Facilitv Adeouac',. .."'.~ c~.}. .. , . I.' ~ After Ihe etfec:r/e date cf Ihis Cr~inance. a valid, unexplre~ Certificate 01/'\'.<:, PublIc FacUily Adequacl shall be obra/ned ar the filing fer Ihe earliest or "eXl tooc:ur of ftnaIsubdMsicn.{;t:~j , '~:,:}}..r;}..';::;>y~~:WSAj!. 17 rlJ~' ~~!;/;f.-^ -~ ~-q;:> : ~~.'<.: 'fA"" C ~H.' 4.f;~ ".t~:'i. ~-'.:;f.;' b"~~~_ . ~L ~"~' 7:;::1-:' ~~.' ~i;'. ~;,.;;-_.. ~.' , ~;' .'':f-(.., J:r.:.;~ .;",.' #:~:':' . ~'..':',. ....... .I:t.',-. ., rl; .~ 0G .~ /j ~~: ~0:'::' ~~;.r ., /tt~,. :.n';, ;;.",:,,~:, , ~, ~,/" 5'.'! t~',;::-_. ~~... 18 .,::; f,1.~,.i.~;?'T,~:.;Jt~t~ plat. final site development plan or tuiding permit: provided. howe'ler. ,n., dt'/lfopmenc ct .ts,'iXe. , final local development order may be approved or Issued provided they are ex~r.ssry eendillc:i"id on the Issuance of a CertifiCCJle of Public Fac:litj' Adec;uac., prior to bUilding pennie a;:f)roval ar.d provided eh. owner and applicant proceed al!heir ovm risk ar.d expresS:y waive ar.d releas, the COWly In '/Irilln;frcm ..'. '. . any and all Mure ctaims of vested r~hlS and eql;itable estoppel tlsulling from sUCh,eond~Io~:~F;:~~aI)@'r*'J ' or aellons relying thoreon. . .;"i;".f,~""."'.b." . . ~1;:;~-/!._~)t: ~',,/t~: \, Ae the ap~lcant's requesL the County shan rrAe'llar.d a~:::Ibo"'~a~ptoV' wilh COnditions. or deny. an A~icalion for a Certifl.cat' of Public Fac!lily ~ec;uac.,t1rlo~lo~lhe considerallon of an Applicalion fOt Or,elopment Approval for any dr/elopmene or~er n..~.~ !or a pre;:oSld ,~trA~ developmenl prior to receipl cf a final su~ivjslon ~Ial approval. final site drll!cptT:ent~lan .pprc':al. or..;,;,]' buading permil approval.; \"./z O;,:.:.t.~.i"; <:"~~:~;;;' ~,.:';-:5"Yf.;(~ Wher.II':, propose~ ~r'ercpmentl':as teen issl:e~ final Sl:t:divis:cn pfafY!;~:1., . ' a~proval or final sila de-,efop:r.enl J:!an al=~rcval prior 10 Il':e etfec:ive dale cf Ihis Cr=!r.an~e. a Car::Ii~te" "..., ~~t of Public Facilily Adequac/ shall be cClair.cd prior to.approval of lhe next da';e!cpmenl cr::.r ret;u!reo for,.;.i:~ 'he ploposad d_OP-::.,.. Ji eppb~e ;opec: f"s erA ~f$lemd_opmenl t..s f;~~~~1:~t1~jl shall t:g paid 10 Ihe Counly in Ihe amcunt eSiimaled 10 be due upen Issuance of the final fcC31 drle!c;:merit ,... '..'C" order(s) ror lhe de-,elopmenr upon cr J:ricr 10 issl2r.ci! of a Cer:if:cale cf Public rac!ilty ~.di!Gt:ac't' fer the :,,;'!~ development The payment of the Uiir.-.a:ad imJ:act and s.{Stem d",elopment tats ,shaill:. ap~lil~ as a "y':Y. . c~edillowards Ihe impact and sys:em dl',elopment faes ca!cufaled and due upon IS~C3:'1C8 of the ~na1 lccal :/;4:~ developmenl order(s) for the de-/e!op:menr. ,Such fees shail t:e olher\'Ase ~a!d in 2cccr~3nct\..;t:' Ihe:~'b',: appJicable impact fee or system de-/e!opmer.t fl! ordinar.ca. and st'.aII be retunea!:!. ,:t:rst:2rit'tosuch:, ordinances only upon expira:icn of the Ccr.lfiC21! c;,f Pubfic racililY ~aquaC", fer lhat dl':6!c;:mer.L,".<it;" ',:, ~~';.,:';- -.}- ~"~:',:f'"~:;.~ 8.:1.2 Rules of General Acolicabilil', for Cer1if1c:Jle of Public F3cilit"Ad!~uac".;.:;<J;':~ ~, ,', ~:;*;~/:::,:>".~ .;:: '.\<?;<'~t::'~ .' Timinq. An AJ:~icatlcn !cr a Cartlficata of Pt:~!ic Fo1:3i:-, ,1~t&.:~e-I.::-"1.i~~' be submilted at any time. subjec: 10 S.~. 8.3. U. . . .; ,;;j~,~,} <: ;'~ :j: . " . ._:'_,'~';}~f-~'-"::l.-:: ;j::f; :.'~.: /:""'" 8.:1.2.2 Consolidaled Aoolicalion. A buildir~ permit. final st:~cMs;on'~ial cr. flnci:~;f., . ,,: sile development plan shaD r!ceio'e lir.cl approval Only 10 ihe extent to whlc:' th. prc;::eSI~ de'19lcem,nt':;'r.,r receives a Certiricate of Put:!ic FaciJily Ac:!eC;U2C!. The Applicatlcn for a C.::ifieaI9cf ;:U~Iic,rac:JityC,!\,? Adequacy may be submilled wilh an ;'~~ic3Iion fer Oa',elct:ment Ap~rO"/al. v;he:e 2;:s:re;:rlat'l:~er. this ;tfi.;.t;,( . Ordinance. , "};1(f:riJA;~:':.~{}1kf$1 ASsicnabilil', and Trans!erabilit.,. A Certiricaltcf ;:ti~lIc Fa':9ily,l.de;caCO/r~':~ shall run wilh Ihe land. shall be assi~nat:l. within a propOSi~ d..,.lopmenr. ar.d sr.all roct bt ass!~r.a~~ c~:;~~ 101 rransferablc to olher development.,:'::;'I:;.";' ;"':;,'" 'C . . ,',.f :f:::f~~~X;:: Exoira:!on. A Cer.mca:e of Public Fadily Adequacol shaU IxpiteU"....(3) years,,',,:,s;; rrom the dale of ils approval excepllo Ihe extant that buiding parmits ha'le bet" iSsl:edfor Ih.'p~o;:osld.8;'~~' development for which the Cer;irica:e is approved. anclthe proposad dl'/elo;;ment Is than"C(:InS::eted,,/' '~.:', i pursuantlo Ihe terms ollhe Collier COl:nly 6uiding Code. provided: . ":;.;-:::&(~)'~'/';:,,,', ,,'~:'; For development comprised of more lhan five hundred (500J:":i'~;~'!<: residenlial dwelling units. or for a phased incremenl of d8'/e!opment comprised of mere than OtIi, hUr.dred;,~:;.'.~ ~ and fifty (ISO) residenlial dwelling unilS. or for a ccmmerc:al/indus:rlaJ dl'l8lopment of mera thanJCo().CoQ(),1~t'.;:t square feet of gross leaS3b1e area. a C.nifica,e of Public Fac9ity Adec;uacol shan expire rlVI:(5jyearsJrom,;'>::;::" Ihe dale 01 ils approval exCg~t 10 Ihe e:<:enl lhal buifding permits ha'le been Issue~roilh.,pro;::OS,ed:;t.../:.j de',elopmenl for which Ihe Cenilicale Is approved. and Ihe proposed development Is Iht., ~Ornl=ret,d../;,:{" pursuant to the lerms of !he Collier Counly 6uifding Cooe. provided the cenlrtcala hoId,er:{k;\'\, """,>,,:,<""": ." (:.. 't'.-, .. ,~._.,; /. ;'."" ;:;,~J!~; ~,.;;:" ..,.."',-,' ., - "~\ Iq~. ,'-" . "\'~""~ , , ~ (", i}!: a:>!',~ ~;... tl(~ tiJ.. I ~~i" " ;...'....'.. ",;::;>;;' rf,,,,~'t :f" . I'.~-, ~ ~',1'": r.;':, t, r~:" f".'.,~ ~'~':.'.".:..'.'" ..-.'.....' ..:... ~;:; i';t ~". ,'! . ~<' fJ-.I, t\_;, ~/~' ':f; ;~. 'X. . ~~.:.,(", ?fi:~.:~. , ~,.,1"'/, ir: ~.:., Obtains appro.,al 01 Its Final Sut:dMslcn PI.far.e rlna ;~:,.. Sile Development Plan. whichever Is ap,:licat:le. wilhin Iwelve (12) months rrom th' dall or ISluanc. 01 the, .~,:' Certillcate or Public Facility Adequ<1C'/: and . ~ :'or; ~ '.,. " _-., ' ._~~~~~','J '~>~'~:~;.>":.- Ccmmences cons:tUctloncf the Inlras:n.ictura'!:"th.~;c.: Final Subdivision Plat and Final Site Development Plan. whlch,.,er Is a~J:flcatll. within :'''I'nty.fc~r(2':)/;>-:: months rrom the date or issuance 01 the Car.ifieale 01 Public Fac:Jity Adec;uacy: arod . . ...;.'j'~ . '" " ' .\'<;\;:~. Com;:letes :I':e ccns:ructlon of the Inlras::uc:t:r, ~cr the ..,~I';'1'!\ Final Subdivision Plat and Final Site Dl'/elc;:ment Plan. which../er Is appllcal:l.. ar.d rl~:r~s th..Final\J;;\ Subdivision Plat In the public recOtds 01 Ccllier County. if appJjc3~:e. within thirty. six (30) mcnlhs 1::1':\ thl<,,~:~~-; dale of Issuance or the CertifICate of Public Fac3it'l Adec;uC!ci'. ' )~'~'\<~. . ., ..on. Fer purposes of dEte~rnin!r.9 the ex;:!r:t:icn of a CS;'i!!::1:a cf '. /::~I~' . Public F<lC~ily Adequ:;cy t"r a mix~ use ct'/e!opment. :he slu 01 the mixed use cr/e!c:r::ent S:-4:' t:"':"';",:,~ ; determined by aggregating Ihe per~enta~e ct :he Ihreshcld tor each larod use cem;:ener.c Ic!.n :i.f Ie =. ....:.'. ::."~e....;:.i.,..:.::..~....,:,:t..:.~., ", lhat is proposed tor the mIxed usa cf'lelopment. , '" ',.. .;' :':.. /;'~':;;}!f ' ',-,:;"~--~-,", <~'-'-.~~..:-'.:,fif'~~ Issuance of a C~rtjficate 01 Public Fa::3ity ':~e~uaC"/, shali',/'z' ~'~;'~"" < demons:r3te proer of adequare Put:lic Fac:Jilias :0 ser'e tl':e de'/elo~menf appr~fd In th, da'lelc;:rnanf~:;',,;f,:J~ : oreer, Subject 10 the cOndillons in the dl'/elcpment creer. A subsec;uent ApJ:lication tcr Dl'/elc:rnent!.:;~;:;i'~% Approval lefr de'lelepment a~prO'led in a de'lelopmer.t order ler Which a Car.lf!c3ta ef ?l:!:lIcF3eait'/.,?r<,~ .Adequac'/ has been approved shall be de:ifmined '0 ha'/e 2Cfc;uat' Public Facmdes IS lcng;;u ,lht~')~r~O:'i;tl Certificate or Public Faciily AdeQuac,! is valid a:'.d unex;:ired. When a Car.ilica:e of Putlic Facgit'l Ad.~ac.I.~i~::;'~ expires. any subsequent APl=li~tiCn tor Develcpment '\~prO'lal shall r2~lre a new Car.,~lcate ef ;:~I:lic'y i<~ Facility Adequ2C'/to be issued pursuant fO troe terms cf this sac:ion s:rior to a::crcM!1 01 a..../ S:Jt!l~:J9nt ' : <~ . dc"elopment order tor the proposed de',elcl=ment. , .' ;<'J .' :,<;: .,;'j' . . AnY:hi~Q in :t:is Ordinance to the con:rarl no:,...;ths:ar:~ir.~: a:l C.7r::r:::I:u,:Au'W'''' of Pul:llc Fac:hly Adequacy a~oroved cr Issue: trom the oa:, thatth. GrC'Nth Mana;.ment Cltl'::cr r':'UtS.';;Ff,~~~, lhe AU'" to lhe public throcc;;h the da:e that tl':, 2::1=:0'/8: boun~ar!as and :h, Anr.l.I11 r.1S:CC!1 Ca:ac::,/ ir!p$~~:, Allotmenls ror each ASI become effie:i'le sh!:1 t:e ex;:r:ssly ccnditior:ed upon an,! ar.c 1:' ras:r!::!:ns. ': :}'~:~! IImilatlons, previsions. bour.ciarles <1r.c al/clme:'::s adopt~d ='1 t~e Soard cf Ccc.:nt'l C':r.':mlS!:cr:!!~S ;:~~!:::!r.:' .'~:\; to Sec. 7.4.3. ',' .".. ,}!. , ,.",;......'..,.,:. . ~!. -: 8.3.3 rr t t 0 'lei ment A re"m nl In ni n !i "\'Iilh rti I !I(::. Ii>;:~;.:~ .f.;!~i1i1'1 Ad,:ouacv. Upon a;::prQ'jal by lh. Ecatd 01 Ccur.ty Ccmmissicners. any IPI="car.: ~a'l er.:':'ln:a',;':~[,;.~J. <1 Oe'lelopmer,( A~reement 'IIilh Cellier COl.:r.t'l pursuant to the previsions 01 Sectlcn 1E3.322~.32':2.::.:e.r'.da.'.,.,.,.,>;.;;;..,. ..,.....'.;.\1.' Slalutes (1939), in CO'ljunct!cn 'IIch the apprc'IaI 01 a de'/e!o~menl order and/or a Cc~cate olr.::t:lie,j/,..;.;;it Facility Ade~uacy. The eifvc: ef t~e Ce'/elo~:-:1ent :'~ra!!ment st-.all be to bind the panies ;:ursuar.l :0 u'a.:::~~~.,:~;'tl~' terms and ccnditions of the Development A~r=emant and :he Cer.meare cf Publie Fac3ity ,4.df~uaC'itn:rde~,<i;;;:.((j:~ to insure t~at adequate Public Faciities ara a'laUable to selVe the ,PropOSed dl'/elcpm.,.enl cencu,rre. r.~..f'/ithr~;.:"'.:.':;'i:'~.~~.~... ". when the Impacls of the dO'/slopmenl oc::ur on lhe P~l:lIc FacUlties. O.'lIlcpmtnl A~:"men:s may;."".:; .:,' address conditional development order a~r:revals arod c::nditlcns for renewal of the Cer.lflca:a 'ol;:t:t:lie,'~::~~: :.,}:. Facility Adec;uacy beyond rIVe (5) years. hC'o'/e'/er. Ihe duration 01 any CertifiC3tl of Public Fac3ity Ade...~uaC'/, '."'. "i. ,~..,';.'j: shall not exceed rIVe (5) years. Development A~raements may also provide lor private pre-Aston 'of~ut:lIc, .~;~:;::<~ lac!lilies or for a joint andea'lor between rhe ~rivale sec:or and Collier County to provide s:ubllcJaC,!lltles. ....:".;.:: Any Public Facility In the Five (5) Year Sche'::!1.1e or Capilallmprovements In the CIE on Y/hlch,'s:.:cha,::~;,': /:;'(1;7;, Cenilic31e 01 Adequate Public Facililles Is m<1ee In ccnjur:c:ion with the approval of a dlVefopr::tnt Or~trand;t.~.\ a Development Agreement shall nOI be da!a'led. deferred. or remO'led rrom the Five (5)Yt3tS~.t.!~t.1e al ~~:/:;,'~~ Improvements in the ClEo ., .,::~'i;"'ii"'~"~::~;i::t:~:.:,,;;..I,. 8.3.4 P'oc,~u,. fo, R,""w of '00IlC'"0".t2~~';s~ii~;,~~ " SIJbmlsslon 01 Aoollc3tlon and Fee. An Application for aC;rtlnca:e.:ot ' Public F<1Cilily Adequ01CY shall be submitted to t~a GrO-.'.1n Mana~ament Cltector:Anappllddan ..& 'Y; ;-. , '''--i};?fJ;;:,.,,:~, . ..,~.$<'~._>;...~<".~,.~...'''.~~,;, ',' 1" I<.~.' ,,'_,'_'0 . ~...f ,.~;...,:'.:'_.' /:,-;., ''I"'' . f':';' " ~ '~<}~::; I ".<f'" ~;' t:.;,. ' "e '~., ....., 20 l.,. .. '" . ,;;: <:J;'~?or;+:;,','.;f~t Jun a, .,1110'~i:':->;,."i .>. :.,..,:,.:\~,i' ..;t'~c~;~i~:~~:~:, .''', _"._~:r; '.;.,~->;:':.l.:,'t,;,= ~ .-:.:.: submitted at the ming of lhe earliesl or next to occ~r of final sut:divlslon pat. rina', sk"d..!.lo~r;n~nr,?,".'. or building permit. An application fet In an amount to t. dlttrmlnr.fbYthl,Bcarct of.County" "-_ Commissioners shall accom~altl and t:e ~al1 of the ac~licallon. Ixce;3t thac no appllcallon fee shan be',.~:-::,r;~.. ~ required ror an Applicalion ef Public Fac:rily Adec:uacy sc.:t:mir.ed in ccnjunc:IC:1 wilh an a;:plicatlcn for a, " .. ,'::;~ final subdivision pial. a final sile development pan. or a t:uUcing permlL , : ,'",; , ,.:, ':''f'J. i.3.4.2 A oollcalion Conrenrs. The form and cencenrs for the AP~11c3tlon'id~<i'Ubir~;i~f~~~:';fl' , Facilily Adequac'/ shall b, IIlabllsh.d by the Growtn Manlc.ment Clrec:tcr ar.d lhall b. put:"I.~I.d .nd.,~~~; 1lI4d. a.anabl. 10 'ho gan.," PUblic. , . ;;"" ' <<',';'?'t 8.:1.4.3 Oelermina:lon' of Comoleleness and Review. Atter r"~81pc cf an .:/J,~~ Appllcalion ror Ceniricale of Public Fac3ily Ac:equaC'/. ll':e GrO'/.';h Managemer.c Olrac:cr shall detarmine,,': .j/~ whelher it Is complele wilhin len (10) days. If it is datermir.ed thar :~e 2p~icaticn Is no: ccmJ:fet.,.Written. :..;~.~,:..,.'..' ;."..;1..,. '. nolice shall be served on the 2ppficar.t s;:ec:fyinc;; lhe :e!ic!enc:es. in. Growth Mana~emer:t Clrac:crS~I' !:;~~!; "~~ ' take no rur;her aclion ~n lh.. a;;:licalion urJess the deflc:er.c!es are remedied. ''-..thin twenty (20) da'ls 2fter ". ,.,', ") , Ihe applicaticn is derermin~ 10 be com~'ele. l:':e GrC'''.1:' Mar.a~er::ent C!rec:cr shall ra'/Iew ar:d ,ram, ~rant .::~ wilh condilions, or deny eac;, Put:lic Fac~j:'1 cor::;::cr.er.: In Ihe a;;:/ic3110n r:ursuant ro th, S:a::':3rdS ':n. cSlablishcc in Sec. 8.3.5. . ". ,; . """}," 't . , " '.', -""', ".i'".r':.~:kf>.'.~'~""-"::;~'f.J~; Agaeal 10 Public FacilirlCls Qelermlnarlon ADerra' Commllt.t;~;'.'Illhllfi'; Ihlrty (30) dAYS elt., Issu,ne. of lhl d.l.tmlr.lllon of U~. Grc,'o\1n M.na,.m.nl CIr.c:tcr on ml AJ:~I'Clllon'1~~ lot a C.!r1111C:lIO of Public Fadity Adec;uac./.the aJ:J:fica::t rr.ay a~ptalthe d.ttrminallon of th.G~cw1h:;"'"; " Management Director on lhe A~P/icallen ror a Cerrif:ca:e cf i'ul:lic Fac:lil'l Adel:;t:3co/to lhe Fut:llc Fa:~llIes '?ft Dele,m'na"on Appeal eonur'.et. A feD fer.'. ap"'Ica:ic:n aroC prcc"''''.g cI an a::pl" .hanl:a 's:a!:l~"ed , ".' '~.~..' al a rale set by lhe Soard of Ccl:t1ly Commiss!oners f:cm :i:r:e to tim, a:-.d shad Cf char,~ ro ar.d ~a!d b'l /~ . 'h. applicant. Th. Public Facl~l.. D".""'na'ic:n App." CcmtrJr... ~..aJl hold . '..aring on :1;, acp... and>" ......).,;1;. . shall consiCer the determination of the Growth Mana~err.enr Ciree:cr .rod pUblic :astimony in li~h: cf ail the ,;'!"';;'~ crileria set rorth in Sec. 8.3.501 lhis Orc!nanC!. The ?utlic Fac!lilias Cfterminadcn Appeal C"rr.mltt!! shall' .rot/.; adopllhe Growth Management Direc:or's C:e!errninalion en the Ap~lIcatlcn ler a CilrtiflC3l. of Ful:lle F1::llry ,i~' Adequacy wilh or without modiflca:icns cr cor.cilicns. er rej.e: lh, GrOV.1" Mana,emtne .Clrt::cr'S,: "r, < delermination. The Public Fac:lilies Oe!ermir.aticn "'~;:ul C~mmlC:" s~all nee ~t authcrl%t~ ro mc:::", cr::...:,;..;;,..~ rejecr t,he GrOY"h Man.1vemenr Olrec:cr's C:a:.rminatlcn c.:rJess l~' Pl:tllc Fac9::I,s Cet,rrr.lr.atlcn ~:;UI:~~k~' Commlllee IInds INlI Iho da:lIrITJnarlcn Is roc: slJ::::er.l~ ~!' sc.:!:s:ar.:/aI c::mj:I:.nc .'~.r.C' CtCl".J: Chlj/~.~~,:: Growth Mana{jemenl Olr.c:c:'s determlnaUcn Is c:.ntrar/IC thi crl:,r'.a tstat:ished In 5:1:. B.3.! t~ tl':ls,fi?'\;;. .~ Ordinance. ihe decision of lhe Put:lic Fzc3il:es Oiterr::ir.a:;cn ;'~~eal Ccr:unit:u shan Ir.c!t:cl flr.c!r.;3 cf. ,~i;'::'V'1 lact ror each of lhe criteria. , 'i), '. ,.<~,,::.:.,4~' , . .) . i.~/t,~~.{~~p,*~~}\~.::;~j)~~A..': - -, ,Mafc..uo of Public Facillllu Otl.rmlnatfon Aooul Ccmmlttu....:rn. Public FacSilles Oelormlna:!cn A~ceal Comml::ee shall t:t ccm!:rlsa~ cf thrtt (3) members:;, an Assls:ant 10 the Cour.l'l Manager: Metro~ilan Plannin; Or;aniza;lcr. (l.~PO) Cccrcinatcr. cr his deSl~r.~;:;ar.:: thl Project Review Ser/ices Mana~ir. or his des:<;:;ee. , .::,.'~'~~,/ '... ~:, " i ~ .'..;', .:' -. _.. .....:~. 8.3.5 .standard:> ror Re'/Iew 01 Acollc3licn. Tni fc:rc'lllr.g s:arodards s.'tan ~Iusac!n th....; delerminallon or whelher to ~r2nl. granl wilh cendilions. cr deny I C'l1i1leall cf i'ubllcFlc5ity, Ad.~.:ac'l~;~' Boloro Issuance 01 a Certificate of Putllc Fac:lit'l A~'tit;ac,/. II':, 1;:~11c21Ion sl".all futfh' tt:,srar.dircsfct:,:. each PUblic Facilil'l componenl (Polab!e Wa.t:r, Sa.nitar/ Si'::er. S.::id Waste. Crair.a". Parks a:-.d Foea::s). ?~"" Porable \'Iarer Fac!lilles, ".:, , "",'l'~'tt . '.)',.,>..' - / .~,._:':t '. B.,lnnInOYlllh lhe Ir!.c:lvtdll. cfthl GrC'NthMiril I Implomonr.1l1on throu~h S'j:t.ml:C!r 30, IS9O:. thl Pelael, Water ccmpcr..ntshall ~. granrl~". ""r lollowlng conditions are met: .::(::~: ' 21 ,- ~. ~i''J. i"7 ~) "', " ~~il ' '\ ~"~i} . (~- ,',i,.;j:,'.,;',j,J"1 ; ,t,... 'i/;;,to.ii' ,. ,./ ~t: ;,~;rZ;4-.~ a. The rec:ufred ~l:bllc facUlties :.r. tn' C. " at I ~,., " buadino permit Is iSSUed. or a buiding ~ermit is issued sul:ject to a C:nditlon that the necessa?,,'a.cajUes/~ \WI be in place when the Impace of development occurs.". '.~:";;.:~!i~'2n(.,i":';';~'f"; .', _ _K.~' -:.~t_'/-;;;~~'ir:~~;7-,"'4~~\t!:i'1~1 ,- . . '.3.5,1,1.2 Th. required Put~1c F.C~fll~I.lr!.-;~;r'co.".r' . ., Iho Umo I buUdlng p.rmlt II 111U1d. , '~"( , :!'~*Yt~~? >-:. 't'-,..~r_'-~. -~('./~ ~"'i'</ ~ '.: The re~uired P~bIJc Fac:~ltles' ari thl sutiteefor'.;~ rl'f\', binding contract executed lor the construction 01 those P~t:lle F'e~It/1S Ie thl tlml a bu"~!ng ~.rmle,It .;;::.f)1 Issued. "....'. .::.,':.r:' ~ '. " ~'~' .;~; <~}~;:~'.~.-t,. --~- :.: .:,'_ orr~,.;'~,:.,~:j , '. Th, e:nSlruc:lcn 01 r'C;ufred Put:UC F,CDIIl.s h..:t:.., , InCludtd In tho County', Idc~t'd bud~'tlt thl 11m, I ~!.:Rdlng ::.rmlt Is Issued tv," lhcuC;h lh. .Ft:l:!ICr~(.. Flcdllles Ir. root yet the subj.c: 01 a I:ineing c~::trac: fer :~,Ir ecns:n:c:Jcn. \' , .,' i:~~';l~))./;,\'~' .. 8.:J.~.1.1.5 The c:nstn:c::en ':)f Ca~ltaJ Potable Water Fac:3il!es. ...' requir~ to accommodate the Impact cf cf'/e!cpmenr occ~::;r.O teter, Cc:oter I. IS9.a, Is SCh,,~"'{~d If.' 1~e;;'i~;J~ Counly S Schedule 01 Capital ImprOVlm.nlS prior. 10 Cc:ob.r 1, 'HO;, . The ": Schtduf. ,(' o',~C4:/fll :;..;.~:; Improvomonl. ShAll bo blltd on I rOlllslIc. financially f.u.bl. prcc;,am cf funding f:em .:clstlnai.'"nu. "t" sources and shall bo adopted as a pan ollh. GrOWth Mar.a~emenl ;::an. A I=Ian amendm.nr Is rec;ulred to ellminale. deter or delay cer:scruc:len of any 'Cate~cl"l A4 Pu~IIc Fae!!il.,ln the Schedufe 01 Ca~ltal Improvements which is needed :0 main:ain the aC:opted La"tl of S'l\Iice standard. The de'le!c;:ment crcer issued pl.:r~uanr to a Cenificat. cl Pul:lic Facility Adequaci' is expr.S3.'", cor.c:itional so that the dlvelecmene,.;; . orC:er shall be suspended and no lunher C:a",'ol=ment SN:I be C3r:i~ cut In the I'"ntlny of th'fcllcwlng, i:.>,::; . occur Wilhout a correspondir~ Growth Mana,ement Plan ,1,mer.dm.r:t: ' ; ';~/f }:';:,"';'71.':~:~; <'-,' ;'~;,~~ ":'-;':':1~~~.{: . 8.:,5.1 The ra~uired Capital P:tabl, Watar Fa~.~iU.s ..,..i,t.:. . are delayed. deterred. or removed Irom the adopted Sch~l."e 01 caPitallmprov... ". '. :m... i~r.t. s. . j.;~.;.~.~~~,..,'i7~k~;';'" " , , , , ". · ".., '''''Y''')~'f< -<1~t a.3.5.1. t.!.2 Ann\:11 fur.dln; Is lris\:ff!c!.nt:o rr.afnti!n th. Capllal Potat:le Water Faditlls Projec:s !n th, SC!':eduf. cf Ca~ital rmt:rov.menrs.':.(; ,'>~~; 'i\~.;~:~~;$': ',~,;:;::,., ..:," :~7:~ . ~~1.::1;~~,\: '.: C~ns::::C:lcnc' the re~Jfred C4;:.2I Pe'tltr'.~ Water lacility or lac3itles is ,..ot unee::!i<en in a~or:!:-.cl With the acel=ttdSch8~&;fl'C".:91";::aI'! Improvements. '.. ' .,: " ;{,;;;:.,;;,:~!,;" ,:', " ' ."'~ . '.3.5.1,1.S The ccnstn.'C::Cn of t.quitl'i/l',. ),C. ~ '. .~,." facHllles sche'Juled In the County'S Sche~ul8 of Capital hr.;:-ovemenrs ~r to Octot:it.1~ ,1gg4.:wm nct'tt:: delayed. deferred or rttmoved Irem the Capitallmpovemar.t E!ement if the fac3'ltles ha'" been rill.duj:crif,,:,,;:'; for the issuance 01 a development order...";.,, '''\",:i':~ ....-...~;.. .. ._-J '. ~~iJctlvt OC::Ct:lt 1, 1994. :h. ?O!I~f. Wat.r compon.~l'st.ltl.bt.:~i~' granted II any of the lollowino cOnditions at' met: . ' . "::{"~/: ~:,,:,?;~&},. , "!"',,~::. .'~-' ','" : -',\,~'::. \';'. 8.: Capil2/ Peta!:l. Ylat.r FacRitl.s ar,'n place to pre-lido the proposed development sl:ff:c:ent services basad on the LOS for Ca;;itar Potable Water Fae3ltles~ ar.d a . "<' commitment 01 capacity to se"'e the prcpesed deve/opmer:e has tun received from lhe.~otabl' YI~t.r ':-'~,/hc~:;' Syslem lhat wtll service the pre posed development: .:),:'i:;':~:'" ',',',' 'j,.~~::f~: " . ." .: ",'"?". ...Ai, " :. _'. ___{t.':.. ,_ '_,' , " ,?~ ~1,'.,'7h~' '.~. The Ca:ltal Potatl. Water Fae!lltles that yiiiij:r~I, th. .::~:\,' "':q~ proposed de'/elopment sufficient services ~ased en the LOS !or Ca~ital Potable Warer Fac3ities',rU:r~er >..~'./;~:r- construction. a commitment 01 capac:ty to serve the s::roposcd dt'/elopment upon. coml=tedc~,o,.}~,";T~'-' construction has been received Irom tha appropriate Petable Wat,r System. and eommericim.n(.:o";:-,,,:(;"'~'\,, construction of the propOSed dr,elopmentls COnditioned en the coms:letlon of the ,CapitaIPcfibf',Wit":,~,;~", F. I d d I ' . '.,r.,' . ',.... "'d'.,.~I'r. acUIUes to seN co the propos. eve opm,nt: ' ""..., ~~,. r:;~.:.,{.,.l':";.",:.'i.~:\,: . ..,~f1.~~:~f~il; '1 . ~~f~"" '~.l-. " \~i::: ~,',- " /....';.'. .,. . ~/, ~~'" ~~;, ~{:\;:\ f .,I( ,J .. '!"',",._,'~ :- .. ';l,;,i Ii!!. . , ~,~,,\ J ~? ,'1;1'" ,,~,~:(<J;:'".j ~ Y''';f :~;~....{;....;, "1-~ ~f<(~_... ... '~. ...,~ I ':;-';;1 ;: "'>f~.~." .. .... ~ .~..!"'t hl'..';:"""~A ,;;I"""", . .... :. f:" 1;:'...~/7~~, "~:f<~t:f..~ u;/l;" ..... ~ ?';.. ~ .,} t ,""."~"... ,0' ;;)";~.--:;,.; . ',; . The reC;Wed p~tlfc facfltles art ,I,~ s~ .' ~ '.. ,,~ contract executed (or the constructen oIth.s. put:llc (adltles at thl lime. I:uadlng petri'IiC rsJssc ' ", ' 0>', '. . ,. H ~jJ. ..JjG<.',.J." . ":}JfI;. . ' .. '. .::,';;';~-" .,:7 "'lt~)!...~4;:'~::if?"~~~':l/l".. . Th. construc:len of the ~ufr.d' put:lfc' ',fac:tide'-'has 5:::", been Induded In the County's adopted budget at the lime a building ~.rmills isSUed .....n thou;h th, ~ut:lle~~~ facilities are not yet the subject 01 a binding contract (or their censtn:c:lon:',' ,: 'c,'/:"lXNf.:.iif>{;.,;{:':f..i'/'!: " "'",,,,,.;1 >'I'Ar,'.2.5 The Ca~ital Potatl.Water Fa~lIitfes thac\Viaig.M.;th'~~; proposed development lutflcJ'nt ..rife.. t:ased on Ihe LOS for ~pltalPotat:t'Vlat'!it'ac~!I'~".ir., committed to be provlded by the a~~lcant. arA Issuar.c. of a bUilding permIt for anypcnlcn'cftt:.'~! development is conditioned cn the compellon of cha c.a~ilaJ Potable Water Fadilfos to servfce'I~~ ~'=~esld.~ de'/elopmenl; or, ,: ,:,-;;,,::,':;;,{:, ;i/~>,,..,, Cc~:lal i'otat:le Water Fac3itles areaVzHa:le to ~:~~I:: ,''': the proposed de'fefopmerJ ~uffJCient sarlices t:asad on ChI LOS for CapltalPolabf~Wa.~t,~":F.~~itliii.~.d ~ Issuance of a buUdln~ per"'lt for any J:cr:lon etth. dev'lc;:m.ntls conditioned on the ~.~.cr.sttl::cn:of.::"1:. receipt of a commitment of C2Pdcity rlom the Ferael! '.,'later System U'.at will service 'It':eprc;=sed;';t~ti: de'/efopment. " , ,: ',,:; .,:' Sanna", Sewer Facllltln. ;.';, ,.'/;~ ;,c.." l1,h" ", :>r.~: - '~'" ~'J~-~.;! ' 8egiMIng ',lith the eHee:i'/. ~atl of the Grcwlh P.ta"a;tmer:t F~n'" Implemer.tatlon through September 30. 1&94, lhe Sanilar/ Sewer c:mt:cnen1 shall te ;rar.t~~any ~',:f:, . . rollo'lll.ng conditions are mel: , . ., :/", <" ;;~~~'~~15'~:;::aLt ' The re~ufred pUl::lc fac!lltles are In placlzt:he:Ime a building permit is issued. or a buildi~ j:ermit Is Issued st:~!e~l 10 a c=,.~itlcn thac :he nece,ssat'l'fac:iiUIS will be In place when the Impact 01 dlwelopment occurs. . , ".:~t~tSf{~?{ll;~ ',' ". ,';/~/::'1~~1.-".~,4.'!~~' The r=~ult~ p~:ric Fac31t1es a!aur.cer;c:t.s;~~e. t t/i r b 'Id' 't" tf ,.. ' ,.'Pjr.&~"""'(" · .e Ime. UI '"Q PI"'" .....uo.. . '. .(:;Yi'{W~~.,., Troa re~uiri:j F~tlie~Fac3itfes ~ra,ith,j2s~~f'~i'" > bir~ing contract executed for the cc..stn.:ct!Gn cl :".oSI ;:~l:fie Fac3jti.s at th'llm',a;t:i:.'i!JIr. 'i,- .. Issued. . ';Ji-'%~~~r The c=t".s:ruc:~cn et required i'u!:!lcFa~5it I,S ,:as.... Included In the County's adc~ted bUC'ft at the time a t:uiidino ~errr.!t ISissU9d"I.~tllCt:,h, ,Ful:!t Facilities are not yet the subjecl 01 a I:lr.ding cor.trac: fer :::e!t ccns:n:c:Io~', :I'(~;!i~f!!;., " ,,'. ",:",;: r...: '"<;r 'i/.~'~", <, "~"'~ The c:ns:ruc:fon of Caplral Sanirary Sa-!ier Fa::3! IS ,", required to a:;commooata the impact 01 d../elopment occurring beler. Octeter1. 199:. iSSCh~~ec:Jtltt.lJ;H~, County's Schedule of Capilal ImprO'lements prlcr to Cc:ober " '994. The SCheduf,.>;"c!Vtg.p!taJ:;~ Improvements shall be based on a realistic. financ:ally (eas~re prcgram 01 funding frem.IXI~;1.r1;i~t!nut.l\ sources and shalf be adopted as a part cf the GrC-/.th Mar.a~ement Flan. A plan amindmeot ls.,rIQ.Ofr.d ~fi~ to eliminale. defer or delay construc:len of any -Cate~cr/ A- Pubflc FacBity,ln th"s.C~~~'f~I9',~~~~at" Improvements which Is needed 10 mainraln Ihe adoptld LI'/II of S.NfcI s:andarcf"Th"devlrcpmlnf'C~t".;;;;a Issued pUISU4ntto I COr1lf1catt of Pubflc FacUlty Adoc;uaC'/ls Ixpr.ssly conditional io 1I..'.at.t~..~...I.,e~m.n~~Z:~':. oldor shall be suspended and no rUr1her development s".atl be carried out In the event~f\t 0,1 ~~tfcnC'.'.ing;: ,.,i\), occur withoul a corresponding GrOVlth Management Flan Amendment: ,', ", '::;!:'~j;t'~}:<'~;f: /..;,.; "', ~!I,,::.~,,~,,>.,'#i ":, ~' .< ",:,. ",.~ :,.:,'., 8.:J. The reqt-ired Capital SanitarY S~"er Fa~riltfil"';i are delayed. dererrod. or removed from the adopted Sche~ule of Capital Improvements. ,...:\:o~, ,.,:fe,,:.:.,..;:;:;>. . .'. " .', .,,'w::,i:.-';:~;>;~~i;::'~':f>;~.J~.~:t~j~-,;,~~r~,~]i~L~~~..s.:r."~ Annual funding Is lnSuffic:f 01 to m t · . Capital Sanitary Sower FacUitles projec:s In the Schedufe clc.apilaJ Impl'overn.eri ,'!'V:~~ :'f..'.(_~/; 22 "'t:1f"" .:h ~~;'.. "~;"l ,~,.., :'.~;~.' ..:,".',- ;f,\' ,lJ/(;~, ", ",:-;-. .'1:;" \:"." ~~b>_~ (;/;,,,, , ~;~,' , it, -:;:> fi'i' < ~~~');', ," }. 1,;:/; " ..., .~ ~:~,;.~:, ,.:'. fi'4i'" ~,',d,'," ;.,.;., ~," I,';" ~1, ' .. ~'.r.t'~,. ., . ....1;.. ~V ';. ,-~~:,~" ~... :~'~ ;,: ";, . 'd- . it,':,' ';";,'.' ~',"... ~.:y- ~~;:'" ~f< ~t ~n~',. ~'" ' ~l:"';" ~.r'.-;;I<~ ~</t";)i:'." ~.rt":~ ~~r:",..' .~:.~ :~,.. l'f.i~::. at the lime a building permit is Issued. ,.1'UII I, : :" i;~ ~;~~.;f:~/;:;$+'~ '. cCnstructlor'oIthe r. 'red a .. ... Sewer facility or facilill.s'is not u~.rta~.n In IcccrC:~nc. with th. adcpted Sch'C:&.:f',c'.,~,.i~ltal Improvements. , ".:.' ,;.,,-,~;';t4~::~~j:Ji: '.' Th. constrtJe:lon 01 requlr.d Capital S4n1ta"/i!"~"(, racnltles scheduled /n the County's Schedufe cf Capitallrnproverr.ants prior to OC:ober t. 1S;';'wlll r.cft:.:;.... delayed. deferred or removed from the Capital Improvement Element if the facilities have tltn reli~ ti::en ~;";,..", ' ~::::~:~~e:t ::: :::m:;; ;~.:~ Oe:cter I, 19~, ~e S.nU.~ Srne, _~.nenl ;1~;~~:~~]:1' : 8.3.5.:!.2.1 Ca~ital Sani:a", S.wer FacUlties art In J::a:. to J:r~:r.d,<:',~f,~, ' the proposed development sufficient services baud On :he LOS !er Capital Sanitary Sewer Fac~it!u and}:(',.;, " a commilment 01 C.1pCi:ity!':) serle the ~roposed dB'/elopment "'.as betn r.c.lved from the Sanita", S....,.r ,', ";,;,::' Syslem Ihal will selVice the prcposed C:B'/e!opment: ~,~t The Caoital Sanitary Sewer FaeRltles t:-.at VIA' s::e'IId' :,;t.j,ii' the proposad development suffICient selVices based on the LOS ror Capital Sanfta,., S......r FaeD!::.s Is':"~;{i~ . under .ccns:ruction. a commitr;-,ent 0: capacity to selVe :t:e prcposed de'lelopment upon c:mpfe:;:~ 0' ",";,";f~fl cons:ructicn has been received Irom the apprcpriate Sanita", Sewer Sys:em. a,..d corrN7.encem.::r cf ' ~;' construction of the proposed develo~ment is ccr~itloned on the completion of the Capital Sanicar,5.w" , Faciljties to selVice the proposed C:l!'/e!opment: " , :;, .:...~, '>";~ftj,:,:/ "..';:~ '. T"'" (lculred putllc 'aCU/tlel.r. th.lubl.e: Ofl~!f.:!ng:_ contrac: executed rcr the constructlen 01 these ~ct:lic fac~itles at the tim. a building p.rm:t Is rSSU'~:,i;';;',:1i . ,'>-;~'~. : -';', : "j: <., i , The c:ns:n:e:!cn olth. rec;ulred put::c !ac!li::'1 :'~s..~tt;i.J been inc!uded in the County'S adcPt~ tud;et at :t:e time a tuildlt'.v permit Is Issued t'/entt::t;;i1 tt:e;:.:!Ic; ,;.;;tl'~' fac~ilies are not yet the subject of a tlt'.cing ~r.t:ac: for r.'ielr ccr.s:ru~~on: ,. .. ,;;,..~,~i.:.iilj1~~{~~t'~ Th. Capilal Sankaty se"''''Faditleitha:\Yln~.1d.: the proposed de'lelopment sufficient S!MceS based on the LOS ror CapbJ SankarIS"'ltr,Facrlt!ts'~ri'::j,. commitced to be provided by the ap~licant, ar.d Issuance 01 a building permit for any ~~rtlon C~th. <'U' ~e'lelopment Is conditioned on the c:mJ:'eticn cf the Capital Sanitary SfYI., FacSitles te .arlle. th. <(:~ ,. proposed de'lelopment; or,:,:~:L!i',;(~;'; .,:.~~~~~;'>';'.' .~~.~~;;t;: ; Ca~ilal Sanitar, Sewer FacllltlesaruvaBa:la to r:rc';!de.:iJ'; the propos.ad dl!'/elop:nenl sufficient scrlices based on the LOS for Capital Sanitary Sewer FacSIU"s.;~r.d':; Issuance 01 a buUding permil lor any pcrtlon of the dl!'/elcpment Is coneSiCloned on the d.m~tra:!~~:o'~ receipt cl a commitment of C3pac:ty from tt:e ~nitary sewer raciities that will service the prc~:sed': devclopmenl. e.3:S~ Solid \'I,,,. Fie,m,.s. .:;~~r[)~~~ Eeginning with the e(fec:lve date of the Gra..lth Mar.a~emer.t ria;;: Implementation through Septemcer :JO, tSl9.a, the Solid WaSl. component shall be Qrant.~ltan ',' r ' following conditions are met: ;; '<,;~;'::/ " .;.. f- .-.'</.;:> The re~ulred public racKltles ar.ln p1aca'at't ' building permit Is Issued. or a cl:ading permit Is Issued subject to a condillon that thenec8S3a' 'rac~le will be in place when Che impact of development occurs. '.".. ;;.,:i.; ~'.-L. ~ '-:~: '23 '. ", ~ The re~uired Capital ScUd Was:. FacilitIes are delayed. deferred. or removed from the adopted Schacc.:fe of Capitallmprovemenrs. .1UII,~, " ";":>'i.:;;' 1110 ;:<'l;~~i'1f . .... :})":~~t~'i ~t.-.,';;:, . _ "f....%~ -, ; "."', ._.' ' ,__~ ~ _ ~:"'l;":~i'~,,_~ The required Put:f;e Fac$Ues 'ar.t:is'~bjee;~ , .,> binding contract executed lor the construction 01 those Public Facllill.s al tne tim. a builC:lno ~,eri'nlC 1S:;{~;I~ Is,ued. . .:', ';k~~ . . The ccnsln;c:ion ofre~lrId PublIc Facilities' ~s: ~"n' 'I' Incl~~ed In the County's adopted budget It the time a builcfino permit Is lsi~~ .~.n Iho\:~htJ~~:' ~~~II~ FacUllles are not yel the subject of a binding contracl fOt Ihelt ccns:rucllon.: "} . ,t-i;:,;;,'~:~~;i.<;;'j\.i., ',' . ," ,.,: .' .;"/".1 The construction of Capital Selid Waste Fac311Ies','j::;" required to accommodate the impact of drlelopment occurring before October 1. 1994. Is sel':ec!c.:fed in the County's Schedule of Capital Improvements prior to October I, 1994. The Schedc.:f. ef Ca~itaJ ' Improvemen:s shaD b't based on a realistic. financially laasi!:le pre~ram of fut',ding fre:n exis:ir.O tl"'nu. .. sources and shall be adopted as 3 pan 01 th" Growth Mat'.a~em'nt Flan. A plan amencr::fl':t is r,ct:irld to eliminate. defer or delay construction 01 any 'Catf~c"l A" Public FacUity In the Sche:t!.. of Ca;ital ImprovemenlS which is needed ro ~inrain Ihe ado!:le!:! Le':el of Sar/ic. s:~ndard. The C:e';e!or::::1.nr crder issued pursuant 10 a Cenilicata of Public Fac~ily Ad'l:;uac'/ is exprfSsly cendilional so thar :r:, e"I,lc;:menl order shall be suspended and no lunh,r d!'/elopment shall be carrl~ cut in the !'/enr any elth. fC:IC"'.ing occur Wilhout a corresponding GrOYlth ManagemenfFlan Amet'.dmenl: >7; .. ".c. ~. > i ( ',' '-.':.::.:~:~~~>J. Annual funding is instJff"lC:ent:o rr.air':!in:h,:,:~,;, . Capit~1 Solid Waste Facilities Projects In the Schedule of Ca;:itaJ Improvements. , . '< :"f:t't>:t'j};:; . Ccnstruc:Jon . elUte re~IIJa~ ~;:ltJs,OItd1f' . . Waste facililies is nor unclenaken In accordance wirh the 2Cef'ted SChedul, 01 Capital Im;:::Wtme(1l~~\;ji;:'/ ' . .';,~>-' - '. .''J-_~,.,-'<~.'.ilt~~~l~je~~'~ Th, cons:rucUon 01 rr.;ufredCa~I:aI' ScIfdY~y'~lst.~ Ilcnitles scheduled in Ihe County's Sch.dul. of Capilal Im~rQV.m.ntl prIOr to Oc:ol:., 1, 1~i.a viAlnctt:t' d.lay.d. d.ferr.d or removr.l from Ih. c..pltallm~rC'/'rr..~t ;!.m.nt Itlh, lac3111'1 ha'I'!:un :1!ltd't:r:C~i~;'i~ for the issuance of a de'lelopment order. ",:;", '',':1::'' E~ac:i.,e Oc:cter I, IS;':. tne Selld 'lias:. c:m;:ner.: s~.al1 i:e: ;'>";: granled if any of the followi"9 Conditions are met: "'(';:"'.!? .~. _ '-:"'t;~/'/',. ,<:~~~t Capital Solid Was:. Facaltl,s I,. rn~IIC':O.I=:c.Ifd';:~:~ the proposed deVelopment sufficient slr/ices basad on the LOS f;:r Capital Selld Was:, rae31:les,a:-.d a'i;~ commitment of capacity to seM! the proposed de'/elopmer.t has t:un receiv~ from the ::r.ironr::intal. ,?,)~), Services DiviSion;~'::'ij.,:;:!;g;,;~, f,jl*f\y.!;-3"~...,r I '!'<'r.; . ,'. :'~ ,~r"j:jt)~il!.~'.~,-::". Th. Caoital Sefid '1IISI. Faca;I:'. ChaC..',~I~n;'4d.."lh. proposed development suftlc!.nt Slrllcts based on Ih. LCS for Clpkal Solid WISI' I'lclll:l.....t.l.iftdl: conslructlon and a commltm.nt of capacity to salVI Ihl proPOSed development u~on. c:m~rttlc~":o'L construction has been re::eived Irom the Environmental SarAces Division: Ot "."1i'>:";~<:: ,<~ i'/:;/ ~~::.'." / ::::, ~,~,~~ ~ The required Public Fac!itl.s are lhisUbJ.:(ct.a J!.;.. binding coorract executed lor the construction 01 those Pt:~1c Faciitles at IhtiJIf!tt,! " ',' ,:'" ,.' ,,' ls'Ued'~i:;tf;:~',~t".; The cer.s:ruc:lon of required Put:llc Fac:!it!.s NS ..1Ir\(:'",:; Included In rhe County's adopled budget at Ihe time a beilding permills Issued ..len thoe;hih.PLlbJlc')~;1 Facilities are not yet the Subjecr 01 a binding contract lor t~eir constl:UC:lon. e'.,:~~~r:; i6;;,t ':~~ ...,':'" . >A~.,~. . ;~?~~, .; ......:... 24 ';,' IIN>. ~( YJt~~". :'f:/:~ :,.,-.' r~1t, Ii't;,,,; ;~.~:;~:'..' . ~{:>),'" : " ".,,;.. Dralnaoe Facililies. The Craina~t componene shall t: proposed de'lelopmene has a drajna~t and water manace~.ne s:lan Ihal has been a Environmental Services Civision lhal meees ehe LOS ler Capilli Orair.ac;e Faeallles Park Ind Rl!crulfon F~clJllfes. , Eeolnnlng with the e~.e:lve dlte 01 the Growth M nl~emene Plan Implemontatlon through Se;:rember 30. t994. the Parks and F..e:U:ien componene shall b ,ranted" any 01 the fo:lowlng COnditions are met: f ' Th. r'Ql.:lr.d pl.:bllc recllUe.lrt In ~Ia I at the tlm. I buRdlng permie Is Illued. or I !)uildlnQ :=trmle 1"lIutd .ubi'" :0 I c:tW""/on Utlr fht Me SSlrl "~lrlt. Wil b. In f:lac. wh.n eh. Itr~ace or d""'oj:menc oc:c~rs. 1.5.1.'. U T~, t'~\:!:ia '~~lle 'aedttllt at. Ufte f eelllfNe!la;;J 611h. 11m. I bundlno ptrm;t :. ISStlld. ~':":;', ,;' I . '_;:.-:.t;.;,:;' , .-::',,<<4/;.0" .." . '.',> 8.:J. The recl.i:ed F:.::!Ic FacUleles ar. eh sul:lac: cl a binding centract executed fer the Ccr.s:rllctlcn of th:sa Fu:::c riCa::!.s atlh, lime a be.: ~In; J:~:~II I.: Issued. , . ",>j',~p"/';; , .""~~~:(;>' '. Th. conl:r.:c:lcn cl r.qu/red Public ~a 'I""~. ~"'~j InclUd'd In Ih. Counly'. 1c:!C:::ocr tn:c:!;tt Illh. lime I t:udc:ln; ~"rr.le Is Issued "ltn the ~hth',P'(jt:r1C FacUlties ~r, nOI yell,.... sul::e:: 01 a !:ir.dlng contrac: !or Ihe!r ::ns:n:t:lon. " ,_ The ccnS::-.:e:lcn of Capical Park Fac3il as r'qt:!r~ 10 accommcca:e lhe imj::2ct cf c!'/elo~enc cccurring tafere CC:.::er e. 1S94. Is Sc.~edufed i the ~ur.ty's. Sche1ule cl CapilallmprovemlnlS pric: to Oc:ober 1. 1594. i:-:. Seh.~ul. of Co1pitallmpr tlm.nes shan be based on a reallsCle. finar.c:aJly fUS:!:I. procram 01 fur.dln; !::m .xls:ing rl'itnu. sourc and st'.a:! b. adopted as a part Orlhe Grcwth Ma".a~ement Plan. A ~Ian a:::fn~ment Is reql.ired eo eli naee. dlfer or delay cons::cclion 01 any 'Cc:egor, A' ?u!:lic F:1c:fit'l in the S=::2~1lIe 01 Capital Improve. .'Ols whi:h Is nee:.le110 ~aintain the adc::~ le'lS! cl Sat'l;c! s:ar.ca:d. i::a ':ll'le!ccment cr~er Issu,~ :.:rJl:ar:e eo a Cir.ilic3te ci Public Facilily .:~equac'l is e:q:ress:y c:::eiticr.al S:J e~at Ihe de'lelopmene :cfr shail be suspended ar.d no fUr!her ~e';!!opmer.: shelf be car:ied ce.:t in :::e f'/Ii!'': any 01 the rcilowin~ :c:-.:r '.'.it:-.cuc '. a cerrespcr:cing Growth Mara ;emer.t F:an Amen.:mf:'!t: ,'.,. 8.:). Capilal F!::C Fac~itltS ar. In plael C' proposed de'lelopment sufflc:ent ser/fclS baUd en Ihe LOS fer Capital Park FacUlel'l: 25 . /J I~.A, .~;. J,>' ~ . _._____ _. ..__ ~ '.. ii' '" .nJJm. &,,1000.;..:;;:1::" ! ~: :. / ;( ':;:\~'(~:':;~;~~~~;} ,~,; "'-' . i';' ~ ".r/j/~~1kt{~;~,i: , :'-~~/,,-. ~ :,,' , ' . .'::,,;:<f1~~:'ft~::~~ii~~, '. The Cap/tal Parle FiC5ltJ., U-.aty~ p~ dlVelopl~~ s.NIetS basad on Ihl LOS 'er Clpltal Parle FadJllil,a;. ~.t.'# , . -~':-,'~ ::f",~~~://\,,,,_.,:,~"~~:'.I~.:~~~~;:-~'~~t The required PlJ~IC' Fac3i'Jes ,are t.~., St: binding cx:::EI:ececuted for Ih. cens:ruction of Ihos. Public Fac3itl.sat ct." 11m. . tUlld!t: J:lf Issued. .' ,'" .' ",f:V;~l~:::;~f~i:f},f;;{ .. .. '. The cenSINClten of ttciulr.d i'utllc Fae. I I,. ,_ Included ~'I.dopttd bt:d~.I.t the tlm. I buldlno p.rml& 1.lssu.cs....'.n U.~~::Ui.:,".. FacUitles -=-1It If,e st:::ject c;,l a tlr.ding cer.lrac! 'Clthelr cons;ruc:ion.., ': ,:'(~~i:,'!'~,~'z:.'{:;;;( .;::'/:"'~~J/.t-:l ,; ;:;'t~:< The Ca::ilal Park Facilities U~~twill J:rC'I!d'th.'crc:es. de'/elop~1 seNieiS base~ on the LOS for <:.1j:ilal Parle Fadlll.s a:. Ir.c:..-C:I~ In, :h. C:m.r CounlY a~;rmual b~~"" or ,:-;. . .'..';' . .., - '~;;' ~\-;~:'r:.~ 8.:1.5.5 Road Fac:rtlies. Tne Read com~er.er.r shan ~t cer.s~f~!= ~aSl~ t:!:cn whelher~ ~e-/elcpment is eUls:ca a ~esiC;;~IEd ASI er ....;II'I.n a ces:;r.at!d ASl.,," ~'. ';';;;~f;I' '.- ,. ' # "'~~:;<.,] ,~. Develooment Outside Deslanal'oj Aru of: SlcnInC3.;t.:'1 InfJuence'lSkrVlhqre No ASI EllIsls. For cl'/e!opmerU oUlsid. a des~r.a:.a ASI. c: 'IIn.:. roO AS"i~.' . exis:s. I~ponent shall b. ,ra(ll'd. , " 'i",;' , <~:\~'~'I' Oe'/elooment Wilhln Deslcnaled Aru of Sianlitcant fnft.j,riel ~ ~.. F~;unent wilhin a ceslc;na:ed ASI covering a potentially c:lelicJ.r.1 read s.~m.nt.::h' ~cad' . compcner.Mfzapproved. subject :0 a'/aila!:f. ta;:laeity. if it Is derr.cnstrated :~I prcJ:OSl~ d..'.!c::n.nt will nel rr~ntially cefic!ent read sa~menl wilhin the ASI a def'.e!enl rca~ se<;menLln :l':IInS:1tIC1.:t. where Ihe:;:;:c:i:8d de'leleJ:ment wiil craale a deficient read ",mint. a Car-inca.. cf i=:.:i:lJe F l:3il'/~ Adequac1~ componeN sl".all b. aJ:prco/ed orJ'1 fc,r that per"Jen 0' Ih. ca'Jllecm.r.: :......: dCts.nct,~ creale IhetliZr road sec;rr.enL Fer Cl'ltlOpment '/Iito'-.in a cts~na:td ASI e~/erlnv a dl!'.c:.r.: :cad\l sec;menl. nux c:mpcr.er.1 shall 1:e 2:~rov~ erly fer :hat s:cr::c.'1 of the Ci':!!le:me::: :r:at den ,r.c:t4. , inc~aasa l~ en lhe ditic!enl reae sa.menl al"',d ~CtS net '&:r:::lr ~e~r~:' to":, !.';S :f :a~::.~'ii. read sa~r.n: ' . SEC. 9. l~ CCNSTtlUCTIOfl. S:'lEnAEILIT/, MID P!:~IAL"" PRC'IIS:m'. ...<.:,;".\...t>; 9.1~Jision$ of :I'Js Crciroat'.ca sroall t:e li1::efally cons:n:I::l.IO effee::';gly CJrrl :t.1 pcr;::)S.!r, in Ihe inlelS%:r.2 putlic: health. salar/. Vlelfare and ccnvenience. "'h"."'>';t" ~ .,,:.,,;';;::":t'y~~'::t;,;,; :.:..i;> ~. 9.%h:J~cUon. phrase. un:er-ca er per:!on cf ttJs Orc:lnanca Is fer ar:y reasen t1.!~ irr~ Ct)~ ur.cons:iluC:a::t any court of comJ:9tsr.t lurisd!c:ion. su", portion shail be dllme::! a 5';:1:':'. c!1stlt'.c:t:::' .1 at'.d inde;:e::ar:: ;:revision, 8t'.d such heiCing shall r.ct effe~: Ihe vafldir/ of the t.mair.ir.g j:.:r:le:1..: >}:r;{'f:'~ . "-\.. :'_~ -', ;./'<r~1~'~~.j~: 9.3 ~1irIatIen of lhis Ordlnar.ea shall b9 a mlse.meanor purJshable a~:ording to :a'..i: hO'r.I~ltr.t.. in addilion~leu of any c:!minal s:rcsaeulion. <:dller Caunly shall hat/. thl ;:ower 10 SUI In e!vi O::Nn': 10 enforce Q;Disions 01 this Ordlroar.ce. ;". ' '.. ,:~~' -, ;,...y,~, '. j>,7~~ SEC. 10. r::=::rr/E DATE., " .., ',. .',,' .'";:;~;. :; ,...~ ~:J;~.'''-;:'\.t\.~~.;:.~~tP ~O.'''Ctdinanee shall tal<a .!fa~: upen rac:ei~ of olf1c:laI acknoYlftd~.mer.t by:'~ q.f.c C{,ltol Board of Cc;:fQ;mmissloners frem the De;:ar.."ent 0' Stat.. that this ,Ordtn~r.c:~~.as"t~~l:' ~~.4 ~ . Oepartme~ .' ' ,<t:(:;/ ""';~1"~' .,# A '. ., ., . .."., .... .... . Attest: .. I ,.. ~~~-eJ;'1~~ .~ . t . ...... ~ :- :'Approved as to form:.: .~.J ~ tI,)l!L Coun~ An~~;~1 .:7. - - COL~IEa~EVIS:CM.a9A (3/2J/~' ".;,..: .TUn IJ, '.'j Ey; Inls ordInance flied wIth the k::etory of Stote's Cf!lC~c' _ _fkfI:/uoy O()?;A , 1"-1 I aM ac_l~~~f ~I ~~rH.eIV~~- day .. t#1:~ 1j,~~ , "'""'" """ . . 27