2009/2010 Receipt# 007036721 12/1/20099:43:09 AM Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court @aao@~u~D ~@@@o~~ Customer DONALD PICKWORTH DONALD PICKWORTH 5150 TAMIAMI TRL N STE 502 NAPLES, FL 34103-2822 Deputy Clerk BMR CASHIER M inutesand Records@CollierClerk.com 239-252-2646 Clerk Office Location Collier County Gov\. Center Building F, 4th Floor 3301 Tamiami Trail East P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY 1 DESCRIPTION BMR Lobbyist Registration UNIT COST $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Cash Tendered: Cash Returned: BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT $25.00 $25.00' ($50.00) $25.00 $0.00 Page 1 of 1 rt:;@D 0 D@rrrt:;D@rr~D ~@UTl1J Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 Expires q!1b tD BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRA nON FORM Name])trJ P Jll--D 71 c./.(VJ ()/~--T/"" Date Business Address 5/ yo M/# ( J11U ( rilL JIJ Iv fI9-f' c..~ ~ F L "3..""f f D .3 Business Telephone ;2(.3--jD&tJ E-Mail 9/C;{/C:;""- @ eo.y~/'"k J(ef L NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1"""2-/1/'\? / S:nE ~.....", 1). C!-r C-~rL ])FV,. AJJ,.J P .A~o UC CG-# LLC I>F p A1R/v 7r ~ Ifl</{t!; V I) r/ pLEASE ATIACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSAR~ ~ Lobbyist Signature State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this / :M.- day 0~1..<<". 2101-, by , who is personally known to me or has produced -FL 'Dt-- as identification and who did take an oath. Deputy ClerkINotary Pub c The ann ual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). J r.