Ordinance 82-065ORDINANCE NO, D2- 65 RESO[,UTION NO. CWS 02-7 AN ORDINANCE OF COLLIER COUNTY AND RESOLUTION OF COUNTY WATt'R-SEWER DISTRICT ADOPTING R^TES, CItARGES AND FEES FOR~CONNECTING TO AND USE OF COUNTY AND DISTRICT WATER SERVICES; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONNEC- TIO~'CIIARGES: PROVIDING FOR TAPPING CIIARGES PRIOR TO CONNECTION; PROVIDING FOR CUSTOMER'S LIABILITYI ADOPTING A USER RATE SCIIEDULE; RESUMPTION OF DISCONTINUED SERVICE; PRO~IDING FOR DEPOSITS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF METERS TO NEW CONNECTIONS AND RF~ONNECTIONS TO PRIOR DISCONNECTS; ~'~ DESCRIBING PROPERTY OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY FOR WATER SERVICE: REQUIRING COLLECTION OF WATER UTILITY BILLS; DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE; SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES TO REGISTER COMPLAINTS CONCERNING WATER BILLS AND DEFECTIVE METERS; REQUIRING PAYMENTS WHEN METERS BECOME DEFECTIVE; AUTIIORIZING RIGIIT OF ENTRY BY AUTHORIZED AGENTS TO PREMISES SERVED; ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR CLOSING INACTIVE ACCOUNTS; PROVIDING FOR SEPARATE BILLING FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICES PROVIDED BY TIlE COUNTY; PROVIDING CHARGES FOR HYDRANT SERVICES; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 81-51; PRO- VIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WIIEREAS, Collier County and County Water-Sower District heroin- after collectively referred to as "County" are operating a water utility system in specific loc~tions of the unincorporated area of the County. WIII'iREAS, the County desire that the water utility system be operated ]n an efficient, business-like and economical manner, and WHEREAS, to assure the economic and financial well-being of the utility system, adequate rates and foes must be charged for water and facilities provided by the utility system, to compensate for all costs required tc operate the system and provide the water services a~d facilities. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINEE by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County and resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Ex-Officio the Governing Board of th~ Cou~y Water- ° -17 Sewer District, Florida: m ~ ....=, SECTION ONE: *)EFINITIONS For the purpose of this Ordinance and Resolution, ~he words and phrases shall have tho meanings respectively ~cri~ to them as follows: A. Bus~n~ss ~nd Inst~tut~on;~l.: Any commorcial, industrial ~,n~l Jn~ti%ut~on~ enter'prise, ~nclud~ng ~anitorium, domicil~ar¥ housc~ ~r,coidon~: ,~choo.l.~ ho~o.ls~ mo~:c~u nnd ~e te~m "coif, TextUal" a~ u~ed he~n ~hall m,~nn an untabl~hment dqaltn~ ~n wholesale or rut;]il t~,ades or ~erv~ces, ~nelud~.ns but not l~mitcd to hotels~ motuls~ apartment }louses~ x,oomill~ houses and trailers, renttn~ fu~ishod or unfurniohcd, office0~ ~eotaurants, ehurcheo, ~chools, and other facilities which hold thcmselve~ out to the public a~ placeo of buo~ness. . B. County_: Collier County~ Florida or County Water- Sewer District as appropriate. C. Customer: Applicant for service, whose name appeams on Utility Division records. D. ~quivalent Unit: A livins acco~odatlon family, whether a slnZle-famtly Pesldenec or a ~dence multi-family buildinE or facilities us~ns equivalent water consumption to a livinE unit. E. L~vin~ Un~.t: Any place of abode which ~s suitable fop pe~an~nt or tr~sient family or inciv~dual ~sldential use. Each such ]iv/nE unit shall be 'considered as sinEle and separate fo~. the purpose of this ~ectton. F. Multi-f~ily Residence: All places ofu.~....,' ''"~'-- ~%...r' th~ a ~inHlc-.family residence and duple~ having thee (3) o~ mo~ livlnz units. G. ~,ner: Pmopu~y ~neP of Record. H. Service Connection ~ar~.e: A charge made at the tim~ wate~ ~ePvlce is requested to cover the cos~ of di~t'rlbution lines fu~ished by the system needed to serve ~ a~a. I. ~:n.~e- fam~.ly Residence: denca is defined am any sinEle-family dwellinE ~d is inter~anle- able with the word household. Where both a sinEle-f~ly ~- dence and a luest house occupy 'the ~ame p~mise, ua~ of them would constitute a ~eparate llvins unit. In tho caoe of a duplex, each 015 A. ~i~ acrvico connection cha~'5o ~hal~ p~it l~v~co to ~ny and ~ll bu~.ldin~o on ~ho lo~ p~,ovidtn~ said ).o~ does no~ exceed one hundred fifty (150) feo~ in de~h. B. ~is service connection charge shall p~vlde service to one buildin~ (single-family residence) on any lot regardless of depth. . C. ~era a lot is mo~ than one hundred fifty (150) in depth, fo~ ea~ additional butldinE const~cted ~eyond the one hundred fifty (150) feet~ there shall be an additional so,vice, connection charze based on the width of tho lot on wh~ the buildin8 is built, as more fully set fo~h in ParaEraph of this Section. D. ~e County Zonin~ Depa~mont shall designate size of lot in the event of a dispute as to the size of lot. E. Connection charzes are established as two dollars fifty cents ($2.$0) pop front foot for a maximum depth of one hundred fifty (150) feet plus one cent ($0.01) per square foot- ~h epee ft F. Extensions to the County's water distribution system shall be paid fop by the applicant on the basis of the above- stated conneetlon cha~es. G. Should Tho connection ~arEes received from ~ e~ension pmoJect be less than tho estimated pro~e~ cost, a contribution fop tho diffex, ence shall be required imam the applicant. Said contPibution sha]l bo refundable from connection ehar~es received ~nually fo~- the extension over a period not to exceed (3) years. ]{. Connection ~ar~es and contribu~ions a~ payable prioP to construction of the extension. I. ~e~ developers install dist~ibutlon lines at o~ expense, theme shall be no connection d%arSo to individual lOt OWleTS. 015 A. M~er ~appil~ chari~c~ nhall b~ a~ follo~JE~ Motor Hct~ Size T~pping Cha~,~e 5/0" $200,00 V~ll.t~" ' 3/h" ' 220.00 1" 2?0,00 .I '/;" ~ 1/2" ~5.00 2" 500,00 ' B. Fom meters lamgem th~ two (2) inche~ the tapping ~arge ~hall be based on the cost of the metom. ~e mate~ials ~d labor co~t~ for thc installation shall be paid by the develope~ o~ p~'ope~y owne~ at no expense to the County. C. All noces~a~ mete~ will be fu~imhed by the County' ~d ~hall remain the property of the Co~ty. D. Here,s must be left accessible to County hmployees at all time~. E. ~en any cu~tomem, who has a watem metem, m~es appli- cation to the Utility Division fo~ the in~tallatJon of a la~ge~ mctez, to replace him smallem metem~ he ohall bo given e~ed~t fo~ the tapping chat'ge~ paid on the omalle~ mete~ in a~eo~damce with tho above schedule. ~ere ~hall be no ~efunds o~ credits give~ to any customer requesting a mme]le~ SECTION FOUR: CUSTOHER'S L~AB~,ITY FOR DAMAGE TO ~qU[P~NT ~e customem is liable to tho County fo~ any damage done to the equipment used in his service, except damage County employees. SECTION FIVE: ~TES A. ~e ~atcs for semvice shall be a~ met fo~h Said ~ate~ are he,by found to be fmim ~d equitable ~d may be changed by ordinance amending thc ~ato s~edule. B. Ratc~ cha~,~ed by the County Utility Division for water fu~ished to ouotomers within the County's sorvica aa follows: (1) Single-Family Reaidenoo: ~ix,~t ~,000 gallono: $~.90 per month. For all water uned in oxcean of th;~t allowed within tho minimum charge, the rate shall be $1.15 po! 1,000 gallons, or any part thereof. (2) Hulti-Family Residence: (~) Duplex Residence: First 6,000 gallons or any part thereof $13.80 per month. For all water in excess of that allowed ~thin rte minimum charge, the rate shall be $1,1§ per ~',,!1,~00 ga'lions, or any part thereof. (b) Multi-Family Rental Apartments: First ~,000 'halloas or any part thereof $6.90 per month per apartment or dwelling unit. For all water used in excess of that allowed with- in the minimu~ charge, the rate shall be $1.15 per 1,000 gallons, or any part thereof. (c) Condo~lniums: First ~,000 gallons or any part thereof $6.90 per month per &~rtment or dwelling unit. For all water in oxces~ of that allowed within the minimum charge, the rate shall be S1.]5 per 1,000 gallons, or any part thereof. (3) Bus]ness and Institutions: First 3,000 gallons or any ~art thereof 56.90 per month. For all water in excess of that allowed within the m~nmum charge~ tho rate shall be $1.15 per 1,000 gallons, or any part thereof. SECTION SIX: DEPOSITS A. All per~ons desiring water' connections with tho water mains of the County shall° upon making application therefor, deposit with the County a minimum of twenty dollars ($20.00) for each five-eighth's (5/8) and three-quarter (3/4) inch size meter. Deposits for all other sizes is herein established as set forth. No meter shall b~ installed and ccnnections mace with the waterworks without the ~ceipt of such deposit. D. Application for water service must be made to the County Utility Division and the following minimum guarantee of payment deposit shall be required upon application. In the event that a customer is disconnected for failure to pay nny water bill on timely basis and the deposit is found to be inadequate to cover the ¢.~tstanding balance due the County, the Utility Director shall: all balances outstanding, a~d 2) require a now deposit in the maximum ~mount equal to th~ est~m,ltcd cost of three ~0nt~s conxumption prior to rP(?~nnt~cLJll(l Lit() cuntoml,t', ,oo 015 ^pplication for water ssrvic~ will ~,o't be ~lcce;,tcd without zpecificd deposit. $/0" x 3/h" service ', , , . 3/1~'' service .... , . . 1" serve[ce . . . . . . . ~-- 1 1/.g'.' Scrvlcc i ..... 1 1%2" service ...... ....... 20.00 ....... I~O.O0 ...... . I~0,00 ....... 40.00 ~:' 2" sbrvico . : .... ; ......... 40,.00 '~ - ~" ~l" G" 8" 12" service ... ' ~,~ [.. , , , ,,,, 10", .... 100.00 d Construction service blanket deposit .... 50.00 , }'ire hydrant service ............ 75.00 - ~.C. D~s,tts shall be refunded upon final readins and discontinuance of service from the County Wa~er System. The County reserves ~he right to deduct final billinE or any accrued indebtedness from said deposit, and the balance, if any, shall be refunded to the depositor. Each residence or place of busi.- ness shall be considered a neparate service and a deposit shall be required for each separate service. SECTION SEVEN: OWNER'S RESPONSIBIL?TY FOR WATER SERVICE; B-Td) DEBTS A. The owner of property in responsible for all water .service to property. In the event service ia discontinued for non-payment, service will be restoz~ed only after customer has fully complied with provisions of Section 1~ of this Ordinance and Resolution. Thc owner of property under construction must notify the Utility Division that contractor 'is responsible for water bills, while construction is' in pro~ress. B. Bad debts will be taken off the books and the name and amount duc filed in a bad debt file. Tn the event water service is requested in the future, this back debt must be paid before water service will be furnished. 'SECTION EIGHT: DATES BILLS DUE AND OELINOUE1;T~ DISCONTINUANCE 01' St',RvrflY-F'O'k NON-'pA?~.',I.~[;'~'?--, ~i~TA,I;E'MfI,IT '.' Y 0'I/I/5IT~-"I~s~T~TT~t-I i I bS-.q }:l{ V i CE A. Bills are due when rendered and delinquent fifteen days thereafter. Service may be .cut off when delinquent for non- payment of bills. II. When service has been cut off or diucontinued from applicant's premises for non-payment of current bills, service will be renewed upon proml,t pnymant of unpaid bills, a deposit the u(~t~lement in full i~'made on o~ b~fot, u fift¢~on (15) day~ f~om date of the discontinuance of ouch mo~e than fifteen (15) days by ~eque~t~ o~ otho~oe~ ~t~oet .. cock will then be tu~ed off and mete~ Temovad f~om Should applicant, at a letup date~ Pequast ~enewal of fern said pmem~ses~ thio will be done upon full payment of all due bills sEa,nst seTvfee at t~me of dlscont~nuance~ a deposit in amount hemein specified fop new connectlons, and a ~e~nstalla- ties chaPze fop thi~y-f~ve dolla~ (~35.00). New applicants. must pay thi~y-f~ve (~35.00) to havc gePvice D. Bill~n~ shall beE~n upon meZlstPatfon of.wate~ on mete~ oP afteP ninety (90) day[~ fPom date of appl~.catton~ wht~evem oecuPs fiPst. E. Application shall be made to the Utility Division fern the addition of any 1trine uni'ts connected to the watez- seTv~ce lines if the units have not been included on pz'evious applica- tions. FoP violation of ~hts Section the watem se~vlce may be discontinued. F. A fee of five dolla~ (~5,00) shall be cha~zed fo~ all new connections of wateP sePvice to melmbu~e the County fo~ establishlnE btllinE and accountin~ ~coTds. ~an~e~ ~n location of metet, s made at the Pequest of a custome~ w~ll be'chapped at cost of laboP ~d mateP~als and ~s payable ~n advice. SECTION NINE: PAYHENT WHEN HETER BECOMES DEFE~'IVE; RIGHT A. Should the meteP on any p~emises become defective~ so that the amount dellve~d fop the cuP,st month cannot be ascemta~ned, the.customeP oP occupant of the pPemises ~hall pay fop that mon~ of amount equal to the aveTaEa amount chapped fop ~%he fouP~(li) months p~cedinl. ~B. Dul~'authoPizod aEents and employees shall du~nG day- 015 the condition of fixtures, service pipe in:;tallatlon and such othe~ purposes as may bn pror,et' to p~ot'.uet the inte~osto of the County ce reading o~ ?epni~ing tho wat:o~ mate~, located thereon, ce turning the supply of such wnto~ to ~ho pz,omisos off o~ on. SECTION TEll: }lATER BILL COMPLAINTS ~ No hish watoP bill compla~nt~ ohall be accepted fo~ inve~t~- Satton by thc Utility Division unless all plu~in~ fSxtu~s~ plplnE and outlets have been examined by a licensed plumber who had ce~ifled that there a~ no leaks. If an tnvestiSatlon ~ made by the water department and the findings reveal the initial meter reading was accurate amd thc meter is functioning, properly, a re-read charge of five dollars ($5.00) will be assessed the. complaint. SECTION El,EVEN: EACH RESIDENCE AND P1,ACE OF BUSINESS ~Sl DE P~;I) s'L' P~ l~AT t; Every separate residence using County water shall be con- sidercd a separate service and shall be charged not less than the minimum charge. SECTION TWELVE: METERS} LOCATION AND (~IARGE FOR MOVING Meters shall be placed just within the property line at the nearest point to the tap-in main. If moved at the request of the property owner, a charge of cost plus ten percent shall be made for the expense of moving. SECTION THIRTEEN: INACTIVE ACCO~ITS; NOT?CEi ,F, ORFEITUP~ OF DH]{OS IT The Utility Director shall certify to the gove{'ning board a list of all water accounts that arc not delinquent but which a~e inactive and have been inactive for a period of not more th~n ~ix (~) months and have remained inactive for an additional period of/thirty (30) days after written notice has been served 'upon the,Per, on or persons, or'firms, in whose name sa~d account - ~s kept ~o tho effect ~hat unless they w~ito or telephone, o~ appear in person,at the County Utility Division ~d request a closing out of their account and a ~tumn to them of tho balance of their deponi~, their account will 1>o closed and wha~ovo~ d~po~ie ~malnu wi].l bo feral'nit'ed to tho County. Thornaftu~ no deponi~ou 015 ~hall have ~ny ri~0hts or claim to such dcpo:~it after forfcitin~; o£ any ¢lepocit balance to tbs County. It is the c~proo~ intent of this Section that ouch deposi~ shall not he ~or~eitcd to thc County until a period o~ thlx~y (~0) day~ has cl~p~cd f~m ~he'date ~hc writton'noti,e to thc l~st n~me and last address on thc pa~tcular account; however, the fact that ~u~ written notice is never ~ceive~ that particular person o~ persons, or firm, because of the fact that they may have moved or the insufficiency of the address that they furnished or any other pe~on shall be of no impo~ce ~d the~ County ~hall still be entitle~ to decla~ a forfeiture of their deposit provided the written notice was actually mailed to thc last n~e ~nd ~ddrecc given on the account. SHCT;O:~ FOU~TEn~;: C0bbECTY0~ O~ W~TER AND S~WER ~ILITT It i~ the declared intention that bills for wate~ and sewer ~ervices relished by the County shall be billed separately, but ~ointly enforceable. Neither bill shall t~e precedent over ~be othex., and the~fore, when any bill has remain6d ~paid and becomes delinquent, the water service to the delinquent p~mtses can be and will be discontinued and will not. be reinstated until the entire bill for beth water and zewer service is paid in full. Customers shall maintain their own lines from the water meter, ~d all loss of water through breaks or leSsEe to the p~mises will he paid hy the customer. SECTIONS FIFTEEN: HYD~T SERVICE A. Fire hydrant rentals whi~ are connected ~o the Collier County Water Utility System shall be ten doll~ ($10.00) per year p~r hydr~t installed. ~cn water is sold direct f~m hydra~, thru:minimum charge shall be ten dolla~ ($10.00) per ten' thouo~d (10,000) gallons or less, all above, at one dollar ($1'.00) per].thousand (1,000) gallons. ": B. ~es for fire line or fi~ Sprinkler service in build~gs connected to the Collier County Water U~llity oha~l be ten dollars ($10.00) per year. C. ^l,p]ica~ion £or flt~ hydrant inntull~tion shall £ilud with th~ County Utility Plvi:tfon. The execute nn a~emcnt a~reoin~ ~o pay all co~s fo~, installation of Tho hydrant. Tho applicnnt z~hall fux~ish from tho appropriate fire department o~ diot~ct location ~d asreeins to accept' owne~ship and mo~pons~btl~ty fop maintenance of the hydmant. ~O hydr~t ~hall in accordance wi~h County specifications. The Collto~ County WateP Utility System shall bo mesponsiblo fern maintenance of the hydP~t valve and ~hall ~Tain ownership of said valve. ~o use of wateP fPom ~he hydPan~ by Tho ripe department diutmic~ shall be limited ~o those uses melat~n~ to fi~ depa~- meat opePati oas. SECTION SIXTEEN: REP~A;, Ordinance No. 81-51 is hereby repealed. In the event this Ordinance and Resolution conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance and Resolution is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jursidiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holdinE shall not affect the valid'.l~y of the remaintn~ portion. SECTION EICIITEEN: EFI'ECrIVE DATE ' This Ordinance and Resolution shall become effective upon receipt of notice from tho Secretary of State that this Ordinance and Resolution has been filed with the Secretary of State. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, at its re~,ular meetinz held on day or _, REAG/~;, Clot'k STATE OF FIDRIDA ) COllN'D' OF COLLIER ) BOARD OF COUNTY COHMI?,,BIONF, RS COLLII:R COTIUTY, FI,ORIDA AND '. EX-OFFICIO Tin: GOVI;R~;ING BOARD 01' 'l'lIH COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT · ~u s WZMER, CHAIRMAN Appmovod au to forum and lags1 "-ufflcien ey ~ ~r.t' L~' Saunders ol£1e%~, uoullTy A%To~ney I, WILLIA31 J. RFAC, AN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florhla, do here6y certify that the forgoing ts'a tn~e original of: ORDIN~U~ NO. 82-65 PJ~l.trrlO:; NO. which was adopted hv the Board of County Co~isstoners during Session July 27, 19~2. . IglINESS ~. hand m~d the offtcn.tl seal of the ~ard of Cotmt7 C~tssioners of Collier Cotmty, Florida, this 28th day of July, 1982. I'tI I,[,I~I J. PJ~C~N Clerk o~ Courts a~d Clerk .~l~[~'e'" F~-officio to ~ard of Cotmty Co,missioners ".." ' " - ~ , p ~~ ' :~' ~,~'..~ -, Tt~Ia ordlnanee filed wIgh ghe SeePega~y of'Sgage~s Off~o~ gh~ ~gh this 10th day of August, 1982. By :~