Resolution 2010-223/DO 2010-01 DEVELOPMENT ORDER 2010- 0 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2010- 223 A RESOLUTlON AMENDING DEVELOPMENT ORDER 88-02, AS AMENDED, TIlE CITYGATE COMMERCE PARK DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT, PROVIDING FOR SECTlON ONE: AMENDMENT TO REGULATlONS PERTAINING TO RED COCKADED WOODPECKERS; SECTlON TWO: FINDINGS OF FACT; SECTION THREE: CONCLUSIONS OF LA Wj SECTION FOUR: EFFECT OF PREVIOUSLY ISSUED DEVELOPMENT ORDER, TRANSMITTAL TO DCA AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTlVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, approved Development Order 88-02 (the "Development Order") on December 13, 1988, which approved a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as Citygate Commerce Park Development Order; and WHEREAS, as a result of an appeal, a Settlement Agreement between Collier County and the Department of Community Affairs resulted in Development Order 90-4, Resolution No. 90-431 dated August 28, 1990 ("1990 DOA"), which amended Section One: Conclusion of Law, Section 4, Vegetation and Wildlife/Wetlands, including paragraphs c and d (which were entitled "Off-Site Mitigation" and "Red Cockaded Woodpecker Management Plan", respectively) of the Development Order; and WHEREAS, 850 NWN, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, and CG II, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, (collectively "Owners") own the DR! property east of the Florida Power & Light Easement; and WHEREAS, the Owners, after formal consultation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, applied for the approval of a Habitat Conservation Plan and for a Federal Fish and Wildlife Permit pursuant to Section 10 of the United States Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (7 U.S.C 9 136, 16 U.S.C. 9 1531 et seq.), which, among other things, incorporates the latest Red Cockaded Woodpecker ("RCW") management methods and mitigation strategies; and WHEREAS, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service approved the City Gate Habitat Conservation Plan for the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker and Florida Panther ("City Gate HCP"), document #2005050-10.1 dated March IS, 2006 as revised through May 2008 and approved on March 30, 2009; and Underlined text is added; glrliel, t"rssg" text is deleted. City Gate / DOA-PL2010-843 Rev. 11/09/10 Page I of9 WHEREAS, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued to Owners a Federal Fish and Wildlife Permit TEI45823-0, issued July 1,2009 ("City Gate Federal Permit"); and WHEREAS, the City Gate Federal Permit incorporates the latest RCW mitigation strategies; and WHEREAS, the RCW mitigation strategies and management methods found in the 1990 DOA vary from the RCW mitigation strategies and RCW management plan found in the City Gate HCP and City Gate Federal Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes are required to conform to a permit approved by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and these changes do not create any additional regional impacts; and WHEREAS, Roger B. Rice, of Roger B. Rice, PA, representing the Owners, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, to amend the Development Order by amending the 1990 DOA; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission held a public hearing on the petition on September 16,2010; and WHEREAS, on November 9, 2010, the Board of County Commissioners, having considered application of proposed changes to the Development Order by amending the 1990 DOA, and the record made at said hearing, and having considered the record of the documentary and oral evidence presented to the Collier County Planning Commission; and report and recommendation of the Collier County Planning Commission; the report and recommendation of the Collier County Planning Staff and Advisory Boards, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County hereby approves the following Citygate Commerce Park Development Order amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLOR!DA that: SECTlON ONE: AMENDMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ORDER 88-02, AS AMENDED Conclusions of Law, Section 4 of Development Order 88-2, as amended, "Vegetation and Wildlife/Wetlands", is hereby amended by deleting subparagraphs b, c, and d in their entirety and adding a new subparagraph b to read as follows: 4. VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE/WETLANDS: a. Golden Polypody Ferns and Butterfly Orchids shall be relocated to appropriate protected areas on-site. b. The 2.47 acres of wetlands preserve shown on the approved Master Development Plan Underlined text is added; Slreel, I"reeg" text is deleted. City Gate / DOA-PL20 I 0-843 Rev. 11/09/10 Page 2 of9 shall be preserved. e. Off Site Mit-igatioR 1. DevelepmeRt sf tHe prejeet area lseatea west of tHe pswerline easemeRt may CSlllIIleRee immed-iately, tllgetAerwith thetwe parcels east efthe pewerliRe easemeRt Reeessary te previae temperer)' Wast8'Nater treatmeRt aRa d-ispesal faeilities ana ste_water maRagemeRt fm tHe area west ef the pswerliRe easemeRt. The area east eftHe pswerliRe easemeRt SHall Ret elleeea twelYe (12) aeres iR tetal aRa shall 'oe if! tHe appre)limRte IseatieRs sflllWR SR Blffii'oit ".'.". The eight (ll) aeres meFe er less ts 'oe atilizea fer water mWl8gemeRt paFpeses, will Ret Fe'laire massi-;e eleariag aRa a majerity eftHe matare trees (ll".. diameter) will Be maiRtaiaed liRtil mitigatisR is pre';iaea fer said prsperty. These aeres east ef the pllwerliRe easemeRt 'oeiRg atilizea shall 'oe mitigated witH tHe first release sf adaitieRal acreage seagflt i1ereURder. Prier te the issallRce ef ceRstflIetioR pe_its fer develepmeRt ef any eftHe prajeet areas loeated east eftHe pey;erline easemeRt elleept as set forth aBeve, mitigatieR for the impacts ta sn site Rea Ceek-aded Wseapeelters anti their habitat shall ecelif as set ferth i1ereiR. 2. SeatR'.vest F1erida RegieRtH Plar.niBg Ce\iBeil (SWFRPC) is caHently ceBtemplatiBg the estahlishrReRt ef a Regional MitigatisB Plan fer the sff site mitigatiSB ef impaets ta Rea Cecl,aded VI' oeapeckers aRa ether listea species. If tHe Ssathwest Fleriaa RegieRal PlanaiBg Couasil adopts suell a RegieB8l Mitigation Plan whieHmitigates the ilRJlaots of the Rea Ceokaacd Weeapeeker sff site aRd is aeeepted by DC.'. dlii.ng the peBdeoo)' eftRis Develspment oreer, ,^,pplieaBt may, at its sale sptisB, ehesse to partieipate in said regisBtH mitigation plaR as te 8BY aeres lIF.mitigated as aR altemative tll farther mitigatisB uBder this SeetieR. Flif'.ller, iR the eveRt tHat Rea Csekadea W sodpeelters are removea frem tHe list sf preteetea species eftHe State of Florida dw-'.Bg the peadeaey efthis DevelsflmeRt Order, l\pplicant shall Have BS farther obligatisn frsm aRa after that time, fer mitigatioB sf impacts ts said species. c. The Red Cockaded Woodpecker Management Plan shall be the Red Cockaded Woodpecker Management Plan provisions in the Citv Gate Habitat Conservation Plan for the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker and Florida Panther (Citv Gate HCP). document #2005050-10.1 dated March 15. 2006 as revised through Mav 2008 and approved on March 30. 2009 bv the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the Mitigation for Red Cockaded Woodpecker shall be the mitigation provisions in the Federal Fish & Wildlife Permit TE145823-0. issued Julv L 2009 (Citv Gate Federal Permit). pursuant to Section 10 of the United States Endangered Species Act of 1973. as amended (7 U.S.C & 136. 16 U.S.c. & 1531 et seq.). I. A Copv of this RCW Management Plan shall be filed with the original of this Resolution in the Records of the Clerk to the Board of Count v Commissioners. 2. Copies of all Monitoring Reports and correspondence with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. regarding the Citv Gate HCP and Citv Gate Federal Permit. shall be provided to Collier Countv and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) as part of the Annual Monitoring Report for the Citv Gate Commerce Park DR!. Underlined text is added; Slrnek IRreegR text is deleted. City Gate / DOA-PL20 I 0-843 Rev. 11/09/1 0 Page 3 of9 3. The City Gate proiect shall be deemed to be in compliance with the RCW Management Plan if the City Gate proiect is in compliance with the requirements of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service under the Citv Gate HCP and the Citv Gate Federal Permit. No violation of the RCW Management Plan under this Resolution mav be charged unless the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shall have initiated an action to suspend or revoke the City Gate Federal Permit for failure to complv with the RCW Management provisions thereof. 3. The eB site anti e!f site mitigatioo for the Red Ceckaeled WeeBpeekers ana tHeir feregmg haBitat is as fellews: a. Theft! are an agreea liJleB 19l1 acres ef saitaBle Red Ceckaded Weeapeeker feragiBg l1.aBitat eB site (see Blffii'oit "B") ana tlle f.pfllieant's off site mitigatioH shall 'oe limitea te aR acre fer acre phasea eff site plifeflase aRa eOH';cyanee ef mitigatieB prepeFty er pa)'fBeRt ef meBey as set fertl1. llereiIr. (i) The ,'.pplieant shall ae(juire aRa eell".'ey eH an aore fer aere Basis, sliitaele Rea Ceelcadea WeeBpecker l1.a'oitat, slHljeet to eeHditiell5 aRa eriteria statea in ptH'agffifll1. 5.a.threagh5.f. Saitahlehahitat shtHl Be detel'lRiBed BY tHe Depar'..meBt of CeFBImmity ,'.!fairs with. ReeelRffieHdat-iens 8)' the Flerida Game and Fresh Water Fisl1. Ce!BHlissien. (ii) L\s an a1temati>/e ta the .^4lfllieaat's d-ireet ae(jwsitieB ef mitigatieB property as set fe!'tl1.heFeiB, tHe ,'41plicaRt shalll1.li'/e tHe alteFBativt! efpay'.Bg fer the acqaisitieB erRea Ceel<8dea Vi eeBpeeker i1aBitat en a phll5ea Bll5is pursaant te this ptH'agrElflh. IB tHe e'/ent Seathwest , Fleriaa RegieBtH Plar.BiBg CeliBeil, etHer ge'/emmeBtal ageney, state er aational conservatien erganizatieH ideBtifies and eBtaias er has tbe right te e'otaiR a large eeBligaeas acreage fer wildlife preteetien aRd mllRagemeRt ana whiel1. meets tHe cr-iter-ia set fertl1. herem, AJlIllioaRt sl1.alll1.ave the altemative (eB a phasea 'oasis as set forth herdB, er liJleH a siRgle paymeRt Basis) te pay te saia ageBCY er erganizatieB fer its reE]aifed mitigatieB. The llFBe\iRt ef saia paymt!Bt shall Be e(jaal te tl1.e B\ilRBer ef acres 'oeiHg mitigated makiplied BY the eest ef the laBa OB a per acre Basis. Flerida Game aHa Fresl1. Water Fish CemmissieB will aetively and ellpedi~ie\iSly assist iB the lecatieB ef mitigatieB jlreperty ','.'l1.iel1. meets tHe eriteria set fllrtRhereiB. Saia prepeFty sl1.all Ret be immeaiately aajaeeRt te develepmeRt areas er iB areas speeified iB leetH geyemmeHt eelRflreheFIsiv6 plans for arBaa develepment. Saia prepcrties sl1.all Be witHiH the Seathwest Fledda RegioH81 Plan:1iBg Ceooeil area, Bat Beea Bet Be witHiH Cellier Celll1ty. Underlined text is added; ~Ireek IRreegR text is deleted. City Gate / DOA-PL2010-843 Rev. 11/09/1 0 Page 4 of9 4. If paragrltfll1. 3.a.(i) is atilized, tHe preperty sl1.ltIl Be eOR\'eyed te the eRtily with respeRsi'oility for tHe maRaged lHea. The preperty shall Be reserved iR perpetuity iR its predemiRantly aatmal and eltistiRg cORditieR with apprepriate maRagemeRt to iRslil'e the contiBlied 8llistooce of saitaBle Red Ceekaded W oadpeolter l1.aBitat. CeRyeyaRee ma)' eocm iR Pl1.ases as set forth l1.ereiR. Prier te tHe eORyeYaRee af aRY preperty, tl1.e projlerty shall Be deemed aeeeptaBle 'oy the DejlartmeBt af CemmaRity Affairs, who may seek the advice af af'prepriate eRviFeRmeRtal ageReies as te the aceeptaBility af the prepert)' iR E1liElstioR. 5. The pl1.ase mitigatioR 8Jlpreael1. fer tHe prej eet's impoots aR Red Cllekaded Weeapeekers aRd Red Ceekaded Woadpecker haBitat is aeeeptaBle, sliBjeet te tl1.e follewiRg eaaditillRs and eriteria: a ,^.ll the mitigatioR property shttll Be oaRtigueas aRd tHere shall 'oe aR aeeeptahle metHed far tHe phased ae'lllisitiaR oftl1.e prejlerty. Aceeptaele methed sl1.ttllmeliB a legally emoFecaBle Fight to eBtaiR the preperty BY the ItflplieaBt OR a pl1.ased Basis. B. l.t the time of the appreval ef the mitigatioR preperty, Red eeekaded Weedjlecl,ers sl1.all 'oe RcstiRg or fafagiRg OR tHe mitigatieR preperty, er the preperty will Be otHerwise decmed ooeeptable '0'1 DC^.. a. The mitigatioR property shttll 'oe immediately adjaaeRt to er iR slese preltimity te eJlistiRg laRds eWfled ar _aged BY a paBlie tlgeHay er eVffled or maRaged BY a ceRservatieR ergaRizatieR fer the preteetiaR ef ".vildlife, or witHiH aR area deGigRated for pli'olie aeElmsition as 'Nildlife haBitat fer whiel1. puhlio fuBdiRg l1.as Ret seeR cOH\IRitted. d. The mitigatien preperty shall Be deedad to tHe eRtity eYlfliBg the saBligoollS er adjaeeRt '.vildlife l1.aBitat er to 8R8tHer eBtity apJlls';ed By DC^. anti tile SeatHwest FloFiela RegiaRal PlanniRg CO\ineil and will 'oe deed restricted fer prcservatieR iR perperuity as a '.vildlife l1.aBitat. e. Cenveyanees er paymeBts shall 'oe fer at least 25 aere iHeremeBts, wfleroopoH a aeHespoRdiRg ameaRt ef saitaBle Red Ceel<aded Waedpesker ha'oitat east eftHe pll'.verliRe easemeRt iR the respeetive PhaGe shttll 'oe released fer develepmeRt pUt'flases. Na releases sflttll seclil' within Phase Twe \intil all suitaBle R",d Ceel<aded Weeapesker haBitat '~.1thiB Phase Oae l1.as 'oeeR released. De';elopmeRt ef liIlSaitaBle Red Ceelffilied Weeapeeller haBitat IlIRds ma,! eeeur simli!taBeellSly \vith developmeRt ef atljeifliBg released Red Coelmded Weoapeelter llaBitat witlliB sool1. reSJleetive Pl1.ase. 1'1 e releases sl1.all eeaar withiR Pl1.ase Three (Stage II) aRti! the re'lmremeRts ef paragrapl1. Ii l1.orsefl1.ave 'oeeR met. Pl1.aGe Three (Stage II) shall be the Red Coekaded Waedf'eeller preserve as the SlUHe may be medified !fom time te time as pr-oyidod her-eiR. Tl1.e Phases are depieted eR gld11Bit "N' attaehed herete. f IR the eveHt tl1.at tHe Red Cockaded Weselpeekcrs totally aBaadoR the Citygate site fer a penoe eftYte years, applieant agrees ta tetally mitigate its Underlined text is added; Strod, througR text is deleted. City Gate / DOA-PL2010-843 Rev. 11/09/1 0 Page 5 of9 -----"...------------,.._."....... impaets by ooEjliir'.Bg the remffiBder efthe mitigatieR prepeFty p\ifS\ilIBt te this agreemeRt at tHat time. UpeR acqliisitieR eftile lernaintler eftlle mitigatieR prepefty, the satire remaiRaer ef tHe project, iflellidiag the 72 aere presef'l'e area, 'Mil Be availaBle fer develepmeRt. IR the eveRt tflat eRe eftHe two plifJleFted eeleHies aBaHdeRS tHe site fer a peried eftwll yoars, awlie8fit agrees te have a !j\I8l.iiied Bielllgist re anttlyze the haBitat lise patterns and Reeds ef tHe remaifliRg celeRY liSing a lBethllelelegy reaseRa'oly aeceptaBle te the Game aRd Freshwater FisH CemmissieR. That peFtieR eftbe 72 aeres eatside tHis area sball Be released fer develepmeRt apeR aeqaisitieR ef an equal acreage ef mitigatieR prepefty. a. THere are twe Stages te the eff site miagatieR pregrarn, Stage I (Phase I & II east of pewefiifle ceRtainiBg a total ef appreltimately lall aeres) ellBtaiRs 129.5 aeres ef sliitable Red Ceekaded Weedpecker Ha'oitat Illeated east efthe pe'.verliHe easemeBt Bat eatside ehae Red Ceekaded Weedpeeker pFeserve BeliRdary, aHd Stage II eeRstitates tHe 72 acres withiR ilie Red Ceckaded Weedpecker preserve BelolRdary (all.S aeres ef SllitaBle Red CeelE8ded Weedj'leeker Ha'oitat) shevm eR Map H attaeHeel te tHis De'ielepmeBt Order. ~Ie eff site mitigatieR sHall 'oe a1lewed fer er develepmeBt eeelil' withiR S:tage II lIfttil aRd liRless, all Red Ceel<tlded WeeBpeekers Have aB8Hdefled all ea'lit). trees eR site f-or twe years er mere as demoRstrated BY tHe ar.Bll8i SlirY8)'S specified hereiR ellcept as previded in PlIft1gFllpH H. Herellf. 7. The reqairemeRts fer eff site mitiglltieR are ill additieR te 81TY reqliiremeRts ef the City Gate Red Ceckaded Weedj'leelcer MaRagemeBt Plan descril3ed belew. 8. Prier to issuaaee ef eeastxueaeB 13eFfllits fer reaEls, vlater aRe se~.vef f-aT aB approved developmeBt Phase eftHe Citygate prejeet, a Red Ceckaded Weedpeeker RCW) slirvey litiliziRg previelisly appreved methodelegy will 'oe eefldlieted te iRs\ife that RCW s HIPo'e Ret estaBliSHed Rest ewlit-ies iH the develepmeBt area. The S\ifvey shall eeelir withiR a9 days efthe start ef develepmeRt aetivities and if it is detel'lRiRed tHat RCW Rest ea'lities have BeeR estaBlished iR tHe eeRstmetieR area, awrepriate medifieatieFlS sflall be made te tHe RCW MlIR8gemeRt Plan. d. Red Ceekaded WeeBpeelcer MaRagemeBt PlaH. I. l\.-.Blial RC'N sllfveys, litiliziRg the pre'iielisly appreved lBetHedelegy, ',viII Be mdertakeR liRtil 5 five years after aRal build eat ef tHe Citygate preject, 'Nith reslilts efthe aflBlial RCW sllfYeys te Be reperted te Game aHd FiSH CelBlBissieR (GFC), U.S. fiSH aRd \l.'ildlife Serviee (USFWS), SWFRPC, and Cellier CeliRty witiliR 30 days ef survey eempletieR. 2. Prepesals te medify tile Citygate R.cW MaRagemeRt Plan, iReeFperated hcreiR BY refereRee, may Be s$lBitted at any time. S:lieH prepesals shall Be stIjlperted by a ClineRt sllfvey ef eR site RCW Restiag aRd feragiRg pattems, and sueH additieflal iafermatieR as is reqliired te cvalliate the prepesed MaRagemeRt PlaR modifieatieR. UpeR detel'lRiRatieR tflreligk tHe aBlllial RC'N slirveys tHat the Underlined text is added; Struel, threegR text is deleted. City Gate / DOA-PL2010-843 Rev. 11/09/1 0 Page 6 of9 OR site eeleRies in aftY area seught t8 se FeHlo"/ea foom tlle H.c',V }3feserve B&\'e BecR aeBRdoaed far at least twe years, aad aay reqaired aff site mitigatioa is BeiRg 6saeliHeBtly previded, E!j3prepriate ffisdifieatiea te tke R-CW Managcmeat PlaH skall 'oe E!j3preved aRe skall Bat Be eeasidered a saBstaRtial deviatioa siaee tHe impacts tHcreaf are BeiRg mitigated eeaeaffcBt therewitH. 3. Melal8\i€Il anti other ell~e vegetatisa ...<ithin tlle RCW JlfeseFve area and elsewlwre ea tHe Citygate site will 'oe eflldicated after appfe':a1 ef the pre posed remo'/al BY tHe FGFWFC, tHus nigniiieaHtly enbaBeffig tHe qlill!ity ofRCW forage area OR site. 4. Blleessiye mder.grewth \viIl Be eeBtrolled By bliJ'ffing aml/or By liSe of meehanieal e<jWpmeat if detefHlined BY the FGFWFC te Bet otherwise' eeamet witH tke protectiea ef the R-CW haBitat ea site. 5. PiRe trees fla'.iBg a Diameter Breast I leigllt (DBIl)) ef ll' or mere, leeat~a oatside the RCW jlFeS8f"18 (Phase III) 'olit witi-liH tlle FeqWed)'BftI and OOlfet areas in the lemaiBEler oftl1.a site, will Be eonserfed ta J3fI3'I'ide aEld-itienal RCv.' fufllge areas. Bast eftHe FP&L easemeBt iB tIl.e vieinity efthe RCv.' pFeSllf'/e areas identified eR tHe Master PlaR the miillmIlIR pareel sizes are ta 'oe 2 !I6RlS; miBiImim yard reEjlliFomeRts are froRt 50', rear 59', side 25'; BStmere tHan 2Q!lfo oftl1.ase reEtUiree yard5 maYBe deo'.'6ted te vahielilar aa','oo aOO JlIlF\eng spooes; at least 39% ef eael1. d8','elapmeat site mast be deveted ta aatuFal and!er instaIIcd landseape areas. 6. Unrelcased lands within Stage I aBd Stage H may 'oe atilized for limitee reereatieaal plifJloaes sooIl as '.'1a1kways, jeggiBg tmils, aOO etHer passP:e recFeatianal fueilities, sa long as d-ist\ir'oaaee ef natP.<e yegetatiea is minimal anti tile aetivitics avoid aH afea eaeolRflasaiBg a 200 foot radilis areliad eaell aest tree. UBdergroliBd atilities 8ftd Sliffaee drainage swales may areas the \iflFeleased lands '.vithiB Stage I pFBvieed that they are iRstalled e\itside ef 8ft area eensliMiflg a 200' radilis Il1'8IIfld eael1. aeti':e Best tree and are deaigned te have miBirnal impaet. UHtiergfeliad '.Iti!ities and surfuee drainage swales may cress the lIIlFeleasad laRds within Stage H pF8'lided tHat they are installed oatside of 8ft area ceBstitliting a 299' radffis araooe eooil aeti-ve Best tree, are designed to have a minimal impaet, and furtller pre,.~ded tl1.at Sl:llfaee draiaage S\vale leeatioRs Be E!j3preved BY tke DepartlRcat ef Cemmunity f.ffairs. It is liadefstead tHere may'oe a reEkletiea iB foragiBg trees witkin the illlfoleased afea as a reslllt of tHese activities, 'oat the SIlF8ll shall Be miBimized to tl1.a mlllBmlim 8lffeat fJRlClieaele. 7. Tke pFeserve area shttll Be pentea with nigas ,...niek iad-ieate tHat it is 8ft RCW pres6FVll aRd tkat dismrBanee ef tke Birds is prekiBited and aalawful. SECTION TWO: FINDINGS OF FACT A. That the real property which is the subject of the proposed amendment is legally described as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. B. The application is in accordance with Section 380.06(19)(e)2., Florida Statutes. Underlined lext is added; Struek thraegR lexl is deleted. City Gate / DOA-PL2010-843 Rev. 11109/10 Page 7 of9 The applicant submitted to the County notice as required by Section 380.06(19)(e)2. which provides "This Subsection does not require the filing of a notice of proposed change but shall require an application to the local government to amend the Development Order...." C. A review of the impact generated by the proposed changes to the previously approved development has been conducted by the County's departments. D. The development is not in an area designated an Area of Critical State concern pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, as amended. E. The proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order fall within Subsection 380.06(19)(e)2.h, Florida Statutes. SECTION THREE: CONCLUSIONS OF LAW A. The proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order do not constitute a substantial deviation pursuant to Section 380.06(19)(e)2.h, Florida Statutes. The proposed changes are required to conform with federal permits. B. The proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order will not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the area. C. The proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order are consistent with the Collier County Growth Management Plan and the Land Development Regulations adopted pursuant thereto. D. The proposed changes to the previously approved Development Order are consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan. E. The proposed changes do not constitute a substantial deviation pursuant to Section 380.06(19)(e)1. and Section 380.06(19)(e)2.h., Florida Statutes, and therefore it is not subject to the public hearing requirements of 380.06(19)(t)3. and it is not subject to a determination pursuant to Section 380.06(19)(t)5. Underlined text is added; Stru.k tkFeugR text is deleted. City Gate / DOA-PL2010-843 Rev. 11/09/10 Page 80f9 SECTION FOUR: EFFECT OF PREVIOUSLY ISSUED DEVELOPMENT ORDER, TRANSMITTAL TO DCA AND EFFECTIVE DATE A. Except as amended hereby, Development Order 88-02, as previously amended, shall remain in full force and effect, binding in accordance with the terms on all parties thereto. B. Copies of this Development Order shall be transmitted immediately upon execution to the Department of Community Affairs, Bureau of Land and Water Management, and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council. C. This Development Order shall take effect as provided by law. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and favorable vote. (5-0) jh Done this ~dayofJJOHrd)ll ,2010. ATTEST: DWIGHTE~J,J~gS1~,gLERK ,.."Il ,. 'I...... I' "j..' ", "i>' ..'" ".~.'- " .. -.'; ," t..',..... '. "" ~',~ "\"I-~~I':; ;~:~~ ......\~~.. , .." .' '.' J;- . >', C,' " , , . - ':;y\' By:' '.' .,,' 'V" " ; . ' .'" A~'''', , " . \, .~puty Clerk ~toI=<"~~),pj · BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA "'-JuL l,), C~~. FRED W. COYLE, Chairman By: Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: ~ACU 00 Heidi Ashton-Cicko Assistant County Attorney CP\ I O-CPs-O 1 033\28 Underlined text is added; ~truel, tRreegll text is deleted. City Gate / DOA-PLZOIO-843 Rev. 11/09110 Page 9 of9 HOLE. MONTES .ANC ASSOC.. INC. CONSULTING ENGINE::nS - LA'l/O SURVEYORS HMA F i I e No. 85. 23 9'30'85 Shee t 1 0 f 2 LEGAL OESCR I PT I ON The North half of Section 35, Township q9 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida LESS the West 100.00 feet thereof for right-of-way purposes and LESS the following de.scribed parcels: .A parcel of land being.ii"po-r-flon'of the' No-rthwe'~t-quarter-o"f--r- Section 35, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Col I ier County, Florida. Seing more particularly described as fol lows: Commencing at the quarter Section corner, common to Sections 3q and 35, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Col I ier County, Florida. Said quarter corner being marked with a 4" x .~ concrete monument having a 3-inch brass cap attached to the top thereof, with a 3/4-inch iron pipe: thence along the Section [Ine between said Sections 34'and 35, North 00029'15A West, 1,382.43 feet to a point on the centerline of the proposed Access Road No. 1 as shown on the State of FlorldaOepar.tment. of Transpol:tatlon Right-of-Way Map for State Road No. 93 (1-75) Sheet 8 of 10; thence along said centerline of the proposed Access Road NO.1 Nort~ 89031'01" East, 100.00 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line of a canal, said point also being on the ce~terllne of the proposed access road to the wa!~_r _~r~aJ~_e~"t_.._ .__._ . __ plant parcel; thence along said East canal -right-of-way line North 00029' 15" West, 50.00 feet to a 4" x q" concrete monument marking the Northwest corner of the proposed access road right-ot-way to the water treatment plant parcel: and belng the true POINT OF BECINNINC of the parcel to be herein described: thence along the North I ine of said access road right-of-way North 89031101" East. QS6.S1 feet to a 4/1 x 4" concrete monument marking the Intersection of said North right-of-way with the West boundary line of the water treatment plant parcel; thence along said West boundary line North 00047' 14"-'East,-"9"911.98 feet to an Iron rod on the Westerly right-at-way of a strip of land 170 feet in width for a Florida, Power & Light Ccmpany (FPSL) right-of-way. as described in Official Records Book 681, Page 1210, Collier County Records; thence along said Westerly_FP&L right-of-way North 31030'28" East, 70.02 feet to an iron rod; thence continuing along said Westerly FPSL right-of-way South S8D30LOJ/I East, 761.56 feet to a II" x 4. concrete monument; thence contl-nuing along said Westerly FP&L right-of-way South 000117"4". West, 1,065.70 feet to a lJ" x 4" concrete monument; thence continuing atong said Westerly FP&L right-of-way South OOO~7'14" West, 332.74 feet to an iron rod marking the intersection of said Westerly F?SL right-of-way with the South line of the North half of the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section 35, Township 49 South. Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida: said point also being the Southeast corner of the parcel being herein described: thence along said South line of the North half of the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section 35, South 89004'40" West, .690.82 feet to a 4" x 4/1 concrete monument: said 2 ~ . ---r,-.w ~'.'~-Exi?ilti~';A~~~~~ . , I II ~MA Fi Ie No. 85.23 9,30/115 Shee t 2 0 f 2 -point being the Southwest corner of the parcel being herein described: thence along the 'West boundary line of said parcel North 0004711~A East, 553.80 feet to a IJA x .11M concrete monument marking the intersection of the West boundary of the water treatment plant parcel with the South right-of-way of the proposed access road to the water treatment plant parcel: thence along said South right-of-way South 89031101" West, .1154.28 feet to a qn X 4" concrete monument marking the intersection of said access road South rlght-oi-way with the East right-or-way of a .cana'I-;' thence-a-long said 'c.ma I -.Eas t.r 19ht-of-way North 00029' l5n West 100.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNINC. AND A portion of the North half of Section 35, Township 49 South, Range 25 East; being described as follows: Begin on the South line of the North half of said Section 35, at a point North 89000'01" East 100.00 feet from the Southwest corner of the North half of said Section 35, thence run North 00029'15u West. t,3311.19 feet. thence South OQ021'08" East. '296:92-feet.'thence'.South 02046'25".East;.750.5Q feet to-the---- beginning of a curve concave to the Northeasterly having a radius of 33d.oo feet. thence run Southerly along said curve.2QO.58 feet, through a central angle of 41001'2911 to the end of said _ curve. thence South 43047'5q" East. 94.86 feet to the South line - of'.the North half of said Section 35. thence South -89000'0,.-----. .._....... West. 206.27 feu to the POINT OF BEGINNING~ . AND A portion of the North half of Section 35. Township 49 South. Range 26 East; being described as follows: Begin on the South line of the North half of said SectIon 35, at a point North 89000'01" East, 305.27, feet from.the Southwest. corner of the North half of said Section 35, thence run North " 43047'5411 West, 94.86 feet to the begInning of a curve concave to the Northeasterly having a radius of 336.00 feet, thence run Northwesterly along said curve 240.58 feet through a central angle of 41001'29u to the end of said curve, thence North 02046'25" West. 750.60 feet. thence North 04021'08" West. 296.92 feet, thence North 00029"5" West. 85.00 feet, thence North 89~31'O~" East. 64.42 feet, thence South 011021'08" East. 378.311 feet, thence South 02046'25" East, 751.5& feet. to the beginnIng of a cU~e concave to the Northeasterly having a radius of 265.00 feet, thence run Southeasterly along said curve 190.45 feet. through a central angle of 41001129u to the end of said curve, thence South 4]0'1'54" East. 159.68 feet to the South line of the North half of said Section 35. thence South 89000'01" West, 95.40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. COntaining 287.187 acres. more or less. , 3 H 0 L E. M 0 N T E S Be ASS.O C I ATE S. I N C . ----.. , - : . , .~ie:1;1::i~~~~~~~~~.~. '. . "s' . '&' .;....:...:zi:..... '. _. . . .' . ;:;~...,,;:i'~:c"~~~:..::..:.....":; '.1