Ordinance 83-13ORDINANCE NO. 83 - 13 COLLIER COUNTY STANDARD BUILDING CODE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE "COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING CODE" BY ADOPTING TIlE "STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1982 EDITION" INCLUDING APPENDICES A, B, C, D, E, F, I, L, N, AND P; AS PUBLISHED BY TIlE SOU/~IERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL, INC,, AS FURTHER AMENDED BY Tills ORDINANCE; AMENDING SECTION 103.4 RELATING TO UNSAFE BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 105.2 TO ADD SUB- SECTION (c) RELATING TO OWNER-BUILDERS; AMENDING SECTION 105 TO ADD SUBSECTION 105.8 RELATING TO MINIMUM FLOOR AND SLAB ELEVATION REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 106.3 RELATING TO CONDITIONS OF TIlE PERMIT; AMENDING SECTION 107.2 (b) RELATING TO FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT; AMENDING SECTION 107.4 PROVIDING FOR A SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES TO BE ESTABLISllED BY RESOLUTION; AMENDING SECTION 108.2 TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATING TO INSPECTIONS REQUIRED; AMENDING SECTION 109.2 RELATING TO ISSUANCE OF TIlE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY; DELETING SECTION ll0.2 IN ITS ENTIRETY; AMENDING SECTION 110.3 RELATING TO FLOOR LOADS; AMENDING SECTION 112 PROVIDING FOR APPEAL TO TIlE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS; DELETING SECTION 1 ] 3 IN ITS ENTIRETY; AMENDING SECTION !!4 RELATING TO VIOLATIONS A5'D PENALTIES; AMENDING SECTION 201.2 RELATING TO DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTION 301.3 SUBSECTIONS (b) AND (f) RE- LATING TO REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE FIRE DISTRICT; AMKhq)ING SECTION 301.4(a) RELATING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF A FIRE DISTRICT; ~IENDING SECTION 403.2 RELATING TO TENANT SEPARATION; AMENDING SECTION 706.6 RELATING TO WOOD SHINGLES; AMEMDING SECTION 902.3(a) AND (b) RELATING TO STANDPIPES; AMENDING SECTION 902.5 RE- LATING TO STANDPIPES DURING CONSTRUCTION; AMENDING SECTION 1104.4 RELATING TO EMERGENCY EGRESS OPENINGS; AMENDING SECTION I 108.1 TO ADD SUBSECTION (f) RELATING TO INTERIOR PUBLIC BALCONIES; AMENDING SECTION 1124 TO ADD SUBSECTION (c) RELATING TO FIRE Al. ARM; AMENDING SECTION 1302.2 (a) AND (c) RELATING TO BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL; AMENDING SECTION 1706.7 TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATING TO CUTTING, NOTCHING AAq) BORED HOLES IN WOOD CONSTRUCTION; AJ'IEND lNG SECTION 1707.3 TO ADD SUBSECTION (d) RELATIHG TO ROOF JOIST; AMENDING SECTION 2101,9(e) RELATING TO STAND- PIPE AND HOSE SYSTEM FOR BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION; AMENDING APPENDIX "D" RELATING TO ltURRICANE REQUIRe- MENTS FOR EXTERIOR WALLS AND TIE BEAMS; ,~IENDI~G APPENDIX "N" RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION OF ONE AND TWO F~IILY DWELLINGS; REPEALING ORDINANCES 8!-21 AI~D 82-45; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE; PRO~ VIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIlE BOARD OF CO[~TY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: The Collier County Building Code, Chapter 7, Article I, of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances, is hereby amended as follows: SECTION ONE: The "Standard Building Code, 1982 Edition," including Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, I, L, N, and P, aa published by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Ine., and aa amended herein, is adopted by 73 retercnce as the "ColZier County Standard BuiZdlng Code" to protect the health, welfare, safety, common interest, and convenience of the citizens, visitors, and residents of Collier County, Florida. SECTION TWO: The "Standard Building Code, 1982 Edition," ia hereby amended to read as follows; CHAPTER I - ADMINISTRATION [03,4 - UNSAFE BUILDINGS Amend section to read aa follows; Unsafe Buildings shall be in accordance with the Elimin- ation or Repair of Unsafe Buildings Ordinance. 105.2 - FORM Add subsection (e) to read aa follows: (c) An ow~er-builder will be issued a maximum of one (1) owner-builder permit for a single family or duplex home in any three (3) year period. 105 - APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Add subsection 105.8 to read as follows: 105.8 - MINIMUM FLOOR AND SI,AB ELEVATIONS (a) No building permit shall be issued for commercial or residential bu'tldings unless the plans therefore show that construction of the finished floor elevation is established a minimum of eighteen (18) inches above the crown of tbs nearest street if finished with paving, or twenty-four (24) inches above the crown if graded or otherwise unfinished, or seven (7) feet above Mean Sea Level (MSL) based on the 1929 National Vertical Datum or at the elevations that have been established by the flood insurance rate maps as mentioned in the Flood Damage Prevention Regulations of Collier County, along with the required building and construction techniques and methods, or such higher elevation as may be established by law, whichever is the greater. Ground elevations shall be gradually sloped away from the building to effectively drain water away from the building. In projects where natural or unusual conditions exist, finished flood elevation may be determined by the Building Director upon submission of certified evidence by either a Florida Registered Engineer, Architect or Lend Surveyor. 017 7t (b) All slabs ~or garages, carports, ~creen enclosures, etc. must be at least equal to the crown of the nearest street. In projects where natural or unusual conditions exist, the slab elevation may be determined by the Building Director upon submission of certified evidence by either a Florida Registered Engineer, Architect or Land Surveyor. 106.3 - CONDITIONS OF TIlE PERMIT Amend section to read as follows: The Building Official shall act upon an application for a permit with plans as filed, or as amended, without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. A permit issued shall be construed to be s license to proceed with the work and shall not be construed as suthority to violate, cancel, alter, or set aside any of the provisions of this code, nor shall such issuance of a permit prevent the Building Official from thereafter requiring a correction of errors in plans or in construction, or of viola- tions of this code. Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within six (6) months after its issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months after the time the work is commenced; The Building Official may authorize the extension of a permit for up to one hundred eighty (180) days upon the pay- ment of a filing fee of $25.00 and the assurance that the site will be kept clean and neat. Ail permits that have been in effect for more than twelve (12) months at the time of passage of this Ordinance and for which no inspection has been performed within six (6) months prior to the date of this Ordinance, are herewith cancelled unless prior written extension has been given. Suspension or abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred when an inspection has not been called for within a six (6) month period, or if the Building Official determines that no substantial effort toward construction has been expended within any six (6) month period. Immediately at the conclusion of the above time periods, the Building Official may, upon application for those permits 0i7 '75 £ssued during the period January l, 1981 to May 25, 1982, ap- prove the extension of the time limit for one additional year provided that the following conditions are met: (1) The plans originally submitted with the build- fng permit application, and upon which the permit was issued, are amended to comply with all applicable codes. (2) Payment of a fee equal to ten (10) percent of the original fee to cover the review of existing as well as any amended plans. (3) The assurance that the site will be kept clean and neat. 107.2 - FAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT Amend subsection (b) to read aa follows: (b) Where construction ia commenced before a permit ia obtained, the permit fees shall be quadrupled. 107.4 - SCHED~.E OF PERMIT FEES Amend section to read as follows: The Board of County Commissioners shall establish, by Resolution, a schedule of fees and charges for matters per- taining to this Ordinance and allied matters. It is the intent of these regulations that the County shall not be required to bear any part of the cost of applications made under this Ordinance. The schedule of fees and charges shall be posted in the office of the Building Code Compliance Department. The charges listed may be changed by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners and are not subject to the procedure for amend- ment of this Ordinance set out in Section 112. 108.2 - INSPECTIONS REQUIRED Amend subsection (a) to read as follows: (a) The Building Official shall inspect or cause to be inspected at various intervals all construction or work for which a permit is required, and a final inspection shall be made of every building or structure upon completion, prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy, as required in Section 109. These inspections shall include, but are not limited to: Electrical, Plumbing, Structural, Air Condi- tioning, Plans Implementation Department and Engineering. In order to facilitate the required inspections, the permit holder shall furnish and provide at tbs site of construction adequate ladders, scaffolding, or other means of access for use by inspectors. If the permit card is destroyed or lost, no inspections will be made until the card is properly posted on Job site. A duplicate County permit card will be issued for a fee of $5.00. 109.2 - CONTENTS OF CERTIFICATE Amend section to read as follows: Upon completion of a building hereafter erected in accor- dance with approved plans and this Code, and after the final inspection and approval herein referred to by the Building Code Compliance Department, Plans %mp]ementation Department, Engineering and Health Departments, and other required inspections, and upon applicntlon thereto, the Building Official shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy. 110.2 - SIGNS REQUIRED Delete section in entirety 110.3 - LOADS IN EXCESS OF POSTED CAPACITY Amend section to read as follows: The owner shall not place, or permit to be placed, on any floor of a building, a load in excess of the minimum according to Chapter XII or the designed capacity whichever is less. 112 - APPEALS Amend section to read as follows: ~enever the Building Official shall reject or refuse mode or manner of construction proposed to be followed or mater- ials to be used in tbs erection or alteration of a building or structure, or when it is claimed that the provisions of this code do not apply, or that an equally good or more desirable form of construction can be employed in any specific case, or when it is claimed that the true ~ntent and meaning of this code or any of the regulations thereunder have been misconstrued 0t7 T7 or wrongly interpreted, the owner of such building or structure or his duly authorized agent, may appeal from the decision of the Building Official to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, pursuant to tbs procedures as set forth in the Collier County Ordinance as~ablishing the Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 113 - DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Delete section in entirety. 114 - VIOLATIONS A~D PENALTIES A~end section to reed as follows: If any person, firm, corpora~ion, or other legal entity whether public or private, shall fail or refuse to obey or comply with, or violates, any of the provisions of this Ordinance, such person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity whether public or private, upon conviction of such offense, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days in the county Jail, or both, in the discretion of the court. Each day of continued violation or non-compliance shall be considered as a separate offense. In addition, any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity whether public or private, convicted under the provimions of this mection shall pay all coats and expenses involved in the case. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the County from taking such other lmwful action in any court of competent Juri~dict~on as ia necessary to prevent or remedy any viola- tion. Such other lawful action shall include, but shall not be limited to, an equitable action for injunctive relief and an action mt law for damages. CHAPTER II - DEFINITIONS 201.2 - TENSE, GENDER AND Nb~BER Amend section by adding the following definitions: START OF CONSTRUCTION - means the first placement of permanent construction of a structure such as the pouring of slabs or footings or any work beyond the stage of excava- tion. Permanent construction doea not ~nclude land prepar- ation, such as clearing, grading, and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor ¢1.7 78 does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not as part of the main structure, For a structure without a basement or poured footings, the "start of con- struction' ineludes the first per~anent framing or assembly of the structure or any part thereof of its piling or foun- dation, 201,2 - TENSE, GENDER AND NUHBER Amend definition of "STRUCTURE" to read as follows; STRUCTURE - Anything constructed or ereeted, assembled or built, which requires a fixed location on or in the ground, or is attached to something by any means having a fixed location on or in the ground, CIt^PTER III - FIRE DISTRICT 301,3 - OTHER SPECIFIC REQUIREHENTS Amend st~bseetions (b) and (f) to read as follows; (b) Group "[{" Occupancy shall be permitted by the Building Code in accordance with Chapter 4, (f) Within the Fire District the exterior wails of Type IV Buildings shall be in accordance with Table 600, 301.~ - SCOPE Amend subsection (s) to read as follows: (a) For the purpose of this Code there is hereby estab- lished a Fire District, said Fire District to include the following: (I) Ali Industrial and Com~ercial Zoning as ind£- eared on the Official Zoning Atlas of Collier County, Florida, (2) Areas identified as Commercial or Industrial in a "PUD" (Planned Unit Development), (3) All non-conforming struetures identified as Commercial or Industrial. (7) CItAI'TER IV - CLASSIFICATION OF BUII,DINGS BY OCCUPANCY 403.2 - TENANT SEPARATION Amend section to read as follows: In a building, or portion of a building of a single occupancy classification, when enclosed spaces are provided for separate tenants, such spaces shall ba separated by.not less than one (1) hour fire resistance--except that in Group B - business and Group S - storage buildings, non-fire rated partitions may be used to separate tenants provided no area between partitions rated at one (I) hour or more exceeds three-thousand (3000) square feet. Such separation shall extend from the foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing. CIIAPTER VII - FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS 705.6 - 9OOD StlINGLES AND SHAXES Amend section by adding the following: Exceptions: (1) All multi-family (triplex and above) using wood shingles or shakes shall use Class "C" fire resistant wood shingles or shakes unless restricted by other code require- (2) Croup housing projects consisting of mingle-family or dup)ex units with buildings less than 15 feet apart must comply with exception (1) above. CHAPTER IX - SPRINKLERS AND STANDPIPES 902.3 - STANDPIPES REQUIRED Amend subsections (a) and (bi to read as follows: (a) Buildings three (3) stories in height shall have a Class I dry standpipe system. (bi Buildings more than three (3) stories, or over 50 feet in height (see definition Chnpter 2) shall be provided with a class III wet standpipe system." 902.5 - STANDPIPES DURING CONSTRUCTION Amend section by substituting the National Fire Protection Association Code, Standard 14, 1980 Edition, Chapter 9; referring to Standpipe and Hose Systems for Buildings Under Construction. 017 80 CHAPTER Xl - MEANS OF EGRESS REQUIREMENTS 1104.4 - EMERGENCY EGRESS OPENING banend section to read as follows: (a) In any dwelling of more than two rooms, every bedroom and living room area shall have at least two means of escape, at least one of which shall be a door or stairway providing a means of unobstructed travel to the outside of the building at ~treet or ground level. No bedroom or living room area shall be accessible by only a ladder or folding stairs, or through a trap door. (b) The second means of escape shall be either: (1) A door or stairway providing a means of unob- structed travel to the outside of the building at street or grade, or; (2) An outside window openable from the inside without the use of tools and providing a clear opening of not less than 20 inches in width, 24 inches in height, and 5.7 square feet in area. The bottom of the opening shall not ba more than 44 inches above the floor. Exceptions: (a) If the room has a door leading directly outside of the building to grade, a second means of escape shell not be required. (b) Grade floor windows may have a minimum net clear opening of five (5) square feet and a sill height of not more than forty-eight inches above the floor. (c) No required path of travel to the outside from any room shall be through another room or apartment not under the immediate control of the occupant of the first room or his family, nor through e bathroom or other space subject to locking. 1108.1 - GENERAL Add subsection (f) to read as follows: (f) This section will apply to interior public balconies equally. (9) 1126 - FIRE ALARM Add subsection (c) to read as follows: (c) The alarm shall sound ~n the following areas where fire a3srms are required: (1) Interior Elevator Lobbies (2) Corridors (3) Exit stairways (4) Rooms and tenant spaces exceeding one thousand (1,000) sq. ft. in area. (5) Each dwelling unit. (6) )tote! and motel rooms or suites. (7) Dormitory areas. CHAPTER XIII - FOUNDATION EXCAVATIONS, FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATIONS 1302.2 - BEARING CAPACITY OF SOIL Amend subsections (a) and (c) to read as follows: (a) Footings shall be so designed that the allowable he,ring capacity of the soil is not exceeded. If structural plain concrete, masonry or timber footings are used, they shall rear on undisturbed or minimum ninety (90) percen~ compacted soil of uniform density and thickness. Compaction shall be determined by ~odified Procter. If the fill is less than 18" of vertical depth, a density test shall be required for the full depth taken at the finished grade surface. If the fill is greater than 18" of vertical depth, the density test shall be taken at each 12" vertical thickness. (c) Foundations shall be built upon natural solid ground. ~ere solid natural ground does not occur at the foundation depth, such foundation shall be extended do~m to natural solid ground or piles shall be used. Foundations may be built upon mechanica]ly compacted earth or fill material subject to approval by the Building Official upon submittal of evidence that proposed load will be adequately supported. Such evidence shall be as outlined in (a) above. 0i7 (xo) CHAPTER XVII - WOOD CONSTRUCTION 1706.7 - CUTTING, NOTCHING AND BORED HOLES Add subsection (a) to reed as follows: (a) Notches used for plumbing, electrical pipes, cables or wire require a steel strap no less than 1/16 inch (1.59MM) thickness covering the notch. EXTERIOR WALLS AND BEARING PARIITIONS NON-BEARING PARTITIONS depth of notch ~~u~--''''x~ width of stud not greater than 0.25w~'~ ~'~--'"'X. depth of notch not greater than 0.40w steel strap required diameter of hole not greater'~than 0.40w diameter of hole not greater than 0.60w minimum cover from hole to edge -5/8" minimum cover from ~ole to e~g~ - ~/~"~) ,, ~,. ( mfnimura 1~" electrical wiring - -.,. 1707.3 - ROOF JOIST Add subsection (d) Co read as follows: (d) Notches used for plumbing, electrical pipes, cables or wire require a steel strap of no less than 1/16 inch (1.59~) thickness covering the notch. notches at ends of Joists not deeper than d/4 length for bearing diameter of holes not greater than d/3 holes not drilled within 2" of top or bottom notches, not ~at ends, in top or bottom not deeper than d/6 notches in top or bottom '--,,.. not permitted in middle third Id= depth of Joist BOOK 017 8t (12) CIIAPTER XXI - SAFEGUARDS DURING CONSTRUCTION SECTION 2101.9 - SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION Amend subection (c) by substituting the National Fire Protection Association Code, Standard la, 1980 Edition, Chapter 9; referring to Standpipe and Hose Systems for Buildings Under Construction APPENDIX "D" - UURRICANE REQUIREMENTS SECTION 1. EXTERIOR WALLS AND TIE BEA}IS Amend section to read as follows: (a) Exterior walls constructed of hollow masonry units shall be not less than a nominal thickness of 8 inches. (b) In all one and two-family residences, a reinforced tie beam shall be placed around the perimenter at each floor and roof level on exterior walls of masonry units. 1. Reinforcing shall be not less thsn 4 #5 rein- forcing bars. Reinforcing bar placement shall be two bars top and two bars bottom of beam. 2. Benm size shall not be less than 8 inches wide by 10 inches deep for residential buildings. 3. Openings below tie beams not exceeding IO feet in width are allowed without additional reinforcement. ~. Beam to be poured with minimum 3000 pound per square inch concrete mix. 5. Every opening (12) feet and over shall have the blocks on each side of the opening filled with concrete. 6. ~en the tie beam is interrupted each side of the opening shall be a poured concrete pilaster minimum 8" x 12" ~ith four (6) #5 bars of steel running from the footer steel to tie beam steel. ~he pilaster steel shall be srirruped every twelve (12) inches O.C. with ~3 stirrups. (c) In all buildings (except one and two family residevce) of nonreinforced masonry construction, hollow masonry units, masonry bonded wall and cavity walls shall not exceed 164 square feet without approved vertical and hori- zontal support where the nominal wall thickness is eight inches and units are laid in Type M, S or N Mortar. Such wall when a normal thickneaa of 12 inchee and laid in Type M, N or S Mortar shall not exceed 192 equate feet without approved vertical and horizontal aupport. ~. Grouted Brick Maaonry, when laid in Type M, N or S Mortar, shall be supported vertically and horizontally in are not to exceed 1.20 timem that allowed for hollow unit masonry of comparable wall thickneJs. 2. Plain aolid Masonry, when laid in type M, N or S Mortar, shall be supported vertically and horizontally in area~ not to exceed 1.10 times that allowed for Hollow units Masonry of comparable wall thickness. (d) Residential atem wall construction ahall comply with all of the aforementiomad requirementa. (~) APPENDIX "N" - ONE AND TWO-FAmILY DWELLINGS Amend appendix to read as follows: The provisions of this appendix shall regulate the construc- tion, prefabrication, alteration, repair, use, occupancy, and maintenance of detached one or two family dwellings not more than three stories in height, and their accessory structures. All one and two-family dwelling not more than three stories in height and their accessory structures shall be designed in accor- dance with 1982 Standard Building Code and Amendments as follows: Pl&te Ilo Bolts 1~' O.C.o? other .~proved alternate 3f,~~ ¢4; ~-~,~ · · I .. ~.-.~.'.~.~' ~ ~ ..~. ."./~' : a" :'~*'~ ~ Undisturbed ~aturat Grad~ O~E STO~Y Less Than ~" ![oninal [ ] Concrete B1 oc..__.~ tX~T£: All ~arn to be Uo. ~ , Concrete Plale Uo l~sn Than ~" Nominal ~lo~ .~ ~olts h' O.C. Finished Undicturbed Ifatural Grade UO~E: Vertiaal ~etnforce~ent ~equlred ~t Corners - All C~ 0i7 87 ATTEST: · WILLIAM~ J. REAGAN, CL~F.A~ .// SECTION TItREE: REPEAL OF PREVIOUS ORDINANCES: Ordinances number 81-2! and number 82-45 are hereby repealed as of the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION FOUR: CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE In the event this ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any phrase or portion of this ordinance is held invalid or unconsti- tutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FIVE: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that it has been received by the Office of the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida this22nd day ofMarch , 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COb~IISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 28th day of March, 1983 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 30th day of March, 1983. By 91rgiz~la Magri,-Dep t~ ' (16)