Ordinance 84-67NOW THEREFORE BE ZT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA THATI SECTION ONEt Collier County Ordinance No. 80-81, P.U.D. Document Section V, shall be amended to read es follows: SECTION V GROUP 2 - MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE The purpose of this section is to set forth the regulations for the areas designatod on Exhibits 'BI' and 'B2", Master Plan, and Table 1 as GroUp 2. 5.02 5.03 5,04 MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS · he ~ maximu~ ~t~bee of 394 dwelling units may be constructed in the Group 2 parcels as permitted by Ssction 2.10 with a maximum of 360 multi-family units being constructed in Hideaway Beach 1st Addition USES PERHITTED 14o building or structure, or part thereof, altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part for other than the following= A. Principal Uses= 1. Multi- family units 2. Cjuster Housing B. Permitted Accessory Uses and Structures 1. Recreational facilities for the exclusive us~ of resin, nts of the building. ~. S~s pe~lt~ed by ~he Zoning Ordinance ~ ~ ~,, ~" shall be erected, ~ ~' cATbullding parcel shall be provided for each m~ltiple-famlly building and it's accessory uses and parking facil£t£ee. Sa~d parcel shall conform generally to the shape of the.building and £t'e requ£red parking £ac~lL- ties and accessory uses a~ located qenerall~ ~n the area mhown on the Master Plan 6.04.02 Bxhib~ts "Bl" and *B2", These parcels shall be kept to & m~nimum practical distance beyond the area of bu~lding, acceslo~j, uses an~ perking to limit the amount of clearing of vegetation to that necessary to construct recorded in the same manner as a subd~vision plat. MINIMUM SETBACKSI A. A m~nimum setback of 40' from the principal structure to the pavement edge of private roads, shall be provided. B. A minimum setback of 30' from accessory s~ructures ~o ~he pavemen~ edge of private roads shall be provided. C. Distance between princ£pal s=ructura shall be a minimum of 60'~ and between accessory structures and principal s~ructures other than ~he one served b7 ~he accessory I~ructure, a minimum of 30'.· D. There shall bo no minimum setback from any s~ructure to ~he lot lines of a building parcel as described in 5.04.01. E. Buildings Abutting Beach - A beach setback line has been established for the protection of property owners, as located on the record plat. This line, set 150' back from the edge of the beach, marks ~he principal bulldin~ and accessory s~rucbure setback line. Only pedestrian walkways shall be permitted seaward of this line. ~green enclosures shall follow the same set- back as the principal structure. S.04.03 ~4AXIMUM HEIGHTS OF STRUCTURESs AT Prinoipal structure shill be 80 feat above flood elevation level as established by Bv--AeeessorM-str~et~res-shaL~-be-LAmited-to.e :,~ maxim~n-of-t0~-aboveoftood-eLevation-Levet.al estabLtsked-bM-ee~LAe~-ee~n~M?-e~eep~.fer, reef' tep-~eereat~e.-sk~e~e~v 5.04.04 I~AXX~U~ ~U~tBER OF STORXES, The maximum s~o~les permitted for tho principa~ structures shall be six, plus one parking level. 5.04.05 HX~IMUH LIVING AREA OF PRXNCXPAL STRUCTURES Fifteen hundred (1500) grows sq. £eet of living area per dwellinq uni~. 5.04.06 OFF-STREET PARXXNG~ There shall be a minimum of 1.$ parkinq spaces per dwelling unl~ wl~h a minimum of SOt of the spaces under ~he principal s~ruc~ure. The Dlreotoz may permit a lessor number o! parkin~ spaces to be paved when circums~ances indicate infrequent uses. However, ~hose unpaved spaces shall be qrassed amd reserved for future paving. 5.04.07 OFF-STREET LANDSCAPING Lafldscapin~ shall be provided as Fequl~ed bM Zoning Ordinance of Collier County. 5.05 CjustER HOUSING REGULATIONS 5.05.01 LOT AREA, A. A buildin~ parcel shall be provided for each cjuster buildin~ and it's accossor~ uses and paFkin~ ~acllities. B. Said parcel shall confom ~emerall~ to the shape of the bulldinq and it's required park- !nT.facllities'.and.accesaorz.uses. ae located ~enerall¥ in the area shown on the ~aster Plam L"'xhibits .~l. a~ "B2", These p~ro~ll s~al~ be kept ~o a mi,imum practical dietamc~ beyond the_area of_buLldLn~,~aeeeefsrv~uffa ~d parkin~ to.l~mit the amount of clearing Pt vegetation to.that necessar~ to con,~ruc~ and maintain these uses. These shall ~9 recorded in the same manner as a su~ivisi99 plat? . 5.05~02 MINIMUM SETBACKSI A. A minimum setback of 10' from th~,prlnclpa~ structure to the pavement edge..o~ prSvate roads shall be provided. B. A minimum setback of 20' from accesso~ structures to the pavement edqe of private roads shall be provided. C. A minimum setback of 15' begween principal Itructures) and betveen,accessory,,stNQ~gre a~d p~lncipal structures other them the one serve~ by the accessory s~ructure~ a minimum o~.2~'.. D. There shall be e 10' minimum letb~ck fCo~ ~h~ r~a~ propertM line abuttint the tol~.course, E. A minimum setback of ?~' from the side prope~¥ line abutt£nl ~he toff course~ A m£nimum of ?~' ~rom ~he side property line abuttin~ the ~dge of pavement. G. A minimum o~ 10' from_th9 ~lde prg~ert¥ line abuttinq Hideaway Circle East. H. Screen enclosures shall follow the same setbacks as the principal structure? 5.05.03 MAXIMUM HEIGHTS OF STRUCTURESI Principal structure shall be a maximum of 32 feet above the flood elevation level as established by Collier County. 5.05.04 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STORIES~ The maximum stories permitted for the principa1 structures shall be three floors. .5.05.05 ~,.0S.05 NININUH L~VING AREA OF PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE8 ~££be.n ~un~e~ {I~00) 9~oaa square ~here lh~l be a minimum of 2 parkinq IpaOll ~er dwellin, a minimum ~pacee under_the_principal structure?. Th~ pirlc~or may ~ermit a lesser number !paces to be ,eyed when circumltancel !n~re~uent uses ~owever those shall be ~raased and reserved ~or ~uture '.' '~ OFF-STREET LandlcapSng Ihall be provided as required Zonin~ Ordinance of Collier Coun~z. 8ECTXON TWit This Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that it · has been filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. Passed and duly adopted by the Board of County Comm£ssioners of Collier County, Florida th£s 2~th day of $.~e~.~-- ~ 1984, Assistant County Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA ) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Byt~ COtTt4'~ OF COLLI~R ) I, I~ILLIAH J. AEACA~, Clerk of Courts in and for the Tventtath Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foresoinS Lo a c~e orisinal oft O~IN~CE NO. 81-67 ~ich was ~opt~ by the Board of C~ncy Cmioalonera duri~ Re~lar SiliCOn the 25th day of September, 1984. ,. ~S ~ ~ lsd the official lea1 of the Board:.~f ~;~'. .' -.,, , Vt~/~ ~8rt, Deput~ ~rk-