2009/2010 rn -lt4500 Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 Expires: 2009-09-01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name: Robert M. Mitchell, RLA, ASLA Date: 2009-10-01 Business Address: Weston and Sampson Engineers. Inc. d/b/a VanasseDaylor 12730 New Brittany Blvd. Suite 600 Fort Myers. FL 33907 Business Telephone: +1 (239) 437-4601 Email: bmitchell@vanday.com NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: l.See attached list PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESS~~ kt ~ tJt ~1I Lobbyist Signature State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this 1st day of October, 2009 ' by Robert M. Mitchell , who i~OnallY known t~ or has produced as identification and who did take an oath. .. II II............ ..........II...U.R..y......' ..-=: : M. JAYNE BRADB : i ~~""~"0i.~~'K~, Commt 000759123 : . ~~ ~ . : !~ . \ Explnls 31812012 5 5 \~,,":.~ Flortda NatBry ,..,.., Inc 5 : "~...- ............................. "............. ... BY: t3~~ The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier county Ordinance No. 2003-53,as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to:Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). Receipt# 007026294 10/12/200912:10:39 PM Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court @aVD@D~ID mC~@@n~u Customer MUSSER, MITCHELL, & NINO V ANASSEE DA YLOR 12730 NEW BRITTANY BLVD STE 600 FORT MYERS, FL 33907- 4682 Deputy Clerk BMR CASHIER Minutesand Records@CollierClerk.com 239-252-2646 Clerk Office Location Collier County Govt. Center Building F, 4th Floor 3301 Tamiami Trail East P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY 1 DESCRIPTION BMR Lobbyist Registration UNIT COST $75.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Check# 1004 BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT $75.00 $75.00 ($75.00) $0.00 ~@O 0 O@[{~O@[{[%o (f;@[ffJrJ Page 1 of 1 . _u___ uCollll!an}' __ E!.arro.n_ C()~~rg_ompany ___ ___.. CEMEX -----~ ----.-- c;.oast(il_ Engin_~erin9 c;ol'l~~~t(!nts _uu Engl~ HOrJ1esJTOU_~AJ. _____ Mr. & Mrs. Ismael Gonzalez _._n.______________.__ HTD Investments ____no _._ Jasmine Lake HOA ________._n_ Messiah Luthern Church - - _____ ______m____ QrJ1~9C!g()n_sultin_g GrOlJfl_ n un______ j:>elic.C!1'l BayDevelopr1l~l'll ~C3c!~~tl.Cif3:C!.l'lasi ng ~~. ~l.gl'l.C3t~re Communit~~,JI'l.(;' u_u ______ South lands HOA -------------..--.---..-.-.--.- - _LJn_it'i_ECiitb Mi~usJ()r'c:1I}'Ba.Etist Church Vanderbilt Surf Colony Two WCI VlJ.ater'!'lay Homes Woolbri ht Conflict of Interest Spread.3rdQtr09 2600 Gol~~n Gate Parkway 1425 Wiggins Pass Road_ 3106 S. Horseshoe Drive --------.. - .---- ---- 2271 Bruner Lane __ ____ - _._________._ - - - __ __..__.n 1441 Golden Gate Boulevard East -.----.....- -----.-------...- 568 9th Street South __ __.n.. __ __..__._______n.__ 3919 Jasmine Lake Circle _._._______..__.___n._..n.______ 5800 Golden_.<3_a~~F'Cirk"".C!~_ mu~_6? VlJ.o()~_s_~~9.~ Circle-Unitu!()? 26381 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 .-...---.--...-.---.-......--------------------.------.---- 450 Henley Drive 800 Laur~lgCi~_ [)~"'~"uSuiteu~OO__ 24957 Fairwinds Lane 1620 39th Street SW 15 Bluebill Avenue ------------------- 24301 Walden Center Drive ---.-- - ---.- 15122 Summit Place Circle -.----.----.-- ------ ----..--- ----.--- 9130 Galleria Court Address .____ ~ Napl~s_=_=__n1f!()rid~___L___ _3~lJ.2 ___u.' t-.laple~n_u_____lflorida--j--}u~~-1g . . ,t-Japles_u_ florida .__~-4~g~ i Fort Myers Florida 33912 ---~!,!aples=_ u mu__ Flonda-~-1_ -34120 Naples Florida I 33102 Naples .nu_____ Flonda -: - -34119 _____.~______._n _ _ +- Naples Florida! 34116 ---, BOl'lita-S~ring_~_ .. . Florida lu 3-4134 Bonita Springs Florida -+ 34134 Naples Florida i 34104 . n.___.__. _n u .__.u__.u. +______ _n_ 0 Naple~___ Floric!C3_n__nL ___~~'!Q? o Bonita Springs_ Florida ____~_...l4135 . NaEles Elorida i _~'!1J_7 __un Naple~__n _... u Florida 341.9u~ Bonita Springs Florida : 34134 __ 0______ u_ u___-,- . Naples_uuu_ EI()Ij~a , 341 ~.~ Na les Florida 34109 12730 New Brittany Boulevard, Suite 600 Fort Myers, Florida 33907 tel: (239) 437-4601 fax: (239) 437-4636 www.vanday.com Vanasse _ Daylor A Weston&$ampson@ COMPANY TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM To: Collier County From: Jayne Bradbury Clerk of Courts Administrative Assistant 3301 Tamiami Trail East jbradbury@vanday.com Naples, FL 34112 Date: October 6, 2009 Cc: Re: 3rd Quarter 2009 Lobbyist Statements We are sending you via US Mail the following: Copies Date Description 1 Annual Registration Fee $75 - 3 Lobbyist I Lobbyist statements for the below listed employees Remarks: John R. Musser Robert M. Mitchell Ronald F. Nino .E!m!sIi Sarasota Fort Myers Mallllachusetts Peabody Foxborough Wobum Bourne Connecticut Rocky Hill T: ILibraryILobbyist ltifo I Transmitta/s\2009\Co//ier J 00609. doc Rhode laland New HamDahlre MIlDl ~ New Jersev .!IIl!..Y.2l!! Coventry Portsmouth York Waterbury Edison Poughkeepsie Com(>any i BarronCollier Company 2660 Golden Gate-Parkway- cEMEx11425 Wi99ln_s Pa_ss~oad_- Coastal Engineering COrlsuitants h31 ()E3_ SJ:lorseshoe Drive_ Engle Homes(TO_US",l__ __ 8637~tir~r19 Rj___ __ Mr. & Mis Ismael Gonzalez __ J1441 GoldEll1Ga~e Boule\lard EasL HTD Investments 568 9th Street South Jasmine Lake HOA +3919 Jasmine U-lke CirCle -- --- . ---.. --.. -- ----- ----- - ---- ---- KRG Developm~nt, LLC_13()S. rv'Iericji<ln~treet,Ste 1100 ,. Messiah Luthern Church 5800 GoldenGateParkway Omega Consulting Group 13~65_lJVoods Ecjge -CirCle-UniH 02 Pelican Bay Development 12?38LS. Tami<1...mi Trail,?te 300 Nadesha Ranasinghe 450 Henley Drive ~;~t~\~~~;~b~unites, I n~~~~Nf~~~~s~~~~-Suite-300 Starwoodl..imdVer\fur~s- _, _.~"_~ 16310l5apiitiIDr,=Ste_130_ Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church 1620 39th Street SW VancferbiltSurf Colony Two--- -115-BluElbm]\venu-e _" ,. WCI 24301 Walden Center Drive Waterway Homes -1151.22 SummrtFlace Circle Woolbri ht 9130 Galleria Court Conllict of Interest Spread-4IhQtr09 Address ~~,I N~ple.s I Naple!'; [\J8ples_ 19oop~r City -- IN~ple!; Naples , Naples --~ Ilndlanapo,lis _.~ ....--- ----_.. m I ~~~:iaS.~rir'-gs .f Bonita Springs Naples .. _INaeles_ . Bonita..?prings _ILak~oocjHanch __ Naples I Naples on 1'_ - .n Bo_nita Springs I Naples Na les I Florid-a . 1 Florid... I~~~:~~ ~EjQric:la ,Florida jFloricja Indiana 1 Florida- , Florid-a 1 Florida Florida 1 Florida 'Florida 4Florida . Florida'l . lFlorida_ Florida I Florida 'Florida I -I 1 -I - -1 34102 34110 34104 33328 ---- .--- 34120 33102 34119 46204 34116 --- --- 34134 34134 34104 I - 34108 34135 34202 34117 34108 34134 34119 34109 1 I- f- Martha S. Vergara From: Sent: To: Subject: Martha, Bradbury, Jayne [jbradbury@vanday.com] Monday, April 05, 2010 12:41 PM Martha S. Vergara Lobbyist Update Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc d/b/a VanasseDaylor - No changes to companies or employees for the first quarter 2010. Jayne Bradbury Administrative Assistant VanasseDaylor A WeslOl/&S'UI/II'SOI/@ Company 12730 New Brittany $Ivd" S!e, 600 Fort Myers, Florida 33907 T 239-437-4601 ex! 3206 F 239-437-4636 ibradbury@vanday,com www.westonandsampson.com 1 ~~ \2 0 \JJ.. ~ ~ ssif ~~~