2007/2008 fY) / "-I r.---r./r, LjA <~.).--' exp t?j Drf County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P , 0, BOX 413 044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 Dwight E. Brock Clerk ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated .~": BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK RECE I PT : 53 4 4 0 9 0 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- NAME : ROBERT MITCHELL LOBBYIST 25.00 PAYOR: ROBERT M MITCHELL REFNC: APJ DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Expires BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name At\ ~f.R-i {rt. ~e.L-L Date-.3 .j I .0 g Business Address~E .. ~ LtJA. L.J..fJ J~7....3() N€:&) M/1'1A"'Y AL.JJU ,'-..31E Ifo()) ~f. fYly€)..5. fL \JJ~D1 Business Telephone ~~q'LJ\31.4l.tJ.{)1 E-Mail NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). YJ OJ) lL-!+{)'~~ 2). PLEASE ATrACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY fll,t \J\ lAJ(j~~ Lobbyist Signature State of Florida ~ County of C611ier. tE BY~~~' rLfiw~ Deputy ClerkINotary Public The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 The f~~regi;:ation was sworn to and subscribed before me on this J 7 day 0 'l , by ~~~-r rn. Mll'~Ul.&L , who is personally known to me or has produced as identification and who did take an oath. ~t-"" Pus T!M1 A. MELNA ,,0 ....... ~/Cl MY cQt.lt.llSSION. 00 756589 *M * EXPIF4ES:Ma rch8,2012 .........1Io\aIy SeMces "'-" ~~ Bonded ThnI.....,... -1lE'Off\.\J' _~oml!!lnl' Address ~!3c;YineY'Vi~es_&~pirits,lnc. - -~001 S: Orange Ave. - -- --~landO ----- jflorida_---I=_ 32824 ~alph AbercLa =- ~ 1999 Katy Freew~l' Suite 590-__ __ -=- Houston __-=-=--IJX ~_l 77079 ~~i~~%~~~;c~_=l~i~f!~F~1~:~;:orth~SUire~~~~~~r .n .. .. --~~~;t gE ~~~~~~~~t1i'ni~~ny --- -~~~~~o~;:nSt~~~;;:a~02-- -I~:~::: --- i~:~~:~: E. ~~~~ ~f~~*~~o:s"'ent,T1T :-~ =- _=- rt~~~f;~~rn~~~~~~::' Ste 202 ... _.. r~~I:yers - -t:~:i _ ~~~~; ~~~~~~~I,[P _ - _ _ _ - _:~ ~~~~~eR[:n- ~~:: ~~~ #625 ~~~~~~ ;:~;~2s __3:~;:~:.1 ~~~ Teryl Brzeski ... .15147 Seahorse Ave. .. . .. ~NaPles .l~orida .. 34103 CacfenheadConstruction - - --- 3994 Mercantile Ave:- -- - - - .Naples--~-- morida--r-~014 gr:~~~~:o~~~J:nson-l~i~~l~~E~i~sE~~:rd-Suit:-~~~=m:~::: .--i:~:i j~ E i ~~ ~=u~~t~;;;ianx.~-_-- ~_- ~_~~f;;~:g~~i~~~nhWay_ .- --i~:P~s . ......~:~~:~: .t~-- ~~~~~ CIy~e_C;. qLJif1~~ R~altl' __ ______ __ ,3775 Airport Pulling I3d. N~____ _ Naples_~~orida__ 34103 c:~a~!91 ~_ngir1eer!l'lgC;onsultCl.l"lt~ __ _13196S----t!ors~sho~ Drive _ u__ _ll\JaPles~_ __florid.~_ 34104 i;~~~;~:OOlBoard ~=--~mH!E~::~~leN~Suite~oo-=;~:~:::=- ~:~~~:-I .- Ei~i ~~:~-~~... C()~iiy~l~ ~~t\6~o~rs:,IT~s;~~ Drive _I ~:~:::~ .1 ~:~~:~: l .~ ~ ~~ DavidsonEngineering.. ..u -- .. .~530KraftRd.'Ste301 ..... ........ Naples-~-.... j Florida- -~4105 E.I.iasBros....-..-...u.-. _.__.n..u.__ --. __.-...... - 275. 99 Riverv.ieW c.. ent.er BI.V.d, #-.205 -.. I. Bonita sprin..gs ...... .Flo..ridal. 34134 EngieHome-s CrOUSA)---- -- -- -2271BrunerIane - --- - - -FortMyers .- i=lorida-~--33912 EnterpriS-e Rent-A~Car - - -- ,4350 Fowler Street #'2.4--- ---- .jFort Myers ---!Flo.rida::. I d 33901 Erica Enterp-rises -- -- - --- - - Ti0463 Harriel;:Street -- - - - Piantati~ --. ! Florida.- - 33324 __ - __ - - ___ - __ -----1----- -~-- -- -- - -- -- ---- - -------'----.-- --- F.~.l"....9us..on.L. .9._w.G..,"-ou. p._L.Lf. _____ _.__~4.265B..oni~!:!e.~.~~R.o.ad-. n_. _. ...... ~.. ~Bonita Springs. . Florida.... '.._ ..34134 forbes_c:..ompanL _._ _ __ 3101pGA!:!lvd. ___ ____ __ -.lPa.1m Beach Garden Florida =c- 33410 (3inn~13v_~I.c>Prn_~I"l~__ ___~ __~4870 Burnt j=>ine Drive___ . BO!lita Springs . Florida ' 34134 Golden Gate Congregation of Jehovah . - --- -- . ---1-- -.. Witlless.es__ _ ____ __ __nu__. i 2500 44th Street '2..'!V_____ Naples_J Florida.. _ 3411 ~ [~i~~i~~~~t'nc~ir~El~I~1~~;h:SUi~ 1~ l~~~;rinns .~~~::~ \- E~~ ~~~~;~rT~~~~~T;yeS~LLC;--~-~-I~~~~:;~:i~~f~~li~~a~:-=-=-n=-----t~:~:::-. .---i::~~:~:=t -- ~:~~~ Hole Montes & As-soCiate-s ------ -~50 EncoreWai__ _U_ __ i NapleS-- -____ Flori~' ~411 0 ~!fi~~~~~~J~oPp-"-- -=- ~=- .... ! ~~~i2~~2fr~i~~:~t~~~e5 S- ~I ~:~:::- . .. .. u -1 ~:~~~: ...1 . E i ~~ Jasmine lake i.]oA-- - . 13919 Jasmine lake Circ~ -. -! Naples- 1 Florida ~ I .- 34119 J.E-:O. oTSouThwestFlorida,Tnc.-. ,9130 Corsea del Fontana Way- -~NaPles---~Florida~ 34109 _,J~nk~- & Charland@C J~or~dwide Eng. 12381 South Cleveland Avenue, #204 --- Ft. Myers -=- ._i~lorida -+- '=-33907 Kite Eagle Creek II LLC 30 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis IN 46204 Kite Eanle Creek Iv.llC - --_- ~ 3() South Meridian Slreet - Suite 11 oWnclianapo~ - IN ~ ~6204 !<Jt~ D~velop~e~ _ _ _ _ ~o. Sou~h. M~idi.a~.?treet - Suit~11 O~ ,Indianapolis __ [IN ~04 Knight Industrial 13701 Airfield Drive W. I Lakeland Florida 33811 KRG~5:.r&~1- - --- --30South Meridian Stree-t-= Suite 1100 -clndianapoITs--- IN -- 46204 lSuhlman En1l!9.. ---- --- 60iiPineRidge ~--------- Naples-~- Floridal 34119 Landon Com anies 2fE-:-ionCal<e~ Suite- 100 Bloomfield- Hills Michi an - 48304 Conflict of Interest Spread-1 stQtrOs .xls Lennar. .. .. . . ~~~~~~en c~:ratt ~i~~:Cypre::_1 Fort Myers J Florida al _ 33912 Life Care Vlneyards.-Inc.- -. -- . - . --- .1000Vicar's WaL____ ____. Ponte Vedra Bea~ Florida ._ 32082 Lodge Abbott ~- Ass~:GI~ei-LLC__~_=t34oo E. Lafayette St._______ Detroit. .__. . Michigan .'. 48207 Dennis Lynch____ ___ __ ______j!O~Tamiami Trail North, Suitec:.:.~O.1__ ~ Naples . Florida_f 34103 ~~;~.~~i~..o..~~~~M.d~.~:~C. (). L...L._C:___n~.~~~oc~rp;.:~.:~d ~~1~~ - -- . ~~~~~~~ale _..i~orida.-j_ ~~~~ MCKK Prope!!YJl.~9u~itio~~-L!-C__~- -'975 6!h Ave-:- Sou~h, Ste -200- ---- Naples - ___J Florid~+_ 34102 MeritaQe Homes .. _ . _ _ ~ 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 u __ I Fori Myers Florida 33913 Monaco C~ach Core.~raI9n -___ ~1320 Coburg Ind_lJstri_a~~- ___ICoburg OR 97408 MyersEnterpris~s_ ._ _____,6381_AirportRd.________ _.INaples____ Florida~ 34109 ~yrtle Wood~~L~ __ _ _ _ __ 11 02I.!.?W 7_2 St., Ste 102_ _ __1 Miami ~.~__21orida_.. 33173 N~G Developm~nt __ _ _ _ _ _G25_97 .New Brittany B~ __. __ _]fQrt M~ers__ ---1E.'-orida _ ___ 33907 ~:~::: g:~li~~~w~Cad_~rnY__ - - ~~i ~:~~~a~~~ea:~eB!V<L - -- . -- ~:~::: __--ffi~~:~:---r- ;: ~ ~~ Naples Reserve LLC - - - - - -1~5 Terracina Way- - --- _n --+Naples .-----rFlorid~j_ 34119 ~~i~~nn~~y Qev~op~~nt --------~J~~;~ \;~~::JH~~~i{~~~t~t::~~ .. ..-_-j~~~il~S Spring~-=- I ~:~~:~: X-;: ~ ~~ ~~';:::_~D~ . __- ~ ~ _.I~ ~~r:,~~~~k~~~~~~SBIVd_==!~:~field HiIi~ ~~~~~an .r:.. ~~~~ ~~r.~~%p. M.e~O. -~.~n~.t~~.:~~s.. -. .... ;.:~DJ:o~e~:~~.South=. = ===- ~~~:~s SP.'. ingS_._.,~. :~~:~~R.- ...-_ ~ ~ ~ l\JadeshaF3ana~iI'1.gh.~___ __ ___ ~~50 I-i~nle~'prive_~ ____ . __n Nap~ ~----1florida _ 34104 R'!'I~___----- _ __6610 Willow .I:.~rk Dr! Suite 200_______Naples _=. I~Florida~ 34109 R~altynet ___ _____________30 South_Mericjian Street - ~uit~_1J.QQ._.Jlndianapo~-- I_~-+_ 46204 ~~~;~:~~~:~_~-~...~;~~~~~gC~cle. = = ..-ti~~;~;~:Q--i~l~~~~ + nm !!.Q!!)}n_~~id_ge . __ __ _____~~.I'!--EI~gler Dr., Ste?-400_n_ V'j. PalmBeach~9rida_ ~_~401 !aylorWooC!r"~",,__ _____ _...@l?0 Immok~!e~ Road_- Suit~L .... Naples ___~rida_~~10 TGR Financial 6244 LeeAnn Lane . Naples I Florida 34109 Vall~[)~" In_c. _ u_ _ ___ 144 Tow~r.Qrive__ Burr Ridge IL 60521 WCI 12701 Commonwealth Drive #5-----dFort Myers -- - Florida~- 33913 yV-aterwaY_l-iornes - - J~122$umr6it p.@cetJrcle :__=- ~ - Naples __-=-~ -Florida- - -34119 '!J el~h ComP<l.ny __ _ _ __ _ _ __ '2409 _9th St. _~ _ __ _ _ Naples ! Florida 34103 YY_~~starClub, Inc. 840~.fgllier Bl",~u ___ - __ - Marco Isla;:;cr-- Florida 34145 Woolbri ht 9130 Galleria Court Na les Florida 34109 Conflict of Interest Spread-! stQtrOB .xls Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Expires BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name~A-1 ())/1"ll /JeLL... Date/:J -/1~01 Business Address V~,JA~ ..,. ::J)aYl..ol( Ll.P ld.1...11l NE i,l ~Qr11~tN AWl) -..!JfE iMJD J ~'(. /YItEA.6. f l......13'1tJ7 I . Business Telephone ,;1-"><1'1 J 1. </1 lill E-Mai1-Dror/ ~ h f II" IIa tld.6.r Ot>fn NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). ...sf/; R-11'A HJE.!) 2). PLEASE A TrACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY ~~t lA UJ;~~ Lobbyist Signature State of Florida .n County of €umer(J)...L(. The foregoing registration was day oQ,'Q.,/r\I'l L ~oo1 , by ~r has produced who did take an oath. ~ v "TERRI A MBLNA ~W~ MY lY'IULQl!SION t1IlllnIII : ~ EXI1UlI1SI.......... ;) "" ... Deputy C1erkINotary Public The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 worn to and subscribed before me on this ,1-l" elL.... . CIZ1iO is person~lly known Ti:> as identification and .'~-____4. "._. '.0._ _ 0__ .' . Company 1---- ABC Fine Wlnes ~~pirits, i'lc. Ralph Abercia _ __ ADP Agnoli, Barber, Brundage, Inc. Allen Concrete & Masonry Antaramian ~~._- Architectural Network Barron Collier Company Basik Development, LLC Beazer Homes Bonita Bay Group _ Brigham, Moor~, LL~ Teryl Brzeski Cadenhead Construction ---------- CEMEX --------- Centex Homes ---...---- Cheffy, Passidomo, Wilson & Johnson CIP Naples, LLC _ __~ Claussen COl'Tlpany __ _~_ Clyde C. Quinby Realty Coastal Engineering Consultants Collier BIA Collier County School Board Collier Enterprises Collier's Reserve Country Club Michael Corradi ~... -.-----.---. !?avidso~Engineerin~_ Elias Bros. Address 9001 S. Orange Ave. --~~- oHOrluasntdoOn . ~~Fxlorida i 32824 11999 Katy Freeway Sl}ite 59~__ 77079 '149 Coconut Ave. Sarasota ----- Florida - 34236 7400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 200 Naples" .. ,Florida I 34108 - -'- 6301 Shirley St. __ Naples Florida 34109 365 5th Avenue South, #201 Naples Florida 34102 837 5th Ave South - Suite 202 ___ Naples Florida 34102 2600 Golden Gate Parkway Naples Florida t 34102 720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 ~ Naples Florida 34102 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive _ Fort Myers Florida 33913 9990 Coconut Road - Suite 200 Bonita Springs Florida 34135 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Ste #625 Coral Gables Florida 33134 5147 Seahorse Ave.__ iNaples Florid~ i 34103 3994 Mercantile Ave. '__ Naples Florida~ 34014 1425 Wiggins Pass Road Naples Florida 34110 -- 5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite 600 Naples Florida 34108 I _.._ 821 Fifth Avenue South___ Naples Florida 34102 8603 South Dixie Highway Miami Florida 33143 ' -- 6704 Lone Oak Blvd _____ Naples Florida n_ 34109 3775 Airport Pulling Rd. N._ Naples Florida 34103 3106 S. Horseshoe Drive__ Naples Florida 34104 4479 Enterprise Ave. Naples Florida 34104 -"---- I __ 5775 Osceola Trail I Naples Florida 34109 3003 Tamimai Trail North, Suite 400 Naples Florida 34103 11711 Collier's Reserve Drive Naples _ Florida 34110 380 10th St. South #103 Naples Florida, 34102 2154 Trade Center Way, Suite 3 Naples Florida 34109 27599 Riverview Center Blvd, #205 Bonita Springs Florida ! 34134 12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite 101 4350 Fowler Street #24 10463 Harrier Street 4265 Bonita Beach Road 3101 PGA Blvd. 24870 Burnt Pine Drive Engle Homes (TOUSA) Enterprise Rent-A-Car Erica Enterprises Ferguson Law Group LLC Forbes Company Ginn Development Golden Gate Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses 2500 44th Street SW Naples Graef Anhalt Schloemer & Associates, Inc. 27200 Riverview Center Blvd, Suite 101 Bonita Springs -.., -'-~- Gregg Development 1345 Fifth Avenue South . ____ Naples Greenbrier Development, LLC 3232 McKinney Ave. ____ Dallas Gulf Coast Development Group 515 Terracina Way__, Naples Gulf View Townhomes, LLC 6810 Pelican Bay Blvd. _,_ _ Naples Habitat for HUmanity _ 11145 Tamiami Trail East Naples !::Ienderlong & Associates, I~~ 542 Cypress Way East _ I Naples Hole Montes & Associates ___ 950 Encore Way Naples Hoover Planning Shoppe_ 3775 Airport Road North, Suite B Naples Islands Marina, LLC2614 Tamiami Trail N., Ste 615 Naples ---,- -- . J&C Auto ____ 2390 J&C Blvd._____,Naples Jasmine Lake HOA 3919 Jasmine Lake Circle Naples J.E.D. of Southwest Florida, Inc. 9130 Corsea del Fontana Way Naples Jenkins & Charland/TRC Worldwide Eng. 12381 South Cleveland Avenue, #204 Ft. Myers Kite Eagle Creek /I LLC 30 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis Kite Eagle Creek IV, LLC~ 30 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis Kite Development 30 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis Knight Industrial 3701 Airfield Drive W. Lakeland KRG 951 & 41 30 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis Con~ict of Interost Sproed-4IhQ/r07 ,xis I Fort Myers Florida Fort Myers Florida Plantation Florida Bonita Springs Florida Palm Beach Garden Florida Bonita Springs Florida 33907 33901 33324 34134 33410 34134 --- , Florida 34116 Florida 34134 Florida 34102 ---,-- TX ,75204 -----i----._~ _ Florida I~~ Florid~ t'. 34108 Florida 34113 Florida 34110 ._~-- , Florida +-- 34110 Florida 34105 --- Florida 34103 Florida 34109 Florida 34119 Florida _~ ! Florida 33907 IN 46204 IN 46204 IN 46204 Florida 33811 IN 46204 ~_~~d9nCompanies~_ 21 E. Long Lake, Suite 100 BloomfieldHills _--t~ichigan_ '_i~ /10481 Ben C. Pratt - Six Mile Cypress I Lennar Parkway _~~ ___ Fort Myers Florida 33912 Life Care Vineyards, Inc. 1000 Vicar's Way ~_____ Ponte Vedra Beach Florida , 32082 Lodge Abbott & Associates, LLC 3400 E. Lafayette St. Detroit Michigan 48207 Dennis Lynch 4081 Tamiami Trail North, Suite C-201 Naples Florida ~~ Magnolia Pond Rd. Dev. Co., LLC_ 600 Corporate Dr., Ste 100 __ Ft. Lauderdale Florida_ 33334 Abouzarjomehr Mazdai 1880 N. County Rd - E150 Connerville IN 47331 -- -~- MCKK Property Acguisition, LLC _ 975 6th Ave. South, Ste 200_~ Naples Florida 34102 Meritage Homes_~__ 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 __ Fort Myers Florida 33913 Myers Enterprises 6381 Airport Rd. Naples Florida 34109 Myrtle Woods, LLC 10271 SW 72 St., Ste 102 Miami Florida_ 33173 Freeland & Schuh dba Naples Nissan 1229 Airport Pulling Road North Naples Florida 34104 NRG Development 13621 Park Crest Blvd. __ Fort Myers Florida 33912 Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue Naples Florida I 34102 North Naples Methodist Church 6000 Goodlette Rd. North !i'!aples Florida 34109 Pelican Bay Development __ 26381 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300_~ Bonita Springs Florida 34134 PMS, Inc. _ 2335 Tamiami Trail North, #408 Naples Florida 34103 Pine Air Lakes CD[~__~ 21 E. Long Lake, Suite 100 ______ Bloomfield Hills Michigan 48304 Power Corp. 3050 Horseshoe Dr N Naples Florida 34104 Prime Home Builders __~- 21218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510__--~rBoca Raton Florida -=- ~~ Pulte Homes 9240 Estero Park Commons Blvd. I Estero Florida 33928 -- -~- Q. Grady Minor & Associates 3800 Via Del Rey Bonita Springs Florida 34134 -~ ------ ~ ----:--::-- R&P Property Management 265 Airport Road South Naples . Florida 34104 ------ -.-- -.t=c---._--~ Nadesha Ranasinghe 450 Henley Drive Naples Florida. 34104 RWA ~ 6610 Willow Park Dr, Suite 200 Naples Florida r-34109 Realtynet---=- 30 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis .~N ! 46204 Sabel Palm Investment Group 5329 Granada Blvd._ Coral Gables Florid8=+! 34146 San Marino Joint Venture 15122 Summit Place Circle__ Naples Florida 34119 Saundry Associates_,.ln~~ 407 West Street, Bldg. B Naples Florida. 34108 Sembler____~~__ 5858 Central Avenue St. Petersburg Florida_ 33707 Senior Care Dev., LLC 500 Mamaroneck Ave. Harrison NY 10528 - Charles Shelby 74 Cran~erry Dr. !Greenfield IN 46140 Signature Communites, Inc. 800 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 Naples Florida 34108 Southern Centers Development 1500 Cordova Road Ft. Lauderdale Florida 33316 TT of Pine Ridge ~_ 515 N. Flagler Dr., Ste P-400 W. Palm Beach Florida 33401 Taylor Woodro~__~~ '2950 Immokalee Road - Suite 2 Naples Florida 34110 TGR Financial 6244 LeeAnn Lane Naples Florida 34109 Joseph Townsend 4130 N Tamiami Trail__~_ Naples Florida 34103 United Faith Missionary Baptist Church P.O. Box 990639 Naples Florida 34116 VK Development 19275 Capitol Drive ------ Brookfield WI 53045 Van-Dev.. Inc.- -- . 144 Tower Drive -- - . Burr Ridge =r~ 60521 WCI-=====-==-=--_ .12701 Commonwealth Drive #5____tort Myers-Florida~ 33913 Waterway Homes____ ~22 Summit Place Circle__ ~_ Naples Florida ~~ Welsh Company ... 2400 9th St. N ... Naples Florida 34103 Windstar Club, Inc. ~- ~- '840 S. Collier Blvd. ---- Marco Island Florida I 34145 Woolbright --~- 9130 Galleria Court Naples Florida-34109 Con"ict of Interest Spfllad-41h0trll7 .xls \ : I :r.~ r , i.f r'Vj :' '". .>,.' \ it 'ICI~ v'-' '-'-' __. f__ _"""_, - .....---- --- ..---- -- COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tarniarni Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME AD A€~~ rn. MJ-1(1 JJE.U- DATE q~/8'D1 BUSINESS ADDRESS VANA~c" ::My} oA. LLP Jd1jb r!E L,) ~A.r11,qr{1 A1.#'"il, ~..(e vDI) f 1'. rot EA~. p L -.3,:Jt.j{}1 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) ~eE. A'11'At'UCD 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE ~4ARYlA W~U Lobbyist Signature STATE OF FLORIDA ~.. COUNTY OF ~IER~ was sworn to and sURscribed before me on I by l:':JoAE.~ l' ((. MI1e1JaL known to or who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. ~.~ BY: (lJh<L' ~~ Deputy Cle Notary Public TERRI A MELNA ~ MY COMMISSION #DDm6D ~ARY ~~~Ch ..-. Plea.. Notel 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of October lat will result in the placem~nt of this registrant on a .status unknown. list. 2) Zf one wishes to revoke this registration, a -Lobbyist Withdrawal- form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual ~egistration ree is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22 -___Compally_._ ----~----______u_ ~___ Address Mg.fin~~Win~!.)_~1:)pir~-'-'-n~"-_ .. _____ 9001 S. Orange Ave.______ _ ==IQ!i8ndo--- Florid~_ 32824 Ralph AbeIcia ____u_____ 11999 Katy Freew~ Suite 590___ u___~~ust-on ~ ~___ ~-----~-- 77079 ADP __________~_____ _ 149 Coconut Ave._____ I Sarasota Florida 34236 Agnoli, Barber, Brundage, Inc. 7400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 200 \Naples Florida 34108 AITen Concrete_~Masonry~~--------- 6301 Shirley St.------rNaples Florida 34109 Antaramian __ _____==-__ 365 5th Ave~eSouth, #201~--=__~Naples ---=- Florida 34102 Architectural Network__ ____ 837 5th Ave South - Suite 20~_~___ Naples ___ Florida 34102 Barron Collier Comp,:!f'!~ 2600 Golden Gate Parkway _____ Naples Florida 34102 Basik Development, LLC ,720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 Naples Florida I 34102 Beazer Homes----------'111934 Fairway Lakes Drive -~-~--- Fort Myers-~ FiOrida T 33913 Bonita Bay Gr~up-~=----~ . 9990 Coconut Road -_Suite 206~~~==tBonita Springs Florida i 34135 Brigham, Moore, L~_u_____ _ 12525 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Ste #625___n!g~ral_ Gables Florida I 33134 Teryl Brzeski_~_u_ u______ 15147 Seahorse Ave.________-+."!9ples Florida 34103 Cadenhead ConstrLJctio.n________ri3994 Mercantile Ave._________ __~,NaPle~----- Florida _ j---_~4014 CEMEX---n--.-~- .1425 Wiggins Pass Road Naples Florida 34110 Cente'5...I:i0f!18S____._ =- -~__----=15801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - SlJ.i!e~06-.r'!aples-=____ FloridC!._ ~_ 34108 ~he!fY, ?assic1o~,\iVil~(>n_~John~l?.n--+_~-~-Jfifth Avenue S~~_____ ___INaples__Florida_c- .~102 CIP Naples, LLC ~ .---. .._*60~ sou. th._Dixi~High~ay _.--.--. _.---_-n-_ _-._.----l_iMia-'!li~-_...-..-. _______~rida _+_.-~314~ Claussen Company _ ~~=~_-=____~704 Lone Oak Blvd _n__~ __ _Lf\!.aples_ __ Florida _-+-_ 34109 Clyde C. Quinby Realty _ ..3775 Airport Pulling Rd. N. .... :Naples Florida I. 34103 g~~i:~a~~xgineering-I~sultants_= 111 ~~ ~~~~~~:~h~~e~rive ~-=::=~----J..~~~:::__ ~:~~:~: 1= }~ Collier County School Board-- - ~5 Osceola Traii ---- - ----INaPles -- Florida I 34109 Collie-r Enterprises u_ -- 3003 TamimaiTrail North~Suitel400---- ,NapleS--- Florida- -~163 ~.--.-.o-i~~:~~ ~.o.e. fr:..~-.~~g_~~n- .try _.-~~b_- --_ ~10~O.~~~~~~t~S;~; Drive -~--_ --~-J. -~. :~:~:. ..--- - ~~:~: ~: ~ ~~ Davidson Engineering 2154 Trade Center Way, Suite 3 Naples Florida 34109 -~------------ ..--- --- -- ~Iias B~~._ _ ________ _____ 27599 Riverview Center Blvd, #205 _ _BonitaSprings ._ ~~I._ 3~~ 12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite : Engle Homes (TO USA) .. _ 101 .__ I Fort Myers Florida 33907 Enterprise Rent-A-Car ---- --4350 Fowler Street #24---- -IFort Myers - Florida 33901 Erica Enterprises--------- 10463 Harrier Street- -----------rPlantation -~- Florida 33324 FergusonJ-_~w_ Grl?.up ~_~9-=_~=_:-===.4265 Bonita Beach Road_===1Wonita Springs Florida:~_ 34~ Forbes Company 3101 PGA Blvd. Palm Beach Garden Florida 33410 --------------------------------------t_ .----------..-------------t- -~ --t---~- ~inn Development __ _~7.Q.~urn~~ine [)!ive ___~. ____+~onita Springs __ florid a -+-_3413~ Golden Gate Congregation of Jehovah . I: Witnesses 12500 44th Street SW : Naples : Florida 34116 Graef Anhalt Schloemer & Associates, Inc. 27200 RiverviewCenter Blvd;Suite-1 01:Bonita Springs Florida 34134 Gregg Development 1345 Fifth Avenue South ' Naples Florida 34102 ------ ---- Greenbrier Development, LLC 3232 McKinney Ave. . Dallas TX i 75204 _u___ ---t- Gulf Coast Development Group 515 Terracina Way Naples Florida I 34119 Gulf View Townh~mes, LLC 16810 Pelican Bay Blvd. __-------1 Naples Florida i 34108 Habitat for Humanity---:-___ -- 11111145 Tamiami Trail East--:=----=[NaPles __ Florida -+-~13 Henderlong & Associates, Inc. 542 Cypress Way East i Naples Florida I 34110 u-----~--~--_t-=.~___,_ Hoover Planning Shoppe 3775 Airport Road North, Suite B I Naples Florida 34105 - I J&CAuto _____~___ 2390J&C Blvd. !Naples Florida 34109 J.E.D. of Southwest Florida, Inc. 9130 Corsea del Fontana Way I Naples Florida 34109 Jenkins & Charland/TRC \"IVorldwide Eng. 12381 South Cleveland Avenue, #204 Ft. Myers Florida 33907 Kite Eagle Creek II LLC 30 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis IN 46204 Kite Eagle Creek Iv~T:LC_=_---130 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis IN - 46204 Kite Development .. .. 130 South Meridian Street - Suite 1100 Indianapolis IN 46204 Knight Industrial --- '3701 Airfield Drive W. - Lakeland Florida 33811 ERG 951 & 4~__~__==~=_30 South Meridian Street - Suit~!.10Q._ Indianapolis IN =1=_ 46204 Landon Companies 21 E. Long Lake, Suite 100 Bloomfield Hills MichiQan r 48304 Conffict of Interest Spread-3RDOtr07 _xis i 10481 Ben C. Pratt - Six Mile Cypress Lennar Parkway i Fort Myers Florida 33912 ~-------~-- ------- ------~-- ~---- ----- ---+---~~----- Lodge Abbo~&_ Ass~i~~s, LLC__ 3400 E. Lafayette St. _~__ i Detroit~___ Michigan _ __~8207 Dennis Lynch_______ ___ 4081 Tamiami Trail North, Suite C-~~_ Naples florida _ 34103 Abouzarjome~r Mazdai____ 1880 N. County Rd - E150 Connerville IN 47331 MCKK Property Acquisition,,=LC ~. 975 6thAve. South, Ste 200 Naples Florida 34102 Meritage Homes __~______12220_Towne Lak~ Drive # 75 ___ Fort Myers . Florida 33913 Myers Enterprises____ _ 6381_~irport Rd. _____ Naples Florida 34109 Myrtle Woods, LLC 10271 SW 72 St., Ste 102 Miami ____ Florida 33173 Freeland & Schuh d~~ Naples _f.'!~~~ 1229 Airport Pulling Road Nort~__.. Naples Florida 34104 NRG Development_____ ~3621 Park Crest Blvd,___ Fort Myers Florida 33912 Naples Daily News 1075 Central Avenue _____~_ Naples Flori~ 34102 ~orth Naples Methodist Church __ 6000 90od~ette Rd. North Naples Florida 34109 Peli~an Bay D~velopment______ 26381 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 Bonita Springs Florida 34134 PMS, Inc. ____~_____ 23~.s Ta'!1_iami]"rail North, #408 Naples Florida __ _ 34103 Pine Air Lakes COD 21 E. Long Lake, Suite 100 Bloomfield Hills Michigan. 48304 Power Corp. ---~-- -- ---- --- 3050 HorseshoeDrN--------- Naples ------ Flor~-r--341 04 ~~:~H~':: ~_l!i1ders_._~~~==~.1 ~:~~68E~:~~ng::~~~~:~~~I;~~ -- ~~:oRaton --~ ~:6~:~: --~=--;;:~~ - .. --~---- ~-~--------~.---~-----~.-- ---.------ -- -~ ~-----t-~- --.-- Q. Grady Minor & Associates 3800 Via Del Rey Bonita Springs Florida, 34134 R&P Property Management----i265 Airport Road-Sou-ih------- -- Naples -- Florida--!-----34104 --- ~. ----------~~-~--------~~----~~-~ ---~--- 1--- Nadesha Ranasinghe i 450 Henley Drive Naples Florida 1 34104 F}.WA__~=-~=_=~~==_~_-=J6610 Willow Pa~k Di: Suite200=-_-- .Naples-~--==Llorida--=l-~--- 3410~ F}.ealtynet__________~?-~ So~th Meridian_ Street - S~ite ~WQ_--11ndianapolis_____J IN____+-__ 46204 Sabel Palm Investment Group 15329 Granada Blvd. ; Coral Gables I Florida 34146 San Marino Joint Ventu~:~__=---- _._ 115_! 22 S~mmit Place Circle-----~--I Naples . -~~~_ _ 34119 Saundry Associates, In~___ _______:..407 West Street, Bldg. B ___________-LNaples _____ Florida 34108 Sembler_____ i 5858 Central Avenue . . ... 1 St. Petersburg . Florida 33707 Signature Communites, Inc. :800 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite-300----- --tNaples--- Florida. 34108 ~~~I~rexo~~~r:s Dre~e'opm~nt-_~_l~~~~- ~~~:;e~o~~ad _ ~ufte 2=--- -+~~~:~d-erdale --i~:6~:~: r ;~~~~ N_~ =~~;~~~~~rt~y~~~~_~ ~M Joseph Townsend___________ 4130l'!Iamia'!1i Tca~____ __'Naples _____JFloridaL__ 34103 ~nited Faith~Jssion~..!)' Baptist Church _~ P .0. _~ox 99063~~_ . ____ __ _ Napl~~_____lFlorid~__J ____ 3411 ~ VK Development :19275 Capitol Drive Brookfield iWI I 53045 Van-Dev., Inc. ----------------~-T144--rower Drive----.~------ Burr Ridge--1IL----I--~521. -----.--~--- ---~- -~--~-----___r_:_-~~-------------------- ~--___._ _____+_. W CI . . . ... ! 12701 Commonwealth Drive #5 .. Fort Myers rorida 33913 ~::::;~:~a~~s --=-====~~=~~~~~u~~~t Place Circle ------=--- ~:~::: --==- I ~:6~:~: ;: ~~; ~~~~~rh~lub, Inc,:~-=-====-1:~~OSG~~~~7; ~~~~-n~======:-~:r~:slslana:~i~:6:: =-:= ;:~~~ Conflict of Intollls! Splllad-3RDQ/rlJ7 . xis