2006/2007 yY\ 44-500/- e- -^p. t1 01- County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 Dwight E. Brock Clerk ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK _" ;~ -! "i" -..-,. RECEIPT: 4971627 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NAME: BOB MITCHELL LOBBYIST ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- PAYOR: ROBERT M MITCHELL 25.00 REFNC: APJ DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Page 01 of 01 H~~ 03 20 09:~9~ Bo~rd Minu~e~ ~ Records 774-8408 p.l rYl L{-4-S0G COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiarni Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME AoA (rJWE U- DATE 9~dg .()4> BUSINESS ADDRESS VCl (\Q.,',.'j 0 ..::]j gy L n B. L L-P Jd 1J6 J~61-'J /JA/11ANY f!vJJJ .....j--1~ lont") f -1- My E A ':\ I r L ~-3 Cj () 1 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) "- ~Ee: Af1"Ar ).JCD Ll-5, 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS MAY BE N~C~ M .~roG\\ Lobbyist signature STATE OF FLORIDA D_ COUNTY OF GOLDIER ~ TERRI A MBLNA MY~flDIIIPIID EXPIIlI& __e>>.m ......,..........0. sworn to and subscribed before me on , by An~~A-{ J)t. M,.(rrJJELL-- ersonally known t e or who has produced as identification and who did take an oath. ~.~ BY: l,Il"'ll.J . ~.ft""""""- Deputy lerk Notary Public Please Notes 1) Failure to renew this registration by the renewal date of Oatober 1.t will re~ult in the placem~nt of this registrant on a ftstatus unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a WLobbyist Withdrawal- form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual ~egistration Fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22 Company Address Ralph Abercia---------= .111999 Katy Freeyvay Suite 590 =_=--1 Houston =-jTx --f 77079 ADP ---------- -- ~49 Coconut Ave. I Sarasota = jFIOrida4:= 34236 Agno[Barb~r, I3rurljiage,_I!ic~____-=__17400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 2()O=/NaPles __ Florida+_ 34108 Antaramian __ _ ~365 5th Avenue South, #20~ _____. .Naples __._ Florida 1 34102 Architectural Netw()~~___ __ -137 5th Ave South - Suite 202 _ _ _INaples Florida 34102 Barron Collier Company 2600 Golden Gate Parkway Naples Florida - . - 34102 Basik Development, LLC__ .-. -=-____J20 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 .____ _~aples ____ Florida ~-34102 Beazer Homes ~-=--=-_--=-=- _ 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive I Fort Myers Florida i 33913 Bonita _Bay G.r<:>up. ...._. __...___ __..__ _ 9990_ Coconut Roa~_Suite 200 _ __IBonita Springs _ Flor~ __ 34135 Teryl Brzeski 5147 Seahorse Ave. __ _ __ _ Naples __ __ __ Florida _ ~4103 Cadenhead Construction ----- - - 3994 Mercantile Ave. Naples Florida t1 34014 Centex Homes--__=_ _ _ _ _ - l5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite l'00 ~aPles _ _ _ __ I Flori~.i-=- _=- ~41 08 Clyde C. Qui~~y R~~ty___ __1377~~irport Pulling Rd.~ _ _ _ _j___ _ _ _ L__~__ coast.al Engineering C.. ons. ul~.a.llts. _ _.. -.---+-.I~ 31 O~ Horseshoe Drive ______ _. _ _ Naples _ _ __ J!:!orida _ t 34104 Collier EnterPIise~__ ____ __ __~3003 Tal!limai Trail North, Suite 4QO __ Naples _ _ ~ Florida _ _ 34103 Continental Realty .. . . .. . .. ~04 Fifth Avenue South . I Naples ' Florida 34102 ~~~E~~:~==n~ =~ -~~~~~:::~~i~f:103 ....- -=.- .I~:~:::. . . -!~i~:::: =f~ Em --- - I ~ 2550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite I I I ~~~~:~;t;;'~~~~lC.-. -.. -=.~~i~ ~~~~I~~acl1 RoaL_ =:. .1.~~~~J~~g. ~ardenl~:~;::: . =1= mE Gulf Coast Develop~13nt ~~~up == ~15 Terracina Way-- -- _== =- := -I Naples ____JFlorida 1-- 34119 Habitat for Humanity____.___~145 TamiamiTrail E~_____.-=rNaples_ _ ~Iorida _+_34113 Hoover Planning Shoppe 3775 Airport Road North, Suite B Naples Florida I 34105 J.E.D.of S_ouihwe~tr::lori~a~lnc;._-==t9130 Corsea delFontana Way ____ Naples .=~orida=r 34109 Kite Developm~nt _.._. _ . __ __.__ _._ _. ._._.30 South Meriden .Street.____s.... .uit.e_1._!.9~ -----4 Indianapolis . ....IN --E 46204 Knight Industrial__ _ ____ _ _13?01Airfield Drive W._ _ ___ __Lakeland ___ ]Flori~_ _ 33811 ~~~n~~~~~ri'::.sodates:LLc --I~:~~ ~i~~::;~:s~t~oacl.. - -- - -i ~:::~: --I ~:1;an i ;:;~~ ~~~a8:v~~;~:~t--=---- -==- ~-=-.I r~~~~;~ ~~~n~r~~~~I~~i~e#i5 -= -- = J;~~ ~~:~:-~==-~:~~:~:--+==- ;;~~; Pelican Bay DeVeIO~rT1.e. nt ___~--= 263~S.. TamiamJ}rail, Ste 30() . -......=J!3onita springs-==jFlorida .1-.- 34134 PMS, Inc.__ ___.. 2335 Tamiami Trail North, #408___ _---1Naples __ Florida r- _~4103 Prime Home Builders. ... .21218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510 .. -t.Boca Raton I Florida T 33433 Pulte Homes _-=-=-~_==~ -=~___-~19148Bonita B~~~h Roa~,-~uite 102_=--~onita Springs-=-_---JFlorida .~-=__ 34135 ~Gra~rv1i!10I_&!\Sl)9ciate~ _ _ _EBOQ.Yia Del ReL ___ ____ __--j Bonita Springs__ r Florida-l___34134 RWA_____ __ _____ ____ ! 1~42Carso~~L__________ _ ,fort Myers ___Florida_~__ 33901 ~an~arino Joint V~!1ture___ _ __- f15122 Summit Place -.fircle_ ___~..NaPles _Elorida ~ __~4119 Saundry f-ssoc.. i?te~I.~~__. ..__. _. _~.. .~ 9220 Bonita Beach Road - SUite1!~5_.. . Bonita Springs ..JF_lorida-i _H. _34135 Sem~ler __ .____ __ _ __ 15858 Central Avenue____ _ I St. Petersbur~__J.Florida _+_ 33707 Signature comm.uni.tes,. I~___. _..]..5551 Ridgewood Drive,~ite 20.3 _... ... ._. ~. ..N. aples __. --4.lorid~---+. ._. _34108 Southern Centers Drevelopment 1500 Cordova RoadJFt. Lauderdale _t"lorida I 33316 :::~;::~~--~~~-~!~~1~::;~!a~~~~i~::ec~:es:-~:~::: - . -I~:~;:~: t- ~~~~ ~~n?;;~I~Fn~~n,---- -=- =-==- ~~~E:~i~;i~rive -..::--=--=- ~... u= ii~;~~~~ --=- _g~r;daj+._ ._ ~~~~~ wCT--=_~~=~= == =_== 112701 Commonwealth Drive #5 ===+~ort Myers~lorida - . -= 33913 Waterw~ Ho~e~_ __________j15122~mmi~ace Circ~___ ___I Naples -----t Florida 1-__ 34119 Welsh Company .. 12400 9th St. N . tNaplesFlorida -t-. 34103 Woolbri ht -------- ----tg130 Galleria Court--------+i.ja les ---.-Floridal- 34109 Conflict of Interest Spread-09-06.xls .- ftt -L{4S00 Collier County EXPic ~ ~/o+ 3301 Tamiami Trail East ~~~~~C'1 ; I I r < Naples, FL 34112 LJfU~ . ~ \3 \b1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name AO(jEA1 Il. MlfQJJeLL Date L/~/o1 ~, Business Address VANA,-~~E ~ JAJ LilA. LLjJ .Qj~() ~ElJ /!;A,.11flNY 8LIITJ ~1E f,DO I f---[. (flyP A.~ I ~L ~'i{)1 Business Telephone 4 &t -4,-~ 1- 4ll~ I E-Mail NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). ~e ~ ?) 11 ~(l J.JE]) 2). PLEASE AITACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY Jo~t lA lMt.!1 Lobbyist Signature State of Florida {J County of C6l1ic..... ~ _, net. The foregoing registration was ~wom to and subscribed before me on this a day of ~nt;' ~Do1 , by&~A.'1 M. .(tf.11~/..IE.LL ~n i!:: per"ona~ knowlitO' ~or haF produced as identification and who did take an oath. .JV' ,r ":-t> I LJ.U\.i A. lv1ELNA ~~~ MYCOMMlSSION.IIDDl9'MZS ~ EXPIRIlS: Mu.cbOB.2lI08 -..; ~ FL..... ~' ~Q:r. B~n9: ~~ Deputy ClerkINotary Public The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 Company I Address :~I~Ef\bercia"_-=~-==~~-=~-=~_==~ ~ ~~9~o~~~u~:v:~ay Suite 59_~=--===~ I~Z::~~==---=-~rida=~ ~~~~~ AgnoiCB-arber,_~~ndaQe~Tn~=--=-=_ 7400 Tamiami Trail North~Suit~-?OO__i Napes_____-~= .-1 Flori~a ---T 34108 Allen Concrete & fIi1asonry ..._._ 16301 Shirley St. __________J Naples__~______ I Florida _} 34109 Antaramian______J 365 5th Avenue South, #201_ _ 1 Naples __~__~Jf!~rida _~l 34102 Ar~itectural_ Netw~~_______ ________ 1837 5th Ave South - Suite 202 . _. u_ _ ~aples _~__ _--JFlorida ___.-L 34102 Barron Collier Company 2600 Golden Gate Parkway I Naples ! Florida : 34102 Basik Development, ,=-LC= =--=--====----.720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 ____n=___~aPies--~=---1 Florida: 34102 Beazer Homes . . . . ! 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive .. i Fort Myers i Florida i 33913 Bonita Bay Group___ .___~~===_-r9990 Coconut Road ~ Suite 200 _ .-_-:=--}Bonita spring~_~FIOrida .~_ 34135 ~~~~~~~:d~tonstr~~tion-~=_~=-~-1 ;~~~ ~:~~~~~i~e ~:~~--- .--- -...-~ ~:~:::---~---t~~~:~: --i ;:~~~ CEMEX 11425 Wiggins Pass Road . Naples Florida I 34110 Centex Homes ----- --15801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - SUiie-600 - i Naples __u_ Florida .'----34108 CIP Naples, - CLc - - _-~_=--- -=-J 8603 South Dixie Highway ~-- -==_i Mi~~==== _= 1 FI~rid-~-==:--- ~3143 Clyde C. Quinby R_ealty _~_ .3775 Airport Pulling Rd. N. _ ____________~____ Coastal Engineerir:1g Co~u)t~I"l~_ ____--L3_1 O~_ S. H()rse~~oe grive_______l."Japles __ ___ FI~rida 34104 Collier BIA - - 14479 Enterprise Ave. i Naples - . Florida------34104 ----------- ----- --~-,.--.------~----_._~-----_._-_.- -,-~-----_._-_. -----~---~- - -..~_._-- Collier Ente!prise~_________________-E003 Tamimai Trail Noi"th, Suit~_~OQ...__ Napl~____ FI~!~d~... 34103 Collier's Reserve Co~ntry _Club _______~J1?-21~ollier's Reserve Drive________. Naples_______=l Florid~=_~==-)411 0 Mic~~~ C~~!,adL__ _~1_~80 1 Oth St. S~u..!h #1 Q~___ ______ __~~apl~~________.Elorida_ _~_.__}41 02 Elias Bros. ! 27599 Riverview Center Blvd, #205 . Bonita Springs Florida 34134 ------.~--------------------- ~ --- ---T12550-"New Brittany Boulevard-~-Swte - ~-----------"--------------- - ----~-,.-~ Engle Homes (TOUSA) ! 1 01 . Fort Myers Florida 33907 Erica Enterprises _:=-=__===-_~-=~-_-i10463 Harrier Street~=-=-~:-=~-~_-_+Plantation . __-;-florida _J 33324 FergusonLawGroupLLC .... . !4265 Bonita Beach Road .. ... .....iBonitaSprings I Florida 34134 Forbes Company _m___m______ -,3101 PGA Blvd.----- . __n__ ____un TPalm Beach GardeniFlorida 33410 Gregg Development--U-m-~-u---f345 Fifth AvenueSouth--.-- _ .-~-INaples [Florida 34102 Gulf Coast Development GrC?up _______ 515 T erracina Way . _~_=- -----___lNaples___ i Florida f-- 34119 Habitat for Humani~_______________J...1"!...4? Tamiami Irail ~~~t_ _.__ _. _ rNaples. ._.... jfl~ida_j 34113 Henderlong & Associates, Inc. 542 Cypress Way East : Naples ! Florida : 34110 .-.----.-.---------_.________.u________ ~__ ~~______. _ .. ~'u~__.+.__u__~ Hoover Planning Shoppe 3775 Airport Road North, Suite B 1 Naples ! Florida i 34105 J.E.D. of Southwest Florida, Inc.-- 9130 Corsea del Fontana Way -- : Naples---- i Florida . 34109 Jenkins & CharlandrrRC Worldwide Eng. 12381 South Cleveland Avenue, #204 TFt~ Myers-- -TFjorida 33907 Kite Development-~--.----30 South Meriden Street - Suite 11 00 ----nri-dianapojis~- U_-IN--- 46204 KnightlndustriaT-. . --- -3701 Airfieldu-Drive-W:------- Lakelancj- --Florida . ---33811 ~lauser:1_Coli1pany .------~=T6~Q~ Lone Oak Blvd ----- . --- -----Naples--- -- Florida----- 34109 +- . - --.-- _.._.u___ ._~___ _._._____u_________......_____ Lodge Abbott & Associates,LLC . . j 3400 E. Lafayette St. . ... .. Detroit ... .. ..Michigan . 48207 ..rV1CKJ'<]'!~perty~g:til:sltiOIl~}I.~_==-_~i 975 6_th 7:;'~f!..: SO~lh,Ste~2bO _=_ .: -_~aple~-__=_ - -- .;~~~da _ __~_=:_ _~41 02 Meritage Homes i 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 'Fort Myers ,Florida 33913 .---- ---- .~-_._._------,--_._~----_._------ ._._---;-----~.- .._~ M~~~Enterpl"ises_ ______ :6381 Airport Rd. .. ... . Naples .. Florida 34109 f'v'1yrtle Woods, LLC .___________ ....: 1 Q??"! SW 72 St., Ste 102____--- ---Miami -- . -- F1orida- -~-- --33173 Freelan~ & Sc:hu~~I:>~~~p!es Nissarl- . -r1 ~29 A~port Pulling Road North - .. .un Naples ..---__ . Florida ------34104 NRG Development . - T13621 Park Crest Blvd.~~ ------lFort Myers-- _n --! Florida-- _u_ 33912 Pelic~n_!3ayD~"'elC?EI!l~I'1f-u -----==__! 26~81~_" Tal!li~rnl_!rail, ~te 300-=~-=T~onita ~..iings _"=--1 Florida~!_~_}4134 PMS,lnc.n_______ .. .... . 2335 TamiamiTrail North,#408 .!Naples .. _ I Florida . i 34103 Power Corp. _ -m_------=tl'3050 Horseshoe Dr N - ----. -llNaples--.. -lFlorida-t--34104 - ---------- ---"'-.--- ---------.-. -..._-~_.__.._--_._'"._---_.- -._~-_. - --_.._------.-I----~-~ Prime f::Iome_Buil~~!!)______________ .21218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510__~ujBoca Ra!~___~Florida ! 33433 Pulte Homes i9240 Estero Park Commons Blvd. Estero : Florida ! 33928 ~&~r~-:e~~:~~b..~~:~:~~s~~=-~--=:~:~~~~o~~:aeJ S:th --~~=----- ...=~- i~~~:=s~pring~ -=-i ~:~~:~: -nul ;: ~~: RWA . .. .-- ~ - '6610 Willow Park Dr: Suite20o-n ------TNaples --- ---~rFlorida- --1 34109 San Marino ~OinfVenture__-=u-=:=j.15122 Summit Place Circle--- --- ~iNaples . .. ... ..1 Florida ,_u_ 34119 Saundly_,6.~~o~iat~s,nlnc: ._______. .~22Q Bonit~_Beac~ Road-Suite~15 ==-:-~onita- Springs--- _u - JEloridam_ L 34135 ~embler___m__ ______u_mmt..5858 Central Avenue_m~__n .. _~!-..?eters~urg un__! '=.~!ida_n 33707 Si nature Communites, Inc. . 800 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 ! Naples i Florida 34108 Conflict of Interost Spread-lstOtr07 .xls US Home -"-~------~_._,._. - VK Dev~opment S()uthern~.f.~nters_Dre\lE:)lcpme!lt_n__ i 1500 Cordova Road _~~__~ Ft. Lauderdale ___~ i Florida 1__~~3316 Ta~lor WoodrO'!! ,2950 Immokalee R08cr=Suite ~.__n n~Ple~___n__L~ori~~_ j~ 34110 Toll Brothers -~--- ~~-~_~=~~~=-_~1~3956Sanctua-ry La-kes Court- Bonita Springs. I Florida i 34134 Joseph!()~nse~~~~n~ ~__n_~ 14130 N Tamiami Trail -~~~- -----lNaples--Ii=lorida --~~-34103 ! 10481 Ben C. Pratt-: Six Mile Cypress- -I~~~-~-~ ~-~T------ -,--~ - -~ ------- !~~;~~6aPitol Drive ~-~~----l-~~:o~~~~s---~n_--I~fri9~--- ;;~1~ . - __un. ----------.. I . -.---. ---~ 4 _~~_ _ ---teen--- _~ V~J:1-DEl~~_lt_Ic~.___ ~ n_~_n 1144 Tower Drive_~~______ _~__ iBurr Ridge____~_1I!__~___u~ 60521 WCI n_____~______~ : 12701 Commonwealth Drive #~__ _~._ ' Fort Mye!~ _~_j Florida -j 33913 Waterway Homes_u~n~ ___~~ _ 115122 Summit Pla~~~g!~c-'-~__ .._ ._~ __.' Naples .__~ -~--n~_J Florida ~~J-_ 34119 Welsh Company_ ______ _______ 12400 9th S~_~__ ~__ __n__ __ mNaplesn_____..n.__. fFlorida 1 34103 Windstar Club, Inc. - 1840 S. Collier Blvd. iMarco Island - iFlorida~ 34145 WoolbrihT--~---~---~-~-- . --~r9130Galleria Court-;Na les-~~~ : Florida 34109 Conflict of Interest Spread-lstOtrlJ7 .xls Collier County 330 I Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Expires BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name AlJ{?JEA"1" f)t. f'n/f(lJ.JcLL Date Business Address VArJA~E -J :::JJA1LI'18. Lt..P Jdj...\o f'lf:J.') ~A"11fJ'uy {J,I.VJ) ,,~1E ~()b. r-f.f'r1Y&p,S, rL ..jjqt>7 Business Telephone ~.3q- 4.31- 41 fj () J E-Mail NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). ~e E A1--1A \l1JE."I) 2). PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY j,~t ~ L1~\\ Lobbyist Signature State of Florida {J County of Cellierd\.J,..(. The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me ~n this ~~ ~Of'-.L"/'\l .J{)o1 ,by~.~1- nt~i~~h,ll .~ erson ownto--=:> ~or has produced as identification and who did take an oath. ~~~ BY~4J.Ild1ttJU~/ ~ ""-dIQl,~ "'~~"-Co. Deputy ClerkINotary Public The annual registration fee is $25.0 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2004-05 Company. Address ABCFine wines &-Spirits, fi1c~~--i9001 s. OrangeAve.----~--- -- IOrlando-- Florida--~-- 32824 ~Iph ~ber(;!~__=====~=~==111999_Katy Freeway S-uite- 596==-~- [Houston -=--=-_ TX _~:I=J~ ADP i 149 Coconut Ave. I Sarasota Florida I 34236 ~-~-------.-------- I .-~-- ---.----.--~-~ ..1 1-- Agnoli, Barber, Brundage, Inc. ~!7400 Tamiami Trail North - Suite 29~___jNaples _tlorida i 34108 Allen Concrete & Masonry________ 6301 Shirley St._________._INaples_______ IFlorida .L 34109 Antaramian ---~~- 365 5th Avenue South, #201 1 Naples i Florida 34102 ArchTiecturaf Network-~=_==--=--===--~ 837 5th Ave South - Suite 2Q~:_==_-___-~ NaPles-=-_-lFlor~da i 34102 Barron Collier Company i 2600 Golden Gate Parkway 1 Naples 1 Flonda i 34102 Basik Development, LLC________ 1720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 ____ INaples -I Florida 1 34102 Beazer Homes-~ 111934 Fairway Lakes Drive : Fort Myers i Florida -r 33913 Bonita Bay Group .-==-_~===_~~=~_==-=19990 Coconut Road - Suite 20L__ _. _. _!Boni!a Spring~_-TFlorid~ l 34135 Teryl Brzeski ____________---45147 Seahorse Ave. ________ jNaples -lFlorida_--+ 34103 g~~~~ead_~~s~=(;~o~:_ ..-=_-:-= ....-=~J~;~~~~~~n:i~a~~eRoad==:--=~l ~:~::: ---------~~~:~:. ____=== Centex Homes : 5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite 600 Naples i Florida 34108 - ---.--- - -- ---~---_._----------- : - .-- ..~_.--_.._. _._-~~-_..:-~~_._----------_._--_._. .-+-._~.._._,.---_.--+--_._-~ CIP Naples, LLC 8603 South Dixie Highway i Miami i Florida 33143 --- _ ----., --~ Clyde C. Quinby Realty i 3775 Airport Pulling Rd. N, ,Naples ! Florida 34103 _~__ _ __.____ -_.__~__..___~_. _. __m___ _~__ .____~__ _.__._ ____~.m__~____.'____~~ Coastal Engineerin-g Consultants i 31 06 S. Horseshoe Drive i Naples : Florida 34104 . _________...~._._._______..,___.. ..-___..._"'~+._,__._~..____._..___~_...__.____.___ _______ __ ____.__.__.__..l-_____.,~____ __._____.________~ _,____ Collier BIA i 4479 Enterprise Ave. : Naples Florida 34104 1----.. . ..... ~-..--~---------.~-_...-.-.------.-.---. - --~ -- ~--~.--- ~~----..+ - __ Collier: Couniy-Schoof Board i 5775 Osceola Trail i Naples ---I Florida -- 34109 I----._---~~-_._--' .--.~-.-..-_...-~-- ~-..---' -- Collier Enterprises .3003 Tamimai Trail North, Suite 400 'Naples . Florida . 34103 1---. .-.--......-.--..-..-.... -.--. ... -. . _ ~..~---- - - --.----- ---~-------- --.--- L..__m_ _.._.__ _~____ !-=::m_.______"- ____~_ (;ollier's Reserv~ Cour1.tryql~~_m__ _~!1.?1.1.g-,?~i~r's Rese~~p~i",~_ ___ ~_C3pl~___nn___. L~!qr-i~~___~___}411Q Michael Corradi . 380 10th St. South #103 ! Naples : Florida , 34102 I----~______ -_._. _______u . ..~_ +~__~__.. _ _..._____._________ Elias Bros. . _~____ 27599 Riverview Center Blvd, #205 : Bonita Springs i Florida i _ 34134 r 12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite -r , Engle Hom~s (TOIJSAL___ _ ----ll~'!...- nm ___ __ +!:ort Myers ! Florida Erica Enterprises i 10463 Harrier Street : Plantation I Florida Ferguson Law Gro_l!I?J:.~~m__==_-mi4265 Bonita Beach Road ___~~--- nun T Bonita Springs : Florida ~~s COll!pan.y_ ..__ _n________.....J}101 PGA Blvd._____ ____ _! Palm Beach Garden: Florida Ginn DevelopmeI'!L__~~________:.24870 Burnt Pine Drive____n_______ . Bonita Springs 1 Florida Graef Anhalt Schloemer & Associates, Inc,__ ,27200 Riverview Center Blv_el' Su itElJ..<:> 1___ Bonita SI?~ings i Florida ~_ Gregg Development .1345 Fifth Avenue South . Naples i Florida . .---.~-t ..---~--~-.-.. __un. 1 Greenbrier Development, LLC. ... .. 13232 McKinney Ave. . . . : Dallas. I TX .' 75204 ~~~i~~~::~~~~~it;ent G~oup_ ~= - . --~~-f~ ~ 4~e~:~~c:n~;~i1~ast-=- --__:-1*:~:::-nn - ~~- ----I ~:~~:~: ~=I-;: ~ ~; -.~~- ---.-"--.--.----.-----~-~-~~-------.~--- --- -------- ----.r-.---~---..---~..,-.----.-'_r____-'~--------.-----L-.--..- Henderlong & Associates, Inc. .542 Cypress Way East Naples Florida 1 34110 -----+--.-- ~---._---- I Hoover Planning Shoppe. . .. .3775 Airport Road North, Suite B . . Naples.. .. ... i Florida , .. 34105 J&C Auto ------ ----- -__--- 12390 J&C Blvd. --nn-n--n----1Naples---u-TRorida! 34109 J.E.D. of Southwest FlOrida;-Tnc~- - --:9130 Corsea defForltana Way-------iNaples---m-IFlorida-. .---34109 Jenkins & Charland/TRC Worldwide Eng.j12381 South Cleveland Avenue~ #204--[Ft. Myers------lFIorida .. - _ 33907 Kite DeveIOpmen!____n____~ South Meriden Street - Suite 11QL_ J!!ldianapol~_ : IN.._==-__~ ~~~:~~n~~~~ny=~_--=___=_~ -t'~.~~~ ~~~:I~~~i~~v:.--nn~----~----t~:~~~~nd ..--i~:~~:~: - ;~~~~ 10481 Ben C. Pratt - Six Mile Cypress ..:~~___m -~~--i--- Lennar __ ~__~_ ~nnn_ Parkway ___ _ _ ~_ ___[Fort Myers_ iFlorida ! 33912 Lodge A?bott & . Assoc.iq~es,--~LC _ 3400 E. Lafayette St._ ._ _ ...~etro~______ ! Michigan J. 48207 AbouzarJomehr ~_azd~____ 1880 N. County Rd - E150______.iConnerville i IN__ 47331 MCKK Property Acquisition, LLC 975 6th Ave. South, Ste 200 __ Naples____ ,Florida ' 34102 Meritage Homes ___ _______ 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 Fort Myers 1 Florida 33913 ~~rs Enterprises __~____ ~6381 Airport Rd. _______~_ -~~ Naples_____-=-_=_ 1 Florida - i 34109 Myrtle Woods, LLC__--.L"-Q271 SW 72 St., Ste 102 _nn__ J~iami ~_m_ ! Florida=r__ 33173 Freeland & Schuh dba Naples Nissan i 1229 Airport Pulling Road North . ..__ Naples 1 Florida L- 34104 NRG Development_____ ____-1..13621. Park Crest Blvd~___ Fort Myer~___ : Florida ___~_ 33912 Pelican Bay Development __~____. i26381 S. Tamiami Trail, Ste 300 __ Bonita Springs ___JFlorida --J 34134 PMS, Inc. __~____~___ 12335 Tamiami Trail North, #408 _iNaples ___~Lori<!C3----t-- 34103 Power Corp. 3050 Horseshoe Dr N I Naples 1 Florida 34104 33907 33324 34134 33410 34134 34134 34102 ConfflCl of Interest Spf9ad-2NDQtrlJ7 . xis Prime Home Builders 21218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510 : Boca Raton iFlorida 33433 Pulte Homes" . ---- 9240 Estero Park Commons Blvd. ----: Estero -----!FTorida --~ 339-28 __.__._~___._________~_____.___ ..__n___.._____ ___ _____________ -'--_____._______.__.----+-___~_______+..----- _____ Q. G!~9Y Min~_~~sociates 3800 Via Del Rey_______lBonita Springs n_U=lorida -T- ._~.i134 R&P P!oper:!y_~~_rlagernel'l~__ ___ 265 Airport Road South i Naples ' Florida ! 34104 RWA _ : 661 0 Willow Park Dr, Suite 200------[ Nap'es----IF'or~da--I-- 34109 Sabe'-falm Investment GrouP_______15329 Granada Blvd.____ ________ i Coral Gab~~____l Florl~~___!_ 34146 San Marin~.~oint \(~n~u.r..e-------~-15122 Summit Place Circle ._ _. _.--- lNaPles_______.--. _ ~ Florida . r 34119 Saundry Associa!~s_'J.n_c_ 407 West Street, Bldg. B________ f Naples __ __ !Florida -t 34108 Sembler .. .... .. i 5858 Central Avenue ,St. Petersburg l Florida i 33707 Signature Communites, Inc.-- ___-1800 Laurel Oak Drive, Sufte_~~__. !Naples ___ IFlorida__:__~4108 Southern Centers Drevelopment 11500 fordova Road_______________ 1Ft. Lauderda!E3___ 1 Florida .. _l..3316 Taylor Woodrow __ ____ I 2950J.'!'...'!lokalee Road - Suite 2 . . ! Naples I Florida . .. 34110 Toll Brothers 123956 Sanctuary Lakes Court___-==-_~- [Bonita Springs ,Florida --,- 34134 Joseph Townsend_ ______~_14130 N Tamiami Trail_ . :Naples IFlorida .. . . 34103 VK Development [ 19275 Capitol Drive .-..- i Brookfield-, WI----. - ~ - --53045 Y~I'1:Q~i'-~II'1~-=-_~-=-_- ---=-~-=~-_==~~=__~1144 Tower Drive--------- .-.------ ,Burr Ridge --. . .IL----+---60521 WCI. .. . . . . 112701 Commonwealth Drive #5 ! Fort Myers--- .. Florida _L 33913 Waterway Homes---------~--r15122 Summit Place Circle !Napies--- 'Florida 34119 WelsflCompany----------- ... ---I 2400 9th-St:Fr----- 'Naples-- --- -'F1orida--- --3~fi 03 ----.. -.---------- ---- _ ----- .-- ._--~---_._-------- .. -. - --. ---------- ---.--. - - Windstal"_f.lub, Inc. _ ._________+840 ~:_Co!li~! Blvd. ____ _ Marco Island Florida __~34 145 Woolbri ht i 9130 Galleria Court Naples Florida 34109 Conffict of Intfllllsl Spread-2NDQtrlJ7 .xls