2004/2005 BY: LINDA HO DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 4346976 NAME : REED K. JARVI PAYOR: REED K. JARVI REFNC: LAH County of Collier CLERK OF~THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P . O. BOX 413 044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated DESCRIPTION ~ 05500 q/oS VI: 3356045 09/28/2004 CHECK: MC AMT PAID: 25.00 25.00 AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- 25.00 LOBBYIST DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS Page 01 of 01 TOTAL DUE: 25.00 Hl!I~ 03 20 OS:4Sl!l EOl!lrd Hinute~ ~ Record~ 774-8408 F. 1 COLLIER COUNTY 3301 Tamiarni Trail East Naples, Florida 34112 .-.- .:.J - 05 50D BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAMB Aft)) J<. ...... fA A-v I DATE r.~ J-O~ BUSINESS ADDRESS ~ASSE-r .JJ~tL{dJ\ I LLP ill30. NEt.) 8R'11ArJY ~LVJ) ,~1e &;00 f1. rntE~s , ? L ~.j~^1 NAMES AND BUS:INESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1) '-.5E E A-1-1Ft r J.I Q L.L51 2) ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS STATE OF FLORIDA ~A_ COUNTY OF eOLLIER~ The foregoing registrati n was sworn to and sURscribed before me on this the 0 , by ~E.E.:::a K ...JAI\III who is nally known to me r who-.flas produced, as ~ entification and who did take an oath. BY~1.U n . fU " n/Jj ./ DeputY~;~otary Public \IV~"It)...f.",-1.i~.l.;.:':"i .~. > e~ TERRI A. MELNA . ~~ MY OONMISSION 1# 00297623 ~ EXPIRIlS: MIIdlOl, 2008 I~ ... NalIlrCll\>Dal AoIao. c.. Plea e 0 01 1, a ure to renew thi~ regi~tration by the renewal date of Oatober ~.t will result in the placem~nt of this registrant on a ftstatus unknown" list. 2) If one wishes to revoke this registration, a WLobbyist Withdrawal- form must be filed with the Clerk to the Board. 3) Annual ~egistration Pee is $25.00 per Lobbyist according to Ordinance 99-22 Company Address Agn~!i.J3~rber, Brundag~II}_c;_~_ u_ 7400 Tamiami Trail r~9rt~_ - Sult~?OO Naples Antaramian ____________.___ 365 5th Avenue South, #201 Naples Architectural Network 837 5th Ave South - Suite 202 Naples Baldridge Development 11825 Manchester Road St. Louis ------~--~f_- . _._------- Barron Collier Company 1320 N. 15th St. Immokalee ._--~-_._- ..----. ------ Barron Realty ________ 2900 University Drive - Suite 26____~ Coral Springs Basik Development, LLC 720 Goodlette Road, Suite 305 I Naples Bayswater Development, LLC 100 South Bedford Road I Mr. Kisco Beazer Homes_. 11934 Fairway Lakes Drive Fort Myers Bonita Bay Group H._ 9990 Coconut Road - Suti~19.9_.H__ I Bonita Springs._ CB & Associates____u 6400 Davis Blvd. ___ !Naples Centex Homes 5801 Pelican Bay Boulevard - Suite 600 Naples ----f-..---- Coastal Engineering Consultants 3106 S. Horseshoe Drive Naples ._________~_____ .---~~------~c-- .--. '.___n -.--..--- 2765 South Horseshoe Drive - Suite 401 3003 Tamimai Trail North, Suite 400 -.---..---. Colonial Homes 12220 Towne Lake Drive # 75 --~-~---~- Columbo Enterprises 11018 Edgewater Drive --.-.-. -. ------------~~-_.~~~--- Continental Realty ________ 604 Fifth Avenue South _._ 12550 New Brittany Boulevard - Suite 101 -.--- 4265 Bonita Beach Road 11145 Tamiami Trail East Collier County ____ Collier Enterprises Engle Homes Ferguson Law Group LL~__ Habitat for Humanity Intercontinental Merchandising Sourcing Group Inc. J.D. Allen & Associates, Inc. J.E.D. of Southwest Florida, Inc. Jeppesen Engineering Kenco Development Kite Development Krehling Industries Kuhlman Engineering~_c;._ 172 Hickor):' Boulevard 267 Airport Road South 9130 Corsea deU=ontana Way _ 5672 Strand Court - Suite 2 28733 Megan Drive 30 South Meriden Street - Suite 1100 1425 Wiggins Pass Road 2647 Davis Boulevard Mr. John A. ~ulling, Pulling Family Trust Pebblebrooke Lakes, Ltd Phoenix Associates, Inc. Pulte Homes ~aundry Associates, Inc Signature Communites, Inc. Talon Management, Inc,-_ H...____ I_~ylor Woodrow ____ US Homes Vanderbilt Beach Motel, Inc. West Florida Agro, Ltd. Conmct of Interest Spread-C9-17-04 Naples Naples Fort Myers Cleveland Naples Fort Myers Bonita Springs Naples Naples Naples Naples Naples Bonita Springs Indianapolis Naples Naples Naples Naples Bonita Springs Bonita Springs Naples Naples Naples I Fort Myers I Naples ! Immokalee Florida 34108 Florida 34102 Florida 34102 ---.- MO 63131 Florida 34142 -~-------- Florida 33065 ---~- Florida 34102 NY 10549 Florida 33913 Florida 34135 --- Florida 34112 Florida 34108 ---~C~ Florida 34104 _J Florida 34104 ._ I Florida 1__}4103 i FJorida 33913 Ohio 44102 - ----- Florida I 3,,102 I Florida _ 33907 I Florida I 34134 . -- Flonda 34113 i I Florida Florida : Florida i Florida --+ i Florida I IN Florida Florida 34108 -- 34104 34109 34110 34135 46204 34110 34104 i Florida I 34109 Florida --f=----c--. Florida I Florida ~. _ ! Florida _ I Florida --- Florida--l- --r 34110 34135 34135 34108 34101 34110 Florida Florida , Florida 33912 34108 34142