2010/2011 Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 Expires 3j2/JJ! BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name~D~ (,i'" 8. R.l"<!.(.. Business Address 9 ot 0 /5fr a d /1 r; i ell cf tJQr1(~j, ~L J4/0( Business Telephone83'7.... )~~, /00')- E-Mail ia.UrC(- Date IO/7/r D . JJ.d-07 roc tr r / c...e €J eA.~1h. (tJ-. /J-ef NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1). rS D tJ W/J J LLC. 15'1 ~. fh~lY\ Sf ,)1.)'1 k S 60 [ All.- r1J n J 0 /-I '-1 V 3 6 t 2). ( { tv s a...k De \jf I D y? yY\ ( f\ 1-1 L L c- J '5 ~ :5. ma i Vl S" S IJ I k S' 00 All- (b Y1 0 l.f L/f..{'3 (; f PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY State of Florida County of Collier The fOregOin~ation was sworn to and subscribed before me on this 7 tr- day of DC , by , who is ~Qal1) h..uu\Vh to me or has produced as identification and . who did take an oath. SlLAUAA A. ZAM..U.1 NOTA~V PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA Com"" 000947324 Deputy Clerk/Not Public The annual regist;a ;eJ=li>~~tobbYist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). Receipt# 007111806 10/11/201010:53:02 AM Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court @vvo@o([jD l2@cGc~n~~ Customer ROGER B. RICE ROGER B. RICE, P.A. 9010 STRADA STELL CT STE 207 NAPLES, FL 34109-4427 Deputy Clerk BMR CASHIER M inutesand Records@CollierClerk.com 239-252-2646 Clerk Office Location Collier County Govt. Center Building F, 4th Floor 3301 Tamiami Trail East P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY 1 DESCRIPTION BMR Lobbyist Registration UNIT COST $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Check# 1336 BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT $25.00 $25.00 ($25.00) $0.00 ~@O 0 D@rr~O@rrO:fo @@[f[fJ Page 1 of 1 Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tarniami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 Expires u.p~ d{ldl( BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ L?BBYIS~ RE~ISTRATION FORM Name--1i?f' ~ 2L ~~___ Date_J/:dLL_ 9o/() (5;;."f~J~ S/JL {'Y -#:dO-?- /Ur/('-~ ;CZ / ..3titJ? Business Telephone ;<31-5'73' iO(hZ.E-Mail_,'-4 ~ ~ r~r~ A Try r::rerf'<<.c~ NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: I). 1550 AJ lu;J LL c:.. (','j)::j~ ~'/c L.p_~u') C-:?; ILC Business Address /Lc. 2). PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this _I f:z, ! I ( / day of , by J2.0.pL. ~ZIC A.., ' who is \?~!.s.~~1!2' kl1.9,~~ to me or has produced ____ as identification and who did take an oath. G)I.AUl'AA'ZAMI!I!J\' ,.j ;' ,-) /',-- NOTARY pUBUC ..-. / r /' II;; .i / j i!l. ST"TEOFFlORlo.o. BY'-VULU.!r iJ ((L/piLL: " c;omrnII 0D0\l47324 " . . EJcpIres 312212014 , ' Deputy Clerk/Nj,tary Public The annual registration fee is ~er Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (at the address Iistcd at the top of the form).