2001/2002 BY: ELLIE H DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 3528555 NAME : PAYOR: REFNC: ROBERT L. DUANE ROBERT L. DUANE EJH County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPL~S, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated DESCRIPTION ;)#: 2562452 CHECK~ i'H Ahi PAID; q)ov 10/01/2G01 25'~OO i}~UU AMOUNT ============================= 25.00 LOBBYIST DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS Page 01 of 01 TOTAL DUE: ---------- ---------- 25.00 (SEAL) COLLIER COUN'l'Y 3301 Tamiami Trail. P.~SL Naples, Florida 34112 BOARD OF COtJN'1'Y COMIIJ:SSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM NAME Robert L. Duane OAT];; 3/25/99 _.. -. BUSINRSS ADDRESS Hole, Montes & Associates. Inc. 715 Tenth Street South Naples, Florida 34102 NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSO~ OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 1.) SEE ATTACHED SHEET. 2,)_ 3.'__ The furegoinq rogiscration w~s SWOrn ~o and subscribQd befo~e me on <-his th.. ~ da~ <>f _~ . 19"l~L by ~~~,-. ~~nc- , Who is Deret)na.lly known to me or who has produced ~~B:~eneific"..i"n and who did take nn "...th. "->~,~""'S~ Deputv Clerk P~oa.B ftO~.; 1.) P.~1~e ~o ren.. t~. r..i.~t.tiOD by tbe ren.wal dat. wi11 r..ule ia ~. p1.Q...at of ~i. ~.gi.traDt Qb . ..ea~u. ~OWD- 11.1:... 2.) J:f. cm.. W1.b... to revck. cla.i. Z'."J..~r.t:iol:l. a -LoblJy1.e 'tfiUKlr....l. foz:a ....1: be f'11e4 witb eh. e1.~k to the Board.. Mr. Michael Bahms Euro-Florida Fundings, Inc. 1331 Old Oak Lane Naples, Florida 34110 Mr. Tom Barnard Port of the Islands Realty Inc. 269 Sunrise Cay, #2 Naples, Florida 34114 Mr. Bob Hardy Quail West, Ltd. 10641 Airport Pulling Road North Suite 32 Naples, Florida 34109 Mr. Paul Hardy Olde Cypress Development Corporation 5620 Strand Boulevard, Suite C-1 Naples, Florida 34110 Frank Potestio, Jr. Fairway Preserve Apartments at Olde Cypress, Ltd. 4288 Silver Fox Drive Naples, Florida 34119 Ms. Amy Prange Boyne USA 18100 Royal Tree Parkway Naples, Florida 34114 Mr. Michel Saadeh President Vineyards Development Corporation 98 Vineyards Boulevard Naples, Florida 34119 W;\8200\C-Office Administration\RLD\memo90325.doc HOLE, MONTES & ASSOCIATES, INC. . v- g ff o a(; COLLIlfJt CO'DJ[TY 330~ Tamiami ~rail Ka&t Naplee, rlo~1d. 34112 BOARD O~ COttRr! COMKIssIoumas LOBBYIS~ lIGIS~RA~ION FORM IIA11lt Robert L. Duane. A.I.C.P. ROLE MONTES, INC. BUSIDSs ADIl!UiSS 950 Encore Way Naples. FL 34110 ~ATESeptember 25, 2001 NA>>BS amo BUSXN~SS AD~RBSS 07 WACK PBRSON OR ~R~I!Y RS~XSS~NT~O, 11 COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY DISTRICT 3301 E. Tamiami Trail. BldR. R. Naples. FL 34112 (941) 530-5337 :ill BENDERSON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 8441 Cooper Creek Blvd. University Park. FL 34201 (941) 359-8303 ATTACH ./IDDUIOlliAL llDII~S AS MAY n IiBCllIS8.NI.Y SEE ATTACHED SHEETS ~~~~ . Lobby:l..,t S ;natl1:n ll'I'A'r1li or lI't.Oll.Illll COll!l:t'Y 01' OOLI,:rIli1l. the .t:crego1pQ reg1.trat1~0l1 _:.:n 0 aM .1,IQe~.d b\lfou 1I.0ll. th:l.lthe.:/'7 ~__I,by ~~ . wbc ill( paraonl.l:J.y lQIQIoIn) lMI Q;;" w1Io hu p~dU(llllcS .8 i~llnt:t.f1.0..t.iol1 aacl who dld take an. ".th, srI yJ.w.ilt:tL.~t!.dJu.h;;1<IU~ ~eputy Clerkl_otary ~~lto 1'1.... IIotal :L) rdl~ tCl ~ t:.1I.U l!.gUqattcm. lIy t:ha rcnal data o~ OClt~1G 2,.t w:L:LL ;ral'll1t ill tM pll1ta_t of tlU.ll ~./PJnu.t: 1m II ..t.~ 1\1Io~. nllt-. :l.1:1:t OM .wk.. to I'<tWQ tldll ~..,bU.t:ioll., .. .LD!)~t If:l.tol:ulu..V !om Ilut b. !1.1a4 with tIllI t'JA.:cIt too tlM Iloard. 31 ANl.II&l ~q1atnt:l.o.. ,.. 111 ,n.oo pn Lo>>y;I,.l: aOClRllUlJ tCl O:d.:IDmM ...n 9 (0'" PAULETTE DeBlIS CHARBONNEAU . ~"f.\ MY COMMISSION # CC 958900 , :, EXPIRES: December 7 2004 II' flondedTlullNotlryPubllcUnderwrilers PAGE 2 of 3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM 3) Mr. Robert Vociano 4100 Golden Gate Parkway Naples, FL 34116 (941) 261-6996 4) Hardy Development Group Mr. Paul Hardy 5692 Strand Ct.. Suite 1 Naples, FL (941) 592-7344 5) Rex Properties Ltd. Mr. Frank Pepper. Jr. 445 Rovino Ave. Coral Gables. FL 33156-4245 (305) 667-7617 6) Naples Reserve Ltd. Michel Saadeh 98 Vineyards Blvd. Naples, FL 34119 (941) 353-1551 7) Ross McIntosh 720 Goodlette Road North, Ste. 303 Naples, FL 34102-5656 (941) 213-1425 8) East Naples Land Company Mr. Jim Brown 1051 Clark Street Abbingdon, VA 24210 (540) 628-1173 9) Naples Realty Services, Inc. Mr. Mark Linder 4099 Tamiami Trail North Naples, FL 34103 (941)262-4333 10) Mr. Leo Fragiacomo 231 Cays Drive Naples, FL 34114 (941) 642-5805 HOLE MONTES, nrc. Robert L. Duane, A.I.C.P. PAGE 3 of 3 HOLE MONTES mc. Robert L. Duane, A.I.C.P. 11) Collier County Airport Authority John Drury 2003 Mainsail Drive Naple~, FL 34114 (941) 642-7878 12) Big Cork~crew Island Fire Control & Rescue Di~trict Chief Frank Kovarek 13240 Immokalee Road Naple~, FL 34120 (941) 455-1204 13) Ralph Abercia 11999 Katy Freeway, Suite 480 Hou~ton, TX 77079 (281) 752-4650 14) Collier County School Board 5704 Cougar Lane Naple~, FL 34109 (941) 593-2533 09/27/2001 11:55 FAX 9412542099 HOLE MO"iTES ~OOl LlM ~MONTES ENGINEERS. PlANNERS . SURVEYORS FACSIMILE COVER SHEeT 950 Encore Way Naples. FlO<lda 34110 (941) 254.2000 FOll (941) 254<099 To: . Subject: Lobbyist Registrallon Renewal Form Company: Collier County Clerl< of Circuit Court HMA Project No.; Fax No: 941-774-8408 Number of Sheets to Follow this Sheet 0 Original to Follow by Mail: 0 YIlS !&l No We are Trall8mit1inglhe FoIlowmg: DLeIler o Proposal o Sketch o InvQ1Ce o Legal description o Other o For approval o For your use o For your information o As requested o Reply is reqUllsted Comments: Please add the following en~1y 10 my Iobbyiat regislfation form that was delivered to you today. Grubb &Ellis 3201 Tamiarni Trail Nor1h Naples,FL 34103 941-261-3400 Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Copy To; file From: Robert l Duane, A.I.C.P. ~ CONFfD€NTIALfTY NOTE: Tne informetion cantllncQ In Ihls latl;inVle rowsge I.. OOVileallll and COflftdenllal tnronna~on in!8ndad only for 1ho un 01 illdMdUjl or en~/y /lsmed llbavt. 11 tilt ro.r d lhia InIJI;Jp ~ I\Ol thtinllndldredplent, ~ 11m heI9by nolikd lhal~ lISt, diHlll'IlinaIion. dlt!llb\lb or copy ifltua*o" I$$Irir;IJprohihl... lfyo.,lael8ClMclll\lSleIJcopyinlmlF. Plelselrnmedlak:ly IdfyUl by'*PIlOIlt""d''''lhIorig1N1~ lOw air. .......abDve1llaUniIllfSl8ll5 Pol. 8fflIee. Tts_you:. 'HM~ Letter of Transmittal HOle. Montes & Associates. Inc. 715 Tenth Street South Naples, Florida 34102-6773 (941) 262-4617 Fax: (941) 262-3074 I HM&A Job No. Date: October 2, 2000 To: Collier County Clerk of Court Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F, Fourth Floor Naples, FL 34112 From: Copy To: Re: Laura Althouse Lobbyist Registration Via: D U.S.Mail [g] Courier D Federal Express [g] Attached D UPS D Other We are sending the following items: D Under Separate Cover D Shop drawings D Copy of Letter D Prints D Change Order D Plans D Samples [g] Other Check D Specifications THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: D For Approval D Approved as Submitted [g] For Your Use D Approved as Noted D As Requested D Returned for Corrections o For Review & Comment D For Bids Due D Prints Returned After Loan To Us D Other D Copies for Approval D Copies for Distribution D Corrected Prints Comments: Please find the attached check for the renewal fee for the Lobbyist Registration for George Hermanson and Robert Duane. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at 254-2000. Signature: d{;1AAa (iff.! ~s..o Name: Laura Althouse, Secretary for George Hermanson & Robert Duane Document2