Ordinance 85-34ORDINANCE 85-,34 ,,, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OP. DINANCE 82-20 BY MdENDINO SECTION ONE, PARAGRAPH "B" TO SUBSTITUTE "ENFORCEMENT SECTION" FOR "D~..~'~ [" BY AMI~DING SECTION TWO, PARACltAPN "A" BT AMENDING TI~E DUTIES OF ZONING INVESTIGATORS TO INCLUDE THE PROTECTED TREE ORDINANCg AND EXOTICS ORDINANCE; BY AMENDrNG SECTION THKEE, PARAGRAPH "A" BY INCLUDING THE PRt~TECTED TREE ORDINANCE AND EXOTICS ORDINANCE ~-. ~ 'f. THE TRAINING PROGRAM FOR ZONING INVE- ~FTIGATORS; BY AMENDING SECTION FOUR, PARAGRAPH [.' "A" BY AUTHORIZING ZONING INVESTIGATORS TO ~_;ISSUE CITATIONS FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE -PROTECTED TREE ORDINANCE, EXOTICS ORDINANCE · AND AMENDMENTS THERETO; BY PROVIDING AN ~ EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, ~he Laws of Florida, Chapter 84- ,,,,, amended Chapter 81-364 to authorize designated Zoning Investigators to enforce and issue citations for violations of the Collier County Protected Tree Ordinance and Collisr County Exotics Ordinance, and -'.~endments thereto and; WltEREAS, the Collier County Zonin~ Departmen~ now exists orsanizationally as the Zoning Enforcement Section of the Buildins Code Compliance Department ~ NOW, THEREFORE BE IT O~AINED by the Board of County Co~issioners of Collier County, Florida that Collier County Ordinance 82-20 shall be amended aa foll~s: SE~ION ONE: DESIGNATIONS A. ~ose asents or employees of the Collier County Building Code Compliance Department who are to se~e as Contractors' Licensing Investigators shall be designated by the Board of County Co~issioners' adoption of the appropriate resolution. B. ~oae agents or employees of the Collier County Zonins Enforcement Section Bepa~e~e who are to ae~e as Zoning Investigators shall be designated by the Board of County Co~isaloners' adoption of the appropriate resolution. SECTION ~ D~IES ,oo, 020,, 3'57 It shall be the dui7 of a~z person dssi~nated a. a Contractor's Llcensin! rnveatisator to enforce the provisions of the Collier Count~ Contractor's Licensins Ordinance and subsequent amendments therlto ralatin~ to Contractor's Licensin~. It shall be the duiZ of anZ person dssiBnated as a Zoning Invssti;etor to enforce the provisions of the Collier. CountZ Zonin~ Ordinance; Protected Tree Ordinance! and Exotics Ordinance and subsequent amendments relatin~ to said ordinances. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize or permit any person designated as a Contractor's Licansin8 Investigator or Zoning Investigator pursuant to this Ordinance to perform any function or duties of a Lay Enforcement Office other than specified herein. Said invastisators designated, pursuant to this Ordinance, shall not make physical arrests or take any person into custody and shall be exempt from the requirements relating to the state high-hazard retirement program and Police Standards Training Co~isaion as defined and provided by general la~. SECTION THILE~: TRAINING AND QUALIFICATIONS A.,e~aiRing-p~eg~am-~e~-ehe-ee~ei~ieaeien-e~-Gene~aeee~si-bieeeetR8 &nveaeigaee~e-and-&e~nS-&nves~igaee~e-~e~-ehe-pa~peee-e~ auehe~eaeian-ea-~seue-ei~ae~ona-{e~-v~elae~ens-e~-ehe-~e½½~e~ 6ouney-6sne~aeeora~-bieenaing-g~&ins~ee-a~d?-ehe-6e½~e~-6ouaey A trainina proaram for the certification of Contractors~ Licensing Invasti&atora for the purpose of authorization to issue citations for violations of the Collier.~ounty Contractors~ Licansin~ Ordinance and amendments thareto~ and a training pro,ram for the certification of Zoning Investigators for the purpose of authorization to issue citations ~or violations of the Collier Count7 Zon~n~ Ordinancs~ Exotics Ordinance~ Protected Tree Ordinance and amendments thereto~ aha11 include the folloving= ORDINANCE DEFINITION A. Nlorida Constitution authorizes tha Board of County Commissioners to enact Ordinances for the 8overnin8 of the County on ~ttere of a local nature. WORDS UNDERLINED ARE ADDEDI ~/ORD8 6~Rggl~-~qtRgggNARE D~.,ETED B, S~=~s I~atue versus County Ordinance. ~, Au~horiC7 Co enforce, II. PROVISIONS OF THE PROTECTED THEE ORDINANCE! EXOTICS ORDINANCE, ZONING ORDINANCE AND CONTRACTORS' LICENSING ORDINANCE. III. ~ET~ODS OF ENFORCE~T A. Receivin$ complaints of alleged viola~ione of Ordinance. a. Telephone. b. In person. c. Written. d. Observation. e. Referred by Sheriff's Department or od~.her Asency. B. Recognizing elementq that constitute violations of the Zonin~ Ordinance, Protected Tree Ordinance~ Exotics and Con~ractors' bicensin~ Ordinance~ As Applicable. C. Enforcement. a. Contact with complainant. b. Contacc with Of[ender. c. Instructions and advice. d. Warnings, written - oral. (1) Tbs numbers of warnin&s. (2) Time between warnings. e, Prosecution. (1) Issue citations. (2) Cases that require State's Attorney involvement. f. Advise complainant of action taken if appropriate. IV. LAWS OF EVIDENCE A. Tansible. Be a. Personal observation. b. Photographs. Statements. a. Sworn statements. b. Admissions by defendant. c. S~atemen~e by defendant. d. ~Ca~emen~s o~ witnesses. 020 ,,0,359 VI. Obtainin$ and eecurins evidence. a. Identifyins photographs. b. Harkin$. c. }taintainin~ custody. R~PORT A. Composition. a. ~ho, What, ~here, When, Why, How? B. Forms. a. Complaint Reports. b. Supplement Reports. c. Letters and r,~rrespondence. d. Warning Citations or notices. e. Notice of Violations (Tags). f. Citations. PROCEDURE FOR ISSUING CITATIONS A. Establish that a violation of the Ordinance occurred in the present of the Officer. B. Identify the violation. C. ~den~ify the offender. P. Obtain ell necessary evidence to prove the violation of the Ordinance. E. Contact the offender and explain the violation. F. Issue the completed citation form. G. Have defenuant sign the citation form. H. If the offender refuses the citation seek prosecution through the State's Attorneys Office. I. Write a comprehensive report of the violation for office records. Distribution of the issued citation form and back-up material, evidence, etc. What to do when . . . (1) The offender refuses to give you hie identifica~ion or driver's license. (2) The off~ refuses ~o ~i~n the citation. SOOK Je SECTION FOURs ISSUANCE OF CITATIONS A. A.F-peeeea-deeig~aeed-ae-a-ge~e~ae~ersA-~*ee~e~.S-~nveee*gaeoe-ee ame.dme, ee-ebe~eee?-v~e~e-e~eb-v~e~ae~e.e-a~e-~eeeeee~-b2-ea*d ~nveee~aee~e. An7 person designated as a Contractors' Eicenein~ Xnvee~i~ator ia hereby authorized to issue citations ~or violations o~ the Collier ~ounty Licenein~ Ordinance~ and subsequent amendments thereto~ where such violations are witnessed by said investigator. ~ny person deei~n~ed ~s a Zonin~ Investigator ia hereby authorized to'issue citations ~or violations o~ the Collier County Zonin~ Ordiuance, the Protected Tree Ordinance, and the Exotics Ordinance~ and subsequent amendments relatin~ to said Ordinancea~ where such violations are witnessed by said Investigator. g.._~C. A citatio:: issued by said investigators under the provisions this Ordinance shell be in substantially the ~ollowing ~orm: IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTICE TO APPEAR STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF COLLIER In the name of Collier County, Florida: The undersigned certifies that he has Just and reasonable grounds to believe, and does believe that: On the day of , 19 , at (a.m., p.m.) Last Name Firs~ K.I. Aliases Street, City and State Date and Place of Birth Phone Race/Sex Height Weight Hair Eyes Scare/Narke Occupation Place of Employment Employment Phone Complexion Driver's License t Yr/St. Social Security At location(e) in Collier County'S'Florida, committed the following offenee~ (1) (2) in violation o! ) County Ord. DID (Nsrrativs) t Name of Officer ID~ ( ) Mandatory appearance in County Court, Agsncy Location 19, ~, at ( ) a.m. ( ) p.m. ( ) You need not appear in court, but must comply with instructions on back. Fine and Cost CO-DEFENDANTS: ( ) Cited 1. ( ) Name DOB Address ( ) Cited 2. ( ) Name DOB Address I AGREE TO APPEAR AT THE TIHE AND PLACE DESIGNATED ABOVE TO ANSWER THE OFFENSE CHARGED OR TO PAY THE FINE SUBSCRIBED. I UNDERSTAND THAT SHOULD ! WILLFULLY FAIL TO APPEAR BEFORE THE COURT AS REQUIRED BY THIS NOTICE TO APPEAR, THAT I HAY BE HELD IN CONTEHPT Oi' COURT AND A WARRANT FOR I~ ARREST SHALL BE ISSUED. Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 19 Signature of Defendant Notary Public-State of Florida I swear the above and reverse and attached statements are true and correct to the beat of my knowledge and belief. Complainant COLLIER COUNTY ZONING ENFORCEMENT SECTION ( ) OR COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT ( ) Additional information shall be supplied on the back of the citation in the following form: WORDS UNDERLINED ARE ADDEDI WORDS g~Rg6~-%%IRggGH ARE DELETED INFORMATION If you desire to plead gnilty or nolo contenders (no contest) and you need not appeal in court ss indicated on the face of this notice, you may present this notice at the County Court named on the reverse of this page. Date Hour Date Ho~r and pay a fine of certified check. dollars in cash, money order, or The waiver below must be completed and attached. Read carefully. Your failure to answer this summons in the manner subscribed will result in a warrant being issued on a separate and additional charge. "In consideration of my not appearing in court, I the undersigned, do hereby enter my appearance on the affidavit for the offense charged on the other side of this notice and waive the reading of the affidavit in the above name cause and the right to be present at the trial of said action I hereby enter my plea of GUILTY ( ) or NOLO CONTENDERE ( ), and waive my right to prosecute appeal or error proceedings." "I understand the nature of charge against me; I understand my right to have counsel and waive this right and the right to a continuance. I waive my right to trial before a Judge or Jury. I PLEAD GUILTY ( ) or NOLO CONTENDERE ( ) to the charge being fully aware that my signature to this plea will have the same effect as a Judgement of this Court." Total Fine and Cost: Defendant Signature: Address: Fine and Cost may be paid at or mailed to,' Clerk of Courts Check One: At: ( ) (Central Division) Collier County Courthouse, Naples, Florida 33962 Or, ( ) (Eastern Division) Branch Courthouse Immokalee, Florida 3393~ SECTION FIVE: CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other Ordinance of Collier County, or any municipality therein, or other applicable law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the Ordinance. SECTION SIX: PENALTIES Violation of any portion of this Ordinance shall be punished as provided by law. SECTION SEVENt ~FECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt it has been filed with the Secretary of State. of notice that -',x',X .!h'~g~ , June 18, 198.5 ,.., .. , L~G~ SUFFX~X~NCY ~ ~NNETH B. CUYLER ASSISTANT COUN~ ATTORN~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: FREDE~C~'~O. VOSS, This ordinance filed with the · 'Sec~tary of,,~tate's Office tbL_ and o¢~edgemeni of that . STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, WILLIAM J. REAGAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a truc original of: ORDINANCE 85-34 which was adopted by the Board of County Comm~.mtoners during Regular Session on the 18th day of June, 1985. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florin, this 24th day of June, 1985. CITATION ORDINANCE WILLX~.M J. REACAN .c ' · ' Clerk of Courts and Clerk .'~,%~t~'/~'~O'-/''..,. · Ex-officio to Board of -~"."" '"'". #~ County Commissioners ' "' C'',~' ~'* ". ~, Vir~ia Magri ,Deputy~.'~' -~..v ~ ' ,"~ w .~ . ..~. . ,,