Ordinance 85-18O~DiNANC~- 8~- 18 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHEN- SIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA,, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS ~AP NUMBER 48-26 BY CHANGING T}IE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE }~EREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED SOt/T}{ OF DAVID Co BROWN HIGHWAY FROM A-2 AND A-2 "ST" TO A-! AND A-! "ST" FOR 20 ACRES$ AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATEI chanse Zonin~ C~a.eif~ce~on o~ ~h. hereinafter described re~l proper~7~ NOW, ~tEREFORE BE IT o~AIN~ BY THE BOA~ OF CO~ CO~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNt, ~ORIDA: SECTION ONE: ..hE~han$md from A-2 and A-2 "ST" ~o A-1 and A-I "ST" and =he Official Zon~nS Atlas Map Number 48-26, as dascrtb~d tn Ordinanc~ 82-2 Is h~rmby amended ...... accord in~ly ~ ':n~' This Ordinance shall becoms effsctive upon no~icm ~ha= i~ has been recelv.d by tbs Officm of ch~ Smcrs~ary of S=a=~. DATE=~I~y 21. 1985 BO~D OF CO~ COLLIER CO~TY. ~ORIDA FREDERICK J. VOSS, CHAIRMAN This ordinance fll~ with the Secretory o f .~ot e'l ]~f f tc~ Lb.9. o~ oc~~f that Co~'. Sk CNR SECT. 28, T%T. 48 S., RGE. 26 E., Collier ¢ounty,-Florida Thence H.02°13~lS"W. 1326.86' to the ?OB Thence N.89*~8t00"W. YA3.69tl Thence N.02'13~IS"W. 130.00'I Thence ~.89e~StOO"W. Thence N.02'13tlS"W. ' 253.00'I Thence N,89°~8'00~'~. 208.00'; Thence S.02'13'15"I. 383.00'I Thence N.89°58'00"R0 161.00'; Thence N.02'13'50"~. 668.43sI Thence S.89'57'60"~. 1320.80'I Thence $.02°13'15"£. 668.30' To The Contatnin8 17,82 Acres Hors Or Less Attachment tfllt Legal for 020 118 Theace R.02' 13' 15' ~. 1326.86', Thence N.89' 58' 00' ~. 743.69' eo the P.O.B., Thence Cont, 'N.Bge 58? 00' ~, 416,00', Thence ~.02' 13' 15" ~, 383,00', Thence S.Sg* 58' 00' E. 208.00', Thence S.02' 13' 15" B. Thence $,89' 58' 00' ~. 208.00', Thence B,02* 13' 15" ~, 130.00' co the ContaininB 2.4~ Acree More Or Lees PORZIO ST L£GAL I, Jo~n Porzio, aa owner or authorized agent ~f~r Petition Igrae to the following stipulations requested by the Coastal Area Planning Commission in their public hearing on Ka~ch.;.,il,,.,,. ,,:~' A. Construction of any surface water control system will reqbii~l review and approval by the. Water Hanag,ment Director., ~. Any exieCing or future access connection to a County naintained road. must be constructed in accordance with current standards as set forth in Ordinance 82-91. ¢. The "ST" area as designated on ~he attached sudsy shall rmin A-2 "ST". The petitioner shall replant the "ST" area in the following ~nner~ i. ~ple saplinls (slash pine if maples are nsc available) ~hall be plan~ed within a ~0 foot border along the edge of the so,eyed area, ~eae maples shall be planted ~ fast apart (lenAth and width) a~d not in r~e. 2. ~e cypress saplings shall be grouped within the border described in 1) above. The cypress saplinie shall be planted on 10 fooc diameter circles. ~ese cyprooe shall nsc be planted in rowe buC shall resemble a maturally occurrini cypress head. Eighty percent eu~ival shall be guaranteed for the first year and 60I au~lval shall be guaranteed for ~he second year after planting. The County Environmentalist ~hall be notified by letter ac the beiinnini and upon completion ol planting. PlantinA shall be completed by December 31~ 1~8~. D. The subject property includint the "ST" area shall be free of exotics (ie~ Brazilian Pepper, Helaleuca. Australian Pine, etc.) ~~ t-P-F~AT~E FOR C~ ~ CO~ISSION EXPI~S~ R-84-38C Agreement Shii~ Gag STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIBR ) It WlLLIAPl ~, REAGA#, Clark of Courts in and for the Tleentiath Judicial Circuit,'~olller County, Florida, do hereby cattily that the foregoing is a true original ors ORDXNANC[ 85-18 which was adoptad by the Board 0£ County Commissioners during Ragular Session on the 21at th day of May, 1985, WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this ilar day of PLIy, 1985. WILLXA~ J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts and County Commlllionl~l' ,.','~ .,;'.": ,:!;' ' , ~.' .....