Ordinance 86-780KDINARCE 86 - 78 AN ORDINAI~CE ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY FLANNING COMMISSION CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSE OP PROVIDING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE PREPARATION OF THE COHPRE~ENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION AND JURISDICTION OF THE CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR COMPOSITION; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF MEHBERS PROVIDING FOR TEI~IS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR REHOVAL FROM OFFICE AKD FAILURE TO ATTEND MEETINGS; PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OP OFFICERS| PROVIDING FOR QUORUM AND REIMBURSEHEN~ OP EXPENSES; PROVIDING FOR LOCATION OF HEETINGS; PROVIDING FOi~ FUNCTIONS, POW!'RS AND DUTIES OF THE CITIZENS ~ "ISORY COMMI't T~-E; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT SEVERABILITY ',;D PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NO~, THL~REFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY the Board of Cotmty Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: SECTION ONE: Creation of the Citizens Advisor~ Comities for the C~prehensive Plan~ Jurisdiction. ~ Board of ~ty C~issi~trs (BCC) has d~ai~na~ed th~ Collier County Plan~int C~Ission (CCPC) as th~ local pla~in~ a~ency pursuan~ . ~o $~ction 163.317~, ~lorida Sta~u~s, ~o conduc~ ~he pla~i~ pro,ram and prepare a c~rehensive plan and ~o rec~ndacions re~ardin~ ~he adoption o[ ~he co~rehensive plan. In order to obtain par~icipa~i~ by ~he public and ~nc~rale ~lic c~n~, ~h~ BCC hereby es~ablishes and crea~es ~he Collier ~un~y C~ission Citizens Mvisory C~i~tse (hereinafter refe~ed to as the Citize~ ldviso~ Co~ittee). ~e Citizens ldviso~ C~tttee shll ~ve Jurisdiction /or the uninco~orated area of Collier County, ~lotida. SECTION ~O: ~osi:ia of the, Citizen~ Adviso~ Cmittee. He~ers o[ the Citizens ldvisou C~lttee shll be ps--neat residents and electors o[ blliet County. bnsideration shall to those persons-who have sh~ an interest in public a/faits. In establishing membership on the Citizens ldvtso~ ~ttee, represen~ation of ~he full spec~ o~ ~hs Ci~iz~nship o[ Collier County shall be aough~ as well as balanced geographic representation. ~e Citizens Advisory C~i~tes shall consis~ of 21 me~srs. ~e c~osicion of the Citizens Adviso~ C~it~e~ shall be representa~ive of various co--airy i~:~res~s to include ln~ividuals f:~ the follo~nt Erovps: -[ the business/development community; the agricultural environmental groups; civic groups and the co~nity at large. community, SECTION THREE: Appointments, Terms of Office, Failure to Attend Heetin~s. AppOintments to the Citizens Advisory Committee shall be ~de by the BCC based upon recmmaendations frma the CCPC and staff. The formation of the Citizens Advisory Co~mtttee will bs publicized a~d prospective members sought through newspaper advertisement. The Growth HanaGement Coordinator shall subnit to the CCPC names of those persons who have stated an interest in serving on the Comittee and others who would fulfill the requirements for composition of tbs Citizens Advisory Committee. The CCPC shall present ~ list of those interested persons and their recommendation of proposed o~embers to serve on the Committee to the BeC for approval. In addlcion to the members recommended by the CC?C, the BeC shell also appoint one (1) representative from each of the ~ Commission Districts. The terms of office for ~embers of the Advisory Committee shall be from the data of formation of the Citizens Advisory Comittee and will expire on January I, 1989 or as ~ay be extended by the CCPC. If any mmber of the Citizens Advisory Committee is absent from two (2) or more meetings without a satisfactory excuse, that member's position shall ba declared vacant. In such cass, or in the event a vacancy occurs for any reason, such vacancy shall be filled by tbs BCC in accordance with the procedure sac forth ab=vs. S[CTION FOUR: ~ficers~ ~uorum} Compensation. - The officers of the Citizens Advisory Committee shall ba elected by the membership of the Citizens Advisory Cmmittes and shall include a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary. The presence of (13) thirteen or more ne~bera shall constitute a quorum. The Citizens Advisory Comdttee shall, by majority vote of the enti{s membership, adopt rules of procedure for the transaction of business and shall keep a record of meetings, findings and det~r~inationa. The members of the Citizens Advisory Committee shall serve vithout compensation, but ~ay ha reimbursed for such travel, mileage and/or per die~ expenses as ~ay ba authorized by the BCC. SECTION FIVE: Location of Hee~!nss. All meetings of the Citizens Advisory meetings. Heatings shall ba held regularly at the Collier County Covernment Center, Naplesp Florida. 2 SECTI0~ S~X: Fonctions~ Povers and Duties of the Citizens Advisor~ Co~3mittea The functions, povers an~ duties of the Citizens Advisory Co-~ittee shall be to provide public participation and co~nity input in the development and preparation of the Comprehensive Plan, or elements or portions thereof. The Co~mtttsa shall assist staff in the identification of issues and problems and provide assistance in policy formulation on elements or portions of the Comprehensive PLan. The Growth Hanasement Coordinator or her designee shall act as staff liaison to the Committee. The CitiIens Advisory Co=~ittea shall act as an advisory board to the CCTC and shall reviev draft york f,,~enta and make recommendations durinI the preparation of the Compreh('~ive Plan as necessary. The CitiIens Advisory Comities may organize and create subcommittees for slements or portions of the Comprehensive Plan as deemed necessary. The CCPC shall approve the creation of any subco~mittee. SECTION SEVEN: Conflict and Severabilitz. In the event this Ordinance conflicts vith any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable lay, the more restrictive shall apply. Ii any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remainint portion. SECTION EIGHT: Effective Date -- This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this Ordinance has been filed vith the Secretary of Stats. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Col'l' .et;r~Cdu~'' Florida, thi-~ . ~.~ ' ..~::~..,.'~ '.. Board of County Commissioners of ~da~ of December , 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COHHISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA "PROVE'D AS TO FOP, It ~ LECAL s~rrtet.e~= ~ ~ n~ ~ ~ CO~ A~O~ ~ flll~e~ ~ ~ ~ of~~ / , STATE OF FLORIDA ~OUNTY OF COLLIER I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do · hereby certify that the foregoiDo is a true copy of ORDINANCE ;0. 86-78 that was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session on the 2nd day of December, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners Of Collier County, Florida, this 2nd day of December, 1986. JAMES C. GILES Clerk of Courts and Clel;~%%~,m. ~.x-officio to the So~'~"~;~?.[~ County Co~issioners'