Ordinance 86-60 o~.~c~ e6- 6o RECEIVED 33 A~ ORDINANCE AI~ENDING ORDZNA~CE 82-2, ~ P~NCIP~ USES ~ S~U~S ~ SE~ION 7.24, C~C~ ~US~ DIStil, S~SE~ION 7.24 b.1) (m) PE~ PRINCIP~ US~ ~ S~UCT0~S T0 ~ING SE~ION 20~ DEFINITIONS~ ~ ~ ~O the ~nco~orated ~ea of Co11~e~ C~ defies ~hC clubs as "~ restorer, d~ng zoo, bar, oz oth,~ s~r ,stabl~nt, pr~ld~ ~nCe~at~uC are pr~ided for ~st~rs as a parc of the:c~rc~l ~, night clubs are defined by the Zoning ~d~ca but lis~ed as a use in an7 dis~ic~; a~ . ~, nigh~ clubs as a usa sh~l~ ba pe~tta~ ~ tbs approp~te =on~g dist~c~ as a pr~cipal or pw~l uae; ~ ~, the C-3, Co~rcial Xnte~ed~te district pa~s uses ot s~a= c~racte~ as a ~ight club as a pr~isi~l uae ~ch pr~es ~o~ a use ;ha~ ~uld =o; be appropr~te generally o~ ~th~ thz~ghou~ a pa~ticulaz zo~g district but ~ich, i~ controlle~ as to n~er, a~ea, loca~ion~ or zelati~ to the aeighbozho~, ~ p~te the public health~ sa~e~y~ welfare, ~r~s, order, c~oz;, coherence, app~r~ce, p~ospa~i~7, or ~he ge~zal wel~are; ~ Indust~l, districts pe~ uses o~ s~ c~racte~ as a ~lht club such as restaurants and cocktail l~ges~ - - .. Collier. County Ordinance 82-2, Section 7,22. C-3 Co~ercial Intermediate, Subsection 7.22 b,3)(f) Pernttted Provisional Uses and Structures, shelf be mnended ao follovs: 3) Pernttted Pr~i~ion~l Uses f~d Structures (a) Indoor recreatior~al uses. (b) C~ercial schools. (¢) ~tt~n picture theatres. (d) Uses over 50 feet in height vith s ~innm height of 100 feet. (e) Radio statio~ (of[ices and s~ud~oa) and suxili~r~ transmitters and receiving equipment, but not principal iran'`isaiah Cover. (~)~See Section 8,11). SECIION ~: Collier County Ordinance 82-2, Section 7.23, C-4 Comeercial Cenera~ Subsection 7.23 b,l)(n) shall be --ended as follovm: (m)Bev car dealership - outside diap~y pe~tted, u~m stores, nt ht cl~m. (~dectt~ 8.11 . Collier ~ty Otd~nce 82-2, Sectt~ 7.24, ~5 ~duatr~l D~strtct, Subsection 7.2~ b.1)(u) .~11 be ~ed (u) Ney car dealerships - ~tstde abph7 pe~itte~; ne~ stores; ~See Section 8,1~ ~:~te: Count70rdt~nce 82-2, s.tt~ 20, ~ef~ttt~s, Club, Xl~t, shll be nended as foll~s~ Club~ ~ight: A restaurant, d~in8 ro~, diScotheque~ bat st o~ht s~ilar eat~lis~ent ptovid~8 ~d or reftea~enta, ~ere~ ~o~h~lhe~o~t-pait enterta~ent and/or live ~st~ s~ch ~ bangs~ floor shes or si~lar fo~ o[ entertai~ent ate prided for cust~e:s aa a part of and attraction to the c~rcial ~ORDS UEDKRLINKD ARE ADDITIONS; VORDS GtrI~UGII-~BRGgGtl Ag~ DELETIONS !* SECTION I~VE: This Ordimmce sha1~ becoue effective ~s ~eeu filed by the O~ice DA~: S~ 9: ]q~ BO~ O~ C~ C~SSIO~ that was ado~t~ 57 the Board of Co~nt7 ¢-"-~ssioners during PeSular SesSion o~ ~he 9th da~.' of Sep~er, 1986. ~ my hand and the off~ iai seat of the Board of Couat~ Coumissioners of Col//er Co%nty, Florida, this 16th day of Septt~ber, 1986. Clerk of Cour~--and ~ ............. _Ex-officio to the Board o_~,'i,.9.,c~::~ tz~t7 Can~sfz~ers ,~.:~.~';.,' ...... :',"~ ,~.< ": .: t~" .' '..r'.~ : '. '~'. ". ; ~ .' .. . oa,,,,a5 ' WORDS UNDERLINLrD. ARE ADDITIONS; WORDS 6~Rt~f--THR6I;~it ARE DELETIONS