Ordinance 86-53 fiE~,dV,:j [~" ~Uil 25 ~",~ '~: Ii' ORDINANCE NO. 86- 53 COLLIER COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE ~tLL!~'!.:77AN ORDINANCE ~;ACTING ONE PART OF THE "COLLIER COU~ BUILDING CODE" BY ADOPTING THE "NATIONAL ELECTRIG~L CODE, 1984 EDITION," AS PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL Fr~ FROTECTION ASSOCIATION, AS FURTHER AM~) BY ORDINANCE; AMENDING THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 19~ EDITION, TO ADD ARTICLE 80, ADMINISTRATION, CONSISTI~ OF ARTICLES 80-A T]IROUGH 80-J, MOILE SPECIFICALLY D~ SCRIUED AS: 80-A, TITLE AND SCOPE; SECTION (HERINAFTF~ NOT~ AS S.) 80-1, TITLE; M. 80-2, CODE REMEDIAL; S. 80-3, SCOPE; S. 80-4 RLZL~TING TO MAINTENANCE OF ELECTHICAL SYSTEMS; $0-B, ORGANIZATION; $. 80-5 ESTABLISHING ELECTRICAL SECTION AND CHA~E THEREOF; S. 80-6 RELATING TO INSPECTORS; 80-C, PO~ DUTIES OF ELECTRICAL OFFICIAL; S. 80-7 RELATING TO RIGHT OF ENTRY; S. 80-8 RELATING TO STOP WORK ORDEKS; S. 80-9, PROVIDING FOR REVOCATION OF PERMITS;S. 80-10 RELATING TO UNSAFE INSTALLATIONS; So 80-11 RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS NOT COVERED BY CODE; $o 80-12 RELATIHG TO INSTALLATIONS OF ALTERNATE 'MATERIALS OR ALTERNATE MZTHODS OF INSTALLATIONS OF MATERIALS; S. 80-13 RELATING TO LIABILITY OF OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, E~FCRCEMENT BOARD MEMBERS; 80-D, APPLICATION FOR PERMIT; S. 80-14 RELATING TO WHEN A PEP. MIT IS QUIRED; S. 80-15 RELATING TO APPLICATION FORM; S. 80-16 RELATING TO DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS; $. 80-~7 PROVIDING FOR EXAMINATION OF DRAWINGS; 80-E, PERMITS; S. 80-18 RELATING TO ELECTRICAL OFFICIAL'S ACTION ON PERMIT APPLICATIONS: S. 80-19 RELATING TO CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT; 80-F, ~EES; S. 80-20 PROVIDING FOR A SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES TO BE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION; 80-G, INSPECTION; 8 80-21 RELATING TO INSPECTIONS; S. 80-22 RELATING TO NOTIFICATION OF INSPECTIONS; S. 80-23 RELATING TO MAT~IlAL AND LABOR INSPECTIONS; S.80-24, RELATING TO INSPECTIONS PRIOR TO CONCEALM~; 80-H, CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL; S. 80-25 RELATING TO FINAL INSPECTIONS; S. 80-26 RELATING TO TEMPORARY APPROVAL; $. 80-I RELATING TO VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES; S. BO-J PROVIDING FOR APPEALS TO T~E BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APP~tLS; AMENDING ARTICLE 100 ~TING TO DEFINITIONS; DELEfING SECTION 210-8 IN ITS ENTIRETY; AMEaDING S. 210-19(b) RELATING TO COOKING APPLIANCES; AMENDING S. 210-52 TO ADD SUBSECTION (g) EELATING TO OUTLETS; AMENDING S. 230~21 TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATING TO OVE~1EAD SUPPLY; AMEI~DING SECTIONS 230-23, 230-31, AND 230-~,2(b), RELATING TO ~,ATING; AMENDING S. 230-43 RELATING TO CONDUCTORS; AMENDING S. 230-47 TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATING TO'CONDUCTORS IN RACEWAY; AMENDING S. 336-3 RELATING TO PERMITTED USES AND MATERLALS; AMENDING S. 384-13 TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATING TO PANELBOARDS; AMENDING S. ~0-23(a) TO ADD .SUBSECTIONS ~ (1), (2), AND (3) RELATING TO MOBILE HOMES: AMENDING S. 680-20(&)(1) AND (2) RELATING TO UNDEr,WATER LIGHTING FIXTURES; REPEALING ORDINANCE 83-1~; PROVIDING ?OR CO~FLICn~ A~ S~'VERA~Cg; FOR J~ EFFECTIVE DATE. (l) SECTION ONE: The "National Electrical Code, 1984 Edition," as published by the ~acional Fire Protection Association, and as amended herein, is adopted by reference as the "Collier County Electrical Code" Co protect the health, welfare, safety, c~m~on interest and convenience of the citizens, visitors, and residents of Collier County, Florida. SECTION TW~: The '~att.onal Electrical Code, 1984 ~di=£on," 2e hereby amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 80 - ~DHI~ISTRATION Add Article 80 to mad as follows: ARTICLE 80 - ~DMII~ISTRATIOIt A. - TIT~E AND SCOPE 80-1 - ~ITLE The provisions e~braced within the followin$ chapters and sections shall consti~ute &nd be know, n. and may be cited se "The National Electrical Code," hereafter referred to es "this code . 80-2 - ~ODE RE~IAL This code is hereby declared =o be remedial, end shall be construed to secure the beneficial ~nteres~ end p~rposes thereof, which are health, sanitation, general public safety and welfare, by resulatin~ ine~al~ation and maintenance of all elsccrica~ equip~ent. 80-3 - SCOPE Ihe provisions of this codo shall apply to the installation of elecCrical sysCemz, including al=erations, repairs, replacement, equipment, a~pliancea, fixtures and fittinSe. 80-& - t~INTEI~ANCE Mi electrical systems, both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall be maintained in a s~fe condi~ion, All devicee or safeEuarda which ars required by this code shell be maintained in tood working order. The maintenance of electrical systems ,oc, 024, 14D (2) ~hall ha th~ ~esponsibility of the o~ma~ or his desi~nnted agent. 80-5 - ELECT~ICALOI~ICIAL ~ere is hereby established a secti~ of Building ~de ~liance Department ~o be called the Electrical Section, which sMll be in the c~r~a the Buildin~ Code Co. llanos Director. 80-6 - INSPE~O~ ~e Electrical Official ~l appoint such n~er of officers, ~spectors, assistants, and o~her employ~ees as shll be authorized from t~ to t~. PO~ ~D D~I~S OY ~RIC~ O~ICI~ 80-7 - RIGHT OF ~Y ~a~ ilectri~l Of~ialal shall enforce the provisions of this code'and he or his duly authorized ~epresentative ~y enter any building, st~cture, or premises to peplum any duty ~po~ed upon hi~ by this code. 80-8 - STOP Upon notic~ fr~ th~ Electrical Official work on any electrical installation is bein~ done contra~ co th~ pr~isiona of this code or in a dangerous or unaa~ ~er, ~ch ~rk sail be ~ed~tely stopped. Such no,ice shall be in and sMll be ~iven to ~he o~er of such proper~y, or to his a~en~, cr th~ person doin~ the work, and s~ate ~he conditions unde~ which vork~y b~ res~ed. ~ere any e~rsency exists, oral notice liven by the Electrical Official shall be sufficient. 8~9 - ~ATION OF P~IT$ ~e Electrical Official ~y revo~ a pe~t or approval issued under the provisioas of this act case there has been any false statement or miarepresentati~ns as ~o a ~gerial fact in the application or p~ns o~ which the pe~t or approval ,., was based. ~n all such cases permit fees shall aot be refunded. 80--10 - ~NSA~E INSTALLATIONS All electrical installations, regardless of type, which constitute a hazard to h~maa life, health, or welfare are hereby declared illegal and the electrical power shall Be ordered disconnected. 80-11 - REQUIEEME2~S NOT COVE~ BY CODE ~y =equire~u= necessa~ for =he safety, strength or stability of an existing or proposed installation, or for the safety of ~ha occupants of a building or s=~cture, not specifically covered by this code, s~ll be da~e~ed by the Electrical Official. 80-12 - ALT~ATE ~T~S ~ ~T~A~ ~ODS OF INST~TIONS Alternate ~tar~l~ and al=e~ate ~=hods of installations a~ll be approved in accordance wi~h this Sec=ion: (a) For existimg st~cturea or premises in which electrical installations are to be altered, repaired, or renovated, the Electrical Official shall have the authority ~o pe~i~ devia~ion fr~ the provisions of this ~de, provided ~t such a proposal ~o deviate ts first submitted to =he electrical sec~iom for review to essur~ t~t health and safety requirements, as they pertain ~o electrical installations, ~re obse~ed. (b) Pr~isions of this code a~e not in=ended =o prevent the use of any ~terial, device, ~thod of installation, or f~ture, no= specifi~lly authorized, provided euch al~e~te ham been approved by the Electrical Offlclal. (c) The Electrical Official shall require sufficient evidence to e~ble him to Judge whethmr proposed alte~ates meet the requirements of this ~de for safety and health. (~) (u) Mere there is hOC sufficient evidence Co suh~tantiate claims for alternates, the Electrical Official may require tests of compliance as proof be made by an approved agency at the ~xpense of the applicant Teats shall be made in accordance with generally recognized standards; but in the absence of such s~andarde, the Electrical Official shall specify the test procedure. Tests may be required to be repeated if, at any time, there is reason Co believe that an alternate no longer conforms to the requirements on which its approval was based. 80-1] - ~.IABILITY Any officer or employee, or member of any Board, charged with the enforcement of this code, acting for the local governing body in the discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render himself liable personally and he is hereby relieved from all personal 1Jabilicy for any damage that may occur persons or property as a result of .my act required or permitted in ~he discharge of his duties. AP~LICATIO~ FOE PERMIT 80-~4 - ~EN A person, firm, or corporation shall not ~o or c~use to be done, any ina£allatiozs, repairs, ~.r replacemau~ o~ equiFaeut or covered by the provisions of this code, without first having obtained ~he proper permit from the Electrical Official. Ordinary repairs, limited less, ~y be made without a permi~ provided tha~ such repairs shall not violate any of the provisions of this code. 80-15 - FOEM The applicant shall furnish such inforumcio~ as may be required ~o complete the &pplication (~) 80-16 - uRAI~ZNG$ ~ SPECIFICATIONS ~euever, in the opinion of the Electrical Official, drivings and specifications ara needed to depict of define the nature and character of the work for which the application is made, the applicant shall furnish dra~rlngs and specifications. The applicant shall furnish two (2) sets of drawings and specifications for one and two-family dwellings and three (3) sets for all co~mercial ~nd aultifamily pruJects. The applicant's approved set shall remain aC all times on the J~b. Such information or drawings and specifications shall be specific, and this code shall not be cited as a whole or in part, nor shall the taro "legal" or its equivaleo~ be issued as a substitute fo~ specific in~ormation 80-17 - EXAHINATION OF DRA~r[NGS The electrical Official shall examine or cause to be e~,mtned each application for a permit and the drawings and specifications which may be filed therewith, and shall ascertain by such examination whether the installation indicated and described is in accordance with the requirements of this code and all other applicable laws or ordinanca~. E. - PE~2ilT 80-18 - ^C~ION ON APPLICATIONS (a) If the Electrical Official is satisfied that the work described in an application for permit and the drav4_nSa and specifications vhich maI be filed therewith, conform to the requirements of this code, and other applicable laws and ordinances, he shall issue a permit to the applicant ,hich shall be posted on the Job site so :ha=, ~nenever possible, it is visible from th~ street. (b) If the application for permit and drawings and specifications which my be filed the~evith describe york vhich does not conform to the (6) requirem~nts of this coda or othor applicable laws or ordinances, the Electrical Official shall not issue a permit but shall return the arawlngs to the applicant with his refusal to issue such a permit. Such refusal shall, when requested, be in writing and shall contain the reasons therefor. 80-19 - CONDITIONS OF TI~E PERMIT (a) The Electrical Official shall act upon application for a permit with plans as filed, or aa amended, without unreasonable or unnecessary oelay A permit issued shall be construed to be a license to proceed with the work and shall cot be construed as authority to violate, cancel, alter, or set aside any of the provisions of this code, nor shall such issuance of a permit prevent the Electrical Official from thereafter requiring correction of errors in plans or in construction, cr of violations of this code. Any permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by it shall have been inspected within six (6) months after its issuance or if the work authorized by such permit ia suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months after the time the work is inspected; provided, that for cause, one or more extensions of time for periods hoc exceeding ~inety (90) days each, may be allowed in writing by the Electrical Official. (b) Plans for new construction or any change in existing electrical installation over lO0 amps on residential and over 400 amps on commercial or industrial ab~ll be prepared by, and each sheet shall bear the impress seal of, a Florida registered professional engineer and shall conform with the laws of the State of Florida. The plans shall show the size of service and maximum available fault current and interrupting capacity of main and sub-feeder breakers or fuses, wires and conduit, the locatiou of service switches and center or centers of (7) ~istribution, ~nd the arrangement of circuits sho~lng the =umber of outl~:ta connected thereto. The Electrical Official shall examine all plans for co~pliance vith the Electrical Code It shall be the duty of the Architect~ ~agineer and Builder to obtain meter and conduit locations from all utility co~panies for all types of service before construction ia co--'enced. Such meter and conduit locations ahaii be indicated on the drawings. (c) The instailation of the viring, apparatus or equipment for light~ heat or pover~ vithin cr attached Co any building or premises vhether for private oc public use, shall be done in accordsnca vith the approved plans and specifications and shall coa~orm to the ~lliar ~y ~lec~rica~ ~de changes or aissions in chi viri~g system fr~ chac aho~ on pe~i~e~ p~ns ~sC be reviewed by ~h~ Elec~rical Official and ~h~ request for ~h~ change shall be ~d~ by ~h~ pe~i~ holder, and appr~ed by the ~er and original Engineer cr his represen~aCiva or engineer appointed by architect of origi~l p~n. ~ree (3) copies of thc p~n shoving thc c~ng~ be submitted vi~h all sheets bearing the engineer's seal as pr~ided for above. 8~20 - COST OF P~IT ~a ~ard of ~unt~ Co~ssion~rs es~abliah, by ~aolu~ion. a schedule of fees and charges for ~tCers pertaining t~ ~his Ordinance and associated ~ters. Ic is the i~ent of these regulations ~ha: the County ~hall no: be requi~ed to bear any parc o~ the coat o~ applica:ions ~de u~ter :his Ordinance. The schedule o~ fees and charges shall be posted tn the office of the ~utldlng Code Co~ltance Department. ~e charges listed ~y be changed by (8) ~00~ resolution of the Board of County Co~.esioners and are not subject to the procedure otherwise neceeear7 for amendment o£ this ordinance. - INSPECTION 80-21 - INSPECTION REQUIRED All new work amd such portinms nf existing systems as may be affected by new work, or any changes, shall be inspected to insure compliance with all the requirements of chis code and to assure that the installation and conatr~ction of the electrical system is in accordance vith approved plans. 80-22 - NOTIFICATIO~ Advance Notice: It shall be the duty of the permit holder to give reasonable advance notice to the Electrical Official when work is ready for inspection. Reinspection: If the Electrical Official finds that the work will not pass the inspection, the installer shell be ~equired to ma~ necessary corrections and the work shall then be resubmitted for inspection. Where additional inspections are necessary, there shall be an additional fee for each such inspection as indicated in the schedule of fees and charges. 80-23 - MATERIAL AND LABOR INSPECTIONS The equipment,,meterial, p~er, and labor necessary for the inspection shall be fnrnished by the installer. 80-24 - INSPECTIONS Any portion of any equipment intended to be concealed by any permanent portion of the building shall not be concealed until inspected and approved by the Electrical O~ficial. Equipment regulated by this code shall not be connected to the fu~l or power supply or placed in operation until it complies with all applicable requirements of this code end · final 157 inspection approval has been issued. A final inspection approval may, upon notice, he revoked by the Electrical Official if it is found that the electrical system fails in any respect to comply with the requirements of this code. The Electrical Official may ac:spt inspection certification reports from a nationally r~cognized approval agency in lieu of on-site inspection when on-site inspection ia impractical. H. - CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL 80-25 - FINAL INSPECTION Upon satisfact;ry completion and final inspection of the electrical installation, a certificate of approval shall be issued by the Electrical Official. The building shall not be occupied prior to completion of said system and/or issuance of certification of approval. 80-26 - TEHPORARY APPROVAL A temporary ce~tificate of approval may be issued for a portion or portions of an electrical system which may be safely operated prior to final completion of the building. I. - VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES 80-26 - VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES If any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity whethsr public or private, shall fail or refuse to obey or comply with, or violates, any of the provisions of this Ordinance, such person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity, upon conviction of such offense, shall ba punished by a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($$00.00) or by imprisonment nor ~o exceed sixty (60) days in the county Jail, or bot~, in the discretion of the court. Each day of violation or non-compliance shall be considered aa a aspirate offense. In addi~ion, any pe~son, firm, corporation, or other legal entity (10) whether public or private, convicted under tbs provisions of this section shall pay all costs and expenses involved in the case. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the County from takin$ such other lawful action in any court of co~etent Jurisdiction as is necessary to prevent or re~dy ady violation. Such other lawful action shall include, but shall not be limited to, an equitable action for iniunctive £elief ~nd an action at law for damages. J. - APPEALS 80-27 - APP~L$ ~he~ever the Electrical Official shall reject or refuse mode or ~anner of construction proposed to be followed or ~aCerials to be used in the erection or alteration of a building or structure, or vixen it is clai~d chat the provisions of this code do not apply, or that an equally good or ~ore desirable form of construction can'bs e~ployed in any specific case, or when it is claimed chat the true intent and ~eaning of this code or any of the regulations thereunder have been misconstrued or v~ongly interpreted, the owner of such building or structure or his duly authori~ed agent, ~ay ;;peel fro~ the decision of the Electrical Official to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, pursuant to the procedures as set forth h the Collier County Ordinanca establishing the ~oard of Ad~ust~nts and Appeals. CHAP1T~ I - G~N~RAL ARTICLE 100 - DEFINITIONS A. - GENERAL Amend definitions of "Dwelling" to read aa foll~s~ 158' (11) ~welling: Dwelling Unit - One or more rooms for the use of one or more persons aa a housekeeping unit with space for eating, living, and sleeping, and permanent provisions for cooking and sanitation. Multifamlly Dvelling - A building buildings com~ected, which contain three or more dwelling uuits. One-Family Dwelling - I building consisting solely of one dwelling unit. Two-Family Dwelling - A building consisting solely of two dwelling units. ARTICLE i00 - DEFINITIONS Amend section by adding the following definitions: Electrical Official - The electrical official is ~he Building Code Compliance Director or his designee. Owner - A~y person, agent, firm, or corporation havix~g a legal or equitable interest in the property. CIAAPTER 2 - WIRING DEglGN ~ PROTECTION ARTICLE 210 - BRANCH CIRCUITS A. - GENERAL PROVISIONS 210-8 - CROUND-FAULT PEOTECTION FOR Delete section 210-8 in its entirety. B. - BRANCH-CIRCUIT RATIltGS 210-19(b) - BOUSEBOLD RANGES AND COO£~IO APFLIANCES Amend subsection 210-19(b) to read as follows: The wiring for all electric ranges shall be a minimum wire capacity of 50 amperes to an approved receptacle located within three (3) feet of the range. When oven unit ia separate from surface unit, each unit shall be installed on a separate circuit served with conductors of not less than 30 ampere capacity. A~ approved method of connection shall ba provided for each unit. (A range referred to above (12) would be a co.place cooking unit. consisting of both oven and surface burners.) 210-52 - DWELLIliG UNIT RECEPTACLE O'trl'L~S Add subsection ($) to read ,ss follo~sz (S) ~friEeratore and iD:ed appliances shall be wired on individual minimum 20 a~pere circuits and 20 amp receptacle. ARTICLE 230 - SEI~VICES C. - OVE~iEAD 230-21 - OV~EAD SUPPLY Add subsection (a) to read es (a) All serwicas shall be run in galvanized ri$1d threaded metal conduit or intermediate metal conduit from maa~ head to meter. R/~id no~-metallic and electrical metallic conduit may be used where per~ittad by Building Official. The diameter of a roof Mst shall be a min~ of ~wo (2) inches. 230-23 - SIZE A,~D RATING A~end section to rend &a follovs: A minimu~ I00 a~pere service sh~11 be provided for all dwellinE units and co~marcial structures. D. - UNDEIt~OUND ~EI~VICES 230-31 - SIZE AND RATING Amend section to read Se follows~ A minimum 100 ampere service shall be provided for all dwelling units and commercial structures. E. - SERVICE - ENTI~NCE CONDUCTORS 230-42 - SIZE AND P. ATING 230-&2(b) - ~G~OUNDED CONDUCTOR~ Amend subsection 230-~2(b) follows: A minimu~ 100 ampere service shall be providdd for all dwellini units and all co=~rciel structures, F. - INSTALLATION OF SERVICE CONDUCTORS 230-43 - WIRING METHODS FOR 600 VOLTS, NOMINAL, OR LESS Amend subsection 230-43 to read as follo~s: Service entrance conductors shall be installed in accordance with the applicable requirem~nts of this code covering the type of wirins method used and limited to the following methods~ (1) rigid metal conduit; (2) intermediate metal conduit; (3) rigid nonmetallic conduit schedule 80 and electrical metallic conduit w~ere pe~mitted by Building Official; (4) bu~ays. 230-47 - oT~E~ coNDucTORS IN RACEWAY OR CABLE Add subsection (a) to read aa follo~s: (a) Separately metered conductors shall not be installed in the same raceway. Line and load conductors shall nec be run in the same racewsy, trough er wire way. ObLPTER 3 - WIR~i~,IG METHODg AND MATERIALS ARTICLE 336 - NONMETALLIC-SHEATMED CABLE 336-3 -UgES PERMITTED OR NOT P~ITTZD Amend euhsection 336-3 to reed as follows: Approved rigid metal or approved nonmetallic conduit, surface raceways, electrical metallic tubing or electrical no~metallic tubing shall be required for light, heat and power in the wiring of multi-family dwellings, churches, sc~nols, theaters, public buildings, commercial buildings, manufacturing establishments, private clubs or similar occupancies, O~e or two-family swelling umits and multiple family s~ructures of three stories or leas may uem au approved nonmetallic cable excep~ under concrete floor slabs which shall be in rigid or no~metallic conduit. AETICLE 38l, - SWITClIBOAI~ ~ I'AIqEL~OA~D3 38~-13 - ~d ~ubsec~i~ (a) Co read as roll.si (a) ~1 panalboards ~Ch · n~uCral bu~s bar s~IX be wir~ ~th a neucraX sized ~o coda. ~I~E 550 - ~BH.E H~ ~ ~OB~E H~E B. - ~BILE H~ P~ 55~23(a) - ~d s~aecC~s (I), (2) and (3) ~o read roll.s: ' (1) ~e~ se~ice ~o · ~obtls h~ s~ have an appr~ed ~in fuze or breast located at ~ht and a fus~ or brsa~r in ~h~ ~bil~ ~. (2) ~o ~l~ctri~l'p~er s~11 be ~pplied ~bile h~, ex~p~ a ~ravel ~railer, un~il ~he h~ is ~ied d~ in comfo~i~y vi~h ~llier ~n~y Tie (3) Pole for ~n~g ~er and d~c~ec~ s~ll be C~as 6 or 7 ~rea~e4 w~d or eq~l, ~o be ae~ a min~ o{ tive {ee~ (~') seep, p~o~ly p~esa~ed ~o pro~ec~ i~ {r~ de~y and ~sec~ dmge. ~TI~E 680 - ~ING P~S, FO~AIN5 ~ ~. - P~Y ~ST~E~ P~ ~le~e subsecci~s (a)(l) and (a)(2) and add a n~ subsection (1) ~o read as io~s{ (1) Sv~g pool and spa lighting voltage supply f~om an approved ~ransfo~r and in all o~her ways s~ll c~{o~ ~o ~he ~aCio~l ~accric ~de. ~1 pools a~ ~va a rough and elecC~i~l inspac~i~. ~enm~ber subsection (a) (3) as (a) Ren~unber subsection (a)(4) as (a)(3) SECTION THREE: ~peal of Previous O~dinances Ordinate 83-11 is hereby repealed aa of the effec~i~ date of this ordnance. SE~IO~ ~0~: CO~I~ ~ Ia the Iveat ~his ord~nce c~fligts vi~h any ocher o~di~ac~ of ~llier ~uncy or other applicabla ~, th~ ~a ~escricCiv~ a~ll apply. If amy phrass or portion of this ord~fice is held i~alid or unconsti- ~u~io~l by any cour~ of compe~en~ ~urisdic~ion, such por~t~ shall be deemed a separate, ~is~inc~, and ind~pendenC provis~on and such hold~ SE~ION FIVE: Effec~ive Da~e ~is Ord~nce s~11 bec~ eff~c=ive upon no,ice ~= iC Ms beeu received by th~ Office o[ ~h~ Secre~a~ of P~S~ ~ D~Y ~ by ~ Board of ~un=y ~[lter ~un~y, Florida =his l2t~ay of August , 1986. DATE: August 12, 1986 ATTEST: JAMES C ~ ~ , .~..,., ,~, ',. , ~.. .. , '~. . '.~' ~:,'~,.. % ~ '.. ' ~i,~.~.i: · revised elec ocd r-4 6/18 BOAItD OF COUNTY CC~tI$$IO~E~S COLLIE~ COUI~TY, FLORIDA. Approved as to form and le~al suff icieucy: l~tmeth ~. Cuyl~r,~~tyAttot~ey (16) STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit,.Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of ORDINANCE NO. 86-53 that was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session on the 12th day of August, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 12th day of August, 1986. Clerk of Courts aha( k~,k ~ ', ~ L BY:91rgi~a Magri, Dep6't~'~k ..