Ordinance 86-51RECEIVE,.') ORDINANC~ ~ O~C~ ~I~ OR~ ~ O~ ~ "CO~I~ ' PL~G C~E, 1985 ~ITI~," A, B, C, D, D, ~ ILLUS~ONS ~E SO~ BUI~ C~E CON~S ~E~ATI~, INC., ~ ~ ~ B~ ~IS O~CE; ~P~S; ~ING SE~ION 602.1&.1 ~INGL TO ~STIG PIPE, FI~INGS ~ APPLICATION' OF .CO~R ~'~ ~ING S~TION 1209.3 TO ~D SUB-S~ION 1209.3.3 ~ATING TO LOCATION OF LIV~G ~ITS; ~I~G ~MINIS~TI~ PROVISIONS BX ~ING SE~ION A103.7 R~T~G TO FEES~ ~I~G S~ION A103.8.7.1 ~TING TO WAT~ T~T; D~G SE~ION A105.4 IN ITS ~I~; ~ING S~ION A107 R~T~G TO VIO~TIONS O~)IN~ 83-12; PROVinG FOR SD~CE; PROVinG FOR ~ E~IVE DATE. NOW, TH]~tEFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY ~ BOARD OF COUNI"f COMMISSIO~ OF COLLIEE COUP, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: x~- ' Trim "St,mderd Plumbin$ C~e, 1985 E~i~i~," ~c1~ A~em A~. .. B, C, D, G, and iljustrations, as published by t~e Southern Builting Code Co~ress Intam.tio~=l, Inc., an~ u ame~a~ ~eratn, is ~araby adopted by reference as the "Colliez County Pl,-~bi~$ Code" to protect rna health, welfare, safety, co, aeon interest ~d convenience of the citizens, vimitorm, and residents of Collier C~nty, Florida, SECTION TWO · ::,,"~' The "Stax~rd Pl~bing Code, 1985 Edttt~," including Appe~lx~s A, .. C, D. G.and iljustrations, ia Aareby amended to read as follovs: CRAFTER. 1 - AD}~NISTKATION 1(,5 - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Delete subsections 105.1 t~roug~ 105.3.3, inclusive, and m~nd section 105 to read as follove: , Whenever the Pl~bing Official snail reject or refuse mode -. cz ,,~,nner of construction proposed to be followed or materials to be used in t~a erection or alteration of · building or structure, or ~'~en it is claimed t~at the provisions o£ code do not apply, or that an equally good ~r more desirable form of construction can be employed in any specific case, or ,00 024 'i code or ~y o~ the re~tio~ tnereunde~ ~v~ b~en ~sconst~ed or ~Sly ~te~reted, trio ~ of ~cn o~ at~ctu~a or ~is duly autho=~d a~t, ~y spp~1 fr~ decisi~ of t~e Vl~b~g Offlc~ to tar Board of AdJus~Cs ~ Appear, pursu~ to tho procedures as set forth ~ t~e Collier ~ty Ord~ce establ~B the Board of ~Jus~euts ~d 602.14 - J0l~3 ~ ~TIC PIPE ~ FlY.CS ~nd eection 602.14,1 to,tread ~ 602.14.1 - ~S and ~C pipe ~ fittas may be solver c~mtad ua~E tree proper c~nt recmmt~ for the parti~lar materials, MI pipe ~ts to be aq~re ~d ~t~ pipe ~d fit=~gs to be clewed of a~ soil, dirt, oil ~d i. olv~t Joints small be ~de accord~g to t~e of tar ~ufacturer ~/or rna Plastics Vi~ I~ti~ta, Jo~s ,nell be all,ed to d~ before test~. ~nwili ~y 1~ occur ~ water tea~, t~e defective Join= a~ll ba replaced, solvent c~ta used s~ll b~r t~a NSF ~eal of App~ for tn, particular c~nt berg used, ~1 Joints for plastic pipe and fit~ga ~st be ina=ailed wiCn the appl~ati~ of a p~oper colored clear prior to t~e applicati~ of solver c~nt, 1209 - WA~ S~T 1209,3 - C0~8 FOR F~ ~ D~L~G5 ~d secti~ 1209.3,3 to re~ ~ 1209.3.3 - ~1 liv~E ~ts ~ apa~t or residential t~e buildings s~all ~ve a r~lly acc.~asible ~in water supply shutoff valve, This valve small not be located any f~tures o~ appliance, Easy access sna~ be ~tMned all supply ~ves, 024 ,,,,, 140 ~ ~a~d of C~nty C~ssia~a s~nll ~etablis~, by in=en~ of these ze~ti~ teat the C~ s~l not be requi~ed to bea~ ~y pa~t of the cost of applicative ~de unda: this Ord~ce. T~e schedule of fees ~ caarEea a~all b~.posted ~ off/ca of the Building Code C~liance Depa~n~. T~e schedule of fe~ ~ cuartes ~y be c~ed by resolut~ of t~,e Board of C~n~y C~ssio~zs ~ a~a not ~bJect to p~:ocedure othe~se necessa~ fo~ ~nt of tuts A103.8 - A103.8.7 - D~AGE ~ ~ A103.8.7.1 - ~ODS OF TEST~ D~ACE ~ ~ ~nd subsecti~ 103,8.7.1 to read as foll~s: Water Test: The water test s~ll be applied to ~ra~ge ayst~ eitue~ ~ its entire~ or in secti~. ipplied ~o the ~ti=e ayst~ all op~ings in t~a pip~t shall be ~igntly close, ~cept rna ~ign~t ope~n~ ~ the t~illed ~n wa~er to point of ~e~fl~. If t~a syst~ is tested ~ sacti~s, eacm spied small be tightly plugget ~cept the nighest ~en~s of tree sacti~ ~der t~st, ~d each' :~ec~ion small be filled wi~n water, but ~ secti~ shall be ~ested wftu less t~au a five (5) too~ n~d of water. ~estini successive secti~a, at le~t t~a uppa~ five (5) feet of t~e n~t preceded section anal be ~es~ed, as that ~ Joint o~ pipe in the building (except ~ne uppe~st 5 feet of t~e sysco) anal ~ve been au~tted to a teac of less t~n a five (5) los: need of water. T~e wa:er vna~ ba kept ~ t~ oz in t~e portion unde~ test, for at lens~ iifte~ (15) ~utes before ~specti~ atazts; the syst~ e~ tv.eh be tibet points. Delete section Al05.1 in its ~tirety. Al07 - VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES Amend section to teed es follows: If any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity wm~the~ public or private, shall iai1 or xafuse to obey or cm~ply witm, or violates, any of the provisions of t~is Ordina~ce, SUCh person, firm, corporation, or other leEal en~.ity, upon conviction of sucm offense, shall be F=niehed by a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment, not to exceed sixty (60) days in rna county Jail, or born, in t~ discretion of the court. Eac4.~ay of violation . or mou-compliance shall be considered as a separate offense. In addition, any person, fir~, corporation, or other legal euiity, t~etner public or private, convicted under the provisions of this section s~all pay all costa and expenses involved in the caso. Nothing herein contained s~all pre%ent t~e County fro~ taking such other l~wful action in any court of competent Jurisdiction as is nacesssry to prevent or remedy any viola- rich. Such otmer l~wful action s~all include, but shall not be l£~lted to, an equitable action for injunctive relief and an action at law for damages. SEUTION ~Ei: REPEAL Collier County Ordinance ~o. 83-12 is hereby repealed in itl entiret7 ss of the effective date o~ t~is ordinance. SEC£ION YOUR: CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE · In rna event t~is ordinsnce conflicts ~rith any other ordineuce of Collier County or other epplicable law, the more restrictive shell apply. If any pnrass or portion of tht~ ordi~_-c, is ~eld ~valid or uncon~ti- t~tional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, ~ucn portion s~all be de~d a separate, distinct, and independent provision a~d such h'oldinx s~all .not affect the validity of the remaining portion. SECTION FIVE: EPFECTIVE DATE '~iS Ozdinance snell become effective upon receipt cf notice from the Secretary of State that ~mis O~dinance ~ae been filed ~tn the Secretary of State. ?A~SED ~ DULY ADOFTED by rue Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida tnil 12. t.hday of August , 1986. "August 12, 198b ~.%'Tl 6,^ ";. ~3~.,.'' COLLI~ COUFr~, Approval as to fO~l aml legal luffict~ncy: l~vised Plumb£n$ Ord 6/18 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, J~/~ES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE NO. 86-51 that was adopted by the Board of CountY Commissioners during Regular Session on the 12th day of August, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Co~missioners of Collier County, Florida, this 12th day of August, 1986. JAMES C. GILES Clerk of ~Ou~' '. Ex-o f fi¢~95~ ~ County..~ ~] By~-~ ':: ":~0'; ' CLERK "an, Clerk ri.., Cler 18 C' ~',.,, '" (5)