Ordinance 86-50 l;~a AUG 25 F'i( : N~CE NO. ~- 50 o~ ~.~ VILLI~M J. IdO'~'Z~ CO~ ~Z~ CODE o ~I~D~C~ ENA~G O~ P~T OF ~g "COLLI~ CO BUI~G CODE" B~ ~PT~G ~g "ST~ ~I~ CODE, 1985 ~ITION," INCL~ING ~P~IX "A", ' PUBLISH~ BY ~g SO~g~ ~UI~G CODE CONG~SS I~E~ATIO~, INC., AS ~ER ~ BY THIS O~[N~CE; ~ING ~T~ I ~HINIS~TION BY ~ING SECTION 105 ~TING TO T~ BO~ OF ~,~S~S ~P,~S; ~DING C~TER 3, AIR-CO~ITIONING, H~TING ~ V~I~TION EQUIPS, SECTION 308.9 CLO~ES BY ~DING S~SECTION 308.9. i(5) ~TIN(; TO CLOTHES DR~gR ~USTS; ~ING CHafER 4 REFRIGE~TION, SEC?ION 404 INST~TION ~QUI~TS, BY ~ING SECTION &04,1.1 ~TING TO CO~SING ~ITS, FO~ATION SUPPORTS, ~ TIE-DO~S; ~ING ~TER DU~ SYST~, SECTION 504 DU~ CONS~UCTION ~ST~TION, BY ~D~G S~SE~ION 50~.10 ~T~G TO FIB~G~S DUCT BO~ SYST~; ~ING SECTION 505 ~_TING TO ~IBLE DU~ BY ~DING S~SECTION 505.1(5); ~DING SECTION 508 DU~ CL~CES BY ~DING S~SECTION 508.2.1(4) ~TING TO ~CE OF ~BE~; ~ING ~TER 6 PIPING, ~D~G SECTION 603 COND~SATE D~IN PIPING TO ~D S~SE~ION 603.6 ~TING TO INS~TION OF CO~SATE D~IN PIPING; ~DING ~P~IX "A" SUPPL~ ~MINIST~TIVE PROVISIONS; ~ING SECTION A103.7.1 ~TING TO FEES; D~Er~G SE~ION A105.4 IN ITS ~TI~T; ~INO SECT[ON A107 ~TING T0 VIO~TIONS ~ P~TIES; ~5~ING O~IN~CE 83-15; PROVID7~G FO~ CON~I~ S~E~CE; PROV~ING FOR ~ EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THIn,FOPS, BE IT ORDAINED BX THE BOARD OF COUNTI' COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COld,fY, FLORIDA: $~TION ONE The "Ste:dard Mechanical Code, 1985 Edition," ae published by the Southmrn Building Code Congress International, Inc., including Appendix "A" and aa amended herein, is hereby adopted by reference as the "Collier County Mechanical Coda" to protect the health, welfare, safety, common interest and convenience of the citizens, visitors, and residents of Collier County, Florida. , SECTION TWO ]~e "Standard Mechanical Code, 1985 Edition," includ/ng Append/x A is hereby amended to read as follows: CHAPTER I - ADMINISTRATION 105 - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Delete subsections 105.1 through 105.3.3, inclusive, and amend section 105 to read aa fo/lows: ~henever the Hechsnica! Official ~ha11 reject or refuse the ~ode or n~enner of construction proposed to be followed or m~ter~als to be used in the erection or alteration of a build- lng or strvcture, or when ~t ~ c~etmed this code do not apply, or t~t an equally good or more desir- able fo~ of const~ction can be employed in ~y specigic case, or when it is clawed that the t~e intent and meaning of this code or any of the regul~tions thereunder have been miscon- strued or wrongly inte~reted, the o~er o~ such bullding or structure or hie duly authorized agent ~y appel from the dec[sloe of th~ ~chanical 0fficial to the Board of ~Justments and Appeals, pursuant to the procedures aa set forth in the Collier ~unty Ordin~ace establishing the Board of Ad~us~eata and Appeals. ~R 3 - AIR CO~ITIO~IN~, ~ING ~ ~I~T~ON 308 - ~UST SYS~ 008.9 - ~ES Add subsection B08.9.1 (5) to cead aa (5) In all bulldinga exceeding three stories ~ height, elo:hes d~er exeunt syst~s must be submitted by a registered Pre~essiona1 Engineer or Archi~ecC w~th his impressed seal for approval by the ~chanica~ ~TER .~ - ~FRIGE~ION ~0~ - INST~TION ~UI~S ~end subsection ~0~.1.1 to read as ~ollowa: Foundations and supports for condensing units or compressor ~ita a~Y~ be of aubstant~1 cons~ction cie2t to support the load. ~ea used, wood e~caed to the weather s~ll be pressure treated or approved wood of natural resistance co decay in accordance with the Collier Co~cy Building Code. ~ condensing units mounted on a roof or any other location subject to movement by winds or other forces ~st be tied d~ as required by the ~chaai~l CRAPTL~ 5 - DUCTS AND DUCT SYSTEMS 504 - DUCT CONSTRUCTION AN~ INSTALLATION Add subsection 504.10 to read se followa~ Fiberglass duct board systems shall ba cons~c~ed o~ ~terials ~e~g ~181 Class i du~t conat~ction requirements and shall be ius~alled in accordance with ~CNA fibrous glass duc~ const~ction standards, ~e closure oys~em having ~ approeed 11~t~t vi~h =he particular fibrous thee duc~ produc= ~s= be used in accordance vi~h ~he lis~in~ and the reco~euda- ~ions of ~he board ~nufac=urer. 50~ - ~HIBLE ~R DU~ CO~EC~ Add subsection 505.1{~) to read as follows: (5) M1 Flexible ducts shall neet ~181Claos I duct specifications and shall be ac labeled. ~1 horizon~al ~ns of flexible duc~s shall be supported a ~n~m o~ eve~ ~bree (3) feet. All vertical ~s of flexible ducts shall be supporteda ~m of eve~ six (6) fae~. ~1 connections of flexlbl~ ducts plenums, t~n~, syste~ or n~lng boxes shall use a ~chanical connector and shall be air tight, ~en Chss 1 flexible duc~s ara ina~alled in accordance vi~h ~ha above specifications there shll be no length l~l~a~lon. 50~ - DUCT ~C~S Add subsection 508.2.1 (4) to read as follows: (4) M1 supply ~d re~urn planua ch~bars ~hall haw a ~n~ clearance of ~" on Ill sides for accessibility of duc~ 603 - ~O~SAT~ D~N PIP~G A~d aubsectlon 603.6 to resd as fo11~: 603.6 - INS~TION All condensate linea~ excepu emergency pan drains, ~hall ~ve a ~rap in ~he line. ~a l~e ~at be insulated ~o prevent condensation. Schedula ef$hty (80) PVC pip~ ~y be u~ed without insulation. 024 i,,,. 135 APPENDIX A - SUPPLEM~AL ADN~.NISTRATIVg PROVISIONS SE~.'TION Al03.7 - FgES A~end section to read aa follows: The Board of County Co~ ~lssioners shall establish, by Resolution, a schedule of fees aid charges for matters pertain- in.t to this Ordinance and associated matters. It is the intent of these regulations that the County shall not ba required to hear any part of the cost of applications made under ~hts Ordinance. The schedule of fees and charges shall be posted in ~he offics of the Building Code Compliance Department. The schedule of fees and charges may be chan~ed by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners and are not subject ~o the procedure o~hervtse necessary for amendmen~ of this Ordinance. 110}.4 - BOARD MI~ERS AND PROCEDURES Delete section AI05.4 in its entirety. Al. 0? - VIOLATIONS A~ PE2fALTIES A~end section ~o read as follows: If any porson, ~lrm, corpora~ion, or o~her legal en~i~y simll fail or refuse ~o obey or comply with, or violates, any of the provisions of tbl.t Ordinance, such person, firm, corporation, or o~her legal enmity whether public or private, upon conviction of such offense, shall be punished by a fins nl, c to exceed Pive Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) days in the county Jail, or both, in tits discre~ion of the court. Each day of violation or n~n-compliance shall be coneid~red ss a separate addi~inn, any person, firm, corporation, or other legal entity, whether public or private, convicted under the provisions o~ this section shall pay all costs and expenses lnvolvsd in ~lSe. Nothing herein contained sh~ll prevent the County from c~tking such other lawful action in any court of competent Jnrisdiction as is necessary ~o prevent or remedy any viola- ~Xon, Such o~her lawful action shall include, but shall no~ be (4) ..... IL .11 I ~ECTION THRF~: REPFAL Collier County Ordinance No. 83-15 ts hereby repealed ~n entirety as og the e~ecr~ve dare o~ ~h~s ordinance. In the event ~h~s ord~aflce con~l~crs v~rh any other ordinance o~ ~l~er County or o~her zpplicable la~, the note restrictive s~ll apply. I~ any phrase or portion o~ this ordinance ~s held ~nval~d or uncons~l~u- ~onn~ by any court o~ competent ~ur~sd~cr~on, such porc~ou shall be dePn,~d a separate, dis~ncr, and ~ndependcnC provis~on a~d such hold~g s~ll no~ aftee~ the validity of the re~ining port,on. SE~ION FIVE: ~FE~IVE DATE ~is Ordinance shall beco~ effective upon receipt of notice from the Secre=a~ of State that this Ordinance has been filed ~h Secreta~ of PASS~ ~ D~Y ~PT~ by ~he Board of ~unty Cc~issioners of ~llier County, Florida thts!2~h day of Au*ust, 19~5. BO~ OF CO~ CO~SSlO~ COLLIER CO~, ~RIDA "?? .'"~ - 'Vi~gin~ Magrl ~ufftctency: '""'D~oe~ Clerk le~Ch ~. '~yler, revised mechsnical ord 6/18 Th~s ordh-,¢~ fi'led wffh ~ end cx::knowlec~n Lgf. that flllj3g tm:eh, ed thls,~=,'")...~.~ day STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of ORDINANCE NO. 86-50 that was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session on the 12th day of August, 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 12th day of A~gust, 1986.