2006/2007 Dwight E. Brock Clerk BY: ANN J DEPUTY CLERK RECEIPT: 5185778 NAME : THOMAS MISSIMER THOMAS MISSIMER APJ PAYOR: REFNC: County of Collier CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT COLLIER COUNTY COURTHOUSE 3301 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST P.O. BOX 413044 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34101-3044 ORIGINAL OFFICIAL RECEIPT When Validated \/tf : /:t'""'!f-rlJ:: ~l i c~~.,._~ CHECf~~: GT AMT PAID: DESCRIPTION fh ifLfo~q ~tp. q/D'r D6/11/2007 25,00 "il:) :"'"10 '~"_:I ..wl AMOUNT ----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------- ---------- 25.00 LOBBYIST DEPT: BOARD MINUTES AND RECORDS TOTAL DUE: Page 01 of 01 25.00 rn 4LfO~D Board Minutes & Records 330 I Tamiami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, Florida 34112 Name Thomas M. Missimer BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Date June 8, 2007 BUSINESS ADDRESS Business Telephone Missimer Groundwater Science, a Schlumberger Company 1567 Hayley Lane, Suite 202, Fort Myers, FL 33907 NAMES AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: 239-481-6494 E-Mail tmissimer@slb.com I). Florida Rock Industries, Inc. . 1 55 E. 21 st Street, P.O. Box 4667, Jacksonville, FL 32201 2). Naples Reserve, u.c 515 Terracina Way, Naples, FL 34119 PLEASE A TT ACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF T PA 4~~ Lobbyist Signature The foregoing registration was SWorn to and subscribed before me on this the 8th day of June · 200Z. by Thanas M. Missimer who is personally known to me _ ~ u/e - ~andwhodidtakeanoath. ,,''<<iil..p',.... USA N.LATKOWSKl !.'f ~,J MY COMMISSION # DO 213010 ~~. . - EXPIRES: AugUSI22, 2007 "'~' .1lI" Bonded Thru Notary Public lJnderwrfrn ~' BY: . K1NoUiiy Pnb' c_ state of Florida Lisa N. Latkowski The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-53, as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to: Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, Clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). 'FedEx I' Ship Manager I Label From: Origin 10: FMYA (239)481-6494 Lisa Lalkowski Missimer Groundwater Science 1567 Hayley Lane, Sune 202 ~. lti Fort Myers, Fl 33907 SHIP TO (239)732-2646 BIll SENDER Clerk of Courts Collier County 3301 Tamiami Trail East, Bldg. F 4th Floor Naples, Fl34112 CLSl223t1121123 Page I of I Ship Date: OBJUN07 Acmgt: 1 LB Syslem#: 7314127/INET7011 Accounl#: S ......... Delivery Address Bar Code 1111/111111111/1/1'/1111111111/111111I1""11111111" Ref # 0009-0094 Registration Invoice # PO# Dept# PRIORITY OVERNIGHT MON Deliver By: 11JUN07 RSW A5 TRK# 7996 5525 9954 FORM 0201 34112 -Fl-US 35 APF A Shipping Label Your shipment is complete 1. Use the 'Print' feature from your browser to send this page to your laser or inkjet printer. 2. Fold the printed page along the horizonta/line. 3. P'a"" ~be' '" 'hlPP'"g pou"" aM affix "'0 you, .hlpme", " tha' the b"'rode port'oo of the label """ be 'ead aod """oed Wam'"g, Use on.y "e P""led o"g'oa"abel to..h'PP'"g. US'"g a pho'o,opy of "'s 'abelfo""pp'"g PU,"oses 's "audu'en' and could ..su. 'n add'tlona' bming 'ha",e" a'o"g wi" "e oa",el~t1on o. you, FedEx a"oun' numbe,. Uso of ~" ."tem "".._, yo", "-e""o lhe """" omd"o", '" ~e "'oe", FedEx 80""", GU~e. .~;r'bI. '" fed~""m. FedEx will ""t b, ""P""'bI. '" SOy d"m '" ".'e" of $1 00 "., pa".ge. ._~. ,,"ulI oflo,". d.m.g.. del.y. "'"-<leJI...,>,. ml'dell...,>,. " m'.,"funnation. ""~'" you d'dam · hlghe, "'u'. p.y," -"00" d,,'lI'. do"'m.", you, 'du., 10," ,,'" fiI. . tim.1y ."m. Um'~,o", Inu," i" the "'oe", FedEx 80""", Gu~. 'Pply. You"'ghl to m"""" from F'dEx In..", 10,". '"du,""" '"m",', "'u. of the pa".... I"" of '''''. '''''''m, "te""f. Profif. '!fomey', fees. """'. sod oth" 'mn" of d.m.g, .h.~" di"",. '''''''''''~I. """"",U,"".,. " .....,0 Umlled to the gm.t" of'100 "the 'u''''''''''' d,"'''''' "'''''. Re""",,>, "'""',.""", .""", d""m.""" I"". M'.mu" ,,, 'tem, of ~l"o<dl"",>, ".. 0"00. '.g. j..",>, P""'o~ metal,. """oU.bI. ''''""m.",, "'" 0",", item, "'ted i" ,,", S._ G"",. _eo ".,"" m"" b. 'led .,~'" """ time 1/m,Is. see "'oe", FedEx Service Guide. httPS:llwww.fedex.cOmlShiP/domesticShipmentAction.do ?method~doContinue 6/8/2007