Ordinance 86-30O: O~OINA~C~ ~0. 86- 30 AN ORDINANCE C~F. AT~I(~ TIlE I~EE AI~RT ~V::SOR~,, ~OV~ O~ ~1 ~OVIDI~G ~R OFfICe: ~VlDI~' FOR ~INGS: P~IDING ~R ~VISORY ~SPONSIBILITIE$i P~IDING ~R ~N~I~ & SE~I~BILI~I ~EI~..~, it has been determined by the Board of County CommissLoners that it vould be in the best interest of the I~kalee lit-port and f~urrounding Im~kalee area, to appoint an AdvisotT Board to assist the Airl,orc J,f~maKer and the Board of County Commissioners in establishin8 policies and procedures for the proper development of the area; 110~ TItE~iZFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BT ~ BOARD OF COUlrl'Y :SSIONEP. S OF COLLIER COUNTY, IrLORIDA: SECTION 1. CREATION OF 12~OILALEE AIRPORT ADVISORY BOARD~ PI~LPOSE ~here is hereby created the Iunokalee Airport Advisory Bar,rd. The Iunokalee Airport Adviso~T Board shall advise the Board of Cou. ty ~issionera and the Airart ~ger in the operati~ and proper deraileur of the ll~orC and ~nitor the effect of such operations up~ the I~lee area. SECTION 2. HDiBEILSHIP The I~kalee Airport Advisor7 Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Advisory Board", shall be comprised of five (5) members who s~ll be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, 'Florida. Three (3) of the members to be appointed shall be pilots or o~n.ers of aviation related businesses st the Iunokalee Airport. Their selection shall be based on their experience and interest in the fields aviation, l~le reumining two (2) members to be appointed may bi lay . " persons who are interested in the orderly development of the Iunokalee area in relation to the u,e(s) and development of the Airport. Each ~ me,bet shall servaa tern of two (2) years. A meaber may be reappointed by the Board of County Commissioners for one successive tern. Appointments to fill vacancies on the Advisory Board shill ba I or the the remainder of the unexpired tern of office. A quorum of the Advisory Board shall be comprised of four (1) board members. Hembers of the Advisory Board may be suspended and re~oved from office with or without cause by the Board of County Commisssioners. SECTION 3. OFFICERS Officers vi11 consist of two mashers, Chairman and Vice-Chairman, to be elected b~ the Advisory Board. It ~rlll be the Chairnan~s duty to oversee all maetinis, to coordinate all coorespondence between the Advisory Board and the Airport HAnager and the Board of County ¢omnctssionern. I[ for any reason the C~airman can not at~end tmetings or coord~nats a~t~ort activities, th~n it ~11 be the responsibtl~.t7 of the ¥ice-Ch~imn to act an Chairman. ~ECTION 4. N~F-i-£NGS Meetin$~s w~ll be held bi-monthly on a day decided by the j~dvisory ~ard. Spec~l mee~go ~y be c~lled when necessa~ p~ovided ~wo weeks Pl~ ~sultnnC. ~e Airport ~ger ~11 be required co attend all ~e~ings. (3) ~cctssiv~ ~e~ings ~hou~ cius~ o~ ~h~ prior approval of ~ha ~i~n, ~ha ~visoU Board shall declare ~hs ne~e~s office vacant, ~ ~ha vac~cy shall ba t~lnd by the Board of Count7 C~iss[onarl. ~ION ~. ~ESP~SIBI~ITIES ~e ~oard shall be rasp~sible tot c~,idaring opera~ions of and fu~u~e devclo~n~ of ~he ~rpor~. ~e ~viso~ ~oard shall ~lka rsc~nda~i~s ~o ~he ~oard of ~y C~lssiaars and ~he Atrpo~K ~ar for =ha effec~ive opera~i~ and davelo~an~ of ~ha I~1~ ~or~. ~,~ tdviso~ ~ard w~l ~e~ ~h ~he I~lae Ai~.~r~ ~s~ar Plan ~sul~nn~ ~en needed =~il nth ~ia is ~hs I~hlea AE~or~ ~s~er Plan Is accepted. ~a ~viso~ Board shall add,ass spe,:ial proltcts the devalop~n~ of ~tvenue and perfo~ o~ha~ ~ch duties as ~:~ b~ described by subsequen~ Ordi~nce or Rssolu~ion. SECTIO~ 6. CONFEI~T AE) SEV~IL~ILITY In the event Chis Ordi~nc~ conflicts with any other Ordinance of ~llie~ Coun:y or ocher applica~l~ law, the ~re restricCiv~ shall apply. any phrase or portion of this Ordinanc~ is held invslid or unc~cicuci~ml by any c~rt ol c~etent Jurisdic~ion, such portion shall be de~d a separate, distinct ~nd independen~ pr~ision and ~ch holdinl shall ~oC affect the vllidi~y of ~he remini~g portion. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DAT~ ',.,;,,~ This Ordi~nce shall bec~ effective upon ~eceipt of ~t:LcI fr~ the Secrata~, of Sca~e ChaC this Ordi~nce has been filed ~Ch the Secreca~ of P~S~ ~ D~Y ~ by the Board of County C~ssiomtrs of ~llier County, Florida, ~his ~--day o~ ~un~ , 1986. DATI~: Clerk for~ and Da, C. Wei COtS~TY OF '.OLLIER I, JA~ES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth ludicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida,, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE 86-30 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissiorers on the 17th day of June 1986, WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the foard of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 18th day of June, 1986. JAMES C. GILES Clerk of Cougbe,,$m~,,~lerk Ex-Of f ici9,'~;~ ~ ~12~ ..~ ,q.~o .3:: ,oo,