Ordinance 86-24 ORDINANCE 86- 24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIE~R COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBEg 78-29, (AS PREVIOUSLY AM~ED BY ORDINANCE NIrMBE1U~ -- 82-98 AND 85-44) WHICH ESTABLISHED TRE PARK SHOP~ ,)' UNITS 2 AND 5 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, BY ADDING .~ . SECTION e. 1 , BLOCK 38, ADDITIONAL SPECIFIC _: ,. PROVISIONS, UNDEII ITEM IV, SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT :;-.~ AREAS; ~ BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECIIVE DATE. '~.u~ ~, on July 11, 1978, the Board of County Co~issioners pprov Ord~.n~nce Number 78-29, which established the ?srk Shore Units 2 and 5 Planned Unit Development; and ~EREAS, on October 26, 1982, the Board of County C~tsstoners approved Ordinance Number 82-98, which amended Ordinance Number ?8-29; and ~EREAS, on AuSust 20, 1985, the Board of County Co~,~issioners approved Ordinance Number 85-&&, which amended Ordinance Number ?8-29; end VR~F&S, W.J. Johnson and Associates, Inc., represent/n8 Patricia S. and Patrick J. Longs, petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to amend Ordinance Number ?8-29; ROt/, TREI~FOP. E, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIE~ COUNTY, FLORIDA: 5ECTION ONE: Ordinance Number 78-79 PUD Document Section IV Specific Development Areas, shall be amended to add Sect/on e.l, Block 38 Additional Specific Provisions, ss follows: e. Blocks 14, 15, 36, 37, and 38. These Blocks are in part land and in part man-made waters within Venetian Bay. These Blocks shall be used for single or '-" '" multiple family residential structures, offscreet, parking, and sccessory recreational facilities. The restdent[al structures may extend on pilinss from the land mass w/thin the Blocks over tbs waters of Venetian Bay, so long as the structures extend no further than the platted bcilding limit lines. Each of the Blocks constitutes a site for either e multiple family complex nor exceeding 33 dwellin8 units and not exceeding stories in height or a maximum of 5 single family detached Words delete are underlined; words eeeeeed-ehee~sk are deleted residences, not exceeding 3 stories in heisht. Each dwellin$ unit sMll ba provided a minimum of 2 ~n sits parking spaces. more than 72 on site parking spaces per block ~ay be developed. Hinimum dwellin$ unit floor area shall be 1,500 square feet, except for one manager's apartment per Block which sh~ll be a minisu~ of 600 square feet. Principal buildinis within each Block shall be no closer to each other than 25 feet. 1. Block 38 Additional Specific Provisions. This Block may employ a mixed use of single and multiple ~amily residential structures resultin~ in a density of ,lwellin~ un/ts less than or equal to that ~iven below: density for mixed use: j~ ~ultiple Total D~ellins 0 and 12 = 12 and 10 - 11 2 and 8 ' 10 3 and 6 ' 9 and & ' 8 _5 and 0 ' 5 Principal buildings ~ay be closer than 25 feet subject to site develol~ent plan approval. SECTION TWO: ~is Ordinance shall becmae effective upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. DATE: June 10, 1986 GILES ,. t%lll Iiagri , ~U~CI~{C~: ASSI STAlgr CODFTY ~ATTO~ PDA-86-2C Ordinance BOAP~D OF COUNTY CO~fI$SIO~ COLLIER COUld, FLO .RXDA o{ S~*e% Office a~ oC~ge~nt of ~ Words underlined are added; words et. eeeed-eht,,~agh are deleted. I, H.J. Johnson, as ovner or authorized agent for Petition NDA-86-2C, agree to the folloving stipulations requested by the Collier County Planning Commission in their public hearing on Hay 1, 1986. A. Am~uchment of the PUD document per staff report dated April 2&, 1986. O~ ~HOP. N TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE HE THIS ~~l~ DAY  , 1986. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, J,LMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby cectif¥ that the foregoing is a true original of: ORDINANCE 86-24 which wa~ adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 10th day of June 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this llth day of June, 1986. 3AMES C. GILES Clerk of Courts and Clerk Ex-Officio to Bgai'~,,~f '.~ County _~_o mm i s S~5~ ~' .;~. Deputy Cle~:.~% ':'~",-.%~:: ~ -