Ordinance 86-13 ~ t.~, ~ ~B oRDza~u~cs 86~ ,~ ~ .~, ,. ~ ORDY/qANCE AKENDING O~IN~CE 82-2, ~S ~ ~L~U, ~.~ "~~Sl~ ZONING ~T~S FOR ~E · : '' .~INCO~O~ ~ O~ C~LI~ ~ BY ~DING ~ ~I~S; ~ BY P~VIDINC ~ ~I~ DATE. ;~ ~A I~E~AS, the lupervisor o! Elections ia responsible for selecting pollin8 places for elactio~l and k~AS, iC ii important that these pollint phces be convenientll located to minimize the travel distance for the voter; and I~HEREAS, the Supervisor o[ Elections has requested that at the time of rezoning, the applicant be required to rake available community buildings for pollin$ place if found to be necessary by the Supervisor of Elections; and WHEREAS, the Board of County CouLfasioners concludes that conveniently located pollin8 places are in the common interest of existin$ and future residents of Collier CountT. ~OW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Cou~iealoners of Collier County, Florida: SECTIO~ Section 9.11 shall be added to Collier County Ordinance No. 82-2, the zenana [esulations of the unincorporated srea of Collier ~ounty, Florida, end said section shall read as follows: 9.11 Special Resulatione for the Provision of Pollin~ Places At the time the Board of Count7 Co~nisalonera approves a z0ninS request to Planned Unit Development (PUD) or at the time the Board of County Commissioners approves a PUD amendment~ any residential project within said PUD which will have a ~ommunity recreation~ublic buildins/public room or similar common facllity~ shall be required to provide polling places in said ~ommunit~ recreaTion/public buildins/public room if a pollens place is determined to be necessary by the Board of County Commissioners. The Board shall consider The recommendation · .- of the Supervisor of ElecTions in reachin~ such determination. This requirement shall apply to all residential projects within a PUD: single famil?~ multi-family and mobile home developments. If the PUD or a residential project within tbs PUD ia a "private" development ~th a restricted and/or monitored entrance which limits access to residents of that development~ their ~uests ~ords added are underlined; vords e~z~ek-eh~eush are deleted. and necessary ~aintenance workerst a polling plats amy be required by the Board to be provided in any ~o~unity recreation/public building/public room or similar facility howevert the controllin~ entity of that private development may limit the use of the pollin~ places to the residents of that "private" development. This commitment shall be ~uaranteed through the followin~ mechanism: An a~ree~ent recorded in the official reccrds of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County, which shall be bindin~ upon any and all successors in interest that acquire ownez- ship of such common areas includin~but not limited tot condominium associationst homeowners associationst or tenants associations. This a~reement shall provide for said community recreation/public buildin~/public room or similar common facility to be used for a pollin~ place if determined to be necessary by the Supervisor of Elections. The commitment also shall be included within the PUD document. The Supervisor of Elections is responsible for arran~in~ use of said co~munity recreation/public butldtn~/public room or other common facility for a polling place with the entity who controls said common facilit7 prior to'the election. This Ordinance shall becom~ effective upon notice that it has beau zeceived by the Office of the Secretary of State. DATE: March 25, 1986 BOARD OF COM. I~'i~ C~II~I~, ~A A~T: .>~ ....... <.~ '-. // / / .y ...' .. ( '.. ~ ASBIST. AI~ COUli'I~ 'ATTOR3~I o~ Places ~orde added are onderlinedl vords ee~uek-4ht~esh are deleted. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I WILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk of Courts in ~nd for the ~wentieth Judicial Circuit Collier County. Florida do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true original of ORDINANCE 86-13 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners during Regular Session on the 25th day of March 1986. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County Florida, this 26th day of March 1986. ~ILLIAM J. REAGAN Clerk. of Courts and Ex-Officio to Board of~: