Ordinance 86-10 ~ , The Board of County Cca~issioners of Collier County, Florida, placed a ~oratoriu~ on provisional uses in the ~-state District ~- ',. pending co~pletion of the Coldan Cate Estates ~aster ~I~AS, The ~ratori~ e~ired Jan~U 17, 1985. :'. '.;. ~, ~0~ BE IT ~A~ by the Board of Co~ty C~ssi~ers of , ~' . , Collier Co~ty, ~lori~ ;;?.the~ Z~in; Ordi~nce of ~llier C~ty, Florida 3) Ps.tied Pr~iat~l Uses and Stmctures~ ;~eee-meee-ee-ee~ee~e~-epp~oved--pe~-ee ~ d tmemee-~-~-e ~eee-ee--e~-e~.e ~p ~ev e~. 0~ {l~ (a) Churches and other places of vorship, Public, private and parochial schools and colleges having a conventional academic curricultulo {47 ,{c) Recreational facilities not accessory to principal uss. Words added are tmderlined; words deleted ~re oe~eeboeh~h.'/'' ...... Social and fraternal organizations. (Subject to Section 8.11) Owner occupied child care centers (Subject to Section 8.&8), convalescent homes, hospices, rest homes, homes for the aged, adult footer homes, children's homes and rehabLlitation centers.* SECTION T~/O: · Thio Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that it has been received by the Office of the Secret~ry of 'State. BOARD OF COUNTY COI~ISSZ~ COLLIER COt~F~, FLOB/DA I, wrrz.T~ J. l~%N, Clexk of Oourts in and for the Tw~ntieth J~ic~a] '~ " true origtmd, of: "'"" .... ' O1~ NO. 86-10 Session cnthe 4th day of .March, 1986. . ~ my hand and th~ offic{a! seal of the Board of County Ccnmtssica-~_rs of C03!~m' County, Florida, this 4th day of March, 1986. Verde added are underlined; words deleted are eet, ueh-ehfe~Sh. ~7.?~4 J. ~ . · Clezk of CDurts and Ex-officio t~ B0erd of