Ordinance 86-08RECEI'v' c.u FEB 28 J~ t1~ tO oRDnvmcz es- 8 AN ORDINANCE AI~NDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE US~ ~ S~O~ ~ TO ~D IT~ "m" ~ A~UA~ ~ ~~, ~ PROV~NC ~ ~rffi~tS. it has co~e to the attention of the Collier County P!n_rmtng ¢o---ission that aquqculture and ~rtcultura are peri,ted pr~lsi~l uses in the A-I ~n~g District but are not pr~cipal or provisi~l uses ~ the A-2 Z~S Dis~rict; and ~. ~e Collier Co~y Finning g~issi~ de~e~ed ~ha~ aq~culture and ~r~culture ~ere ~advert~tly ~tted as pr~isi~l uses in the A-2 Z~ Dlstr~ct; and ~, on Jan~ 16. 1986. ~he Co,lief Co~y P~ C~ssi~ rec~nded tha~ ~he Board of Co~y Cmissi~ero ~nd Ordi~nce 82-2, ~he ~reh~sive Zonins b~h~i~s for ~he Un.co.orated Area ~llier Co~cy, Florida, by addins ic~ 'B' under Sec~ 7.9.b.3. all~ aq~culcure and ~r~culcure; N~, ~~ BE IT O~AI~ BY ~ ~ OF ~ CO~SSION~ OF ~I~ ~, ~A~ Sec~i~ 7.9.b.3) of Ord/~nce 82-2, ~he ~rehensive Z~in~ ~e~la~i~s for ~he Un. co.orated Ar~ o[ Collier C~n~y, Florida, shall' be ~ed to add it~ 'n' as fo~l~s: 3) Pe~it~ed Pro-/isi~al Uses a~ Structures: (a) Extrac~i~ and related process~n~ and producti~. (b) Earth n~ ~d rela~ed processing. (c) Churches and places of vorship. (d) Private landing strips for general aviati~. (e) Sa~illn, provided that no sa~i~l shall be located c~oser than 1,000 feec fr~ any County, Scats, Federal property or highvay rLght-of~ny. (f) C~eries. Sport race trac~ and areas. (h) Zoo, aq~ri~, av~, botanical garden, or other s~ilar (i) Co~nica~ion t~ers, provided ~hat no c~nicacion the t~er plus t~ (10) feet fr~ any Cowry, ~a~e or Federal property or hishvay riGht-or--ay. ~ords underlined are &ddedl vords e~ee~eh~Sh are deleted. (J) Public, private and parochial school or college baying a conventional ecade~lc curricultnn, (See Section 8.11). (k) Hunting cabin, subject to all building codes and perntcs. (i) Child care centers. la} ~quaculture and nariculcure. SECTIOI~ T~O: This Ordinance shall become effective upon notice that it has been received by the Office of the Secretary of State. DAT~: February 18, 1986 BOARD OF COUI~I'Y COLLIER COU~, FLORIDA Vords underlined are added; ~orde e~e~/-4~ugh are deleted. A-2 FU A~nd~ent ~*fAT~OPPLORIDA Cot~rroFCO~I~a ) I, hrILLIANJo REACAN~ Clerk o~ ~rts in and for the ~tie~h Judicial Circuit, ~llier ~ty, ~orida, do hereby certify the foregoing is a true origi~l of: 0~I~ NO. ~ich vas adop~ by ~he Board of ~ty ~issioners during Regular Session on the 18ch day of Feb~, 1~86. ~SS ~ ~nd and the official seal of the ~ard of ~uncy ~ssimers of ~llier ~, Flo~da, this 18th day of Feb~, 1986, ~rlLLIAH J, REACAN . Clerk of Courts end Clerk Ex-Officio to Board of County CousnilSioneI~ , , .... ., . ~ "..', : :~ ~ ~ ~ ,., , ,'. ~ ,: ~ ~ ~,~ ~. .. %"~. ...