Ordinance 86-05 AN O~DINANC~ AHENDIRG ~LI~ ~ O~IN~ NO. 85~, ~ .. S~ECZ~TI~S"~ A~A~ TO ~L~ C~ O~IN~CE ~O2 85-2 ~E~, there are may area~ tn cbs ~cy which are ad]acen~ .Co .~uraL or ~, ~y ot Ches~ areas adlacenc co bodies of racer are bordered bI ~ r~s~ncs; a~ ~ properly dasi~nd ~d c~n~ctnd se~alls and r~n~n s~ ~o pro~ac~ vaCarfront upland propnr~y a~ ~r~an~s loca~ad thnreon agnins~ ways a~ack and ss~ ~o s~abil~s ~ha posi~i~ of ~ shor~linal a~ ~ sn~alls ~nd r~vnc~n~s ~ a tandency Co fail a~ fall ~o bodins radar ba~s~ of ~h~ passag~ o~ ~ s~rong ~nds~ hna~ r~ns, nrosion, corrosion, ~d ~gh ~d 1~ tides ~S other reas~s; ~d ~, =he ~srd of ~un~y ~ssiatrs tuc~ed ~di~nc~ ~. 8]-2 which declared a failed so.all or r~n~n= Co be un~ful and a ~blic nuisancel ~d ~ch dechr~6 ~h~ d~brif and ~bble of a failed se~all o~ r~eCMn~ =o ba un--u1 a~ a ~bltc nuisance; a~ ~Ek~ ~ ~ard ~s c~side~ad a~ fi~s lc appropriate Co further ~nd '.. ~di~a ~. 8~1 Co pr~ide for ~n~ncs ~o the Cec~ical specifi~Cio~ for ~lll~r ~nty ~d~ca No. 85-2, Section Ftys, is h~=~by ~ded to r~ad as S~ION FI~: TocSin1 Speciftcatt~s For Seswalls and ~vet~nts. ~ere is attached hereto and inco~orated by reference here~n ~ docent c~tsctnj of pages ~e chr~gh nine, inclusive of dest~ ii.ires. All seawalla and r~ncs c~s=~c~d, recon~c~c~ed, r~patr,d, al=~r~d, pro]ec~d or prol~d t~ ~n~y af~ar t~ effective ~te of ~hts ~di~nce ~st ~et or exceed these A. Klnor r~pairs to the seawall or revetn~nc which do not necnssiCate physical alteration to the existing structural support syste~ ars exempt frc~a the technical specifications. B. Ns Jot repairs to the seawall or revetment which necessitate physical replacement of any portion of the structural support sp~ $ i l~ e s i~a - e~- <.he. -eeehn,$~e ~ -speei. f. iea u t,ene - ~ e ~- e l~e-.pr, opnse& ~ "ew l.~ ,. all a~plicab!e provisions of the technical specifications for that portion of the seawall or revet-~nt. An7 portion of a seawall which still has useful .~ife ~a~ be utilized, regardless of its co~pliance v~th these technical specifications.~ upon certification b~ a licensed Engineer a~d submission of of said certification to th~ County. Buildin~ Departing. C. ~construction of any seawall or revetment requiring the co-plate rsinscallJtion of ihs sheet pile portion of the structural support system, or any ney seawall or revscBent section in'called adlacenc to or independently fro~ any exiscin$ seawall or reveca~nC eh~ll require coeplets conformance with all sections of the technical specifications for that portion of seawall or revetment. Failure Co coBply with Chess technical specifications shall constitute a violation of Chis Ordin~nce, Sections &(A) and (B) of the document entitled #~llier ~un~ Seawall and · eveC~enC ~sulaclone - Tec~i~l Specification,' attached Co ~llier ~ncy ~dl~nct ~. 8~-2 and ~co~oraced therein, il hereby ~nded Co read as I. The Standard Specifications of the Florida Department of Transpor~ation for Road and Bridge Construction, Latest ~gition, shall govern all construction. ~~ - ma~eria~- -aa d - ~d~eeaa~h~Fr - qrhers- -nl~ }ieab~e. Concrete and reinforcing steel shall be governe i by the American Concrete Institute Standard 318~ "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete"~ Latest Edition. 2. The references to tie-back rods and anchors in the foll~ing ,00,39 ~orde underlined are added; vords-e~-frkW~4~Bl~are deleted; 5e sections eh~ll no~ bs construed es · requtrmn~ by Collier County for that parCtcular wans o~ shee~ pilot mup~r~ ~s~ bu~ are included for ~pecifica~i~ info~ia ~oses only. ~en u~il~ed, ~ec pil~l s~ll bs installed pl~ in both and horizontal and vertical direc~ia. ' ' ' ~eez piling s~I1 penetrate into fi~ gr~M a mi.~ of lOi ~ ~he total length of the shee~ pile bu~ never lees than peneCra~i~ requir~ ~y be abated in c~ ~enc c~ toe of the shee~ pile ~ be ~edded a ~ of 12 inches in solid bedrock. ~e ~oe-be~ of all shee~ pile sayelle s~ll be pro~ec~ed by a s~e ~rap r~e~n~ p~ced ~ a filter fabric erosion control blan~ in accor~ce ~h ~c~ A.D as foll~: a. A~ loca~i~s ~era soils ~11 ~ adequately resis~ ~oe-~ failure by addi~i~l penetraCi~ depth alone; b. A~ loca~l~s ~era lateral ~i~l fl~s create excessive sc~r and erosi~ of t~ Coe~e~l c. A~ a~ o~her location ~are the desi~ Engineer dee~ i~ necessa~ for ~he prese~a~ion of the in~egri~y of ~he ~race ~ee~ Pile Se~alls 1. ~1 se~alls ~er this Sec~i~ ~y be of c~crece, u~iliz~g the ~e and grin, or o~her a~r~ed ~e~hod of c~s~c~ion, ~h p~red-in~ce c~cre~e cap. 2. ~e concrete s~ll ~e a ~n~ tes~ strength ~ in accorda~e vi~h ~ap~er 3 of ~he ~rican ~ncrece Institute Standard 318.~ ,.Build~j ~de. Retuire~n~s for ~in~orced La~es~ ~i~ion. i~~-c~cre~e. ~ncre~e c~er for the reinforcim~ accel and shee~ pilinj slab ~hic~ess s~11 be s~emed by ~ap~ar 7 of ~he ~rican ~ncre~e Institute.Standards 318t "Bulldin~ Code ~uiremen~s ~or Reinforced Concrete"t ~asC ~i~ion. A. ~e concrete cap s~ll no~ be less ~n 10 inches in chickens, nor Words underlined are added; vorde ~t-uok-¢i~oath are deleted; 3 lines but in no case .-ors than 499 5~0 foot All Cie-back rods shall be of a size, uacsrial and coepoeicton to ensure · three-to-one (3:1) safety factor undsr cbs design criteria outlined in Section 2.A. 2. Tie .ede-~l--be-iaeegrat-~i~h--t~ae-stab- ve~tieal-4~,i~~-e~eet-en~-4)e 'rod' co~nsctions Co t~e seawall shall transmit the forces frou the tie rod to t~ seawall slabs eith~r b7 ' 6e integrating the sheet piling slab steel with Cha cie rod in the cap, Or ..by a positive connection on the waterside of the s. hee~ ~ilin~ slab. All connections shall be made at elevation - 3.0 feet n~vd or hi~her and all natal exposed to the atmosphere shall be enviromnen~ally 'double-pro~ec~ed" by galvanizin~ and ocher protective coacin~s. Ti.._~a rods shall be envizon~antally protected a~ainst co~osio~ by "hot-dip" salvanizin$ in accordance rich ASTH A-l~3, epoxy coatin~ in accordance rich A~TN A-775, or id! other e~.iv~ient ~roC~ction eaterlal, as well as be encased.in a polyechel~ne or other approved plastic m~erial cuba. Tie rod anchors shall-hev~-net-leee-~he~-sb-aque~e-~e~--e$-vs~ttasl totetsd-~-the-~-ef-l~-pssstve-,;:i:~ pr~ide a passive resistance of c~ c~s cbs ux~e dasi~ Cession in Cbs cie rms. This Ordin~.ce shall becone effective upon receipt of ~otice fron the Secretary of State that this O~dtnance has bean filed with Cbs Secrstary o~ Sr~sca. gorda underlined ara added~ vorda su~sekoehFouih ar~ daZeted~ ~X~ OF r~O~zDX WILl, lAN J. REA(IAN, Clerk of Courts in and for the T~entieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoin.9' is & true original ors ORDINANC~ NO. 86-5 ~hich was adopted by the Board of County Co~issioners during Regular Session on the 21st day of January, 19~6. WITNESS ~y hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this R2nd day of JMU.h~IY, 1986.