Ordinance 86-02 ORDINANCE ~ 6- Z AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO ORDINANCE 82-22, WHICH ESTABLISHED TEE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH P.U.D. BY AMENDING THE P.U.D. NAME; AMENDING THE TABLE OF CO_~TENTS; AMENDING THE STATEMENT OF INTENT; ~AMENDING THE DESIGN TEAM MEMBERS LIST; AMENDING ~CTION 1.4, EXISTING UTILITIES; DELETING SECTION ~.~, LAND USE; AMENDING SECTION III, TITLE; ~f~NDINO SECTION 3.1, PURPOSE; ~O~ENDINO SECTION .. ~.~?..A., PERNITTED USES AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING :<t..=-- · I~TION 3.~, MAXIMU~ NUMBER OF LOTS; AMENDINO T~TLE ~t~SECT~ON 3.~ FRO~ "LOT SIZE, SET BACK, ~"~ HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS" TO "DEVELOPMENT ~' R UIREMENTS FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS"; ~ P~LACING SECTION 3.5, "MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS" TO "DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR ~ DUPLEXES AND MULTI-FAMILY DWELLINGS"; ADDING -~ SECTION 3.6, "MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTSf,. ':' WHICH WAS FORMERLY SECTION 3-5, "MINIMUM LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS"; DELETING SECTION I~:, RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS TRACT "B"; RENUMBERING SECTION V, DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS TO SECTION IV; DELETING SECTION 5.1, WATER SUPPLY AND ADDING SECTION ~.1, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS; D~LETING SECTION 5.2, .SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND ADDING SECTION 4.2, UTILITIES CONSIDERATIONS; RENUMBERING SECTION 5~3, MAINTENANCE OF COMMQN OPEN SPACE TO SECTION 8.3; AMENDING SECTION 5.4, DRAINAGE, AND RENUMBERING SECTION TO RENUMBERING SECTION 5.5, FIRE - PREVENTION, TO AMENDING SECTION 5.6, DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AND RENUMBERIN~ SECTION TO 4,6~ AMENDING THE P.U.D. MASTER PLAN; PROVIDIN~ AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Bay Side Builders, Inc., petitioned the Board of County Commissioners off Collier County, Florida, to amend The American Lutheman Church Planned Unit Development Ordinance, Collier County Ordinance NOW, THEREFOR~ LET IT BE ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNT~, FLORIDA, THAT ~ECTIONONE: 'Ordlnance No.' 82-22, P.U.D. Document Title, shall 'be amended to read as follows: A-~BANNB~-gN~T-~HV~ePM~N~ T~-ANSR~eAN-BgTH~RAN-eN~eH 'HUNTINOTON WOODS A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Words underlined are added; words ete~ek-eh~e~h are deleted. 0'3' SECTION TWO: Ordinance No. 82-22, P.U.D. Document "Contents" page, shall be amended to read as follows: CONTENTS STATEMENT OP INTENT ................... DESION TEAM MEMBERS ................... I. SUMMARY OF THE PUD DOCUMENT ............ 5-6 5_ II. STATEMENT OF CO~PLIANCE & FROPERTY DESCRIPTION . . . ~-8 6-8 III. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REOULATIONS ~RA$~-"A" · · · 9-½~ 9-13 IV. DEVELOFMENT COMMITMENT ............... ~5-~6 1~-23 SECTION THREE: ',w Ordinance No. 82-22, P.U.D. Document "Statement of Intent" Section shall be amended to read as follows: STATEMENT OF INTENT Beaeg-e~-~e~e%y-~emm~ee~eeees Nap-l~3-~oe~da--33949 The purpose of thle letter is to express 'the intent of ehe-Ame~eee-~heeee-~hu~eh Bedside Builders~ Inc. to develop the subject property in accordance with the standards, incorporated In this PUD document, and all other applicable state and government regulations. ~ieeere~y~ · Words underlined are added; words ete~ek-theeesh are deleted. ° -e SECTION FOUR: Ordinance Ho. 82-22, P.U.D. Document "Design Te~m ~embera" Section shall be amended to read aa follows: DESIGN TEAM MEMBERS pROpESS~ONA~t.,:.- ..- · EAM-MEMBER ........ W~am-Jr-Ed~xe~--E~g~eeP .................. PrE~ 8baFF-From-~-A-P-Sng~neero~P}anne~o;-;ne?f-P~T-~yePo? P~er~da - Agnolta A~s&adf Barber & Brunda~e~ Incorporated Professional En~lneers~ Planners & Land Surveyors SECTION FIVE: Ordinance No. 82-22, P.U.D. Document Subsection 1.~ shall be amended to read as follows: 1.~ EXISTING UTILITIES gxlsting County-owned potable water supply will serve this development. Existing Lely sewage dlsposa~ and treatment plant ~s close enouEh to this development site fBr use thru a force-main and llft station system. Other on-site or off-site sFstems ma~ be utillzed.,su~ect to CountF approval.. Words underlined are added; words oeruek-theeush are deleted. 'Ordtn&nee ~o. 82-22, P.U.D, Document Subsection 1.5, shall be deleted as £ollowe: ~TS--~AHD-USg8 Reade-r~ghe-of-way? ~25-aeree Neb-Area-foe-eee~den~e~-~e~et ..... ~?aO-ae~ee ....... Heb-Aeea-~ee-apee~men~-bu~d~eg~---g~2g-aeee ......... Aeea-~ee-Peereae~eRe~-Fae~ee~--g~8~-eeee ........ ~ne~denba~-epen-epaeet .gr96-aeee ........ ......... ~GTA&t .... 6?6goae~ee ...... ~ggrg~ SECTION SEVEN: OPdlnance No. 82-22~ P.U.D. Document Seetlon II~.Tltle, shall be uended to read as follows: ~ SECTION III RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ~RAiT-eAa 8EC~10N EIa~r~: Ordinance No. 82-22, P,U.D, Document Subsection 3.1 shall be amended ~o read aa follows: 3.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the regulations for the development of s~ng~e-fam~y-~ae~-=Aa-of.~thts Planned Unlt Development. Words underlined are added; wo~ds e~euek-~heeug~ a~e deleted. Ordinance No. 82-22, P.U.D. Document Subsection 3.2.A.(1) shall be amended to read as follows: Permitted Prlnclpal Uses and Structures (1) Single family dwelling6, duplexes and multi-family (11) Public parks, public playgrounds, ,ublXc playfields, and commonly owned open space. SECTION TEN: Ordinance No. 82-22, P.U.D. Document Subsection 3.3 shall be amended to read as follows: 3.3 NAXIM~ NU~PER OF T~8 UNITS: A maximum of feur~ee,-6~} twenty-six (26) residential ~ete units may be p~aeeed-~e-Traee-nA= permitted. SECTION ELEVEN: Ordinance No. 82-22, P.U.D. Document Subsection 3.8 shall be amended to read as f~llows: ~.~ DEVELOPMENT REOULATIONS ~OR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS: SECTION TWELVE: Ordinance No. 82-22, P.U,D. Documenb Subsectfon 3.5 shall be amended to read as follows: ... As-perm~ebed-feP-s}ng}e-Pam&~y-eee*den%}a}-d*s%e*eee-*n e~eee-ae-e~e-e~me-eF-app}}eae}en-Per-bu~}d~ng-perm~es~ Words underlined are added; words o~ruek-~hPeugh are deleted. ,oo 023', 07 DEVELOPMENT RE(]ULAT,IONS FOR. DUPLEXES .AND MULTI-F~R,/L~ A. Minimum Off-Street Parking (1) Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit B. Minimum Yard Requirements (1) Twenty-five (25) feet From outside..: . PUD property lines. C. Distance Between Structures (1) Between any two (2) principal structures on the sa~e p~r¢~l~ there shall be provided a distance equal to one-half (1/2) the sum of their heights. D. Minimum Floor Area of Prlneipa~Strueture (1) Seven Hundred Fift~ (750) ~quare feet fop each dwelling unit. E. Maximum Height of Principal Structure. (1) Three (3) stories above the finished srade of the lot. SECTION THIRTEEN: Ordinance No. 82-22, P.U.D. Document Section III, Residential Development Regulations, shall be amended by adding Subsection 3.6, which shall read as follows: MINIMUM LANDSCAPINO REQUIREMENTS As permitted for slngle-famil~ residential districts in effect at the time of application for building permits. underlined are added; words e%r~ek-ehreugh are deleted. SECTION POURTEEN: O~dinanee No. 82-22, P.U.D. Document Section IF~ ~ea[den=~al Dew~lopment Regulations, shall be deleted as £ollows= ~rorde underlined are added; worde etraek-bhrea~h are deleted. Words underlined are added; words etruek-~hreucN ~e deleted. Per~y-P~ve-NundPed-~#SgS~-s~ua~e-~ee~--~h~e-ma~-be-p~ev~ded ;~e~d&b~e-e~eae-are~ ~Be~een~ee?-PeePe?-eePeem-eme~ee~FesT-pePehee-e.8 ba~ee~ee-end-e~he~-e~m~ar-pore~c~$-eE-bu~gs Br--PaPkEmg-e~Peebures-e~eept-the-geeum~-~e~e~-~eePv gr--AeeeeeePF-buE~g~ge-e~eepb-ehe-gPeued-~eve~-F~eeP? Br--~he-e~t~Pe-}amg-aeea-e~-the-½et-em-~h~eh-~he SECTION FIFTEEN: Ordinanoe No. 82-22, P.[;.D. Dooument Section V Title, Development Commitment, shall be amended to read as follows: SECTION ¥ IV DEVELOPME}~ COMMITMENTS SECTION SIXTEEN: Ordinance No. 82-22, ?.U.D. Document 3ubsection 5.1 throush 5,6.E. shall be amended to read as follows: ew~ed-eTebem~ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS A. A site clearln~ plan shall be submttted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the BuildlnE Department for their Words underlined are added; words ebruek-eheeush are deleted. review..and approval at the time of site development, plan approval. This plan may be submitted in phases to coincide with tbs development schedule. The stte clearin~ plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout lncor~o~tes retalned native vegetation to the maximum extent possible and how roads, buildings, lakes, parking lots~ and other facilittes have teen oriented to accommodate ..this goal. Native species, shall be utilized, where available, to the maximum extent possible in the site landscaping ~esign. A landscaping plan will be submit~ted to the Natural Resources Management Department and the Communit~ Development Division at the time of site deyelopment plan approval. This plan will depict the incorporation of native species and their mix with other species, if an~. The goal of site landscaping shall be in the re-creation of native ve~etation ~nd habitat characteristics lost on the site during construction or due to past activities. Ce All exotic plants, as defined ln'~the Count~ Code; s.hall be.l.removed during eaJh phase of construction from development.areas~ open space areas, and preserve areas. Following site development ~.m~lntenance program shall be implemented to prevent reinvaslon Words underlined are added; ~ords seraek-bheeugh are deleted. of the site b~ such exotic species. This plan~ which will describe control t~chniques and inspection intervals, .shall be filed with and approved b~ tho Natural Resources Management Department and the Communit~ Development Division. D. Areas not to be cleared shall be clearl~ defined either b2 fencing, roping off or some other mechanism suitable to the N~D me to keep equipment from these areas. The .edge of such designated area shall be mutuall~ agreed upon between the developer and the Natural Resources Mana~.e~ent Department. . No clearing will begin until the NRMD has inspected and approved the aroping/fencing" mentioned above. UTILITIES CONSIDERATIONS A. Water & Sewer (1) Water distribution and sewage collection and transmission s~stems Words underlined are added; words e~ruek-~hreu&h are deleted. will be constructed throughout the project development b~ the developer pursuant to all current requirements of Collier County and the ~tate oF Florida..Water and sewer facilities constructed within platted "~%..:- .. rights-of-wa~ or within utllit~ easements required b~ the County shall be conveyed to the Count~,fo~ ownership~ operation and maintenance purposes pursuant to appropriate County Ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of conveyance. Ail wate~ and sewer facllitle~ 'constructed on private property and no~ required b~ the Count~ to be located within utility easements shall be o~ned~ opera,ed and maintained_by the developer~ hls.assi~ns or successors. Upon completion of construction of the water and sewer facilities within the pro~ect~ the facilities will be tested to insure they meet Collier County's utllit~ construction requirements in effect at the time of'construction 'c~mpletlon. The above task~ must be completed to the satisfaction of the Utilities Division prior to placin$ an~ utilit~ facllities~ County owned or privately owned~ into service,,. ~ords underlined are added; words s~eek-thee~{h are deleted. (2) All construction plans and technical specifications and proposed plats~ if applicable, for the proposed water d.ls.tr!bution and sewage collection and transmission facilities must be reviewed and approved by the Utilities Dlvlsion prior to commencement of construction. . All customers connecting to the water distribution and sewase collection facilities will be customers of the Count[ and will be billed b~ the CountZ in accordance wtth ~he County's established rates. Sh~ul~ ~he County not be in a position to provide water a~,d~or sewer service to the the water and/or sewer customers shall be customers o£ the interim utlllty established to serve the project until the County's off-site water and/or sewer facilities are available to serve the project. It is anticipated that the Count~ Utilities Division wilt ultimately \ supply potable water to meet the consumptive demand and/or receive and treat the sewage generated bY this project. Should the County. szstem not ~e in a position to supply potable water to the pro, act and/or recelve ~ords underlined are added; words eb~eek-threush are deleted. the project's wastewater at the time development commences~ the developer, at his expense, will install and operate interim watem suppl~ and on-site treatment £acilitles and/or interim on-site sewage treatment ..a~:. .. disposal facilities adequate ~o. meet all requtremen~s..o£ the appropr. Ia.te regulatory agencies. Data required under Count2 Ordinance No. 80-112 showing the availabllit~ of sewage ~ervice, must be submitted and approved b~ the Utilities Division prior to appr0~al of the construction documents 'for'~the project. Submit a copy of the approved DER permits for the sewage collection and transmission s2stems and the wastewater treatment facllit~ to be utilized, upon receipt thereof. · he internal water distribution s2stem must be looped through the proJect..from Rattlesnake Hammock ROad to Poll~ Avenue. The minimum size ~ater main for..~he looping shall be 8" diameter unless, the need for a large size main is required base~ on the h~draullc design c0mputatlons prepared by petitioner's engineer. De Construction and ownership of the water and sewer facilities, including any proposed interim water and/or sewage treatment Words underlined are added; words abeuek-b~eeush are deleted. facilitiest shall be. in compliance with all Utilities Dtvision standards~ policiesm ordinances~ etc. in effect at the time construction approval is requested. Ee Detailed h~dra~lic desisn repoT.ts covering the water distribution.and sewase ""~t-':' '-' collection and transmission s~stems to serve the p~oject must be submitted with the construction documents for the. project~ The report shall list all design assumpti0ns~ demand.rates and other factors pertinent to the s~stem under consideration. ~?~ ~.~ MAINTENANCE OF COMMON OPEN SPACE The developer will provide for and establish an or~anization for any condominium ~hen any part is developed as a condominium for the maintenance of common open spaces/recreational facilities, lncludin~ but not limited ~o, all interior streets and off-street parkln~ areas. ~ra~ma~e-desf~e-e~a~da~de- eeaee-a~d-~eea~-eedee-and-re~u~a~e~e~ DRAINAOE Detailed site drainage plans~ shall be submitted ~o the 'Oount~ Engineer for revie~ for all new construction. No construction permits shall be issued unless and until approval of the pr6posed construction in accordance with the submitted plans ts ~ranted b~ the Count~ Engineer. Words underlined, are added; words abr~ek-~hre~g~ are deleted. In accordance with the Rules of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Chapters ~0E-~ and ~OE-a0~ this pro~ect shall be designed for a storm event of 3-da~ duration and 25 zeer return frequency. This development shall comply with all applicable fire-t.-:- ' ' prevention codes and regulations. ~.6 DEVELOPMENT PLAN A. It is the developer's intention to develop this project in ewe several phases~ ~ ~},-The-~raee-"A"-eenea~n~ng-~eu~eeen-~}-e~eg~e ~am~-~obe-er-~r~-ae~eo-w~-be-deve~e~ed-~m pheoe-½r un*e-apa~bmee~-bu~d~ng-en-~r#8-aeeeo-w~e~lpa~k~ng~ sw~mm~flg-peeL-and-eehee-reereae~en-~ae~e~es;-w~L½ ~-deve~eped-~n-phase-~*T The design criteria and the Development Plan shall be understood as flexible so that the final design ma~ best suit the site; satlsf~ the consumer; Just/fy the market conditions and comply with all the applicable stat% and local requirements. All necessar~ easements, dedications, or other instruments shall be granted to insure the ~ontinued operation and maintenance of all services and utilities. De Hlnor deslgn changes such as, but not limited to, location of buildings, distribution of dwelling units, building types, etc., shall be permitted; subject to site plan approval. Words underlined are added; words ob~uek-eheeush are deleted. E. Prior to the Issuance of building permits, a final ~lte development plan shall be submitted t~e~ar%mee%-~e~-the~e-~ev~ew-~d-ap~eva½~ in accordance with the Zonln~ Ordinance in effect at the time approval is requested. F. Solid waste pick-up points shall be designated on"t~e.: ~inal development plan. All accesswazs off of Pollz Avenue and ~attlesnake Hammock ~oad shall be considered driveways and therefore are exempt from the Subdivision Resulationa. H. The petitioner shall app~oprlatel~ address the driveway in re,zards to namin~ and numberinz the units. I. The developer shall donate 17.~ feet of'rlZht~of-wa~ alon~ the north, side of Rattlesnake Hammock R~ad and 7.~ feet of rizht-of-wa[ alonz Poll~ Avenue so that Poll~ Avenue would have a total of 67.5 feet of ri5ht-of-wa~ east of the section line. At final site plan staze~ the petitioner ~hall explore and purs~e..the posslbilit~ of a shared access/drivewa~ with church onto ~attlesnake Hammock ~oad. SECTION SEVE~TBEN: EFFSCTIVE DATE This ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of notice from the Secretary of State that this ordinance has bee~ filed with the Office of.the Secretary of State. Words underlined are added; words ete~ek-th~e~ are deleted. DATED: January 21, 1986 ATTF~T: Approved as to from and legal suFflolency: ~enneth B. Cuyler.~.. Assistant County At~,orney STATE OF FLORIDA ) COMITY OF COLLIER ) BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONER3 COLLIER COUNTY, PLORIDA I, ~FILLIA~ J, P. EAC~, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true orlsinal of: ORDINANCE NO. 86-2 which vas adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on ~he 21st day of January, 1986. ~ITHESS ~y hand and the official seal of the Board of County Co~ntssioners of Collier County, Florida, this 22nd day of January, 1986, underlined are added; words eteuek-theeugh are deleted.