Ordinance 87-088 o I'N m: -?Z] T CEIVED l,~l gO¥ 20 A,~ 8- 3T ~E T~LE OF CO~S, FACE VII; ACCESSOR~ S~UC~S~ TO ACC~ODATE SE~ION 8.46, ~RIVA~ BOAT }lOUSES S~U~S, TO ]N~E SPECIFIC D~ ~SI~S, TO PROVIDE FOR SPECIFIC PROFUSION OF BOAT ~ S~U~ C~INATIONS, ~ TO S~ON 20, DEFINITIONS, "~A~", ~ PR~IDE ~, ~ ~DING ~K F~ILI~"; ~ BY PROVIDING ~SZ~ DATE. ~, the ~ard of ~nty ~ssl~ers f~nds tha~ the dock facili~hs critaria of $,cti~ 8,&6 of zha Zon~g ~di~nc, 82-2 as currently ~iC~eu ~eds to be refined to better se~e the ~nte~esCs of ~a~ ~rs~ dock fac~Z~Cy ~ars s~d ~e ~bZ~c ~ ~eaeTaZ~ sad ~ the ~srd oE ~u~c7 ~t,sioaers fiads ~1~c ~ce ~s app~ria~e sad ~ecessa~ prior ~fss!~ he3r~a~ a dock exce~i~ N~, ~YO~ BE IT ~iI~ by the Board of C~nty of ~11isr ~uncy, Ylorida~ I~ex, peso vii, Secti~ 8.~6 of Ordi~nce 82-2, the Zo~nE Ordinate of ~llisr ~;t7, Flori~ is hereby ~aded to Private Dockin~ Fac~licies Secti~ 8.2, ~caCion of ~cessoU SC~cCures, Subsection ~cesso~ St~ccurts ~ ~a~ergroa~ ~s a~ ~if C~rse ~cs, n~bsrs 8., 11. and ii., of ~diniuce 82-2, is hereby s~nded ~o read is FRONT REAR SIDE Boat ~sea en_d L . . Boat Shelters (Private) SPS N/A 7.5' TO STRUCTURE 10' II. Davits, Hoists and Lifts N/A N/A 7.5' or 15' ,(See Sec. 8.&6e.) l&. Docks and Hoorins Filings N/A 13 7.5' or 15' (s,e sec. 8.46e.) WORDS UNDERLINED AILE ADDED; WORDS E~RggK-~gg~g ARE DELETED. SPS Section 8.46 of Ordinance 82-2, the Zoning Ordinanco o£ Collier County, ~lorid~ is hereby a~nded ~o read as fall.s: ?rivage Doc~ ~acili~ies: Iagtvid~l or ~l~ipl~ privs~ ~i-houses aaa docks tnclud~g ~oring ptlings--ilh-oe ~ehea~ae-heiseo, davits, lifts and the like are pe~ttted to oe~e the residents of a ~evelo~nc on canal or vace~ay lots, nsc proC~d~ ~re chun the respec~ive distances specified bel~ in nubsecti~ 8.66b. and 8.16c. eh; ca~1 ;~ae~ieee such ca~l or wace~ay~e t~a~e~eek~7 p~ee~e~ey={~gHee~nee ~~~a~e~ Pe~ttel dock facili~ pro~si~s ~s vell as extension o~ dace Ma~red fr~ the proper~y line. AgdiCi~l length /pro~sA~ beyond said AI~OL ~e,speccive ~Ci~ied in ~bsec~i~s 8.~6b and 8.a~c M~ be requested and shall requAre public uo~ice and a hearin~ by the P~ng ~ission. A~ee~biis ue~ieeT ~o~ice of the public hearinlshall be prominently, pos~ed on ~he proper~y ~or which, the excensi~ As sou~h~. ~otice o~ the public hearin~ shall be advertised in a ~evspaper o~ ~e,neral circula~ion in ~ba C~nc~ ac ~ tim fifteen (1~ days prior to the h~arin~. o~ the c~ and place o~ ~he public hearin~ shall be sen~ ac leas~ ~ifCeen (i}) days A~ advance o~ ~ha hearin~ by ~il ~o all ~e~ of vater~r~ proper~y ~hin ~hree ~undred (300} ~ee~ o~ cha subject proper~. ~e Planning C~issioa ~y althe~ appr~ ~ppr~e with c~nd/tions or deny any addicio~l ~engCh/proC~ai~ beyond Cha~ pe~i~ed in fuSseccion8 8.16b and 8.~6c. ~e Planning ac~lon Fee~eadetioa sMll ba based upon co~ideraCion of ~he foll~ng WORDS 1. The mmber o! beee-h~eses-sr docks facilities to be l~ngth of va~rfron~ prop~r~y avai~bl, for the loc~ti~ of th. bea~h~ees docb facilttie~, 2. ~e ricer depth ~re the be~~ dock iht ~iglblt ~e ~Cur~ and speed of wirer currents ~ the ~e land c~cour (botc~ profile) o[ the property which the ~e~heaee~ dock facility Il ~ ~h~ s~fe~ of ~he users of ~he n~i~abla and adJaceu~ waters. ~e locatim, lenzth/prot~siOU' ~nd ,dest~ of dock ~}ciliti~s, ~, ~dJacen~ properties. 7, ~e ~ac~ ~he ex~ension will haw upon ~he view the ~a~e~a[ b[ ~dJacea~ ~cerfr~c proper~ ~ers. 8~ ~e distance Co adetua~e water depth ~chree fee~ ~an ~ ~a~r) as c~ared ~o the re,nested 9~ ~a size o[ the vessel Intended to be ~ored at the dock fscllitT.' 10...:. Netural vaterbodiee only: Exietin~ benthic organisms in the vtcinft! of the proposed extension. If dee~ed nscesssr~ based upon review of the ab~s criteria, the Planning Commission ~a7 i~pose such conditions upon approval of an extension retuest it deem~ es necessar~ to ~cco~plish the purposes of this ordinance and protect the safer7 and welfare of the ~ublic. Such conditions ~a[ include, but shall not be limited to~ ~reater side setback(s), provision of light(s) additional reflectors or reflectors lsr~er than four (l} inches~ prohibitinS or pez-nitCing ~oorin~ on the outside o[ the dock fscilit[. VORDS UNDERLI~... ARE ADDED; VORDS BI[RUgI~-~HRSU6tt ARE DELETED. sm.mm b. For lots on a cannl or wsttrval~hat: is ont bundrtd (10,0}. ~etc or ~rtettr in width*. No dock facilit?/boat combina- tl~ shall pro~dm mort ~n ~a~e~ay~ i.e. the Co,al proc~s~ of the dock fac~l~ plus the total proc~si~ of ~hm moored vessel. c. For loc. on a ca~l or va~e~a7 thaC ts 1uss then one h~dred (100) fee~ In ~gth, ~ock ~acili~le8 u7 extend/ precede no lrea~ar then five (~} ~eec iu~o said canal or For lo~s ~ t c~al or vest.aZ ,~ha~ ,is less than ,s~ven~7 (70} fee~ tn ~g~h~ the dock facili~7 extensi~ procedure identi~ied in aubaecCi~ 8.46a. is ncc available, i.e.~ much 1oct are limited to a five (5,} Stsc dock factliCT~ All dock facilities on lots vith utter frontage of sixt]~ ~60} feet or greater shall have a side setback requirement of fifteen (15} fete, except es exempted btlov. 111 dock facilities on lots vith lees then eixt7 (60} feet of rater ~o~ta~e shall have a side setback reiuirement of seven and ont-helf ?{ feet. tll dock facilities on lots sC the end or side end of · canal or veterva7 ,hall have a side setback rttutremen~ of seven end ont~hilf,,(?}},,f,eet es m~emured from the tide lot lint or ,r!pari~n lipt~ vhic~eyer it appropriate. For purposes of this section, riparian line shell bt defined as a line extendins from ~he corner of an end lot end side end lot into the canal or waterva¥ ~tuidietantll the, en~le created by the lots. (See exhibit AA.L-deeJ,~-oe-ueeeing-ptilage*r-~hiehtvt~-peoe~eo-lhe geeaeee--tnue-ehe-va~ee~ All dock facilitiesr regardless of ltngth/protrusionz shall hart reflectors and house numbers four (&) inchea ~inimum size installed at the outermost end~ on both sides. ~or multi, family develop- ments, the house number retuiremtnt ia waived. WO1LD$ UI~DEEL~ ~ ADDED; WORDS I;-~qlg6r,-~FHl~.gg~i AILE DELETED. Section 20, Def~nitione, page 248, of Ordinance 82-2 ~s hereby mnded Co ~clude the roll--g: Fsc[li~:.~y e~ct,~re c~st~c~ed tn or ~er a wa~e~ay for ~he p~ose of ~or~ng a boat. ~[8 includes dockl~ moorinS or boaC ehel~ers. $~C~IC~ SLII This Ordinance shall become effective upon notice ChAc it h~s been received by the Office of the Secretary of State. DATE ~ November 3, 1987 BOAT DOCK BOARD OF COUNTY CO~$SI0~ COLLIL~IL COUNI"[ FLO;LIDA ordinance filed with the /S~creto~.Z~ d~ ~-st~*'s ~flce ~ ~, !~7 ~l~t ~ ~t o~~~~/' 5 ADDED; WORDS 6;Rg;~--~gggH A~ DELETED. EI}III~T "A" to Ord. 87-88 LOT 3 ! LoT $ :/.8 S?ATE OF FLORIDA ) OF COLLIEJt ) I, J~ES C. GI~ES, Clerk of Courts in and for the ~ent~eth- Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby cer~f~ that the foregoing As a t~e copy of: Ordinance N°. 8?-88 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 3rd day of November 1987, during regular session. WITMESS ~r~ hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, thio 12th day of November, 1987, 3AMEs'C. GILES-; Clerk of ts Ex-offAct¢ to County By: gin~a Ma Deputy Clerk