Ordinance 87-086A~ O~DZNANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 81-29 ~ ~IT D~~ ~E~ING ~E ~XISTING ~~ ~ ~Y ~ING ~E R~ZSION DATE OF ~E~IOH BI ~ING ~E FOLLOWING SUBSECTIONS: ~ION~ SIN~E F~{ILY LOT ~, ~TI-F~ILT ~US~ ~$ T~OUS~S (DL~L~)= ZERO LOT LINE SIN~E F~ILY ~; VIL~ ~S; ACCESS S~EETS ~ DRI~S; ~ING ~E DEVELOPH~ CO~I~S SE~ON ~ ~DING ~ ~OL~ING S~SE~ION: ~I~AL STI~TIONS; ~ING ~E ~; ~ ~ P~IDING ~ ~I~ DATE. ~HEREAS, ~Tndmre Holdings, Inc., petitioned the Board of County Coso/ssionars of Collier County, Florida, to amend the ~lmde=ere Planned UniC Dwvelopm~nt Ordinance, Collier County Ordinance 81-291 NO~, ~gOItE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County ~ollier Couuty, ~orid/~ ~nt, s~ll be ~ndad to rind as foll~s: W~de~re Plied ~ni= Davelo~enc Doc~n= ~viwed Nevembe~v~98~ September 29, 1987 · ' Ordinance 81-29, D~velo~n~ut Standards, shall be a~nded to read as follows: D~ STANDAI~DS: CO~FI'IOIIIL SlN~%E F~t'ILY LOTS AR?~4,. (ALL DEV~LO~ TRACTS}: Dtf. n/mtm loc area: 10,000 gq.ft. Hintings lot width: 80 ft., measured aC the front setback line. _(not applicable to cul-de-sac lots) H/ni~u~ fr~c yard: i0 ft., ~asured from the back oI curb ~n~ ,id~ yard: 10 ft. Swi~ng Pool - 4~. I0 ft. Deck & Pool Euclosur~ - I0 f~. -- ~buildiug hmigh=: ~0 M~ ~nclos~d rasidtuce floo~ area~ 1,500 gq.f=. ~u~Offstre~t parking spaces: 2 per dwelling uni~. }P/LTl-PAl{ILl 6*LUB?~9~--AI4.EA~ (TRACTS A, B, C, /~ne~fee-~ueip~e-ereae-AV-BT-G~-~v-f-and-~en~o~Vi~a~Ap~emene). H/u~ buildiu8 setback fr~ the entrance drive which exte~ds fr~ the security gate to the club site and the ~in per,tar roadwa~ 40 ft. fr~ back of curb for ~lti-fa~ly st~ccu~e.; 20 ft. back of curb for scctaso~ ~ s~cback from other drives in th~ ml~i-fa~ly cjuster ~ building hti~h~: ~ living floors (under building d~s ~C c~et~te a liv~t floor). ltlninun dwelling unit floor area: 750 sq.ft. liinintmbuilding separation: One-half the ama of the heights of adjoining building, but not lean than 20 ft. Ktni~u~offstreet parking spaces: I 1/2 spaces per dwelling unit. Ninimum lot area per unit: A minimum area of 2400 square feet ~er dvellin~ unit shall be proviged in some combination of !n~tvidual lots end couti~uous common o~en space, ~ln~ individ'ual lot (envelope) vidth ~or each dvellin~ unit related to a atruccur~ containin~ two or more units shall not be less than cvent~ (20) fe~t measured betveen the side lot ~inea at the required front setback. TO~'HOUSES (:,YPL~X) AREA (TRACTS A, B, C, D, E): Hiniaum building setback from project per.star road back of curb: To pool per.tar wall: 25 To st~cture: ~5 ~n~ t~a: yard setback: ~ ~n~ butld~ aepatatio~: 20 ~x~buildin~ height: ~o living floors. ~in~dvelli=8 ~it lloor area: 1,~00 ~n~of~-n~reet parking spaces: 2 spaces per dwellint unit. ZERO LOT LINE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AR&A (ALL DEVELOPMENT TRACTS): His/mm lot area: 5,500 PLLuimua lot width: 50 ft., ~uaauted at the front setback line (not applicable to cul-de-sac lots) Hintsmm front yard: 25 ft., eeasured £roa the back of curb Htniau~ side yard: 0 ft., or 7 ft., ~iniaua distance between structures to equal l& Kinimu~ rear yard: residential structure - 15 svinmtng pool - 10 ft. deck & pool encloauze - i0 ft, Kaximum building hsitht: T~o livin$ floors Hini~u~ enclosed residence floor area: 1,200 eq, ft. Kiniau~off-street parking spaces: 2 per dvelling unit ¥ILIJ~ AR~A (~.i~G--~.r-~-r-4-r-t)-~-t} (ALL D~O~ ~S): 30 H/n~ rear yard setback: ~n~tlding separation: 20 ~bu~ding height: ~o living ~loors ~n~ dwelling unit floor area: 1,000 sq.ft. ~n~ o~-streat parking spaces: 2 spaces per dwelling unit Ka~cimuaclubhouee building height: ~Ltnimua tennis court setback: H/ni~um clubhouse off-street parking: ~0 ft. 25 ft. 17~ spaces ACCESS STREETS AND DRIFES: The sccess street fro~ the project entryvay to the clubhouse co~q~lsx, the project per. car street, and the streets within the s~gle fault resigential areas shall be platted, but privately ~d. Drives within the ~ltl-~a~ly cjuster areas eba$~e~ ~ be p~tted. Ut~ities s~11 be installed either in the p~tted, p~vately ~ed right~[~ay c~na~ or in utilit7 Ordinance 81-29, Development Commitments shall be an~nded by adding Environments1 Stipulations' and ~atar Ksnagement Stipulations as follows: 2 ~ORD$ FKDERLINED ARE ADDITIONS~ I~0RDS Gt:Rg~ROgG~t-A1LE DELETIONS. ENTIROI~ENTAL STIPULATI01~$: · . Petitioner shall be subject to Ordinsoca 75-21 [or the tree/ ~e~etation removal ordinance in exietence st the tine of prior to any land clearin~. A site cleerin~ plan shall be aub~itted to the Natural Resources Hanamement Department and the CcnnsunitT Development Division ~or their review and approval prior to an~ substantial work on the site. This plan ~a~ be s~battted in phases to coincide with the ~evelol~nent schedule. The site cLaarim~ plan shall clearly depict how the final site layout incorporates retai=ed native ye;station to the ~axisnnn exten= possible and how roads, build~,n~s. Lakes, parkin~ lots, and other fa¢i~ities have bee~ oriented to.ac:omo~ate this ~oa~. ;ative species shall be utilized, ~he:e avaiLabLe, to the naxinua extent possible in the site landscepin& design. A Landscaping plan wl~l be subuitted to the ~aturel Resources l~nageme~t Department and the C~z~rqn~t7 Developuent Division for their review and aFproval. This plan ~11 de~ict the ~c0~oratt~ of ~t~ve s~ecies and their m~ v~th other ~ecies, if an7. ~e ~oal of stte.Lafldscapin~ shal~ be the re~reati~ of native ve~etation and habitat characterintics lost on the site durin~ c~st~ction or due to ~aat activities. ~ exotic plants, as defined in the County Code, shall be re--ed durin~ each ~hase o~ toast.trion fr~ development areas~ open space areas~ and, presage areas. ~oIlcvin~ site deve!o~ent a ~inte~ance pro~ran shall be i~Lame~ted to prevent rei~asi~ o~ the site b~ such exotic species. ~ts plan, which ~11 describe control technioues and i~spection intervals, shall be filed with and approved by the Natural .R~sources Ha. easement Department and the Community Development Division. If duriv8 the course of site clearin~,.eXcava~ion, or other constructiooal activities~ an archaeolo~ical or hifltoricaI site, attifact~ or other indicator ia discovered, all development at that locatiou sh~ll be i~ediately stopped and the Natural Resources Nana~ement Department notified. lORDS UNDERLINED ARE ADDITIONS; WORDS St:Rg~Og~-A~E DELETIONS. to ·n~bl· thl ~atural Ras~rce· Ha·if·mens Department or · ~eelanated consultant to asses· the find and detez=aine the proper course.of action in re~erd to its salved·ability., The ~_.~ural ~source· Hana~e=ent 9eparrz. ent will respond to anT such notification in a timely, and efficient manner so as provide onl~ a nini~l ~temptfon to actiHties, ~din<ce 81-29; ~ ~ster P~n shill be tuended to reflect the ~ifi~tt= to the P~attach~d,~r~to and h~r~by ineorporat~d within 0rdtnanct ~d~nc~ s~ll b~c~ ~fftctiv~ upon notice t~t it has bn~n ~ Chi Offica of the $~cretaU of State. }"DA-8 7-6~ Ordinance ADDITIONS; VORDS G~'RII61t-~'l:fRe'g6g-ARE DKLETIONS. ~, .alan 9. ILeynolds, as owner or authori~ed agent [or ~e~ttion 1~Ao87-6C, ~gree to the following stipulations requested by tbs Collier Coun~yPlanntng Co.mission in their public hearing on Au~ust 20, 1987. ?etitioner shall be subject to Ordinance 75-21 [or the tree/ vegetatio~ removal ordinance in existence at the tine of pernicing], requiring the squisition of a tree removal prio~ to any land clearing. A site clearing plan shall be aub~itted to the Natural Resources ~anagement Department and the ~ni~y D~velo~en~ Division for ~heir review and appr~al prior ~o any substancia~ ~ork on the si~e, p~n ~y be su~iC~td in phases co coincide wi~h gevelc~enC schegule. ~e sics clearint plan shell clearly g~picC h~ the final si~ lay~c inco~orl~s r~cained ~Cive vegetable Co the ~xio extent possible and h~ roods, ~lldinSs, la~s, parking lots, and o~her facilities ~ave been oriented Co accudata ~his goal. Native species she11 be utilized, vhere available, Co the aaxiaum extent possible in the site landscaping design, l landscaping plan trill he submitted to the Eatural Resources Hanagement Department and the C~ntcy Development Division for their reviev aM appr~al. ~is plan will depict th~ inco~oracia of ~ctvt species and their n~ with other species, il any. ~e [cai of si~e landscaping shall be KBs re-croatia c[ ~Cive ~egicl~lon and habitat charac~eris~ica loaC ~ Cha sics durinl consc~ccia or due co paso accivi~ies. All exotic plante, as defined in the County Code, shall be reno~ed during each phase of construction from development areas, open space areas, and preserve areas. Follovin$ site developments ~aintenanca program shall be ieple~sntsd to prevent reinvssion of the site by such exotic species. This plan, vhich rill describe control techniques end inspection intervals, shall be filed vith and approved by the Natural ~sourcss Hanasement Department end the :o~aunity Development Division. If during the course of site clearing, excavation, or other ~onstruc£ional activities, an archaeological or historical site, artifact, or other indicator ia discovered, all development at that location ehai1 be ~ediately stopped and the Natural Resources HanagemenC Department notified. DevelopasnC rill be suspended for a sufficient Iensth of time to enable the Eetural Resources Hanage~ent Department or a deaiKn~ted consultan= to assess the find and deternine the proper course of action in regard to its salvageability. The Natural ~eourcea I~aaagement Depart=Chi will respond to any ~ch notificati~ in a t~ely and e~ficieat ~annar so as to pr~id~ ~ly a ~1 inter~ption to any c~st~c~ioaal All pravioua Water ~dnasemanc approvals and stipulations continua to govern the development of this prolecc. The Conceptual $ita Plan, auknitted vith the petition, shall rsplaca the existing }taster Plan for Wyndemars. OF ~ , 1987. SEA~ ~o r~m Rsu~t lng..~e. .. 1~A-87-6C Agraenont ~haet ~"I'A~ OF FI,C)RIDA ) ~ OF COLr.,IER ) l, JAMES C. GILES, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of: Ordinance No. 87-86 which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 27th day of October 1987, during regular session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 2nd day of November, 1987, JAMES C. GILES .. Clerk of Courts and Ex-officio to Board 'Hi' . · ',.. Cou~Commlsstone~ "~ By: Virginia Magr~ ". Deputy Clerk .~.. ..,.